Back to make more irrelevant shows that quickly turn into fertilizer- and not even for further cartoons, hehe
why does this board hate animators wanting a fair rub so much?
oh boy
cant wait for more cartoons where its the creator working through their trauma
instead of going to a therapist like a normal person
There’s no reciprocation or sense of obligation to not make shows nobody will like, intentionally
the Consultation provision is most likely execs larping and paying them to replace artists with AI anyway.
So…we’re going to get even shittier employees, shittier animations, and shittier stories like Steven Universe?
Steven Universe would be good if every loudmouth fan who tries to politicize it is gagged throughout the entire run
A lofty goal but I think it’s possible
We really really really really hate artists.
Fuckers don't even deserve basic rights.
why do people hate a parasitic corporation claiming it supports the working class
Gee. I dunno.
I'm not gonna watch more beanmouth cartoons anon
This board is full of unemployables, simply.
why do these contracts always last for like 3 years. i don't understand why the fuck they basically are asking for another strike in 3 years thats not a lot of time.
Tbh i’m not unemployable enough by the animation industry. Please tell your coworkers and friends to absolutely negate. Any interest in me working with them. I don’t care how desirable I am
because animators haven't doing a fair rub job while being douchebags to other people
it's a bad deal.
just hire more japonese people, or just buy the shows that they already made
Nothing like tripfaggotry or namefaggotry to spot an unemployable.
Thanks! Tell em all that!
That's good. That makes sense.
Most people don't realize that the 2A isn't just about making your government fear you, it's about your employers fearing you too. People understand concept of "cut throat businessmen in a dog eat dog world" but when it comes time to really be critical of what they do and trying to get protections against them, government action to keep them in check is socialist, so you need union negotiations and, historically, violence.
It's indicative of collapsing industries, massive near-riots to justify and reinforce DEI policies
Next time something like this happens these "artists" will attempt to physically attack an American studio
strikes happen because of AI
Anon Babble retards insist strikes are about DEI
You are the ROI on DEI.
real animation fans
AI is the crutch, not the main motive
It's the tactical strawman of their discourse
How so? AI threatens to replace them.
This conversation happened before and I think all we could find was that some lefty was upset that they couldn't make diversity part of the union settlement. It means that DEI has nothing to do with this and you're basically retarded.
you WILL watch the violently shaking cow picture on the AI farm to the tune of Old MacDonald
hates noodle limbs bean mouth
posts noodle limbs bean mouth
What's great about the Japanese animation industry is that even though they are worked hard and paid less, housing, health care, transportation, and food are much cheaper in Japan than in the US so you can actually work more for less and still be more comfortable.
Account doesn't exist
Why do you lie?
so in 3 years will i have to tell them to "uhm just get a student loan to go into STEM bro" when the computers take their job
will they be FUN bags
This account doesn't exist either. Are you just making up stuff to go after a guy you don't like?
What animation? They just make storyboards and the animating is done by sweatshop labor.
Got eem
and then they look for a job at Walmart and see the self checkout kiosks and are like "NOT AGAIN!"
implying you have money for groceries or anything at all
I'd tell you to get a real job but you're unemployable.
Thats all you can say?
This is collective punishment on all animation for making THIS episode of Adventure Time.
Because the "learn to draw" and "learn to code" people need to be humbled. And realize they are just as expandable as Jose working an $8 an hour job at Home Depot
I don't hate animators, I just don't like the gaslighting people here spout about animators being against the "woke" stuff and all that stuff being mandated by the studios.
It's clearly bullshit when you look at what animators make when outside of the studio system.
Chuds just want everyone to be miserable
AIbros....not like this. We were supposed to be the future. We were finally allowed to create our ideas while not being gatekept. Why do artists hate creativity so much?
i know you dont understand how grocery shopping works given that you are on strike demanding 400,000 dollars a year to draw 10 pictures of a crying brown child experiencing generational trauma because someone said her fermented pigs asshole stew stunk up the microwave and all your meals are provided to you by a small man you contact on an app to pick something up and drive it across your walkable city. learn to code.
Being an animation fan isn't a job
Please stop treating it as such.
So that's all you see Hispanics as?
And I thought you guys were supposed to be inclusive.
Aww aren't you naive.
But in all seriousness, artists are indeed expendable.
So there's never going to be any AI?
Oh no. There's still going to be AI, but some of our board members will get a consultation fee and put on some activism theater so you think they're actually protecting jobs for everyone else in the guild when they aren't :)
As a Hispanic, based for being honest.
And yes they quite are expendable. That's what they don't understand.
Oh please I know more about animation than you ever will
And? What are you going to do with this information as an insufferable NEET?
birchy if you are a latinx why don't you want to watch cartoons about a brown girl saying buenos dias i love tacxs and burritxs? what the heck dude...
Talk about it at your funeral.
I'm not exactly a latinx (Fuck that word) but I'm Hispanic Creole. My family immigrated here from Venezuela in the 1910s. But basically I am I guess.
When your housing, health care, transportation, and food are much cheaper it's easier to work for less. When you work for less, you can be given more time and resources to make better quality products. No one's profit is going to be cut into to give you time and sources, so if the cost of living is cheaper, companies can offset that with lower wages.
