Is it pretty much going to have to be either made for youtube or netflix?
The future of animation
HBO has some kino.
So does Amazon.
From the trends going on, yeah. Can't argue against that with how most animation for 2D has been in decline for mainstream stuff or has no advertising so it bombs on purpose
I should have clarified Streaming as the alternative
I think it'll get bleaker. Animation will die. Movies will die. Comic books will die. Sitcoms will die. All sectioned off to Indie. If you haven't noticed, all of the effort in Hollywood has been going towards making TV Drama series, like it's the final form of entertainment.
youtube probably but why netflix?
Apple might get there too.
Those only make adult animation
no advertising so it bombs on purpose
This is why animation will suffer more under Netflix.
You can see the downside already. This movie should've had "Elf" levels of success by now but is instead virtually forgotten
The dudes who shilled the "Netflix model" as the savior of animation have a lot to answer for.
Movies won't die as long as the big studios can occasionally shit out and promote something with such broad appeal that they make a billion dollars, they can just write off and split off and otherwise account their way out of the debt all their failures incur.
They will continue to shrink, though.
The best thing we can hope for is that a decent amount of indie studios are funded by rich patrons or merchandising.
And where would these indie studios exhibit their movies? More people should be encouraging the construction of indie theaters.
where would these indie studios exhibit their movies?
Future of animation and really entertainment media more broadly is aiming to a state where there's indie productions bumping up against each other as freelancers becase the potential advantages to be had from attaching to a giant studio or a specific publisher are made ever more negligible.
Artistry gets faster cheaper and easier to make look good and public domain is getting bigger every year. Basically it's only 'ups' on paper but it's being spread out like into niche domain like so little butter over to much bread or however it is that quote is phrased. I can assure you that furries as a prime example are squirting good from any check at their site's front page for animations.
Costs to entry are going down, 'teeth to tail' rates are slimming, there is more and better ability for people to network outside of the giant studios (guilds) and just coordinate their projects from home which includes spontaniously/getting paid to be helping each other for large projects. Indie i think is going to be a term that starts to fall away as stuff keeps becoming fluid. Teams bloat or shrink as demand demands
Lots of spontaneous get together productions ala " 'X thing' reanimated" or collective worldbuilding exercises like SCP or Touhou. Other models would be more tight knit systems where a central team stays an arms length away from community/fandom and picks and chooses things to showcase or integrate ala Helldivers. What we call Fandoms now can and will be able to create products that match and exceed the original jumping off. Take epic the musical. It's creator is poaching off artists who compete to get their animations into 'officially recognized' territory,
Remember, Internet as a media space is still very young. 90+% of Pic related 'is' hot garbage but we're a *long*, *LONG* ways past when the bestshit on offer was Narwhal songs & Mario bros Z.
Youtube and streaming.
See above
Hate it all you want but it's currently the most accessible service out there, you can basically upload your movie at no extra cost, no distributors, no nothing.
I don't care about how people view animation so much as the content within. If it's going to be politically correct shit like Female Protagonists and other such garbage then may the entire entertainment industry collapse and die.
You should care because once you accept shit like , that's the kind of cheap, unsustainable, algorithm-approved, money-goes-to-the-executive's-pocket trash you'll get.
Breaking Bad is a horrible show. I don't understand how people could tolerate this show. Walt did not owe his frankly shitty family anything. Even if the story was about a normal healthy man Walt doesn't owe anything to a shitty brain damaged son who still takes cheap shots to insult him even when his father defends him from being mocked by bullies and Walt's wife? She's a dismissive bitch who forgets her husband even exists in the middle of she giving him a handjob. Holy fuck I hated that cunt. The only time Walt's wife acknowledged Walt was to exercise her control over him. I really felt like
Walt should have abandoned his family. He was a good man and how was his goodness rewarded? A shitty wife, a trash disabled son who doesn't respect him, extremely annoying shitty inlaws who look down on him and insult him across the decades which DOES burn your soul, and a lousy living working two jobs leaving him exhausted. That's not even mentioning his treasonous peers who betrayed him long before Walt became a criminal. When Walt got the news that he had full blown terminal cancer he should have simply done everything he could to enjoy what little life he had left strictly for himself because reality only tortured him from his youth to his middle life.
muh algorithms
That's why you advertise.
