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Arcane: WW Vision Edition
We build our own prisons.
Bars forged of oaths, codes, commitments.
Walls of self-doubt and accepted limitation.
We inhabit these cells, these… identities and call them “Us”.
I thought I could break free by eliminating those I deemed my jailors.
But… Jinx…
I think the cycle only ends when you find the will to walk away
Honestly "just walk away" is not only good advice but also the only solution
Look, I'm not self inserting Jinx, ain't self inserted not even once, ima grown up man with shitty mustache and jinx is tiktok whow
My bitchmother didn't skip a day, every day she throw tantrum & forced me to take tests, sometimes she beats me & sometimes brought father and let him beat shit out of me n told 24/7 that you Imma die of human failure, all of shit happened decade
end result is I'm batshit insane now, tried to kill some fag sincerely when I was like 6, they living with a big scar on their faces for rest of their lives, I saw satan once in a dream, fag with red eye, killed this faggot with saw, (won't go into detail, I'm christian btw) and I can hear her voice everywhere I go, delusion of killing her with bare hands has never left my side, but honest the only good advice was "just leave her" now I'm peaceful and little insane, still watching ghosts tho, everytime I see their existence I chase them down to beat the shit out these faggots but always miss them in the middle
First for moving AU episode to act 3 ruined the season.
Gay sex is scientifically proven to be magical.
I liked this season but man this dude got shafted hard.
0-3 hard int jngler.
Also viktorwick design is so fucking bad
they massacred one of the best animated shows just to project their shipping fantasies
I've seen a few people bring this up already but I feel like this is a lot bigger than what it seems. Old man Viktor managed to turn Runeterra into a complete wasteland with the power of the Wild Rune. Obviously this makes no sense given the Runeterra we know, but it happened and it's technically canon right? Viktor essentially did his OWN Ruination, with something that isn't even a World Rune.
Now it's either Riot just retconned the entirety of the power structure in Runeterra by making Viktor even be remotely capable of pulling this off, or the inclusion of the Wild Rune is now just as dangerous as a World Rune, with added fact that it instead can only exist by being created vs being found in nature.
Why this is so big is because of the fact that the World Runes are what made Runeterra, and now we've just been introduced with another form of a rune that can amount to the same plane of power . This could all be rationalized if the Wild Runes are somehow connected to the World Runes in a way, but that theory has already been shot down. So what the fuck happens now? Is this still Ryze's territory also?
why are so many retards making new threads, do they want to be nuked out of the board?
Are we looking forward to Fortiche's next project?
In a world inspired by ancient Greece, 17-year-old Penelope attends an elite high school with the other famous heirs of the Athenian Empire — Achilles, Helen, Circe, Agamemnon and, of course, Odysseus. These teen royals are competitive at everything they do, including how they have fun, before they return to rule their kingdoms.
But Penelope isn’t like the rest of them; she’s a dutiful daughter on a secret mission given to her by her father, the King of Sparta — a mission to free her people from Athens’ imperialist grasp. For Penelope, high school isn’t a party, it’s war. What starts as a coming-of-age high school dramedy, shifts to an epic adventure as these teens from opposite worlds must learn to trust each other in order to save their friends from an insidious threat.
You only need 2 things to fix toxic BPD manic pixie girl terrorists
1) Pain tolerance
2) Time rewind device
If you dont have these, you CAN'T fix her.
Are you an idiot or something? I've been making threads for a FUCKING MONTH, it's not my fault the damn Jannies screw everything up
manipulates the storyline from the beginning
molests underage jayce just because
brainwashes millions countless times
still gets a happy ending with his boyfriend
how did he do it
How is the HexCore not related to the World Runes?
Tho desu, Riot can just change the lore for it to match.
you must understand, it's one of the most famous zoomers goyflixslop and Anon Babblechads refuse to feed the animals
Old man Viktor managed to turn Runeterra into a complete wasteland with the power of the Wild Rune.
Where was this shown or stated?
Great men are immune from all responsibilities just look at nazi scientists
Want to tie Noxus to Piltover and Zaun
Don't even mention the character that comes from Noxus and inhabits Piltover and Zaun
Urgot was robbed.
Wholesome soulmates.
twinks are too powerful but devs refuse to nerf them
you're doing it wrong if you can't find yourself a mentally well adjusted young lady
goal is to evolve all of humanity
Old Viktor states that he achieved his goal
I know I have enough of the first to deal with a toxic BPD manic pixie dream girl. Unfortunately, I've never had one of the second.
Noxus Invasion of Ionia.
Swain, Riven and Kayn, with the Black Rose and Singed playing minor roles.
Split into two groups.
Shen, Zed and Akali play the part of the Kinkou Order, with Jhin playing a minor role at the start, as well as Great Master Kusho.
Irelia, Ahri and Yasuo play the part of the general Ionian resistance, with Yone playing a minor role in Yasuo's story. While these characters are very popular, their story is less interesting so they could potentially be cut.
Act One explores the Noxians finishing up another conquest and preparing for the invasion of Ionia, while also showing what general Ionian life is like, as well as the beginnings of a rift in the Kinkou Order when they apprehend Jhin.
Act Two has the invasion truly begin, as well as Zed's betrayal of the Kinkou Order, ending with the chem-bombing when the Ionians put up a surprising amount of resistance.
Act Three has the Noxians sabotage themselves with the Black Rose trying to assassinate Swain, Riven siding with the Ionians after the bombing only to get captured by Noxus and Kayn getting recruited by Zed, with the Noxians getting defeated and pushed out, but the Ionians being fractured and divided between vengeful radicals and stoic traditionalists.
It just seems obvious to me. The story kind of tells itself, which may be the only reason why they wouldn't go for it.
Can't wait for all the hot and steamy Riven Yasuo sex coming to a Netflix near you in the next decade. The Noxus Ionia series will be beautiful.
mentally well adjusted
Is this still Ryze's territory also?
Consult the canon please
I thought Riven was more or less asexual and Yasuo fucked the foxtits.
Obviously this makes no sense given the Runeterra we know, but it happened and it's technically canon right?
The answer to this is that Riot doesn't give a fuck about its own canon and didn't think about the implications and just wanted Fortiche to turn the last act of Arcane into fucking Endgame.
Riot didnt make an entire two-skin skinline dedicated for them to fuck in for nothing.
The initial anon seem more bothered that the plot was focused on magic than the fact that magic was present. Even though most Demacian's aren't magical, a Demacia series would be focused almost entirely on the topic of magic. I think you wanted something where magic isn't the focus you should ironically go to Ionia despite it being one of the most magical regions, because the stories there are more about the conflicts of characters who happen to use magic than they are about the origins of and reactions to magic.
Need something to fill the void, what's your rec? currently I'm rewatching Wolf's Rain
Now that I think about it Sevika actually has a huge advantage that will save her from being stuck in the cuck chair
She has the only person in all of Runeterra that can fabricate Hextech out of pure hex crystals and control it to the point it doesn't get corrupted.
Zaun literally has Piltover by the balls here.
Want me to tell Ekko to build you an uncorrupted Hexgate??? Better start preparing those independence papers you hags.
Sevika WON
I love the vision but unfortunately for the best ship in LoL history, Yasuo and Riven only meet AFTER the war ends. Like way after.
man really was just lying on the ground that entire sequence huh
old men need their naps ig
this will be the LAST season of arcane
the show is officially over boys. see you whenever the next league shit is announced... or at least i'll stick around until the people who want to discuss the show leave and only the usual spammers are left.
There's gotta be some Yi if they bother to include Singed's chemical weapons.
reminding arcane lore just making me worse for me
The next project will under-perform and Arcane will be wheeled back out to farm nostalgia.
I thought people hated Maddie because she fucked Caitlyn and tainted the fandom's secret cow ship but now that I'm watching the finale yeah fuck that bitch
i'll stick around until the people who want to discuss the show leave and only the usual spammers are left
Fucking retard, Arcane went to dump pile of shit now enjoy your meaningless talks
thanks for your blogpost it really contributed to the discussion
They can make spinoffs about it right?? right? there is no fucking way Urgot gets introduced and they're not mentioned
Retards that seriously believe shit in Piltover and Zaun is the best Runeterra has to offer when it comes to storytelling makes me sick. We need Sylas asap.
There's no way that Master Yi is getting used with his current design.
Jinx Feet
The rest of Runeterra doesn't matter. The normies have experienced Arcane and are now attached to Arcane. They will want more Arcane, not other Runeterra shit.
We didn't even get to listen to 'here comes vi'
Vi got done so dirty
with his current design.
The completely and utterly redesigned Viktor visually, to say nothing of what they did to Warwick's face, so I highly doubt that's something that could hold them back.
They can make spinoffs about it right??
Because it is. Every other region is painfully generic and derivative.
That's exactly what they said they're doing, though I wouldn't call them spin offs.
Just watch them make a spinoff and then say
It's not Arcane so it doesn't count as a new season
Imagine giving her feet a tongue bath
Right, like when normies stopped watching MCU movies after the iron man 1, because they could only get attached to one part of Marvel.
sleep tight old man
different name
different studio
different story
Yeah, that'd be fair.
These lolfags are insane, lol is slowly dying, more lol anime? fat chance, next one definitely gonna be Valorant, what riot did to Arcane is sign, these chinks are even more soulless than mutts, enjoy your next show go big and slaughtered like pig just like what did to Arcane
Piltover and Zaun are derivative as fuck beneath their aesthetics
What if the rich people... oppressed the poor ones
as if that's super unique compared to the other regions. Before Arcane Vi and Caitlyn's lore was
They're police officers
Utterly absurd to think somehow these are only worthwhile concepts in the game's lore.
Will Cait get a fancy cyborg eye? A cool glass one? Or will Vi tell her she looks sexy in the eye patch?
She gets a pet parrot and moves to bilgewater.
it's criminal that there is not even one single blonde haired hot milf in arcane verse
AU powder would give you the most exciting time of your life. Just by spending one hour in eachothers arms simply staring into her eyes and feeling her breath.
This image warms my cold jaded heart. At peace and happy with each other. Finally.
Other issues:
A lack of connection to any other character, other than Singed through his chemical bombs and Wukong (lol).
A pretty limited story. After the chemical bombing, there's nothing left for him to do other than search for new students, when there's already the Kinkou Order and Order of Shadows searching for new students.
There's already the far more popular Yasuo and Yone to represent a mystical village of skilled swordmasters, adding Yi into the mix just dilutes things.
So if Master Yi would need to be so dramatically retconned and redesigned to fit into the story at all and not overlap with other characters, why include him at all?
I doubt Vi will care. She seems to love her unconditionally.
Those live in Demacia.
Samira and Caitlyn have eyepatches
Sarah doesn't even though she is an actual pirate captain
Explain this shit
It might as well be guaranteed they're going to give it less money and less time, if it's even made by Fortiche.
Did you even see the reaction to RDJ returning as Doctor Doom?
I know she was only there as a plot device yo give jinx the big sad but anyway we could see isha come back?
female protagonist
absolutely not
Can the next series just be like this cinematic? I just want 5 episodes of keys jingling and no relationship shit or drama.
female protagonist
gay anicent greece revisionism
written by amanda overton
Into the trash it goes
zommer faggots sobbing tears to 'this'
things even go worse than edegerunner zoomers
I don't think he would need to be a central character, just present and of some relevance. IIRC in the lore it's the strength of Yi's Wuju style that pushes Noxus to using such weapons in the first place, if they're going forward with "The series are the new canon" angle then unless they completely rewrite Yi he's gotta do something during the war. Even if it literally is just us seeing him, amongst other characters, be examples of Noxus being out matched in traditional combat.
she doesn't let herself be a milf
she's a coward hanging on to her youth
she'd rather stay a caterpillar than morph into the radiant butterfly she truly is
orianna is back
also she's a loli now for some weird reason
what did the frogs mean by this? she was an adult woman in her original lore but she's 13-14 now, why?