Will the animation industry make shows people actually want?
Will they atleast expand the industry out of the tiny bubble to include new voices that will make the things people want?
They had every opportunity to earn our support and spat in our faces. The guild can get fucked by the spiked, gasoline soaked 12 inched cock of AI.
Yep. They were given chance after chance. And they know this deep down. And they fucked it all up because their dogshit feelings were more important.
Why isn't anyone telling the namefag to fuck off with his opinions but don't I DARE post OC for this board with a name so I can be found.
Gas chamber.
Arcane and Scavengers Reign weren't good enough? What did you want from animators?
Yep. They needed more action and less lore.
Xe wants the furry Adventure Time but with the analog mascot horror every episode
Who the fuck is Xe? An artist on the show?
I know the current state of American animation is bad, but all the AI animation that I’ve seen has been trash too. I think anime buck broke this industry.
Ya think?
Fucking all these dweebs know is Akira or Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball (the only based one).
We get it guys the Akira bike slide is cool, you don't gotta reference it in every fucking cartoon.
This happened because animation demands is fuck, TV is dead, internet is no profitable for big production, stream is just a big dump boxb where productions go to die, theatrical releases are ridiculously risky
There's just no room anymore...making yourself more expensive won't help During the downsizing of the entire industry
There's an audience waiting if they would just fucking listen to fans instead of attacking them. They know this deep down but their feelings are more important.
They don't even know what makes anime gold. They think shitty references is what makes it good and not good and fun storytelling
Anime is taken from 80s American action cartoons. We handed the Japanese our artstyle on a silver platter and then made wackysplat squigglevision geometry people satire cartoons for 30 years, and then we took the satire out because "that's too low brow and mean", and we took the fluid toony animation out because "look, computer tweening! it's so much easier!", and now we're wondering why every kid in America can name Jotaro Kujo's stand but almost none of them can name a character from Craig of the Creek
like you? eugh no thanks
Exactly. They think "hey this is popular let me inject my insecurities onto it".
Fuck em.
This is why nobody cares about you guys
Anime is taken from 80s American action cartoons.
Anime has been around for a lot longer than the 80s. In fact, guess who the US loved to outsource animation work to back in the 80s.
Who am I?
This is why nobody gives a single fuck about you guys. Historical revisionism SERIOUSLY???
Fleischer (animation studio from the 30s) inspired Tezuka, man if you were gonna use the "we're better than the east" argument you could've done some fucking research.
Yeah when was the last time kids were watching Astro Boy
Only modern cartoon I tolerate is Primos, I like Tater, she reminds me of my cousin a lot. But it's a Chicano show so I'll let it slide cause they're still hispanic too.
All the other ones are shit.
Consultation provisions on an AI animated clip where a womans face melts in 3 directions simultaneously when she's walking down a street filled with cars disappearing into the concrete walls.
It's an okay show
Fleischer (animation studio from the 30s) inspired Tezuka
Do modern anime look like Tezuka art style? Retard
AI shills and Anon Babble
Hey this industry has actually been doing this work for a lot longer than you think
I love when people claim everything good about anime was totally America’s success.
That doesn't refute the fact that there's maybe 2-3 sloppy snoozefests per year coming from American studios every year while there's so much pumped out of Japan that even using Sturgeon's law to filter out the the poorly-made anime, they still VASTLY outnumber whatever western animation is coming out.
Every day I get more pessimistic about western animation, and I know the anime industry has its own cracks in its foundation. This medium can't go on forever in this state.
If that was the case Sazae San would've been as popular in the west as in Japan. These people seriously think Anime and cartoons are made on the same field and are never separate. It's pure entitlement.
Industry shills always glow like a light house because they're totally incapable of taking any kind of accountability or introspection. Everything is always someone else's fault. We should just blindly support every decision they make regardless of it's quality or their own behavior towards other people.
Anime is taken from 80s American action cartoons.
Those 80s American action cartoons were literally animated by anime studios because they were doing action stuff for decades, fuck are you talking about?
Can I have a fair rub ladies?
What do you mean? The self interest in being against AI is understandable and it effects other jobs and industries too. Also AI is using everyone's data so it's an issue for everyone.
It will only replace them if it does things they will never do
No one will be looking for animators in an online blackout, they'll be looking for ways to communicate through the isolation. This entire discourse will make them view art increasingly as an obstacle in communication
AI using data to make cool images is fine
The Twitter short "animators" here would view Uncle Ted as "just another struggling artist uwu" and I wouldn't be surprised if they read his books
What do you mean?
What he means is that he hates unions and hates workers.
All workers are inherently communists who hate the poor even more than the rich
Y'all niggas ain't no real Union. If you were you'd be fighting over how Korean animators are treated but you need them for your trauma dump cartoons.
What do you mean?
Guild does jackshit about outsourcing
Guild doesn't give a rat's ass about indies
Guild expects you to pay them and live in the most expense area of the entire country despite the technology existing that lets you make an entire movie on a laptop in bumfuck Arkansas
Guild allows blatant biased blacklisting
Guild allows terrible employees to fail upwards(not exclusive to animation but still fuck this mentality)
They also planned on buying Lahaina and forcing anyone who became a member to live there after they developed it
Nice bait, faggot, maybe you should kill yourself by jumping off a bridge afterwards to prove how much of a badass you are!
