What was the purpose of this
What was the purpose of this
Movie synergy.
hey, [thing] was popular
how about we just do [thing] again
modern media
I have no evidence for this but I think that this event combined with multiple other times carol is a complete psycho was originally building up to an arc where carol straight up turns into a villain.
The were planning this arc long term
Mandated to make civil war 2 by execs for synergy with cap movie coming out
Move up everything
Synergy again fucks over everyone and carol can't be evil due to infinity war calling for her plus her in dev movie coming out
But why did they replace captain america for ms marvel
Because it’s a sequel and they want to bank off a movie WTF don’t you see
captain marvel movie was in dev
The Captain Marvel movie was in development since 2016. Waa she acting psycho before or after this event?
The movie version came out that year, gotta cash in.
Civil War was one of the biggest-selling Marvel events of all time
It's the tenth anniversary of Civil War
There's an MCU Civil War movie the same year
Let's do a comic sequel to Civil War, it'll make lots of money
Pick two Avengers to lead the rival factions, and pick something that's in the news to be the issue they're fighting over
Also we're building Carol up in advance of her debut in the MCU, so have her lead one of the factions and make her look strong
Also the Civil War trailer makes it look like War Machine is gonna die, better kill him for synergy.
Maybe we can kill She-Hulk, too. There's no chance that would leak out and we'd have to back out of it.
There's a greater than zero chance they'll be doing Civil War 3 in 2026.
I have no evidence for this but I think that this event combined with multiple other times carol is a complete psycho was originally building up to an arc where carol straight up turns into a villain.
Sorry, anon, but it's just one more example of Marvel writers having a protagonist do things a villain would do, "but it's OK because they're the hero, they're the main character". You think it's going to be a build to a full heel turn but it's just writer being too tone-deaf to see how his story is going to read. Many, many such cases.
Reminder that the actual ending of Civil War 2 is Carol sort-of killing Tony and then somehow becoming more popular in-universe than she'd ever been before.
Cause Captain Marvel was going to have a movie out in 2019
Trying to relive the glory of one of their most popular events
Movie synergy ( )
attempt to be timely and insightful by attempting to make the pre-crime plot gimmick into social commentary about profiling and racism
Hype up Carol some more because they really wanted her to be their top character
Hype up Ms Marvel and the babby squad heroes because they were ramping up their push with all those awful characters
Set up Doom as the new Iron Man --- No wait, skip Doom, the head office wants a black female Iron Man now.
Set up Riri Williams instead
Also the Civil War trailer makes it look like War Machine is gonna die, better kill him for synergy.
that was so unprofessional
There's a greater than zero chance they'll be doing Civil War 3 in 2026.
The problem is, would anyone care? Marvel showed that it was out of gas even back then by reiterating the same events
Because Bendis had to do some more character assassination when he could
And she didn't need to fall on her face and delete her memories afterwards.
Signal to non-casuals that Marvel was beyond saving
The problem is, would anyone care?
Choose two popular and high-profile Avengers to lead the rival factions
Choose a "ripped from the headlines" subject for them to fight over, the more divisive and controversial the better
Encourage fandom to choose sides and fight each other to increase their investment in the story
Choose a high-profile hero to kill or a dead hero to bring back during the event
Have the "wrong" side win and not the one the majority of readers supported, but present it like they were in the right all along
It'll be diminishing returns when compared with Civil War 1, maybe even when compared with Civil War 2, but it would probably still be one of the biggest selling books of 2026, and you're kidding yourself if you think it wouldn't be.
But what if they stick on other gimmicks at once, so Captain America is actually Batroc the Leaper filling in for him after getting American dual citizenship and the other one is said to have been a sleeper agent for Mephisto since before the first appearance (and wins by publicly killing the opposition)?
last issue has the event character go poochie and spends several pages advertising future events
Some of the worst events at least feels like the writer is wanting to tell a story. Bendis didn't give a fuck and was doing what the editors told him what they wanted.