Kek this is good
I actually didn't, I tuned out of MCU stuff years ago so I heard the news but not the reaction.
next show features Demacia
only whites are Garen and Lux
asian Fiora
black Jarvan IV
asian Quinn
black Sylas
Actual cringe, not the secondhand embarrassment type, the "that hurts" type. I pity the animators, if they feel what I feel when I look at that.
speedwatcher spic is also lolifag
Imagine My Shock!
Suffering builds character anon
muh something Idiocracy zoomers mu sheet
Basically a standing ovation and a lot of "Marvel is so back." A perfect sign that while people are willing to experience new additions to a franchise, they would always rather go back to familiar, nostalgic slop.
i just want a mini series of Vi and Caitlyn hunting down urgot and fighting him just like in the cinematic.
Tianna is still there.
I wonder if she'll do something to regain her man.
How did amanda manage to piss off her core audience of caitvifags
Turned into an extremely masculine withered hag. Ambessa but white.
A failure to understand that people liked Caitvi because of the chemistry in S1 and they weren't just after crude fan service.
be Amanda
depicted real butch as possible
xitter butchtards gone mad last 40hours
no painted toes
I don't get how
Ekko exists to suffer
jinx used the bomb the first time without care because she thought ekko was just a delusion of hers
when she realized he was the real deal she just dediced to jump because she didn't want ekko to be in her mess anymore
cute, wonder how long they talk before the final battle
It justifies jinx being the better sister. Thank you amanda for portraying accurate irl lesbians.
just watched the season
rushed shipping mess get barely together by music sequences and excellent art direction
but she's 13-14 now
She looks more in the 16-17 range to me, which is about the same age as Jinx.
written by Amanda
Oh yeah yuribros we’re gonna be fed
She's probably 13-14. Singed tells Cait that Orianna would be around the same age, if she weren't in storage. Given that he's been trying to save her since at least Act 1, that would put her in the same ballpark as whatever age Vi is in Act 1, give or take a few years.
I doubt we'll ever get to see it animated since the setting of Arcane will move to another region. Hope we at least get a light novel of AU powder universe hopping.
who's gonna take one for the team and draw/write the shota jayvik we deserve
She has her man though
Linke said they arent done with this story and he best deliver.
Singed tells Cait that Orianna would be around the same age,
No, he doesn't. He says, "In another life, the two of you could have been friends."
I would buy a novel about AU powder trying to recreate her own anomaly to reach arcane ekko.
Ezreal clears this level first try
Jinx is 19 at the end of the show
Explain the necessity of this
im the dirt under your nails cupcake, no amount of domestic violence and cheating can take me away from you i am your DOG, you can beat me that i will come crawling back to you
What did she mean by this?
She's a character made to suffer.
It's why her AU hurts so much.
Jinx apparently has no set age, since everyone in the cast or crew that has been asked the question has given a different answer. So canonically, Jinx is anywhere from 15-19 years old by the end of the show.
lel these faggots think I came here for their writing skills or their animation
I came because they were doing a LoL show with my ships.
Ekko and Lux get their girl. Everybody wins.
"but muh metaphors"
Silco really did not gaf that his kid could trip and plummet to her death
Holy shit. This reads like Royalroad YA slop.
She is canonicaly 18 in s1 act 2. It's on the official league wiki, and she is only ever referred to as "adult Jinx" by the showrunners.
The timeskip was stated to be 7 years and the model Fortiche made for her is not older than 9 in act 1. The writers' intent is not necessarily representative of the final product once the animators add their input.
sparta as the oppressed people
they literally had slaves do all the work necessary to have a functioning state
general dying even in na hour
Arcane is truly dead brehs
It was great clusterfuck, seeya
after the noxus show well get a throwback special where this bitch is the zaun mc and serpahine the piltover mc, with cameos from 40 year old vi and caitlyn
You just now they are fucking DAILY, imagine your her father and you have to hear Vi beg to be abused
wait so this is kinda like Clone High but for Ancient Greece? Art looks really nice.
Powder uses that setting to weed out the potential clumsy daughters
mediocre season that left almost every character half baked with no date of when they’ll be addressed again
Not much to talk about
So he did. Still, it carries a similar implication, though far less explicitly.
This season tried to do too much but also didn’t do enough
It's a result of .
This show deserved more seasons, or more like needed them because honestly making a great introductory season and following up with a straight up conclusive one that ends in disappointments was a bad idea
I'm in love with this picture
Damn man, do I have to rewatch the whole show frame by frame?
We got the miracle of AU powder, so that's more than enough
Only thing I care about two days after the series ended is the fucked up state Ekko is in. I mained that champ for years and now I have to live with the fact that he got the absolute worst ending possible. No amount of cool Ekko moments or worldwide Ekko glaze moves me as much as my sadness :(
Would it have been better if it started off with a kino season and then followed up with two shit ones? What makes you think S3 would be any better than S2?
coming-of-age high school dramedy
Percy Jackson already did this a million years ago. At least pick another culture's mythology to make things a bit more original. Why do white people like Greek sloppa so much?
one purple ray
Uuuuh…. Copebros?
AU Powder is imperfect.
I thought there'd be way more hype around Jinx's feet reveal here
I already busted my load when I saw her hair loose, nothing left for the feet.
We love and respect her too much, she is clearly bot in a good spot
AU stuff felt too self indulgent to me
shut up, Silco
It's true though, in the most literal sense. The AU is not a better outcome for her.
She is happy, not suicidal and has a bright future. What else do you want?
Main Jinx is better and cuter and didn't burn the coal
Kinda. Ekko didnt hog screen time elsewhere, so putting it all in 1 episode is an OK choice rather than giving us pieces throughout. And it served as a counterbalance to the claim that Jinx’s fate and bad lick is inherent to her, which is what Isha’s death was about.
Overall I think it was an OK choice.
Percy Jackson's concept is fairly different, being urban fantasy focused on a bunch of OCs. The other anon is right, it's much closer to Clone High
has a bright future
dates a black man
Hold up, you're right...
That's the bright future I was talking about.
I already said it, more room to breathe, properly develop and close plot points instead of juggling with everything at the same time
She blames herself for Vi's death and is aimless and drifting. At the same time, Jinx is a mother, a hero, is repairing her relationship with her sister, and is thriving. It goes poorly for her later on, but there's nothing that says things don't go poorly for AU Powder after Ekko leaves.
don't do this
Ah so you were joking
vicucks gone
zilcofags gone
maddiechads gone
caitlerfags gone
even fujos gone
only ekko the most plain nog you can imagine X le quirky catlady version jix left
even hell is better than this
Ok Hershel Steinowski
But the problem with S2 wasn't that it was too short, it's that they ruined the story by trying to tell it backwards. Adding another season wouldn't fix the problem.
...which contradicts her voice actor saying she was 9 before the timeskip and Amanda saying she was 12, so you'll forgive me if I don't take the wiki -a page anyone can edit pretty much as they see fit- as the gospel.
gallons of cum inside viktor's ass in this exact moment
I am sorry… its copever…
I don't see the problem with a non-linear narrative, the problem is that it was undercooked
She blames herself for Vi's death and is aimless and drifting
And in main universe she blames herself for Silco's and Isha's death. She's kind of a hero in AU universe too since Ekko mentions it was her work that fixed Zaun.
So is prime Viktor the strongest being in Runeterra?
Lmao no
She really is. Clearly afraid of technology and wasting pretty much everything special about her talents. Hopefully Heimerdinger's death left enough of a hole that needs filling for her to step up.
Gayest thing I've seen in my life, and I watch gay porn
Aurelian Sol would shit on him. Zoe might too.
Why did no one stopped him then?
SEXO rankings:
1. AU Powder
2. Caitlyn
3. Maddie
Darkin, asol, Zoe, the void would eat him for breakfast.
based anon
muh fortiche did nothinf wrong
Did they? their sense of music shit af, their direction went to shit bubble after S1 stroyborders resigned, it's joever
typical WW game, late game cc bot
The problem isn't that it's not in chronological order, it's that the story is backwards. S1 plays games with chronology but everything appears at the time that it's called for in the story.
S2 pushed the AU episode back to act 3 because the writers wanted a cliffhanger with Jayce killing Viktor for apparently no reason, but that created a huge hole in act 2 that they needed to fill with additional subplots, and then crowded act 3 into two episodes with no time to resolve those subplots. They literally destroyed the entire season for the sake of a week of drama on xweddit.
Not their problem or they are evil too/locked away
SSS+: Viktor (Forma final)
SS: Warwick
S+: Ambessa, Rictus, Ekko (con Z drive)
S: Mel (forma dorada), Punished "Venom" Jayce, Jinx (forma de shimmer) Leblanc
A: Viktor (forma Jesus), Ekko (ultra instinct), Jinx, Jayce
B: Caitlyn, Sevika
C: Smeech, Renni, Loris, Fishbro, Isha (con el plot armor)
D: Heimerdinger, Deckard, Mel (forma negra), Viktor (forma lisiada), Powder, Sky, Marcus
Wild card: Singed, Warden (el rompedor de lesbianas)
KWAB tier: Vi, Maddie
Sounds like cope. Guess Viktor is the new top dog until proven otherwise.
Isha's death hasn't happened yet during E7, and being a mother to Isha is helping Jinx move past her guilt over the events of S1.
Hopefully Heimerdinger's death left enough of a hole that needs filling for her to step up.
You mean Heimerdinger's vacation in Bandle City, I presume.
Nah, he's gone. Probably to a different universe.
1. Vi
2. Jinx
3. Cait
He is a local issue at Piltover, its not a place with powerful mages. For PnZ he is by far the strongest.
Such an unsettling picture of Vander
Well then he's not dead, is he?
He's dead from their perspective, that's what I meant.
1. AU Powder
Still kind of confused by how that's going to play out.
main universe heimer bodysnatches AU heimer
combined heimer disappears
is he dead? does he respawn?
do they both respawn in their respective bandle cities?
does main universe heimer continue possessing AU heimer's body after respawning?
We simply needed four episodes per Act.
Ep 4: more Caitler
AU episode moved to Act 2
Episode 8 split into three
Budget be damned.
her work that fixed Zaun.
What work? Doesn't everyone tell her she's wasting her talent by not doing anything with it?
Isha's death hasn't happened yet during E7
I don't see how that is relevant
being a mother to Isha is helping Jinx move past her guilt over the events of S1
Learning to let go of the past to be able to walk into the future is a theme for both Powders, yes
voice actors have no canonical voice in the development of the story. Otherwise Reed Shannon confirms that Jinx also loved Ekko
Red Team threw the match hard
Singed AFK'd at the start
Ambessa was fed but tried to 1v2 the ADC/Support and blew her magic item early
Warwick 1v2'd the other ADC/Jungle, suicide bombed for a trade late game
Viktor killed Jayce before getting ganked by Ekko at the Nexus, decided to Int as a result
1. viktor
2. herald viktor
3. astral plane viktor
His dehumanisation sequence was brutal
God she's so hot.
Question, in what aspects do you think that S2 had better or worse visuals than S1?
local issue
maybe during Arcane. Old Viktor has long assimilated humanity since he claims to have achieved all his goals.
dont sleep on act 3's score, some gems in there
A Keepsake, Collaboration, Tell Me There's A Chance, Raised By Wolves
Yeah I just rewatched the scene and I had misunderstood what he said. Still her being lost in life does not mean she will stay like that forever. It's just a phase.
show immidately goes shit after pandering to vicucks
Zilcochads can't stop winning
1. Viktor Forma Finale
2. Jesus Viktor (dying)
3. Cripple Viktor
This guy gets it.
