Disney's Animation Domination™ continues to serve you a piping hot fresh batch of all new episodes of your favorite shark-jumped animated sitcoms that are definitely not far past their expiration date. Really FOX (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Corporation™), come on, JUST DO IT ALREADY.




The schedule is as follows:

8:00/7:00c - The Spooksons - Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes (NEW): A tattoed man at a mysterious night circus transports Lisa into three strange stories from the innocent 1950s, the chilling retro-present, and a brutalist future where prestige TV rules the world.

8:30/7:30c - Universal Basic Bitches - Mark Men (NEW): Mark, throws his hat into the ring as an Ad Man after being shown up by a group of execs at his favorite bar. He and Hank get internships at a local company, but Mark decides to start a rival firm after Hank is promoted ahead of him. Meanwhile, Mernft Man tries to clear his debts to the Russian mob by getting Tammy to pull the plug on a mobster who's on life support.

9:00/8:00c - Bob's Boogaloo - Boogie Days (NEW): When Louise signs up for a father-daughter boogie board contest, Bob's past comes back to haunt him

9:30/8:30c - Garbageopolis - There's a new thing called a map, and all the cool cities are on it! Tyrannis and Hippocampus start a restaurant to earn Krapopolis its spot. Stupendous follows the map to face her long time foe.

As your president I would demand a science fiction library featuring an ABC of the overlords of the genre: Asimov, Bester, Clarke...

What about Ray Bradbury?

I'm familiar with his work...

Looking forward to the Treehouse of Horror episode.

The only thing I'm watching is Universal Basic Guys.

Hello everyone. We meet again.

When Louise signs up for a father-daughter boogie board contest, Bob's past comes back to haunt him

Bob's past comes back to haunt him

I can't believe Bob fucking killed that guy.

Treehouse of Horror episode

on the Sunday before Thanksgiving

Who the fuck scheduled this?

wtf is this. where is the simpsons

we already had one this year

wasnt this a treehouse of horror comic the setup

dat Milhouse voice

No wonder she retired.

remember this is the last time milhouse will be on the simpsons can he finally be a meme

Lisa got screwed at the end lol. That usually doesnt happen.

was that supposed to be a parody of something

Lisa's a communist

based. Fuck Lisa

A tattoed man at a mysterious night circus transports Lisa into three strange stories

Didn't one of the comics have this same premise?

that Li'l Hercules

Marge is canonically into muscle shotas

And break the streak of him not being a meme?

These are all Ray Bradbury stories.

Lisa gets taken away


Not a bad segment, either

They'll just get Grey DeLisle to voice him now.

man screaming like women? LOL

What's with his accent?


"call the number on the card"

the card has no number listed

Feeding the boy milk

"Milk makes me sleepy"

uh oh

Least these aren't focused on Lisa


Why were their pants so high up?

poor real chalmers.

Where can I stream this

farenheit 451 but for shitty tv

So the first segment is based on The Screaming Woman , 2nd is based on Marionettes, Inc. (I think) and 3rd is Fahrenheit 451

Don't show this to Dan Hartman

Do you mean Dan Harmon?

I'm enjoying this tweest on F451.

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Meh... not very good. Pretty bad for a Treehouse of Horror episode. The IT parody one was better.

Damn. I missed this episode. I just caught the end of the Fahrenheit 451 segment. I wish I saw the whole thing

tfw no adaptation of "The Veldt" with the Simpson family and Dr. Marvin Monroe

This was pretty fun, not sure why they wanted to include the title Treehouse of Horror, but fun to see some Bradbury inspired stuff. Wouldn't mind more that or Simpsons doing anthology stuff.

That's why this is listed under the treehouse of horror label. They wanna make absolutely sure you know Lisa losing is non canon

would be good for a sequel , they should do All Summer in a day too

so Lisa's secret kryptonite is Ska music?

ends with lisa stuck in a tattoo forever


Good ending


Fuck. My bit

Alright, Everybody Ska!!

Lisa doesn't commit suicide by pushing herself into the gears above her

Missed opportunity.

I agree. when they do stuff outside the box in these late seasons, they usually hit

Wouldn't mind more that or Simpsons doing anthology stuff.

if did it with the thanksgiving one 5 years ago, a christmas of horror will be idead (not counting the fight before christmas from season 22)

Wooo. Fuck Lisa Simpson

implying he makes prestine TV

Lol. Rick and Morty style shows are just as low-brow. They just wrap themselves in several layers of irony and pretentiousness.

Oh fuck, they made Tammy even worse.

He also made Krapopolis
unless he thinks that's highbrow

Would Lisa be Margot?

Christmas of Horror

featuring parodies of Black Christmas, Silent Night Deadly Night, and Gremlins

I'd watch it.
I wasn't implying anything, just correcting anon's typo.
Krapopolis is not highbrow. I mean, it's right there in the title.

just name it the fright before christmas.

I find it funny that Hank is doing better than Mark at the same job. It's as if Mark is copying what he thinks the job is about, but Hank is just being himself.


Lisa misses seeing the sun after being bullied

seems it would fit

We put the "ass" in assisted living

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Hey look, Amazon got those guys to make a smug highbrow ad!

That got real fast

Krapopolis is not highbrow. I mean, it's right there in the title.

thats more on you if you read into it

just glad it wasn't one of the Amazon "woo" ads

simon and garfield

Louise feet episode next

insults her hair cut

kills him


Boogie days is a play on the movie Boogie Nights.

Damn that took me way too long to get.

Don't mess with a nurse

Fuck off.

