Thoughts on this?
World Naked Bike Tour
My thoughts? I think OP is trying to start a thread where all he's interested in is jerking off. Which is pretty gay if you ask me.
based animator
The animation is good
That was adorable
I've met my share of nudists, keeping tabs on that section of the population is a hobby of mine. They do tend to look out for one another like that, because they know other people kinda hate them for it.
Maybe not everyone can handle nudity specifically, I don't expect it to ever be widely accepted or anything, but I wish we did look out for each other more often that way.
WNBR's whole existence was about making roads safe for non-drivers by juxtaposing the vulnerability. I've heard there's a few places where it's starting to falter though, Wisconsin trying to pass more anti-nudity bills for that specific purpose despite it being a thing there for basically two decades without incident, seemingly for sudden reactionary political clout. But hey, if it gets them reelected, they'll do it. It's a real shame.
Finally, this got uploaded somewhere. I've been looking for it for ages.
think it’s gonna be a fig leaf censored thing
immediately shits on this idea the very next moment
Based comedy, actually cute short, and damn decent animation, like for real who made this?
Eh a bit preachy but good animation, character designs are fun and had some classic slap stick. I’d give it like a 6 outta 10.
No full frontal nudity
This is so cute. Very well done and silly, and it makes me want it to be summer again so I can return to my favorite nudist beach.
Nudists tend to be such chill, friendly people. I really like how well this short captures their general vibe and ideals. I'm jealous of countries where things such as communal bathing is a norm because they tend to be less weird and cagey about the idea of nudity, which I think is better for the soul. Makes you less horny about everything, and able to consider the context when seeing someone naked.
Best vimeo downloader? No reason.
4k Video Downloader does the job
The elephant legs killed it for me or else I'd cum buckets for her.
Ah, the French-Canadians
She's so cute bros.
t. Pedophiles who want naked children in public
you just want to see children naked (a topic I brought up unprovoked)
Ultra-diverse cast except the antagonist who is a short, angry white man
How innovative
The elephant legs killed it for me or else I'd cum buckets for her.
that's what makes it hot though
Wouldn't most prudes just not care about protesting because they know they can't win on the West Coast? (unless they're bolstered by Trump's victory)
...William Bradford...
Is so cute, loved the slapstick. Maybe I'm just imagine stuff but feels like something out of the 2015's.
Also I have a MIGHTY NEED!!!!!!!! For a fat gf
I just came buckets to the fat bitch
did you not even click the link?
The number of times I wanted to try going nudest only to quickly realize I hate being in public already. So doing it naked is doubly impossible.
If God is good and just we'll see a ton of art of the green-haired fat girl.
I only skimmed through the first third when I wrote this
The real shame is that this short isn't getting more attention.
This was made by a really angry leftard who spends way too much time on TikTok and Instagram.
You mean like most internet animation?
Stupid Sexy Cute Asian Shortstack with a huge dong
Imagine being pro degeneracy and pro Muslim at the same time.
It was shit
"Teapot" for guys, "Shortstack" for dolls.
Hag lovers winning
I mean that's a typical leftist, right? They're useful idiots.
Good animations, the message was a bit weird.
Am I wrong or some of the banners read "Kid's Market" or something?
Why is a naked bike tour passing by anything with the word "Kids" in it?
Post nut clarity les goooooooo
I want what they have.
The most radicalized bible people seek martyrdom and victimhood. It's been the mo since forever, going to stir shit in the "enemy" turfs just to create conflict so you can feel oppressed while being part of the largest and most widespread religion on the planet.
Damn, you must really hate Jesus then.
You cannot even begin to fathom my unbound furious rage.
If I was in a same room with Jesus I'd sneak a "kick me" piece of paper on his back and have giggle about it. WITHOUT repenting it afterwards.
2000 year old religion makes anon triggered
Imagine being such a faggot