Worse was the constant AMVs in the first half of the season and the overuse of slowmo. Everything else in general was as good or better.
trynna tell me timenigga *not* gonna fk with time some more after he got a taste
do they both respawn in their respective bandle cities?
Probably this. Yordle magic don't give no fucks about timelines.
Is the actual antagonist of Arcane in your path
S1 had a ton of really incredible wide landscape shots. I have a bunch rotating as my background, like 10 different ones of Piltover at all times of day in different places.
S2 had a lot more character shots. Jinx alone in the prison, Ekko sitting on the balcony, Viktor in any scene, Warwick in any scene, the Jinx blimp intro
some fag said detail problems but honestly contrarain faggots like me can't find difference
Jinx did love Ekko, though. There was an entire episode about it.
He lost the time machine.
HOWEVER AU Powder knows how to build another. And she has the shards to power it.
That wasn't Jinx tho
there's no real reason to believe things will go wrong for AU Powder. She has all of Ekko's research on creating uncorrupted hextech, if anything she will create a more perfect world than Viktor and Jayce ever could.
realized she can travel back in time to save Vi
kills everyone in the process
Vi is upset with her for it an abandons her again
becomes Jinx again
causes almost every issue in the entire show
suffer 0 consequences
wins in the end
How can a man be so BASED?
The majority of Act 1 is relegated to flashbacks or exposition and the season starts with episode 4.
Would that fix season 2?
Riot should've been involved more instead of letting Fortiche (most of whom have no connection to League) run wild with their bullshit. Might as well create brand new characters if Vanderwick, Jayce, and Viktor share almost NOTHING in common with their original characters.
This is even before he gasses Ionia
Powder isn't Jinx, and can only exist if Vi doesn't exist according to Amanda. So Vi cucks Ekko out of Jinx's love because she's a siscon first.
Won't that timeline Viktor ruin things sooner or later?
People are upset they didn't make Warwick his in-game form; literally just a wolf
Who the fuck cares
She can't travel back more than 4 seconds.
They were the same person put through different circumstances. Their feelings were the same, but only one version ever had the opportunity to act on them.
Get rid of vanderwick subplot in act 2
Move AU episode to act 2
Now have just as much time to develop Caitlyn and Jinx in act 2 and 50% more time to clear everything up in act 3 with less warwick baggage to deal with
Caitlyn's problem isn't that she doesn't have enough screen time, it's that for some reason they decided to do all over character development offscreen because they didn't want her to be remotely controversial or something.
Becomes dictator at the end of e3
Regrets becoming dictator at the start of e4
Especially with half the cast not appearing in act 2 at all, there was more than enough time to actually show this arc. There was a conscious decision not to at some point.
I don't see how that is relevant
You don't know how things went for AU Powder after Ekko left. She pulls the hextech crystals out of the drawer at the end of the episode and looks at them. Maybe at some point she decides to use them to try to follow Ekko and her lab blows up and kills her family or something. At the same point in time that we see AU Powder, Jinx is actually better off. Looking into the future of one character and not another is stupid.
Learning to let go of the past to be able to walk into the future is a theme for both Powders, yes
And it's one that AU Powder has barely explored if at all before the appearance of mainline Ekko.
Fortiche are just the artists/animators, Riot is still the ones writing it, don't blame the french for this mess.
They could tone Caitler down and start her good girl arc in ep 5, ep 7 as much kino it was by being fully on an AU took alot screen time and that made ep 8/9 be giga rushed.
100%. "holy shit this frame could be a wallpaper!!!" freeze-frames during every fight got stale so fast. This season is so weirdly unconfident with its rhythm, another symptom is constant reaction close-ups with characters doing shoked pikachu faces and holding it for two seconds, you can't unsee this shit.
that timeline's Viktor is most likely dead or on his deathbed after he succumbed to his sickness.
You can, it just kills everything. And Ekko never told her that it does.
Who the fuck cares
I do, because the show form looks like shit and also insults the watcher's intelligence
Also take the fucking hit away from ep. 3
Starting to wish S2 was never made, show died with Silco
She pulls the hextech crystals out of the drawer at the end of the episode and looks at them.
No, she doesn't. She opens the drawer and puts the spinny thing Ekko made for her in there and closes it. The bag of hex crystal shards never even comes fully into the light, let alone out of the drawer so she can look at them.
fkng shit mid kys
Viktor: OK
Lol what man. They explicitly show Singed taking him and capturing him and transforming him.
They kept his face so he could actually have some expression. A dog face can't exactly get emotion across well.
Brainlet here, I don't get the Ekko calculates his time loop part. How does he revert the time travel after he realises 5+ seconds is bad?
Maybe at some point she decides to use them to try to follow Ekko and her lab blows up and kills her family or something.
What the fuck is this what if? I could also say that Jinx from the main universe could slip on a banana peel and fall on top of a nuke and blow up Piltover if she had survived. This makes no sense from a narrative point of view.
And it's one that AU Powder has barely explored if at all before the appearance of mainline Ekko.
These things take time. Her friends and father are obviously helping her in that regard. The mainline Ekko is just the one that manages to actually reach her.
ambessa built kaenic rookern vs caitlyn
They explicitly show Singed taking him and capturing him and transforming him.
I've seen multiple people say
they needed to do it so people realise it's Vander
They certainly didn't need to keep the face after Singed injected him with lava blood serum/Viktor mechanised him. It also, again, just looks bad even if you ignore the deviation from the initial design
AU Powder warps in
soooo about that first time. round 2?
timebombfags lose their minds again
It was bad because after 4 seconds he nukes the area around him upon his revert, so theoretically, he can revert as far back as he's capable of doing, which is what he already does in his regular lore.
Introducing a concept like mages in the last Act of the last season was insane, the Black Rose subplot in general didn't really work either.
In another series, I feel like the next step would be for Powder to work on the technology and start multiverse traveling, or at least try and bring Vi back. And then it really would be "Life Is Strange".
Jinx let go of Vi after she left the prison. This means Ekko coming back to save her and her accepting it was Jinx filling the void Vi left with Ekko.
but she escaped Zaun
Sure, she saw the opportunity to leave because she realized that even after letting go of Vi, Vi was never gonna let go of Jinx. So she left to force Vi to let go of her. This does not necessarily means she let go of Ekko as well, but I guess that is open to interpretation until an official voice refers to the situation. I'll concede that.
BUT, I'll also point out to Linke's interview where he said they want to continue Jinx and Ekko's story (not stories, singular story between them), which gives more strength to my lecture of the situation
There, you can all start throwing insults now
All jokes aside, never seen Vi this happy, even hating Vi i felt bad for her this season, she got fucked over and over again and the best timeline she's dead
I hope it's good.
The premise sounds good. But like, it all comes down to the execution. It could be amazing or terrible. And we don't even have a teaser trailer or anything to go by.
The promo poster is stylish though, I guess. The school uniform is neat. But this isn't really anything to go on.
But I'm cautiously optimistic. Or perhaps more truthfully. I'll put away this movie in the far back of my mind where I'll barely remember it and won't think about it until some actual trailer or something surfaces. But if I think about it, I'll think of it as something that can be good because that's my wishful thinking. And if it turns out to not be good I'll just swiftly forget about it.
Didn't he just stop the machine as soon as he saw Heimers face explode?
LeBlanc calling Ryze to stop the cataclysm but he blocks her because theres no World Runes involved (this is stolen).
the children yearn for single dads
the zaunite stare
Ekko literally tells her you can't travel more than 4 seconds.
It's still melancholy but as soon as Caitler tells her what she knows about Jinx it'll make things a lot better.
In another series, I feel like the next step would be for Powder to work on the technology and start multiverse traveling, or at least try and bring Vi back. And then it really would be "Life Is Strange".
Good fanfic idea. Like Powder brings back the worst Vi possible, super-fascist cop Vi.
>Ambessa was fed but tried to 1v2 the ADC/Support and blew her magic item early
The real issue here is that she didn't realise the Caster Support had built AP instead of just shielding items. But she horrifically misplayed, she closed the gap between herself and the ADC and still lost.
Blue Team Vi tried to throw by the way
Know fed WW is around
Your ADC pings you to get the fuck out of there
Stick around like a dumbass
ADC dies trying to save you
She didn't even get any objectives what the fuck was that trade
So lore accurate Vi then
No, I'm thinking even worse. Like, what Caitlyn was in season 2.
the way the Z Drive works in the show is the same as Ekko's R
DAMN I didn't noticed this. Those writers might be mor eintelligent than I thought
So lore accurate Vi then
tfw the bestship will be completly forgotten
No, he doesn't. He says that 4 seconds seems to be the limit after going beyond 4 seconds and watching Dingdong's head explode, the implication very clearly being that you can go further than 4 seconds but the longer you go the more unstable things become.
How were you not able to pick up on that?
I know why it was bad, but I thought the point of the machine was you pull it and it sends you back in time. After he saw Heimer's face explode he let go and instead of sending him back it sent him forward, completely undoing the reversal. Why bother with a limit if you can cancel it at any point with none of the consequences? Like he could set it to say, 10 seconds, and go back as far as he needs to, only cancelling if he actually sees a negative side effect. The finale shows that negative side effects aren't guaranteed too.
how tf lore Vi is worse than Caitler?
Lore accurate Vi kills children
He says that 4 seconds seems to be the limit
So he does tell her you can't travel more than 4 seconds
Idk man time travel shit is retarded no matter how hard to try to justify it
No, he doesn't.
won't forget Anon Babble arcane general days, good times
What the fuck is this what if?
It's nothing. Just like the potential futures of Jinx at that point in time. Your knowledge of Isha's death during the AU episode is the result of metagaming and shitty storytelling.
These things take time. Her friends and father are obviously helping her in that regard. The mainline Ekko is just the one that manages to actually reach her.
They're *trying* to help her. They have no idea what she's really feeling so they can't *actually* help. It takes someone who's seen what she might have otherwise been to get through to her so she can start to heal. Maybe she does, maybe nothing else bad happens to her, maybe the AU with temporary visit from mainline Ekko is the best of all possible timelines for Powder/Jinx. Then again, maybe the mainline universe with no Vanderwick (and thus no Isha inting) is the best of all possible timelines for her. It's hard to say, but to blindly claim that the AU is the best outcome for Powder means you missed the point.
League Vi:
Come on! Resist arrest, already!
Freeze! Or don't, I don't care.
Why can't I get a straight answer? It's always just 'Oh no! Stop hitting me! Ow, my face!
I think he can only revert the time travel with that big ass machine or something, he can't see the future if that's what you're asking.
You just said he did
The grenade did that every time.
I pointed that out the night act3 dropped. But people just dismissed what I said.
Maybe it's because I didn't bother to post a screenshot.
But that explosion consistently has a pink beam of light in the midst of the blue lights.
No, I didn't.
Why did they escalate to saving the world? I thought the point of picking Piltover and Zaun was to focus on smaller scale conflict, there are regions with world altering conflicts already built in. This level of escalation kind of hurt the series
I think he can only revert the time travel with that big ass machine or something
That makes sense, I'll stop being a pedant now.
Imagine if Lore Vi was the one who tried to manipulate Caitlyn, she would've folded in 3 seconds
S1 was so fun. I think half the reason people got so bitter is genuinely because there wasn't a loli to fawn over anymore
Ekko is the coolest knight of time
Love me some fash Caitlyn.
No idea. Turning Viktor into a God instead of the machine herald is such a dumb move.
Worst part is that they didn't even defeat him. Ekko's final stand barely bruised him.
they needed to fill with additional subplots, and then crowded act 3 into two episodes with no time to resolve those subplots
And that's why I say it was too rushed with no room to breath
Lore Vi is an even bigger simp thoughj
1. Jinx
2. AU powder
3. Cait
But the fix isn't adding a third season to fuck up with bad storytelling, it's to tell the story of the second season correctly.
