Look at this muttie female corupting the youth!
Boom Boom is a menace...and should be given into my custody...
Mutants are a menace
and should be given into my custody
If you're posting on Anon Babble, there's a high chance you're already too old for her
The boy is also a mutant, probably using his reality-warping powers to make older girls fall for him.
No...no i...i can change...i swear...
I will be good enough for da Boom Boom...
So do we ship Franklin with Boom Boom or with Katie Power?
That's the point. It's meant as a punishment. Penal concubinage slavewife.
I wish we as a board would come together and ruthlessly bully X-men larpers
Weird how "I wouldn't do anything with you now, but look me up when you're legal" used to be a normal and even responsible thing to say, but now it's "gRoOmInG!"
So is it more responsible to not wait?
Nowadays if a 30yo dates a 25yo it's considered pedophilia; I don't get zoomers.
This kills the zoomer
not all of us zoomers are retarded like that, just a sad lot of us
You should know my choice.
Katie Power all the way
Oh no...
Huh, that was easy. Thought I was gonna have to groom the little cutie for a few years.
I'm putting together a team..
Susan's first love was Kira Yoshikage?
God I fucking love Boom Boom's 80's outfit so much.
Young Reed looks like Yoshikage Kira
Kira looks like David Bowie
Reed looks like Bowie.
Reed just wanted to live a quiet life.
hey i recall this from somewhere
Pure sex, right?
Wet hair Tabby
No wonder Vic hates him
aaand there we go. thank the epic collections that easily let me find this stuff
I miss the 80s so much, girls wore shit like this all the time. Or really, whoever was the popular pop singer they'd mimic clothes wise.
And the hair.
and while we are at it, read the Bret Blevins / Ann Nocentti special and you'll have more boom boom as shots that you can shake a stick at.
not beating the allegations
Wolverine is on his tippy toes