She's a big girl

For being such an obscure character she has a disproportionate sum of WG art. There’s a couple DC girls in that category

The motif animal helps.

One of her features, in a couple of her brief appearances, was having a huge appetite and needing to constantly eat.



For (You)

I love her.

I will learn to draw better so I can do her justice one day.

Keep in mind the gnarled death grip she has on the arms of her wheel chair are not because she is evil or because of the spinal injury, it's because she is in STEM while also being in Gotham.

Would you make her the happiest cetacean in the multiverse, Anon Babble?

You bet I will, or my name ain't Waylon Jones!

I'd say Grace could slot in perfectly to Spider-man, but her origin is essentially the same as Doc Connors and The Lizard... but I still say go for it anyways. Grace could be a love interest, someone Peter can talk nerd shit with. And when she goes full Orca, her being bigger and stronger than Spidey becomes hot as hell.

I always loved both the Lizard and Orca, but I'd say that Grace is a more interesting character since she actually has to live with the consequences of her misguided actions. The Lizard frustrates me because the 'rules' regarding the conflict between his two halves change on the whim of the writer, and it's rarely consistent.

I do like Orca as a more grey character that teams with street-level vigilantes, her runs with Nightwing, the Monster Squad (or whatever they were called), and King Shark when he was part of that tournament were fun, and she teamed up with Orphan in one short story.I hate when she's just used as a joke or a heavy for another random villain.

The Lizard frustrates me because the 'rules' regarding the conflict between his two halves change on the whim of the writer, and it's rarely consistent.

It was initially some Jekyll and Hyde archetype, but Connors wanting to restore a single arm never really made sense for him to have some out of control monstrous side to punish him for his hubris. Grace being crippled and initially only whale'ing herself as a temporary measure for some morally gray vigilante business is more sympathetic and her being crippled when not transformed gives her more of a guilt/shame angle to abusing the genemods to feel powerful and able again.

For you.

I love her.

We all do.
You can do it, anon! I believe in you!

I hate when she's just used as a joke or a heavy for another random villain.

Orca seriously needs more respect. It's unfortunate that some writers just don't care about her.


She apologizes on the very next page, because they're supposedly friends, but that writer can go fuck themselves. No one says heinous shit like that without there being a kernel of truth in there. She thinks Grace is a retarded monster and blurted it out because she didn't like being told she's a retarded cunt, which she is.

morally gray vigilante business

The woman she was going up against may have been a total shitbag, but Grace's conflict with her was always centered around her opposing personal, and financial, interests. She was a morally grey petty criminal, not a vigilante.

Has anyone pointed out that Defacer is nothing more than a jumped-up graffiti artist and that for all her whining and bitching she's about as effective or helpful as a putting a photo filter on your facebook profile?

Yay new orca thread

That is promptly dying.

Is this chick supposed to be a teenager?
Cause, holy shit, is that the most edgy teenage angst shit I have read in a while.

She gives great hugs.

need more chubby orca

How buff should she be, Anon Babble?