I need more Singed
I havent watched it but they go multiverse in the end? So do CaitVi live happily ever after and Jinx gets to suffer?
Biggest twist was the only one self-inserted was Jinx, Silco was fuck puppet of Vander
Nobody expected Jinx was miserable cuckqueen all along
Why did they keep him alive ffs
Worst part is that they didn't even defeat him.
I actually think that's the best part. Even with the escalation they're still mostly regular people, they can't defeat a god, so Jayce uses his personal relationship to stop him. That's closer to what the show's about than if they killed him for good imo.
I think most liked working on it
If I only care about jinx should I bother watchinh s2?
Telling emotionally vunerable powder you love her a hundred times, before she smiles and mutters she loves you too
Fucking carried the whole season. Fucking CARRIED it.
being cuckqueen all along
zesty Ekko trying to save her
"no, gtfo, go away"
What did they mean by this?
queer got off to animating queers
And you tell me the sky is blue too?
Ekko's next lore update is him trying not to kill himself
But they all followed alternate timeline Viktor's script. Everything had to happen exactly that way and he made sure that it will.
Jayce staying behind is probably the only thing that was not part of the script.
Jinx doesn't need to suffer anymore to CaitVi be happy, but they are
Ekko starts slitting his wrists but reverts time every time he does it so he can experience it again and again and again and again and again and aagian anagianasnagiagnagaiganggnaigg
Please dont tell me I have to watch this to watch the eventual later stuff. Watching Vi go muff diving and the queer writers circlejerking themselves sounds mid as fuck.
Ekko explains to Vi why he's so depressed
Vi also becomes depressed when she realises the timeline where everyone is happy is the timeline where she's dead
Now they're both suicidal
You weren't going to watch it in the first place.
You know thats not the outcome
Ekko explains to Vi why he's so depressed
Vi also becomes depressed
Goes back to her mansion with Cait
Ekko gets no one
That's not how it works though. It doesn't revert him, just everything around him.
Idk if Arcane is all I'm going off of she writes token lesbians when told to not the romantic lesbians Im addicted to.
Umm, isn't it kind of problematic that the main characters are always straight white males?
nerd alert nerd alert weewoo weewoo
Maybe if the head writers weren't going to fill it with queers, maybe i would.
The actual definition of fuck you got mine, he fucking won
Cool, that's really interesting
Remember Zaunites, the best you can hope for is to eat the leftover fucking slop the Pilties leave for you after poisoning your air, food, and water. Just walk away!
Yeah I mean it's seriously always been like that. But what's even more fucked up is the fact that Zaun is actually one of the best places to live in Runeterra, everything else is either underdeveloped medieval shit, farmville, war torn, etc etc. This is actually funny in hindsight lmfao.
No. I wish all YA writers and readers would die.
Jinx landing in Demacia and finding out that the entire nation is stuck in the Dark Age
How quickly does she off herself?
Retard, if they had the room to breath with a third season they could've ended season 2 on that cliffhanger and done the AU episode as the intro to season 3, it would've given them more time to flesh out Viktor as a villain and more time devoted to fleshing out Mel and the Black Rose, as well as tying up the arcs of Jinx, Vi, and Cait more satisfyingly, without dumb shit like that retarded sex scene after Jinx basically told Vi she was gonna off herself. I mean the Black Rose subplot was pretty much just sequel bait and Mel ceased being a compelling character for the sake of showing her new powers
I'm a YA writer and I would prefer you not lump me in with this sloppa. Especially
Yeah I know you think it is CaitVi shipper. Off with ya.
Jinx next lore update is finding out that she just left the only place in Runeterra that has a plumbing system
we top 20 now
timebomb only getting bigger
So percentage wise whats the chance the next 2 or 3 Runeterra shows are going to have a main straight couple? Main as in, main characters, not side characters.
We already have Ekko and Jayce
I'm a YA writer and I would prefer you not lump me in with this sloppa.
I'm sure you would prefer that, but it is what it is.
they're looking at champions that people use even though they're shit, so is there any straight champion that is fucking shit in the game but still popular?
Yasuo and Riven is coming
Miss Fortune but they wouldn't fucking dare.
This is for sure getting retconned somehow because Bilgewater, Piltover, and Zaun are canonically the only places in Runeterra that can flush shit.
Great! Can't wait to Amanda ruin Timebomb ship too! :D
Ekko and Jinx have an offscreen heart to heart where they fix the battle bus and build her a new weapon
They next show up in complelty new outfits
Jinx is for some reason using wrappings as a shirt
Ekko is has Jinx paint on his clothes
Official Riot figurine is Final ep Jinx wearing Ekko's firelight jacket
Did the writers mean to imply they fucked offscreen?
Every single song with a man and woman duet in Arcane is related to Jinx and Ekko
You serious? VI's brain can't even comprehend object permanence.
I wonder if he continues his work that blows up Ionia, seems like he would stop pursuing that now that Ori is up.
I'm glad to see that Singed won. Most based character in the show.
So are they making Arcane the new canon? China and Russia ain't gonna just allow canon lesbians I don't think.
Orianna turns out to be the already soulless robot she is
Singed... won?
Mel will lead the Noxus show
does anyone give a shit? She was the worst part of the second season.
S2 is noncanon.
They're chill when women are the ones kissing, because thats hot. See if you're a straight guy and you don't find women fucking each other hot then that's gay of you.
She was the worst part of the second season.
Hardly. The black rose stuff felt very out of place. But Mel herself was a gem in the midst of all that crap.
Nope and agreed. I don't know what they were thinking making her a mage last minute. Really took away her "regular person" archetype.
i'm really gonna miss this show
a mage last minute.
It's been implied since season 1 tbf
They could have fixed the season by having half the cast disappear for TWO entire acts!
No, you fucking dumbass, you're not seeing the problem. They had plently of time to show all of that and they chose not to.
I call bullshit on that.
we might find out tuesday
Yasuo is paired with Ahri now.
I'm assuming they won't touch Ruined King since that was a clusterfuck of lore. I think they said the next few shows would be either Ionia or Noxus, possibly both.
I'm guessing their going to retcon the timeline of the Ionia war
Darkwill is still Leader
Swain already has Raum but has tentative control over the demon
Corresponds with Leblanc in a very sexually charged exchange of information and favors
Singed and Ori enlist under Mel, ostensibly to care for Ambessa. Singed's love for his daughter triggers Mel's daddy issues
Can show Riven and her battle sisters when they were still Noxian elites
Darius and Draven as the "siblings" of the series.
Wildly opposing personalites but classic "brotherly love"
Add in backdrop of their childhood friend, Darius's first wife who turned traitor
Bring up the fact that Darius has a fully grown daughter who bought into the Noxian koolaid.
They can do a lot of stuff with Noxus
Can't lie but even though I almost always find the whole alt universe thing to be bullshit, it managed to make me the most emotional in this series twice (Ekko with alt Jinx and Old Viktor's speech to Jayce). Maybe the concept was just poorly executed in other forms of media, I think Arcane did it justice just this one time.
I can't remember if there were earlier hints in the season, but there's a reason they emphasise her glowing before Jinx's rocket hits. "Mel has powers that will save her from the rocket" has been a prominent theory since the finale dropped. Definitely not a new development.
My question for any further series is what is the core of their stories in order to provide an emotional grounding point for the audience. Everyone wants to be GoT pre-decline, but even ensemble stories need some sort of human center to keep those viewers initially drawn in by the fantastical elements. Arcane had the sisters, with a secondary one being the bond between the two scientists.
i will not watch that shit if this annoying cunt is leading it
So many people cannot comprehend the brotherly love between these two
Like Jayce and Viktor is a perfect bromance. Even the writers said they're not gay
Did you miss the part where she saved Jayce during the rocket attack and it explicitly showed her glowing?
Yasuo and Ahri went nowhere and was overall a nothingburger of randomness especially considering how bad their lore was together with the Ruination and all. Yasuo and Riven have their stories intertwine and are just a way way better pairing in general. Riot already made teases to the ship with their Vs. event between the two years ago.
Are they going to require people to watch Arcane to understand the later shows? Like what if I dont want to watch Jinx being miserable and the CaitVi lesbo powerhour?
Are new watchers going to have to backlog because they want to watch a show about Ionia and could not give less of a fuck of piltover?
There's a fair few around, but they can honestly just invent them. Before Arcane, Jinx and Vi having a familial relationship was only lightly implied with the focus being on their cops and robbers relationship. If they can turn that into the emotional core of the show, they can probably turn anything into an emotional core
Most other AU stuff tries to center entire plotlines around it.
All this one did was remind Ekko why he's the goat
This brings the grand total of champions confirmed for having had sex with video footage to: 3.
So this guy won't exist in the Arcane world?
I'm guessing that if Arcane were required watching they'd call it Arcane Season 3.
Will probably just get made later in the timeline
ywn have someone look at you the way au powder looks at ekko
why go on
the epilogue Cait sequence is the "proof", not graphics of the explosion
without that sequence and the airship final frame, Jinx is 100% dead. some anon was arguing they could have deleted the Cait sequence but no, that's the most important part of Jinx's ending
Reason being it wasn't as much as a focus as it was in other and more popular examples of this plot device. Spiderverse kinda ruined the whole idea with the viewers these days.
Jinx is sick of shitting in a bucket
started tinkering with pipes because they're just about the only thing she CAN tinker with there
ends up creating a successful plumbing business
Cait and Vi are really confused when they find her face plastered on all the toilets during a diplomatic trip
their storyline was read as romantic. if they wanted to write only some "brotherly" bond they should've done a better job. move on anon, these two are gay
It becomes an issue if they overdo it.
Right now we're still in a good spot. Dimensional travel isn't free and it touches more on the actual "morals" of body jumping.
Ekko could have stayed in the Golden timeline, but doing so would have damned his old world and essentially killed the Ekko that was already there.
It is such a good character defining moment that he chose to go back because it was the right thing to do. That is heroic shit.
And the fact that he "lost" Jinx at the end is icing on the cake. HE saved the world, but he didn't get the girl.
I imagine the shows will work on their own but be better with the knowledge of the past.
For example, if we are doing Noxus next, Mel will certainly be involved. But the show will probably introduce her as the "young new head of the Medardas" and a powerful mage trying to make a place in Noxus.
And if Singed is brought in to gas the Ionians, he'll be treated as some scientist from the city of progress, new to Noxus with his robot daughter.
That kind of stuff.
Literally everybody that leaves Piltover/Zaun could be the next fucking Einstein in every other country.
can look forward to every new league show being a tumblr fan page of queer ships in every direction
I already knew Dota was better but damn.
I thought so too becasue their paths are super connected, but it's still unlikely theyll switch back since they can give caitvi 2.0 with Riven and Irelia
no cope because Linke pretty much confirmed no champion actually died and literally said that Ekko story with Jinx will continue
What happens on Tuesday?
why di why did twink jesus turn into megtraon
After he convinced her to not die. I honestly think they got together. Maybe even did the do before the final battle.
If they turn Riven into a dyke I am killing myself
Viktor isn't dead anon
Shaco will be given a lore as one of the main demons that participated in the Iona-Noxus ward
You rike?
you're retarded
Arcane confirms one dad Champ (Warwick) and creates a whole new one lore-wise (Singed)
Also goes and kills the only human mother we've ever gotten in League (Ambessa) right after she is added to the game
What did RIot mean by this?
You'd prob have no idea who Mel was, cause they'll assume you watched Arcane for her origin story tho it might not matter cause story will probably start with her already as head of house Medarda
LeBlanc and Swain will be introduced properly so you'd start fresh there
Irelia would canonically kill her in an instant for being a Noxian, what the fuck are you talking about.
release of Act 3 Jinx Fixes Everything that will 99.99% for sure be during her time with Ekko building the airship
Singed was always Orianna's dad, we have known this for years.