Oh, Carol Danvers was always a psycho. But before they made her Captain Marvel, it used to be considered endearing because it was treated as a character flaw and one of the big reasons she was stuck as a C-lister instead of A-tier hero. Like the time where she outright pounded Julia Carpenter into the dirt in front of her kid before sending her to a gulag for the crime of trying to run off to Canada during the first Civil War, and later was read the riot act for it.
The big difference is that in Civil War II, when she goes full control freak bitch, we're expected to applaud Carol Danvers for doing the hard but necessary thing, even after she outright illegally detains someone for a crime they legitimately couldn't have committed and gets several people murdered based on predictions that were only ever theoretical instead of factual. And then nod in agreement with Not-Donald Trump for giving her the US budget to create not only three freaking superhero teams (with her in charge of all of them) but an entire defense network centered around herself.
Shit's fucking nuts when you think about it.
The early 2000's really fucked over some characters and really helped others didn't it
You can thank the likes of Bendis for shit like that
I know but Millar also had a hand in that to
based on predictions that were only ever theoretical instead of factual
The worst part is that they flip-flop being Precog Inhuman's visions being
100% able to be changed by having people take action preemptively to stop the prediction from coming true
inherent predestination paradox, where trying to stop the prediction makes it come true, because it was always going to happen
totally vague and unclear where someone might do something to someone else, but the exact circumstances and conditions of that event are unknown
completely made up vague guesses based on surface level information akin to crime statistics and criminal profiling
oh wait, no, it's back to being infallible omniscient precognition again, but now Carol feels bad about it because being right all the time is hard :(
It's almost like they didn't know she was going to be the female face of marvel at the time with how shitty they wrote her.
To be fair, most characters are written to be shitty.
they shoulda just killed Ulysses the cunt
He was always going to vanish sooner or later, but the whole thing was executed so poorly and made no fucking sense in the worst kind of way that just made it aggressively clear that the whole thing was just a plot device to give Carol and Tony a flimsy excuse to play at doing another Civil War. Which is exactly what it was.
It's not even like they really solved the problem or came to a clear answer about which was right or wrong either. If someone can infallibly predict the future and you can act on that to save lives, why wouldn't you? The first fucking example involves them assembling a giant team to fight off a bunch of fucking Celestials who were going to destroy Earth. And then the big schism event is "we have to arrest this hero because the future vision guy says she's going to kill someone for some reason" and it's just so fucking stupid.
Why didn't Ulysses predict the Thanos confrontation going badly?
Why didn't he predict that Carol would kill Tony, but also that she wasn't going to kill Tony because he was actually going to be in a nanomachine coma?
it's just an event. Carol wants to use an inhuman to prevent crime and Tony doesn't like this for some reason.
Reminder that Carol was 100% right in this event
No one cares, shill
Nice bait mate.
Impossible for her to be right when the thing she was relying on was inconsistent and unreliable.
Except it wasn't, it was 100% correct.
Except all the times it wasn't.
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we need a third one, Captain vs Captain, America vs Marvel
and Captain America is in the wrong while Carol is in the right but the writers have Cap win and meant for him to be in the right
you definitely need to go arrest this hero because she's going to randomly murder this girl for no reason!
actually it turns out the girl was begging the hero to mercy kill her because of some super power bullshit that put a ton of people in danger and that was not part of the vision for no particular reason
also by trying to accuse the hero of pre-crime, she ran away and ended up at the exact place she needed to be so she'd have to mercy kill that person, which was also left out of the prediction
also we forgot to establish that Ulysses was not actually seeing the future, but just sorta reading all the cosmic data around him and making vague predictions, and those predictions were of varying percentages of accuracy that was not 100% accurate anyways
Then it would be completely balanced. The question is what kind of stupid thing to fight over.
it's been 8 years since 2016
To think Marvel died 8 years ago