flirts with every guy who talks to her
doesn't put out
What does she mean by this
flirts with every guy who talks to her
doesn't put out
What does she mean by this
It's called being a tease
MJ was a tease and party girl. She liked having fun but not having sex with random guys. Before Felicia, she was the bad girl in Peter's life.
hit the jackpot
playing nickel slots, maybe
flirts with every guy who talks to her
doesn't put out
Kid's comic.
but not having sex with random guys.
She did though.
Some women are just begging to be raped
it means she seeks validation but is afraid of evaluation or depth. Without depth, being rejected won't hurt as much.
sickly skin
no ass
no thighs
breasts look like raw biscuits out of a can slapped onto an envelope
lips like a catfish
compliments herself while objectifying herself
is basically a fragile egomaniac
can't match her lipstick to the dress
hid her ears with hair and neglected to compliment or frame the face with black ear rings
club/cocktail dress and it's like noon
I don't like this character, the art, or this franchise.
That's why Chat's the best.
It’s good
Haha vagina
Yeah for all their acting like a victim women embrace their power to control men
Her whole backstory is she watched her sister give on her dream and ruin her own life be getting knocked up. She bales on her sister and moves to New York. She's a party girl up until the moment it comes to putting out.
wow, that scene should not have been done with that animation.
We see through your thinly veiled "joke" and see you instead shouting your shit fetish on repeat. I think that's why you shitpost so hard, farming for attention; your beta personality gets off on us insulting you
They do it for attention. You're supposed to ignore them.
But that hasn't stopped him in years, and I'm pointing out the deeper layer to his autism
No, that would be Gwen. But sadly, unironically
To be fair, MJ was in highschool went her Divorced sister with 2 kids was like you need to drop out of school and help raise my kids. MJ was like I didn't sign up for that.
Shitposters know. They don't care. It's all about the (you)s.
not even once
They can't all be Gwen Stacy.
She probably does anal to avoid getting pregnant
They robbed us of season 3
another seethe filled mj thread made by Dan slott. keep coping faggot, you've spent the better part of a decade pushing gwen and shitting on MJ. News flash: Nobody likes gwen and everyone still wants MJ back. Enjoying wasting the rest of your career crying over your deqd tranny whore.
It would've been too kino.
Spectacular already had the definitive Spider-Man
What does she mean by this
It mean don't hate the player, hate the game
Chat is the best girl for Spider-Man but I know if she was used more they'd ruin her. Current Marvel would have her cucking Peter with the entire New York zoo.
Is that Mr negative on the top
It's fanart
Mr Negative didn't exist yet when the original series came out
She only liked Peter because she knew he was Spider-man btw
MCU suit
Slott villain
Sam Jackson Nick Fury
The only consolation in Spectacular being cancelled is that it died before it could get inevitably ruined by either MCU synergy or Spiderverse crap.
>can't match her lipstick to the dress
>hid her ears with hair and neglected to compliment or frame the face with black ear rings
>club/cocktail dress and it's like noon
My god, what an absolute Anon Babbleggot
that prose
Joyce would be jealous
Modern woman love to play hard to get only to dump or ghost you without an explanation once you actually catch them. This has happened to so many people I know.
Liz was best girl, and the writers were to blinded by "but muh heckin' faithful adaptation! Muh dramuh!" to realize that trying to position him to be with either MJ or Gwen was a mistake.