Isn't Camille a grandma
It seems inevitable that it'll be Noxus stuff next, but I'd appreciate something in Shurima and Ixtal. They've done fuck all with Ixtal and I think something like an animated kaiju-sized Skarner would be dope.
Do the Ezreal and Kaisa storyline to explore the void as the byproduct of the arcane to build out the stuff for show-onlies.
Just looked up what ma meilleure ennemie in english translates to
My dearest enemy
Dude, im so fucking mad they spend time doing Cait and Vi's stupid ass lesbian romance. 1 fucking episode dedicated to Ekko and Jinx outperformed all the romantic moments with Cait and Vi.
Straight chads stay winning.
Dynasties and Dystopias was the best music video of Arcane S1
ma meilleure ennemie was the best music video of Arcane S2
Both Ep 7
It wasn't actually confirmed until he was called Dr. Reveck this season.
wait, so Jinx is alive?
If there is one champion I do not ever want to see being adapted in the show, it's Ezreal.
because they had a literal episode focus...
Rope is usually on sale after new years
Except she doesn't. She hates Noxians but all the interactions since Irelias rework was
If you're not a Noxian anymore then help me kill them all
There is no way that his animated version could be any worse than his current in-game version. It's only upside if they change his personality and look.
Would best girl Briar appear in Noxus? I honestly don't care about Katarina, Rell or Riven.
I was thinking they didn’t have Vi going after Jinx because they wanted to add the sex scene sure but also think about it they also needed Ekko to be the one to stop Jinx from committing suicide
It still feels like a copout that My Best Enemy is with AU Powder and not Jinx. They really should have gotten more than 30 seconds of screentime together this season.
He's likeable IMO. Young, cocky adventurer type. He'd be a good character who starts off as a douche who only cares about artifacts but ends up growing out of it.
It's just that in-game he's a Satan spawn
If you're not a Noxian anymore then help me kill them all
But I don't wanna fight in any more wars
Riven then dies
I don't think they got together but they certainly reconnected their old feelings. The fact that they painted each other is enough proof to see that something interesting happened while they were together. I'm thinking something in the lines of "summer fling" maybe or "end of the world so fuck it" situation.
But no, they definitely didn't become boyfriend and girlfriend. Lots of shit to fix before that.
why are demons participating in that war
I HATE Ishit
How many good mages are there exactly.
He wasn't before Arcane. He had little to no real motivation prior to his Arcane version besides mad scientist pushing the limits of humanity.
She's a matriarch of her clan, but they never confirmed her having direct children.
I'm wary about wanting champs I like to be animated after the writers have made it extremely clear they do not give a single fuck about who they are in the game
ma meilleure ennemie was the best music video of Arcane S2
heh told yall, that hook puts it in s-tier for me
Heimer's joke song was surprisingly good too
Did they deserve what they got?
Art stolen from reddit
It was foreshadowed multiple times in lore he released for League, stories, etc.
No idea, just an idea to give him some lore.
I don't think so either but it does look remarkably similar.
They could have shown Vi crying over the ashes of the Last Drop thinking Jinx was in there while she's actually kysing herself in her air vent. But then they wouldn't have the mandatory fanservice sex scene.
Except it is, I just checked.
That is literally Ekko's jacket except all the firelight names have been removed and Jinx left her stink.
You can see the same arm buckle and he's the only one who wears that jacket
Bretty gud list, but Heavy is the Crown is B, Renegade is C, and Remember Me and Fantastic are D.
Cait and Vi had
Season 1
Ep 8
Season 2
Episode 1, Episode 3
Those were all episodes that had either very minimal Jinx or not at all. The Jinx/Ekko episode was split with Jayce going through Hextech hell
Ekko's jacket is green with a different design. The only similarity is they both have graffiti on them and Ekko's still is a lot different in comparison. Average timebomb shipper IQ don't even know what the characters in their shit ship look like.
cute ori
It was foreshadowed multiple times in lore he released for League, stories, etc.
Singed being Orianna's father? Hell no. We knew her father directly. He literally showed up in the Ekko game they made before it got retconned by Arcane (pic related is his in-game look and some concept art they did for him when they wanted him more extreme). He and Singed were not the same at all.
Are you thinking of Warwick? He was teased to be Vi & Jinx's father in the lore a lot and in game voicelines and whatnot, with Arcane confirming it though not having him be their direct father.
It's not you fucking moron. It's a completely different color and design. Look closer, if you are capable.
Rell would be cool if they adapt the LoR plotline of Annie being sent to a similar school/prison.
Right.... she got cucked relentlessly... I'm sick dude
I feel like Ekko getting the worst ending of the whole series is mean
How much the boy savior has to be broken before it's enough. Now I understand why his adult version went evil.
She will save the Boy Savior from killing himself
She is so hot bros...not hotter than Briar.
looks the same color
I saw fanart of the jail scene but instead of Vi and Caitlyn fucking they just kiss and then Vi goes to find and save Jinx. Amanda really fucked up
How did this nigga end up having the best song in the series?
Does he even count? He's just a lucky fuck who found an OP relic.
Yeah but Ella's Purnell had been working with the crew 3 years longer than Amanda. You think they didn't tell her about the character she'd be voicing and she just pulled "9" out of her ass? They clearly were running damage control bc it'd be crazy to have a confirmed 16 yr old jinx bouncing around on silco's lap and having mad side boob. But of course the time skip could have been longer than 7 years, too
Viktor basically became one of the strongest beings for a while, literally "lost" because Jayce talked him out of his madness
I really really enjoyed act 2 with Jinx and Isha, act 3 was ass.
There's no saving this
What are you trying to say with this
Sorry. Ekko is now cursed with oneitis. Even if Zeri throws herself at him completely naked and tells him to fuck her without condom, Ekko will tell her to put on the blue wig first
make Camille the Ambessa character
kill Mel
story is the same (like having Caitler) but without the bloat of including noxus
But of course the time skip could have been longer than 7 years, too
It's also technically possible that some characters aged more in the timeskip than others. Chronology in storytelling is not an exact science.
They had that random chungus thing in act 3 that Ekko one-shot. That might as well have been Urgot if they were going to have something random like that.
Stop watching porn please
it all comes down to viktor being a homo
He literally introduces himself with a fake name to people because it sounds cool. He's a plague upon the LoL lore.
Its not the exact Hexcode! so it doesn't count
This is a Jinxified version of his jacket
Worse. Too many static lifeless shots in still rooms- a good mix of the scenes in 1 where characters are talking take place in dynamic settings where there are people doing interesting things in the bg. This life is really missing in s2. Also they hag-ified the girls and clearly changed the models so they look older, but excessively so
I legit thought Ambessa was going to find the firelight base and burn the tree while throwing all the kids into a cage.
Ekko is now cursed with oneitis.
The worst thing to have happen to ya. Fall in love once and only once.
I don't think they talk about ages in production. It's very likely that Ella just assumed her age by how her model looks.
Yeah that was ass, would have rather see her as a tactician than a Frontline warrior. Complete waste of a good character
That chick is going to fuck everyone except Odysseus lmao
That picture shows a tourniquet strapped over a shoulder plate.
Shows the tourniquet but not not the plate.
It's a different jacket, she just accessorized it with a spare belt.
Jinx in the universe where Vi jumped off the creaky ledge before Vander woke up
Vi is literally a fucking universal threat
So whos gonna talk Ekko out of killing himself in his next lore update
Look at the images again and remember you're seeing one from the front and one from the back so the arm is flipped.
If I was better at making images I would circle them and combine them into 1.
You think they didn't tell her about the character she'd be voicing and she just pulled "9" out of her ass?
She didn't voice young Powder. Powder's VA was actually 9, she turned 10 on set.
She doesn't look like she can safely deliver that child. Needs some more meat.
Ekko moments away from jumping off the edge Jinx's fan home with tears
Suddenly a man's voice is heard from behind him
Can you circle the armor plate on Jinx's left shoulder?
so what's preventing Ekko from recreating the Z-Drive, going to an isolated desert so the explosion doesn't kill anyone, travel back all the way back to the day of the first job and just pushing Vi off a cliff or something?
Maybe at some point he starts exploding. Or maybe it just explodes Heimer wherever he's at in the world, that wouldn't be nice.
I know she didn't, but I'm sure they gave her background on the character in general. But now that you mentioned powders va's age, maybe that's where she got it from. I'm just not convinced she was around 12 and vi was 15 or so because vi grew a ton on prison
its not the same fucking jacket it should be obvious at first glance and the fact that its a different fucking color damn you timebomb shippers are fucking idiots why am I surprised.
maybe it just explodes Heimer wherever he's at in the world
my sides
so how come the hexgate got corrupted and developed an anomaly? and why was the anomaly 'le bad'? ekko made his own without consequences.
gets rid of cursed sister
assures lifetime with his true love
gets rid of one of the council faggots
triple prize!!!
Same. Ruined jinx. I needed her to be a terrorist thug so bad but the writers were too cowardly
The next series should be for the men. Women had their fun.
Jinx did his hair too? That means he's the one who cut her hair. Yeah they def fucked.
It's crazy that Vi beat up more people and won more fights as a child in ep3 of s1 than she ever did as a hardened adult with giant metal science hands.
That's a good point. Nothing bad ever happened when Ekko used his time machine, after all. No blast waves or exploding yordle heads or anything at all. What a mighty plot hole you've found.
Viktor made a ball with a bunch of runes on it
Viktor coughed a drop of blood on the ball
The ball slurped up the blood and became sentient
Jayce merged the ball with Viktor to try to save his life
All of the blood that Viktor coughed up everywhere else was part of the singularity along with him and started gloriously evolving everything it touched, the same way that Viktor started gloriously evolving everyone he touched
Ezreal does seem like the guy who would annoy Ekko into becomin best friend
Zero Tech knowledge
Autistic knowledge of history and cultures
Zero game with the ladies
Maxed luck stat
Convinces Ekko to come with him to [next show land]
They chance upon Jinx's handiwork
They don't even need to show her. just something like her grenade or one of her patch jobs
Stay mad bitch boy. We got legitimized. I don't care what they do in Arcane anymore, we're staying canon
They really humiliated the fuck out of her this season in a way I've rarely seen doke to a character before. And under the dyke's (Amanda) guidance, too....
There's no wild rune in the AU because hextech was never invented.
Wait they can’t use hextech anymore? What about Camille? Caitlyn’s hextech rifle in the lore? will they just give her a normal rifle lmao?
I wish Ekko had better hair but I keep my shit shaved and have zero idea of what would be better for him.
According to the rioter interview, just the hexcore is gone. Hextech is still around
"I don't want to be blown up with my friend"
"Oh yeah? You bet."
But anomalies can still be made with hextech right?
They can still use hextech they just can't use something as big as the Hexgate which would basically teleport shipping containers across the world.
Hextech creates magical "pollution". On standard weapons its small enough that Cait and Vi can keep their weapons. The Hexcore was an experiment by Viktor. i think so long as they stick to small items its fine.
I really want to watch this show as it is so so pretty, but my heart cant take miseryporn sloppa
So do you think he also respawned at the Bandle Tree without his limb modifications?
isha? more like ISHART
Ekko's story is the literal definition of miseryporn so close your eyes on that stuff if you decide to watch it
Is there a link to watch the interview?
Oh my poor little bitch boy
League gets retcon'd every few years. Arcane won't stay canon long but timebomb will.
If we get a single Dual skin theme within the next 2 years its locked in
Timebomb episode is the most like episode of season 2
bet you they get a vday one with CaitVi next year.
