Why are men so muscular in comics? Its a bit unrealistic dont you think?

Why are men so muscular in comics? Its a bit unrealistic dont you think?

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It’s normal

Muscular men are inspiring. You look at a man who as spent hours working to turn his body into a finely crafted temple and instead of feeling anger and evny like women do we appreciate it we want to join them and look like that as well.

Because ur a fag

Like everything in cape comics, it's a male adolescent fantasy. Boys dream to be huge and muscular. Boys don't read comics anymore but capeshit is stuck on repeating the same shit ad nauseum but with trannies

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Sexual objectification and the female gaze.

Is that Shaggy? I guess the Scooby Snacks must've been packed with protein.

Same reason why women in comics have big tits. Because it's hot.

Boys dream to be huge and muscular

Maybe in the 80's. I always wanted to be like a shadowy ranger dude

No one commenting on the source.

Because cropped porn with no context is so common here, nobody cares.

anon is this porn

No its a leaked final fantasy 9 remake comic.

If it is okay for muscular men to exist then it is okay for sexy big tiddie women to.

It is only fair.

Sex sells. Big muscles and big boobs for females are seen as conventionally attractive.

Fit physique also implies strength and agility, which is important for people who are mainly seen punching someone else.

this is not to say leaner, less muscular builds aren't strong, they can be. Look at old soldier photos where everyone is actually pretty lean but fit looking. It's aesthetic.

Many Anon Babble characters are also based on circus strongmen hence they also have muscular physiques

This line of thinking is present across Comics, Manga, Manhwa, etc. In fact it's pretty much been present since ancient times

But wut about muh..muh twinks?

Also been present at times, especially recently. Boy face, thin waist, nice chest have been present for a long time as well.

Are these threads bait or something? These questions are incredibly easy to answer, pretty much no matter where you're from, literally look at a beauty ad, a tv, a textbook, a magazine, the internet etc. Unless OP lives in some backwater place without access to those things, then i guess for something deeper i'd start reading some source on google.



Easier to draw. Nearly every stylistic quirk of comics is done to help meet deadlines.

Anyone who says anything else is overthinking it.

You got a bleeding cunt between your legs op?
Only women see fictional characters who are more attractive than them, think like that. That and trannies

women aren't even that attracted to big muscles it's mostly gay men.

speak for yourself

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If you give me more adventure time or steven universe I'm going to murder every fucking fat & skinny ass effeminate "man" in a 20 mile radius. Do not make me do it.
I'd either have MEN or NOTHING. Not that disgusting excuse of a man.
Same with cartoons, same with women.

Because sex sells, duh

Now post beefy men

You’re right. Men in comics should be cartoony and unrealistic to appeal to me, personally

You don't have any balls or you'd have done it already, so put up and be a pig-snuffed blurb on the afternoon news or shut the fuck up

most are super human

Some are, plus it's been established since ancient times that it seems masculine or some shit, just that sort of thing. And a lot of comics recently i think have been going for twinky but fit pretty boy looks at times, at least DC wise, there's also the strongman thing and the idea that it was easier to draw them that way.

This. There are many things about myself that I can't control. Muscles are a thing I am able to control. I may never have a handsome face, but at least I could have a decent body.

dyel cope
maybe not the case for hulking mr. olympia roidmonkeys (even thought there are some women into that) but they absolutely prefer men with muscular physiques
when a woman says she isn't into guys with giant muscles it just means they prefer pic related

this desu
and men who turn into gross roid monsters aren't doing it for women, they're doing it for male approval (yes even the straight men), as the male equivalent to a woman wanting to impress her female friends and random women by dressing up like a massive slut to go out

Someone needs to doing something about the sexual objectification of men by women.


Men are too big desperate whores to do something like that
They get jealous of 14 year olds getting raped by their teachers

full image?

I would get banned. its a ff9 comic with massive spoilers.



So what is the purpose of this thread

Because it's cool. Whenever I see handsome, muscular dudes, it drives me to become muscular myself.

Because it's hot.