They won't all die but they will be in big, big, BIG trouble before they ever admit they're doing anything wrong and try to change tactics. Some won't make it because they'll change too late.
Does it matter? None of us here works for these entertainment companies. I frankly don't give a damn how these companies waste millions making failure ideas. If anything I encourage for them to fail as much and lose as much money as possible. If these companies end up bankrupt? Good they can be replaced by competent companies. We shouldn't care about what happens to these corporations lord knows none of them care for their customers which is why they are trying to kill physical media.
Yeah! He should have just taken the money from Gretchen and Elliot in Season 1 Episode 5, and the story should have ended there, but it didn't because Breaking Bad isn't an infuriating mobile game ad, it's a story about a flawed character chasing pride, power, and accomplishment to escape the humiliation of his everyday life after finally coming to the realization that he is going to die, and stories without flawed characters go on Nick Jr.
So either it will get cancelled after 1 season and the creators will get screwed on backend payments, or we'll get like 1 episode a year and creators will have to do it on the side of like 2-3 other jobs.
Fucking bleak. This timeline sucks.
Advertising is controlled by corporations that run on algorithms AND run the streaming sites
Indie zoomers don't realized how cooked they are
This movie is fucking amazing and I watch it every year.
I just wish we could get an alternate cut of the film where they replace that fucking awful pop song during the montage sequence and replace it with more traditional scoring. It's SUCH a fucking ear sore and completely dates what would otherwise be a timeless classic film.
Good they can be replaced by competent companies
They'll be replaced by some Asian entity with worse records. Get real
Autistic ears typed this
Only a handful of animated shows get more than two or three actual seasons on NetFlix, not of that two seasons broken up into five seasons a few months apart.
Big Mouth is their longest running animated show.
I can see it. Tracker, Elsbeth, Matlock, and even The Equalizer get praise. That's not including all the CSI, firefighter, and police shows.
why hasnt anyone created a jewtube clone yet?
There are at least 3 different Youtube alternatives that are relevant, animators just don't use any of them.
Just wait until AI makes things even fucking worse. I have a feeling all the ai bros who think it's going to "fix the industry" are going to be deafeningly quiet then, too.
Netflix did what tech bro companies always do - they move into a market, run at a loss while they completely devalue the product that they're selling. People jump on the platform because they offer an impossible deal while they gut the rest of the industry. Once Everyone has adapted, they raise their prices, make the service worse, further devalue the product they're selling until it's a smoldering pile of shit, then they leave and move onto something else while the public is left with a shittier version of something they had before that they end up paying more for in the long run. They can't get the better quality/cost version they had before because it no longer exists.
Amazon did it with books (and goods in general), Uber did it with cabs, and Netflix is doing it with film/tv. Frighteningly, I've started seeing an app-based ambulance service popping up in my area.
construction of indie theater
Even in major cities, indie movie theaters are struggling. If you're a film geek, you can see some REALLY cool shit there that you will never see anywhere else, but the films tend to appeal to a much smaller "artsy" demographic and even if the film had potential for mass appeal, advertising budgets are virtually non-existent so most people have no idea that those films even exist.
Online services like youtube seem to be the most obvious choice, but that means that creators won't make any money from the film itself since youtube pays absolute dogshit. People have been squeaking by for now through a combination of crowdfund campaigns, patreon, and merch sales, but that alone is not sustainable in the long term. Creators will either need to find better revenue streams or the public will need to suddenly become MUCH more generous for that system to work out.
you can basically upload your movie at no extra cost, no distributors, no nothing
yeah, but you can't effectively monetize it. Youtube favors single creators so if you're a hot chick and you eat noodles on camera and whisper or some shit, you can make some reasonable cash if you grow your channel properly, but that tidy sum for one person will be absolute dogshit for a whole crew.
The people that do the best on Youtube are either single creators, or creators with a small team, but they're putting out "content" at least once a day if not more. If you're doing actual creative work like film or animation, that rate of production is not feasible, let alone the fact that you'll need a larger crew.
you don't have to be autistic to fucking hate that pop song. Even the creators hated it (it was mandated by execs who wanted to attempt to have their own "Let It Go".)
that are relevant
Honestly, there's no effective way to monetize views: TV is dead, YouTube pays like shit, and no money from Netflix views goes to the creators. That said, plushies might be the key.