Ekko knows how to make hextech and he's still around. Also everyone now knows it's possible to do, so it's just a matter of time until a Zeri or Ziggs shows up and starts experimenting.
so how come the hexgate got corrupted
and why was the anomaly 'le bad'
It was leaking magic that doesn't play nice with living things and was basically magic Chernobyl waiting to happen.
ekko made his own without consequences.
His was small, contained, and not being used to run an entire nation's nonstop shipping operation. If he started launching shit out of his house 24/7 and sat it next to a houseplant it would probably start doing the same thing.
2 days later and most tiktoknigs and xittersluts still haven't figured out jinx is alive
CaitVi already got one after Arcane season 1. They can literally keep the same theme
Timebomb episode is the most like episode of season 2
Amanda wrote episode 7 now it makes sense
She will be a terrorist
Her character story isn't done
PnZ story is done, not Jinx's
Watch Sevika vs Smeech
Everything except the VFX effect is meh
This glorified MV somehow the most iconic scene from act 1
How come?
He's still got his damn tree and the firelights, I wish you people would stop acting like this damn nigga can't find another girl. He hadn't spoken to jinx for 7+ years before the bridge scene, who tf cares man
beyond canon
Oh yeah, they'll just add a timebomb one then.
Ekko does not know how to make Hextech. No one does except Viktor and Jayce.
Heim, Ekko and Jinx only know how to use Hextech.
It's either on YouTube or reddit or some shit, it's in one of the earlier threads
Kek, surely but slowly they will get there
After s2 I'm just done. I'm sick of getting invested in things and then shat on. The chance to pull that off has passed and piltover deserved/deserves it
Smeech just stands there for 30 seconds while Sevika arms herself.
The 2 male lead storyborders for s1 left and were replaced by some inexperienced woman
Caitlyn and Vi still have their hextech weapons. So I think they are fine at least.
yes, but there's only one person in the whole world that can create hextech out of hex crystals right now
while Sevika arms herself.
Fuck you.
Did she really... she really is a long nosed demon, my god. She's responsible for all 3 black on white (if you count jayce) relationships in arcane, no joke
I still don't get why they had such a focus on Vanderwick. Jayce, Ekko, and Viktor have such pivotal roles in the big arcane climax; Cait, Mel, and Ambessa have huge roles in the Noxian invasion climax; and yet Jinx and Vi, the characters that are supposed to be the main characters the story is built around, are fighting a largely inconsequential fight against weird ass Evolved Vanderwick. A fight they lose.
I don't even understand why that's what they were written to do. It's not like Vander's presence was toxic and the sisters are overcoming it, it's not like they were shackled to their identities as his daughters. There isn't any symbolic or thematic heft to it that I can tell. It doesn't even have any emotional heft because Vander's personality was completely burnt out and it's just a mindless husk. It's just a fight against a dumb monster that they lose.
Nah. The Jinx/Vi fight intercut with the boys discovering the anomaly was the best scene from act 1.
If Ekko doesn't know how to make hextech, how did he get back from the AU? If Jinx doesn't know how to make hextech, how did she make Fishbones? The gems power hextech. They dig them out of the ground, someone would just need to figure out where to look, and presumably Jayce didn't mine them himself so someone out there knows.
Ekko literally creates uncorrupted hextech from hex crystals in the AU. He knows how to do it
Trees gone you retard
Firelights are fucking dead/injured thanks to the war
Heimerdinger dead for Ekko's sake
Spent time with AU Powder that he's going to be dreaming about constantly as he sits in a completely different universe knowing he'll never meet her again
Jinx ditched Zaun
Vi is still a filthy Piltover traitor
Dad's still dead
More orphans need to be watched over and protected more than ever before because of the war
Left completely alone in the end
Yes this is misery porn for Ekko I think.
Hmm Cait's looking at the schematics of the Hexgate
Isn't that where Jinx died
Hmm Cait is zooming in on the air ducts
Wasn't that near where Jinx exploded
Hm the camera is zooming in on Cait giving a sly smile
It's almost like she has a hunch
Hm after Vi says theres nothing that can distract her from Cait anymore the camera zooms in for an extended period on Cait's face for some reason
It's almost as if she's thinking about not telling Vi something.
People literally had the theory that Vi would get amnesia and Cait would withhold the information about Jinx from her. Well we got halfway there.
Cait has an Azula level deduction that Jinx is alive and does not tell Vi because Vi is S++ tier at munching carpet.
I only saw 1 reactor couple who were angry at the ending but then added a an extra segment where they woke up in the middle of the night after scrolling twitter and seeing the clues that Jinx was alive.
So Ekko is now the Man of Tomorrow?
Jinx doesn't know how to make hextech. She used the hextech she stole to use fishbones in S1 and the fight of S2 E3
Sevika arms herself
I thought it was his jacket but it isn't.
The arguement was that he used the incomplete versions from Jayce's initial test and then stabalized them.
He didn't make a new hexcore, at least I don't think.
Did he use the hex crystals to make the necklace for Powder?
Did you not like his AU hair?
love is beautiful, anon
Fuuuck Vi is pure sex
Both of you guys don't get it. She never wore that jacket in the show. This is her VERSION of the jacket.
Like a matching version of it.
Who said the tree is gone.. last time it's mentioned is ep 3 and that's it. It's got some corrupted leaves but it should be fine. Also yeah im sure some firelights died, but I don't think we see even one bite the dust on screen in act 3. But he's still got his own community-he's not alone, he's just underdeveloped lmao.
Also wrt vi, I mean that was just a poor writing choice again, because they could have had an interesting interaction but they had to make ekko all about jinx
the little ball is a new hexcore, that's why it has the marks, but it's uncorrupted because Viktor didn't recognize it
We got the Optimist over here
You have your AU. They'll never commit main Jinx to anything and you're kidding yourself if you think they will. They don't with any of their main popular champs unless they were conceptualized that way like Cait and Vi.
Hm the camera is zooming in on Cait giving a sly smile
I agree with all the rest and that Jinx is alive but after watching again I think the reason Caitlyn smiles is because she hears Vi singing
Ekko was tied to Jinx since his conception though
No, she's just wearing a jacket to conceal what she's packing. Not every fucking thing she does is going to be related to time miles morales from now on.
why a jacket exactly? sounds suspiciously specific
Oh shit, I need to rewatch I must have missed that. In that case Ekko is now the smartest man in Runeterra
Of couse they won't. It's why they'll never commit GarenKat or EzrealLux either. They would need to have the plot of the setting move. I'm saying it will be canon in the sense that they're a "brand couple" like them.
He has a cheeky voice line and was released years later. That's not the same as being conceived together like Vi, Caitlyn, and Jinx were. And Ekko was originally a teenager while Jinx was an adult - and that's still the case in a lot of AUs.
She stole a hextech gemstone from Jayce and used it to power the hextech weapons she built. The gems aren't special, they literally come out of the ground.
Viktor made the only hexcore and then merged with it. There are no other hexcores floating around.
Arcane s2 made me like the original concepts for the PnZ characters more than their arcane versions. It's so over
At least you've accepted your eternal cucking and the fact that it will be ditched/retconned if fans ever like another ship with them more.
extended cut
Why is Arcane so human supremacist
why aren't the non-humans more prominent
Unless they cut some stuff it's just true... I hate how they made ekko revolve around 1 coochie he hasn't talked to in eons anyways, it was cheap shipslop. No coincidence Amanda wrote that episode
Interesting theory. Goes with green, pink, and blue paint the both of them have on each other clothing.
He has a cheeky voice line and was released years later. That's not the same as being conceived together like Vi, Caitlyn, and Jinx were.
Caitlyn was created a year before Vi. Vi was created a year before Jinx. Jinx was created two years before Ekko.
So, all the character deaths were just large baits since none of them actually died (except for Amebssa), is that correct?
Dykes still think Jinx and Lux won't meet after this?
>They will take place in Demacia,…
Jinx literally leaves with airship
Where else would she crash?
Demacia is the only place Jinx has "lore" in
Thoughts niggas?
So the current saved universe is the one where Viktor gave Jayce the acceleration rune.
Using the acceleration rune, Jayce and Viktor created the Hexgate, able to launch ships extreme distances.
Using the acceleration rune is what allows Ekko to crack time travel
I wonder what the other timelines were if they always ended up with Jayce on top of the tower
Like who? Ekko was initially paired with Taliyah, Rell and somewhat Zeri and none of those stuck. It's gonna be Jinx from here on out unless Jinx gets a better Love interest. Which so long as that blonde whore from Demacia stays away, should be a non issue
Take Powder out and his life is still a hell hole right now you absolute fucking retard lol.
all the character deaths were just large baits since none of them actually died
God I want to jam my fist into his gaping chest hole and feel around and see if and how he reacts to it... for science.
Fish bro was so delicious, I think you even hear his voice in the last ep and it's super handsome
Ambessa isn't dead. She just got her soul drained or something. She's in her recovery arc
And they were all immediately linked together other than Ekko. And once again, Ekko was originally a teenager while Jinx was an adult, they weren't meant to be a thing.
he thinks Caitlyn and Vi were conceived together
t. Jayce
Semi-related but was viktor the only reason those other timelines exist?
He isn't even the biggest loser but okay. He lost nothing but cooch. PnZ is inherently a shithole in his universe, nothing particularly changed
Irelia immediately tries to kill invader Noxian scum
Circumstances force them to work together
Learn to trust each other unwittingly
Irelia must admit she doesn't hate this reformed Noxian elite
Grows increasingly unfocused and unstable as her affection increases for this exile who is also a surprisingly good farmer
Regroups with her Ionia rebels and the awkwardness of learning she has fallen for a sworn enemy when she reunites with the GF of hers
Yes yes I'm logging into ao3 this is just too easy
Isn’t happening Jinx doesn’t fits in Demacia
The only reason timebomb has stuck is because it's been thrown a huge bone by Amanda. No one gave a shit about the ship before. It got some traction just because they had the best scene in s1, but it was still less popular than lightcannon.
I'm guessing the ur-universe was still relaint on someone discovering Hextech somehow and these are all offshoots that sprung from it.
Like there is an og universe where there was no timetravel, it just happened. Maybe Jayce found the rune later in life
three new shows
so it will be separated after all? or did they mean 3 seasons?
dykes still think they wont meet
nigas are mostly losing their minds over wether it will be dyke route or friendship , not actually denying their meeting
Heimerdinger is a yordle, can't die, will respawn in mythical little furry land called Bandle City. Him being alive again is also straight up confirmed.
Too many hints points towards Jinx surviving and going on the airship in the final scene and its too the point where you have to willingly be retarded to deny it
Warwick can survive having his entire head get chopped off if Singed is still alive. He for sure survived the bomb
Ambessa is the only actual death in Arcane when it comes to the champions, bu tlets be real, she's gonna get revived soon somehow
kek you're crazy if you think Ambessa won't come back
Cmon, are you telling me the only named characters who died in the last episode were Maddie and Loris?
They better not fuck up Garen. I hope they give him the characterization from that oldish witch short story he had.
They'll make her fit, it's already set up. Why would they have her leave if not for fanservice. Jinx and Lux are already thought of as connected and in promos together. There's no other region they will put her in.
I like how Yasuo is literally the only champion who actually has ties with Riven but that all still gets washed away for retarded lesbian shit somehow.
Who said the tree is gone
Ekko was gone for a couple months when the tree first started showing signs of corruption. There's a pretty good chance it it got much worse.
The bar lady had a name that was sad in the AU.
Demacia is the only place Jinx has "lore" in
citation needed, in league canon Jinx has never gone to Demacia
Plot twist Jinx is secretly the main character or the LoL netflix series and will travel all regions until her insanity finally comes back
You know what's funny about that. This is all based off of the bridge scene in season 1. They just wrote direction that the fight should be a little sad because they were friends back in the day.