More like jack off to Louise feet.

Well, well. Look at the city slicker.

Oh no. Teddy and Linda episode? Dear god.

The five cheesey pieces burger?

my dad died at a funeral

there's two things that could mean

I'm at a loss too, is this a pun just not meant for the human tongue?

Courtney in a swimsuit

So we gonna ignore the fact that Courtney's voice actor, didn't even try in sounding feminine


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Five cheesy pizzas?

Brooke Dillman

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I mean that's kinda like the joke right?


they still make Bob's burgers episodes?

Bullying for crying at a funeral.

Blue collars are a different breed

Damn I'm as annoyed at me not bothering to look up the obvious as I am mad at Bob for not just leaning more into his obvious love of film for his restuarant.

At least it's not Betsy Sodaro.

still has the "t'too".

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She's sounded the same since 2012.

I'd honestly would prefer her over Brooke Dillman.

Too bad Louise won’t lose her bathing suit too.

Bob is traumatized about losing his bottoms. Louise usually has a one piece swimsuit, but today she has shorts on. You don't think...

Just imagine how hard her nipples must be in that cold water and all that salt water seeping into her vagina...

I'm questioning your life choices, but to each their own.

To me Brooke's delivery is just too darn homogeneous.

Bob ruined everything

Poor Louise

Louise is still wearing her one-piece, she wears shorts over them because Bob's Burgers is self-conscious about Louise's modesty.

I need something lewder, like Louise without her hat so we could see that unkempt hair.

was thinking the same thing, i hate myself

People like you are why they'll never show Louise without her hat.

That actually was kinda nice. I always love Bob/Louise stories. She’s forever better than Gene and Tina.

Courtney and her father singing about squirting.

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They can never stop my masturbation fantasies.

That would only be used as a setup to cause one of those social dystopias like Logan's Run or "Up/downvotes run the world."
Maybe they should do a upvotes control the world, anyway. Bart runs the scam of having Lisa do tricks and things for social media views, repeatedly humiliating her for most of the episode. Drop her in slime vats or something. Yeardly Smith could just record eeks and groans for 5 minutes and have it spaced out over an episode. Maybe a few sentences about how pleasing other people isn't something to control your life, and back to Lisa being pied in the face all day.

Written by Hilary Winston

She’s one of the best back on Community. Maybe there’s hope for this episode and this show?

That reminds about the oil spill song that's really about the singer's vagina.

oh it's hot and wrt and slick/and it's making everybody sick.

OI-L spilll~

Mega for Bobs Burgers episode?

Louise's hair would be smoothed to a perfectly polished dome from all the years of wearing the ears. If she's lucky, her hair wouldn't have a bald spot from the hat, or permanently wearing the hat because a school bully held her down and electric-razered the penis scribble into the hair on the back of her head.

Last Sunday before Thanksgiving

no Thanksgiving episode of Bob's Burgers

Well now someone needs to draw Louise losing her swimsuit from boogie boarding

Those got really shitty so good riddance.

Oh boy, more crappy Disney / Marvel slop to make plastic figures of that nobody will buy!

And that's a good thing.

It's hard to top the one where he tried to cook in a dirty alley

Suddenly, Michael Dorn


Now that you mention it, I dont think we got a Halloween episode this season either.

They've probably done everything they could think of now.


The Trilogysons: 7/10
Basic Men: 7/10
Waldo's Waves: 7/10
krap: 0/10

NEWS: Thanksgiving and Black Friday planning

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Only thing to do now is age the kids up.

and saturday

IT'S THE 9TH ANNUAL Dallas Mower Expo! Be therrrrrrreeerrrrrreeeerrrrrree!

as the BIGGEST names in Hedgers and clippers and hedgers and clippers and hedgers and clippers,


Clean technology








Universal Basic Guys


Bob's Burgers





Sports shit.
Charity drive for winter coats
Fight breaks out at a holiday gathering.

Bradbury Simpsons 8/10
Basic Ads 7/10
Surfin' Bob 7/10

news: Packers won

The Bradburysons - 8/10
Useless Boring Guys - 3/10
Bob's Boogie Boards - 7/10
Krapomaps - 3/10
- Before your holiday travel, we lead off with the weather
- Airport travel forecast
- Beware of holiday scams


1st Segment being about the boy who cried wolf was interesting and shows how utterly irresponsible people were back then. But we just won a war so we were really riding that high. 6/10
2nd Segment with Robot duplicates gaining sentience is a tale as old as time and the "No I'm the real one, shoot the other" ending plot is usually played out, but it had a nice ending overall. 4/10
3rd segment Being a bleak future of no low brow comedy is a horrifying thought, to think that we could come so close to a reality, I guess it's a good thing our society is the anti-thesis to such an idea and that's a good thing, right? 9/10

Overall episode 8/10

Universal Basic Guys.

Once again Hank proves to be the golden child of two brothers while Mark nearly succeeds ultimately fails to his own hubris and love for his brother. Tammy's haircut was fine, bangs needed work though. 6/10

Bob's Burgers

Bob teaming up with Louise episodes are fun and this one with Louise becoming self-aware of her own mortality is a good lesson for her as character but also learning to overcome that fear. Linda doing something nice for Teddy was good too, even if it was more for her than it was for him. 7/10


Maps are the new invention and the proxy effect is Ty creating a restaurant and Hippo becoming chef and understanding the inevitable pain that comes with it. It's nice to know they can branch out into fun gimmick ideas that still pay off in their own weird way even if it was for their own egos. 6/10

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