Say what you will about this show but this is the best version of her by far
big titties
Not muh Lois
Any female character who looks like a boy is shit and you are a homo. Die of AIDS.
off model
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.
Man hair
man lips
Her first treatment was fake and the restraint was lame
off model
You must be blind. That's 100% from the show.
No it isn't you fucking casual
Not nearly enough wacky sci-fi schemes to convince Superman to marry her for my taste.
These Big Boobs artists are so plebeian. They're like monkeys which are bound to go for the excess. They lack the vision to appreciate a modest girl, and the beauty in different body types and so forth, it's so tiring. You never see the opposite, an artist drawing a character who has canonically big boobs as a flattie (outside of comedic reasons). It's always increase and increase and increase and all these characters need the same exact slampig body, such a philistine approach to erotic art. The boobs are always absurd and round. The butts are always huge and droppy. Tasteless.
Everything about this show is awful including brown tomboy Lois.
No. Now shut up.
Based and true.
I wholeheartedly agree, but I will say, Korean Lois is very good.
I can't wait for more effeminate superman. Also gays can't really be villians because they're too heckin valid.
Also gays can't really be villians because they're too heckin valid.
So your not a villain anon?
Obviously not, idiot.
I'm a big fan of Lois and Clark Lois. Not a cartoon, but I don't care. I loved their hijinks.
Ah so you're gay.
She's not a bad character design but Lois is such a classic traditional character. It wasn't necessary to remake her. Tomboy Lois is cute but shes a red herring. to distract you from the fact that they turned Superman into a lame beefcake.
Shut the fuck up you faggots
I love how quickly and thoroughly Anon Babble turns on every cartoon after it's ended.
try not to crush her pelvis, Kal
Post Superman's REAL wife.
Why did Anon Babble try to call for war against this cartoon again? 'Cause Superman can't have anime references or some shit? Those of you pretending this take on the franchise is anything less than delightful are incapable of ever enjoying things it seems
wow what cutaway was this
They should switch so Lois has the super outfit and Clark is wearing the bra.
Also gays can't really be villians because they're too heckin valid.
explain mxyzptlk then
it’s legal
"Kal-El, why have you not filled that human female's womb with a new generation of Kryptonian soldiers yet?"
But she is a slut
They should embrace all the madness of the Silver Age.
Luz finally got a boyfriend?
Shame on him being lazy
she's asian, not latina
Timm female template #8
I think anon said that because of the similar designs, not their ethnicities
It’s wild they color her brown and then call her Korean. Everyone who isn’t white is brown in the mind of a “progressive”. Koreans are arguably the whitest of all Asian countries.
She's too pukey.
Why does she behaves like Saber?
Koreans are arguably the whitest of all Asian countries.
Is that before or after the jaw bone is cut off?
Its wild that they didn't make Sam Lane white. Him being military makes a perfect excuse to not race swap him, have a white evil character and not tip the hand too quickly that the vaguely brown Asian characters are related "twist".