But the animators went above and beyond and added this subtext to their stare off that Amanda said the iconic lines.
"I feel like these characters could be in love now"
She became a shipper at that moment and made sure her agenda was shipped
Isn't it great they didn't feel the need to show up because Ekko's only purpose in the end was shipfaggotry.
In that case Ekko is now the smartest man in Runeterra
That possibly was the case in LoL lore. The z-drive apparently caught Jayce and Viktor's attention.
Jinx doesn’t fits in Demacia
Ekko had a crush on Jinx since his release as a champion back in 2015, lets be real here
Bad news is one of the shows is gonna be live action.
Money is on Demacia since it's the least overtly magical
they had one (1) promo together for Wild Rift. That's it.
Not under Amanda’s watch anon she prefers Timebomb
And I'll never forgive her for it.
Linke also supports the ship and he has been working in Riot way before Amanda even arrived.
Yeah but jinx was originally like 25 when she came out and ekko was 17. It was supposed to be precocious
Blame the french for animating so fucking well
What, is Singed gonna get to her and turn her into a werewolf too? Please god I hope he does I would worship the ground she walks on I would let her breed me I would brush her fur and tell her how pretty she is I would let her crush my skull between her muscular thighs
She's not the one with final script approval. Blame her bosses too, they signed off on this shit
Three new shows means three new shows. Probably one with focus on noxus ionia war ending with intro to demacia cliffhanger, one with focus on demacia and civil war, and finally a last show with another region maybe
yeah they def gonna bring Jinx in this LMAO.
I don't think he ever said the actual number of shows.
All I had seen were things saying he confirmed multiple shows in development, one in production for a year, and the shows will cover Noxus, Ionia and Demacia.
That could just be 2 actual shows if the Noxus & Ionian one is the same show covering their war.
Garen is chad
Based post
You're not wrong, but they could have made it work. Instead they gave them some wierd parasocial relationship where Ekko falls in love with a different Powder from a timeline that didn't happen and then comes back and spends exactly 1 minute and 20 seconds convincing her not to kill herself and that the end of their interaction.
What about Viktor and Jayce?
The fucked up part is I think Fortiche is the only studio that can better convery unspoken feelings than actors.
If we see Jinx Live action i might kill myself
OMG jinx how are you juggling all these guns
It's simple becasue I'm always juggling my multiple personalities
They've been in multiple promos because Lux is thought of as on Jinx's team with Yasuo, Teemo, etc.
You guys think they're not going to just move onto milking the next thing? This shit only exists because of pandering. Caitvi was pandering. Jinx left for pandering. Sorry but you're going to have to share.
Linke said while being interviewed by Necrit on Twitch he had a story for Blitzchank but the rest of the staff wrote it off as being too silly so Blitz got scrapped in the progress.
bpd here, we aint worth it. Whether you are into females or males and no matter how pretty. Its not worth the time. Imagine having someone idolize you but the catch is they need reassurance you love them every day possibly every time you talk. Which will need to be a lot
That's why I put quotes. Literally just look at the wild rift trailer by riot and star guardian universe, that's what I meant by "lore"
bpd is treatable
His purpose was to be a hero. The shipping stuff is secondary and it technically hasn't been confirmed as something that will happen with our Ekko and Jinx.
Ekko was immediately linked to Jinx as well. You just don't know how and I won't spoonfeed you. Learn more about LoL history first.
Silco appeared just to convince Jinx to leave Zaun so she could star in 3 more Netflix shows
I'll kill myself if that happens
Sorry but you're going to have to share.
Don’t get me wrong I prefer Lightcannon but I’m just being realistic
post discord
poor you.
A capitalist king even in death
milking the next thing
They will. That means no characters from Arcane taking the spotlight.
Yeah, she's too fat.
Bad news is one of the shows is gonna be live action.
God what have I done in this life to be punished so?
mental illness isnt curable you just keep it steady with meds and therapy
there are no women on the internet anon
They've been in multiple promos
Can you link one that is not the Wild Rift trailer?
It's not even true, they said one is gonna be a movie, never said anything about a dyke live action. My money is on noxus and ionia war
Jinx left literally for the sole purpose of making sure people watch the next thing.
This is my issue with the ship. They should've had Ekko witness some acts of kindness from Jinx first and they should've showed us more interactions between the two after he convinces to not kill herself.
But there's women(male).
live action
Holy shit that would be so terrible. Arcane only worked since it was animation. Can you imagine if arcane season 1 was live action?
Jinx left because that was the end of her arc. Not everything is done to promote the next shit. Only retards like Marvel do that.
Majority of Lux Jinx shippers come from the Star Guardians skinline where Jinx is the Sasuke to Lux's Naruto.
People shipped them so much that Riot decided in their new Star guardian event to HEAVILY imply SG Akali and SG Kaisa were romantically involved like people wante Jinx and lux to be.
Ekko should have come back and made peace with Jinx before Isha died, and then given her emotional support after.
Are Ekkofags not bothered his lore now is mostly centered around Jinx?
Exactly. It's literally a genius tactic. Every fags will watch next show anticipating Jinx's return, and in the last episode, they make her appear as a cliffhanger, thus making people watch the other next show.
Star Guardians doesn't happen in Demacia though. By that stretch Jinx has ties with all the other Star Guardians as well
implying this shit hasn't been reduced to Marvelslop
Season 2 felt more mcu of the last decade than the current mcu, so they are probably going to do it.
They're not ekkofags, they're shipfags. They don't even know what his jacket looks like.
You mean the visual novel? That was the last one right?
Yeah, a lot of shit happened off screen. Jinx got approval from Ekko's lieutenant and the rest of the firelights. So I'm guessing when he went to go rally them he was surprised by all the art, support and goodwill that Jinx generated.
We could have gotten a scene of Ekko running through the city seeing all the good Jinx did, even by accident.
Ekko never had a jacket in lol lore idiot
Not gonna lie, I would love a SG show focused on Akali and Kaisa. The MV for it was really good and showed an interesting story. Unlike anything Jinx and Lux related.
I'm not exactly an Ekkofag, but I do wish the tree problem was his main goal, and Jinx shit became secondary.
Ekko's lore got complelty butchered in Arcane season 1.
Before he was just a good boy who liked his friends, having a good time and was super smart
Now he's serious, a gang leader, parents dead and angsty youth. AKA a UK black
If only you knew how bad things really are.
She has a short moment with her in the WR trailer that's a sequel to the one you're thinking of, hooks her arms over Lux and Yasuo's shoulders to watch the fireworks. But I meant in image promos too, like this christmas post.
This man does not understand thematic outfits
who the fuk is the faggot that added ekko as jinx's love interest in the fanwiki? absolute retardness
these retards should get sucker punched
The rare Annie/Nunu ship
Based off 1 line in Nunu's Battlebot skin when he see Annie
Aghhh! Too pretty
Ekkonigs, who else?
Go to sleep, you're gonna wake up in a new world bitch.
We won
Even that could sort of work. Hell, have him meet with the firelights first.
they tell him what she did for Zaun
this confirms that she is capable of doing good
he goes on to find her
you need to let it go faggot, when you start getting mad about wiki edits it means you need to have sex and touch grass desperately
Lmao, did they add a Jinx pic to hint her future appearance?
interesting, looks like the wild rift trailer is a universe of it's own
It also could have been avoided the Jinxers were a thing during Act 1.
They needed another episode. They could have done a reprisal of the Heimerdinger song as Ekko walks through his Zaun thats waiting for Jinx
jinx cared so little for Ekko she continued to pull the pin despite it taking him too
The scene was comedic at every angle
Anyone have that pasta about how only men can be caricatures, ugly or genuinely evil as a joke in stories because it'd be sexist to have the women be portrayed poorly? I think it was related to there can be no female guybrush threepwood.
Vander just had to die so many times over that it didn't matter anymore and Jinx is going to come back because of course she has the means to travel from AU.
cope, this is a literal drawing made by a LoL netflix series riot artist
Man, I just finished watching it and I gotta say, I really fucking wish Riot didn't go full pants on head retard and say it was cannon. I don't like where they went with it in the context of the games. Show was all right in a vacuum though.
she stopped when she saw his damage though
Before he was just a good boy who liked his friends
He still is. In fact, that's the main gripe some have about him.
having a good time and was super smart
Hard to have a good time when he's trying to help his people survive, disrupt any shimmer shipments, and kept losing friends and allies
Now he's serious, a gang leader, parents dead and angsty youth.
Wasn't already in a gang or had ties one called the lost children of Zaun? He had a pretty short story with his parents, so it kind of sucks that they're now dead in the new lore. The angst is understandable.
which one?
I can't ever listen to HitC after 6 weeks straight of LP rap rock during worlds 24
Renegade grew on me, it's probably a C for most. d4vd and Marcus King fan so put those 2 higher than they should be desu
the pic i just posted
Top vi has always been canon I see.
If they go forward with Irelia and Riven there is definitely an agenda in having white women mating with Asian women. If only we could figure out why, what is their scheme?
He gave her plot armor so that Jinx would be safe
bravo silco
I haven't watch the entire Linke interview on Twitch but there's a lot cutting room floor material surrounding Arcane
Linke said in this article that Arcane Ep 9 was originally going to be like 1 hour and 30 mins long but practically had to be cut in half due to how extensive the material was for the studio
Linke said on the Necrit interview that when making Arcane S1 there were 17 Do's and Dont's on top of the many regions they have to consider when it comes to age ratings. He gives the example of knife crime in British, very strict laws in Germany, or anything goes in France. If the age rating is changed in Arcane/any video series then it effects the very video game it's based from so making League rating M would clearly section off their audience as he puts it
Linke also said that CaitVi sex scene we've got is the dialed back version and originally went on longer. He jokingly stated the only way that scene is ever reaching the light of day if someone hacks Fortiche and put it on a French hard drive.
Learning all of this clearly sucks abd I do hope we get some directors cut material of what could've been
The single Jinx Lux poster on these threads are so funny when you're kept up with the lore, because you fully realize how autistically deranged they are for actually believing in Lux x Jinx.
white women make my peepee hard
asian women make my peepee hard
white women making out with asian women makes my peepee hard
I can't wait for my wife to get animated. Fuck you dykes and niggers, your characters are never coming back. Finally the show focuses on chads and based
If the age rating is changed in Arcane/any video series then it effects the very video game it's based from
That's a pretty bullshit law, what country is that?
she will be a lesbian
Lux getting raped by Sylas oh boy what peak
>Linke said in this article that Arcane Ep 9 was originally going to be like 1 hour and 30 mins long but practically had to be cut in half due to how extensive the material was for the studio
I'm going to draw your chad favs sucking and fucking each other
Jinx will flounder her way to Demacia and she weill fuck Lux.
>Linke also said that CaitVi sex scene we've got is the dialed back version and originally went on longer. He jokingly stated the only way that scene is ever reaching the light of day if someone hacks Fortiche and put it on a French hard drive.
Leakerbro busted his load too soon.
It didn't need an extra season like 2-4 more episodes would of been enough.
An extra full season would of hurt more, unless you add even MORE plot you gotta find so much random shit to fill time and nothing is worse than having multiple episodes where literally nothing happens.
Basically plot was too big for two 9 episodes seasons but not big enough for 3.
I'm tired of League's obsessive love for "POSESSED BY X" copout. Viktor literally isn't the same fucking character that he was in the game. Hell, he's not even the same fucking character in the 1st season.
That's a pretty bullshit law, what country is that?
A bunch of them unfortunately and he even indicated it was semi retarded. In fact the censors saw the CatVi scene and fortunately gave a slap on the wrist for it.
lux cucks both ezreal and jinx and gets dicked by sylas
What did he do in the second season that's incongruous with his ideology from S1?
Jayce said it himself. Viktor has always looked to fix the flaws in humanity, until he took it so far he removed humanity itself and blinded himself to what he was really doing.