Kill yourself now, homosexual!
"learn to draw"
Sounds like a failed creative said the quiet part out loud.
Outsourcing is one of the biggest issues imo. It causes a feedback loop.
No entry-level positions
People go to expensive schools since they need more qualifications to get into the industry
Labor pool becomes oversaturated with overqualified workers
Becomes prohibitively costly to hire domestically for entry-level monkey work
Send entry-level jobs overseas to the actual sweat shop monkeys
No entry-level positions, return to start
They keep making ugly shit
because they are self entitled snobs
It's almost profoundly funny how shit the animation industry really is, when you think about it. The industry revolves around extremely sad Californian losers sucking up to the main 3 billion dollar companies, in the absolute desperate attempt that one day their shitty idea might be greenlit. After years of dicksucking, you may get the chance to produce your lifelong masterpiece "Generic Baby Show number 239023", which no child is actually going to watch, because it's not the 00s/90s anymore. Imagine if the video game industry was just Ubisoft/EA/Activision, and the only thing ever greenlit was garbage baby shit -- that's what the animation industry is like. The animation industry is moribund. We are nothing at all like Japan, where they start smaller companies all the time. All of this is going to end very soon.
They already know there's a tight budget.
Which ones? The guild is for studio workers. How would they push for company policy that could better impact indies?
union leader living expenses
Good point, that's something they can improve but, they're often needed to lead boots on the ground at the studios.
What's the source on this? If it's just about "allowing" how are they supposed to dedicate time into fighting it?
fail upwards
Giving you job security is good because there's an easy practice employeers can do which is find reasons to fire higher paid employees with seniority and let in a new crop of cheaper employees. Giving employers that power means they can rig the game to a revolving door or newbies they pay and less and less.
AI won
because most of the board are people in the animation industry
You're free to quit at any time. And draw Freddy Fazbear farting on Charlie's face for YouTube.
If you know blender you can rake in cash making pregnant Herobrine videos
Because the animators in the mainstream industry suck at their jobs but want to be pampered even more than they are now.
People not being replaced after having their work stolen and used against them is being pampered?
learn to draw
That's pretty much what you need to do if you want to make art you want. There is AI now for people to crank out quick art, but I see people hating "Learn to Draw" tend to do art for popularity.
We were finally allowed to create our ideas while not being gatekept.
KEK, only a lazy fag with no drive to work on something would think art is gatekept.
Pick a medium and do the work.
Why do artists hate creativity so much?
Because AI is built off of other peoples hard work.
AIbros are the equivalent to the c-suite douchenozzles that ruin everything they get their hands on.
AI art is a huge lawsuit waiting to happen with the amount of copyright infringement that occurs.
They don't need fans, they need a wide audience, normis who thinks Batman is an Avenger...That's where the money is...the fans At most they can pull some crowdfunding for a few episodes.
They already know there's a tight budget.
Giving you job security is good because there's an easy practice employeers can do which is find reasons to fire higher paid employees with seniority and let in a new crop of cheaper employees. Giving employers that power means they can rig the game to a revolving door or newbies they pay and less and less.
What this translates to is making it increasingly difficult for newbies to get into the industry because all the entry-level jobs are already filled or outsourced. These things need to be balanced or else you end up with a stagnant domestic labor force that relies on sweatshops to pick up the slack.
You know that's not all this is about
That's what OP is about and that's actually what kicked off these rounds of strike between writers and animators. What do you think this is about?
Look at the state of western animation and you will have your answer.
Because it mostly looks the same and doesn't strive to achieve anything visually breathtaking like the Japs do.
Thanks to Toonboom they are now just puppeteers for 3/4 pose flash animation.
Seriously when was the last time you've actually seen proper frame by frame animation for a western show?
Entry level jobs are still entry. People still move up, retire, get fired, get moved around. The system you're looking for is one where you undercut labor and then get undercut yourself.
You're right, more union outreach and recruitment starting with the new hires would help keep them as member and increase support and PR.
Be honest. Will America ever catch up to France, Japan, and Spain?
Not every person in the animation industry is a terminally-online crazy-ass SJW because not every show is Steven Universe or the Owl House
Fuck that, will Hazbin Hotel ever catch up to Siren Head Giant Apocalypse Escape (Mobs Parody)
Probably not. It's only going to get worse.
Look at the logo they came up with. There are no animators left.
Where is the link to the provisional deal at?
Also this doesn't stop corporate animation studios from outsourcing to different countries.
That's what the writer's strike got too after doing a one year strike. The only thing saving them is ai writing tech is still in the shit stage
Because American animators have been producing lazy, ugly garbage for years.
The Outsourcing Overseers Guild doesn’t sound as good on paper though
Because most of them are unironic MAGAt chuds that just can't admit that they've lost the culture war a long, long time ago...
was any show actually delayed because of the strikes?
American cartoons have been slop for years.