The finale was mostly CaitVi smut
Please someone go get it please for Christmas
He spends the entire fucking S1 fighting against weaponizing their technology, it was supposed to be to help people. Said there was always a choice. Then whoop de fucking do he gets possessed and now everyone needs to be controlled and he fucking makes people into weapons for Ambessa. Copout. Garbage.
You know it will happen, they are literally setting up jinx for her lezy arc with that ugly ass tranny haircut
Riot is evil
They went to be gay in the cosmos. They are deciding whose going to be mpreg. That's going to be Zoe's new lore.
Why did Noxian soldiers come across as more robotic than Viktor's hexdrones?
Birthing zoe
The gays produced aids and cancer
I don't think they want to go that far
Trained soldiers. Trained since birth.
Main champions from the future three shows.
Anon, he wasn't possessed. He was following his ideals. He didn't make weapons, he made people "perfect".
The point is that he first and foremost wanted to help people through the use of hextech. After the core fused into him, he saw the weapon blueprints Jayce was making and left. But the hexcore guided him to where there were hurting people he could "help" with it's power. He followed it's guidance, but it was his ambition that made him do the actions.
He thought he could just heal everyone and form a utopia, but he was wrong. People would fight no matter what. And he saw that as a failure of humanity, one he thought could be removed by removing emotion entirely at that point. He saw it in how Jayce and Mel resisted him and finally decided he had to fully cast away his humanity for the sake of "saving" everyone from their human emotion.
He's a tragic villain, a scientist so hellbent on fixing humanity that he loses sight and decides it must be discarded for there to be no more hurt.
they're soldiers that spend a lot of time on drill and ceremony
Mel and Ambessa
No Le Blanc, Darius, Swain, Draven
what the fuk is she doing on the list, literally died like a pussy to clash royal mage magic
Ha! Jinx was right, nothing ever stays dead.
Can Mel stay in fucking Piltover and not shit up another season
sylas not even in demacia list
l m a o
Surprisingly makes it seem like a lot of the rush job in the end is less on the writers who wrote a script that might of been long enough and more on the studio being unwilling to DO such a long single episode.
shen and zed
new homo ship just dropped
Sylas was genuinely a cancerous addition because he's a selfserving piece of shit and I fucking hate everything about him. The fucking Galio/Poppy story is more interesting. Like, I do like the anti-magic direction that they thrusted Demacia into but Sylas is just trash in every way.
Man I didn’t think Viktor of all characters would become a threat on par with fucking Aurelion Sol.
That thing on the sex scene is insane, legal stuff regarding age ratings and stuff is fucking puzzling sometimes man.
What’s his source?
There’s no way that’s true. Especially with how prevalent Leblanc was during Mel’s arc.
Wow okay REALLY no one important died.
It's super easy to bring like Jinx back and it was obvious they intend to but she died on fucking screen how are they gonna do that?
no morgana
? She's probably going to bless garen so he can spam his ult on mage scum.
Also boooooooo, best goth girl should also be included
Isn’t Arcane MA?
I’m really hoping it’s just flashbacks because Linke said that champions can be killed off.
I want to say it's after their falling out but that wouldn't make sense either because she should know that Kayle is in Demacia still while looking for her
Cait is so sexy bros...chances of finding a stacked, 6 ft, blue eyed hapa with a posh accent IRL?
to my understanding he said they can die but they also reserve the right to unkilll them at any time.
So basically yes you can die if your a champion but you aren't like dead dead.
Bullshiting harder than cardboard anon
Shen and Zed
So they going the yaoi route now
He's just some rando listing champions from those regions that he found on the wiki, this isn't official news
officially based
Makes sense since the Yuri experiment failed so hard. The only two ships that are strapped to a rocket right now are the straight and gay ships. The dyke one is on the floor and literally clinging to it's canonical status to survive.
I hope so
No leblanc no kino
Which one will be Fortiche? Because that's the only one I'll watch.
noxus of course.
Potentially all of them, didn't the Variety article say they were commissioned for 5 seasons? It wasn't 5 seasons of Arcane specifically
Mel is definitely the plug to Noxus.
There’s not way you can have a Noxus show without Swain or fucking Leblanc or Darius.
No way you can have a Demacia show without Sylas or Jarvan (and Shyvana by proxy)
No way you have an Ionia show without Yasuo or even Jhin.
fortiche is literally riot's sex sleeve
Which one will be Fortiche?
The 5 seasons thing was an in joke from the producers. Arcane was always slated for 2 seasons.
Fortiche is likely their big studio going forward.
Dude they won't wait fifteen years to have all three shows. Only one will be fortiche. The other one will probably be the live action one and the last one will be some shit like faux anime that is so popular on netflix
Rated MA15+ here in Australia, yeah.
Also they could go the prequel route if they want ambessa to return that badly. Hell have it be about swain over throwing darkwill and establishing the three seats.
No way you have an Ionia show without Yasuo or even Jhin.
It's either Yi or Yasuo. There's only room for one guilt-ridden sole remaining practitioner of a lost sword art after the destruction of their village during the Noxian Invasion.
Jhin (and Hwei) aren't particularly relevant or important to Ionia, though they are popular and relevant enough to Zed and Shen's backstory that they'd probably get featured in a single episode.
Only one will be fortiche
Absolute retard, creator literally stated they were teaming up with fortiche to bring new shows and regions. That includes all three.
live action
there is no live action
If both Shen and Zed are gonna be in the Ionia show, so will Jhin.
He’s far tok popular of a champ to leave out and is a major part of why Shen and Zed split.
Im counting on you leakers to leak development and script for future regions
live action
Just no. Riot should’ve used the remnants of Axis to create another 3D studio with the realistic style that we see with the seasonal cinematics.
Low key I wanna see this studio for the Ionia show.
Noxus is obviously Swains rise to power. Demacia will probably be a very loose adaptation of the Lux comic.
Yeah, and that's why if he features, he'll just be in a single episode or one act at most, because he's a part of their backstory but doesn't play a major part in Ionia, especially since he remains in prison for the duration of the most interesting thing that happens in Ionia, the Noxian invasion.
jinx takes her blimp across demacia, ionia, and noxus to assemble the league of legends
adaptation of the Lux comic
thats actually chad
the story is over, brother. i'd bet my left nut that if Arcane did actually get a S3 a couple years from now it'd be so bad no one could defend it.
We're going to get a season or two of shows set in other regions, which are going to be underwhelming and met with nowhere near as much critical acclaim, and then a third season of Arcane will be announced and the amount of hype for it will be fucking insane.
They'll bring back the Arcane characters in like 20 years when everyone has to band together to fight the Void.
Jinx will probably come back long before that though.
No Swain? Sounds like bullshit
Why does Noxus have to feature Swain?
Mel, Ambessa
Ambessa is fucking dead.
The other main protagonist of Noxus will be most definitely Riven while Ionia will have Yasuo and Irelia.
Because Swain is basically the main guy driving a lot of the Noxian events.
apparently, the piano enforcer might actually be jhin.
I’m frustrated because this season had the chance to reach not just superkino but ultrakino. Season 1 in a lot of ways only scratched the surface. I don’t think there needed to be a season 3 but another act would’ve helped, or even more so a longer runtime for each episode. I wouldn’t call what we got an ending, it’s more of a shelving. Leaving some things the way they did was foolish. It’s already a given that canonizing Arcane was idiotic.
Only matters if the Noxian show features those events, which it doesn't have to.
Because the ending of Arcane teased Swain as a prominent character?
How I think WW will come back.
Orianna gets kidnapped by Noxus
Singed finds WW’s body, and in desperation, revives him (remember, Orianna is revived without needing Viktor himself so she doesn’t get fucked from him dying)
Warwick is tasked to find Orianna, and in his hunt, comes across the room with the note.
he then realizes who he is
That’s off the cuff. Not great ik but I fucking hate what they did with WW in act 3
He was playing a version of awaken, that is prequal Jhin.
Warwick is confirmed alive but I wouldn’t count on seeing him until 2034
Noxus itself is driven by Swain. No Swain, No Noxus.
If the Noxus show wants to go away from Arcane, it’ll likely center around Swain’s rise to power
The biggest upset for me is Warwick but you can nitpick just about anything in season 2
considering the writer was wishy washy when asked about it (didn't deny it compared to other questions) it probably was a jhin easter egg
Episode 3
Unchanged until the final scene. When Vi and Cait are about to win the fight, Isha does something useful (not be a human shield) to turn the tide. Vi and Cait just barely escape together when the statue bomb goes off.
Episode 4
Sevika and Isha try to convince Jinx to take her place as the queen of Zaun, Caitlyn embraces her worst impulses as dictator. She pushes Vi away, accusing her of not fighting hard enough, and listens to Ambessa instead. Maybe she hits Vi with Jayce's "they're dangerous!" line from S1.
Episode 5
AU episode, unchanged
Episode 6
Pit fighter Vi intro, Caitlyn leads a raid on Zaun HQ, Jinx of injured but escapes, Isha is captured. Jinx runs into Vi in a ditch as she's escaping. They bond over what a fucking mess they each are. Caitlyn orders a public execution of the captured jinxers. Ekko, back from the AU, meets up with Jinx and Vi who are recovering and planning in Jinx's lair. Together they free the captives, during which there's a confrontation between Vi and Caitlyn. Vi points out that Caitlyn was about to murder a literal child to make an example, Cait is shook, realizes Ambessa is not her friend
Okay, I fixed act 2, now there's way more time in act 3 to tie up all the loose ends.
isha must perish, do not deny her her true purpose
Ratings and how they work vary a lot from country to country.
zoomerfaggots had muh """"""feeling""""" with dandadan, s2e07, edgerunner
man they're like broken robot
You guys put way too much faith in Riot and Fortiche.
The pianist was just an homage to that one cinematic that features Jhin, he's not actually meant to be Jhin, it's just an easter egg designed to generate engagement and create online discourse.
Just because the raven of Raum makes a few sneaky appearances that doesn't mean Swain is actually going to feature in any upcoming show, it's just an easter egg designed to generate engagement and create online discourse.
None of this shit is meaningful, it's just Arcane's creators asking "how can we maximise the cultural relevance and the amount of discourse that surrounds the product that we are creating, which will in turn draw more attention to the product and increase the likelihood that we will get paid to produce more product?"
Funny enough as weird as Robowick was he actually DID have a few more Wolf Features than VanderWick.
I think their going for a slow transformation with each regeneration.
She dies in episode 7 or 8. Ekko gets a chance to meet her and sees Jinx in a new light. Ekko is present when Isha dies but unable to save her. Their shared suffering is the timebomb clincher.
Swain wasn't mentioned in Arcane at all despite the heavy featuring of Noxus, but that didn't stop Noxians from doing all of the usual Noxian shit. They're really not that complex and don't require Swain in order to serve as evil conquering fantasy Klingons, which is their primary role in Runeterra.
Wdym bro that was Galio
I'm glad you're with me jayce
Here at the end of all things
So they really ripped off frodo and sam's relationship, down to the gay undertones
And we’ll finish watching the last episode by 2040
With 2 seasons each and 3 years per season that's 2041 at the absolute earliest, assuming they're already a year into production as they've claimed.
hm, if only there was a way to parallelize production... oh well, Riot wouldn't do that.
I mean Fortiche was the only one they invested in, and that took years.
To make a new show, they would basically have to repeat that process for every new studio.
People have a very high quality standard now thanks to Arcane so Fortiche is the only way.
Other studios won’t be able to deliver the same amount of animation quality.
Other studios won’t be able to deliver the same amount of animation quality.
Have you seen the animation made by Brunch Studio? watch the Heavy is the Crown mv
Where does Viktor fit in and why do we care if no other character is involved?