Do sex scenes actually add anything to a show, or are animators just perverts?
Do sex scenes actually add anything to a show, or are animators just perverts?
What her age If 18 and up I do her,
sex sells, even to little kids
The only show in the history of TV that actually gained something from showing the sex scene was True Detective.
Man I don’t fucking know.
We aren’t allowed to even talk about sex without being punished for it.
People on the left call sex demeaning for women and want it removed, people on the right call it a “liberal conspiracy trying to take away our TITTIES” and also want it removed for “temptations” or some weird bullshit, and all the normal people just want good writing and don’t nut at the mere sight of so much as a cow’s udder or some shit from their depressed and denied selves.
I feel like it should have a reason in the story (like two lovers haven't seen each other in a long time and after they've finally reconnected they just wanna bang) otherwise if I'm not horny I'm just going to be staring at it like pic related.
Sex scenes are the only scenes I skip.
What show is this? I want to check it out to see if the animators really are perverts
Vox Machina, excellent. Another recent example would be Twilight of the Gods, although that one is allowed to show nudity.
I would like more tities.
But every show that show they "Twling of the gods, Vox Machina" just sucx
The Sexual Revolution was a mistake, we should have left that Genie in its bootle.
It's not even just sex. Your average American cannot fathom the concept of non-sexual nudity in media regardless of their political leanings. It's been some years now but pic related getting dragged over Bat cock is a more recent example of this.
The Sexual Revolution was a mistake
Do sex scenes actually add anything to a show
Nope, if anything they're a cheap unnecessary distraction that detract from the show.
If you want to do sex just make a porno.
are animators just perverts?
Nudity is fine but the context has to be right.
Jennifer Lawrence suplexing a dude after skinny dipping is good context.
The vox machina sex scenes were unnecessary in my opinion and only the door scene and bathtub were needed as it was in the source material and were gags.
The west needs to learn from ecchi anime.
this was fucking insane, didnt they also complain about harley showing her tits when she shows she has a bomb aswell so they edited it for the digital version ?
Who the fuck cares about necessity. No one asks that about literally anything else, but for some reaons sex in particular has to "justified" to be shown.
This is literally just Americans not being able to get over themselves. No one should listen to them. Have as many gratuitous sex scenes as you want literally just to piss them off.
Never heard about the Harley thing. I'm guessing it got lost under the deluge of pearl-clutching over being reminded that Batman has a penis. Is this part of it?
My gentleman of enriched melanin, finally someone else who gets it.
Damn, the story is really good in this show. I just wish they would stop blowing each other every five minutes so we get more plot development.
Touch starved fag.
If I wanted to watch sex I would watch porn.
It's done infinitely better.
yes, supposedly there was gonna be a frame where her tits (or maybe it was just one) are out but they changed it, id say it s rumour but after the backlash of people crying over a fucking cock shadow id say it was true
Both. It is human nature to be a pervert sometimes and in a story where you're examining human nature, sex may happen. And it may or may not be relevant to the plot.
Everybody is a pervert. The worst ones are the ones that deny it.
We aren’t allowed to even talk about sex without being punished for it.
No you aren't. That's a you problem. You can talk about it just fine as long as you're not doing it in public like a weirdo.
The west needs to learn from ecchi anime.
No it doesn't. Ecchi anime is barely constrained pornography.
Seeing Batman’s penis adds nothing to the story and you’re being a faggot ass contrarian if you think it was necessary. You don’t need to see Batman’s penis just to know he’s naked and vulnerable.
The physical version didn’t release with nudity for Harley. They pushed it back and edited.
The west needs to learn from ecchi anime.
No, I don't think we need more braindead softcore pornography.
People eat, sleep, drive, have hobbies, attend school, go shopping, fall in love, fight in wars, have sex, repair their homes, go on vacation, etc.
Of all the many activities people do, why should one be excluded?
I imagine the timeline went like this.
be DC
invent the Black Label imprint under the guise of giving artists more freedom in their story-telling
one of the imprint's flagship titles shows a penis
not in a sexual way or a sex scene, it's just kind of there
everyone (i.e. American media) loses its fucking minds
the internet is dragging you for it
talk show hosts are dragging you for it
all the while your parent company is undergoing a merger
new owners get paranoid and put your new "artistic freedom" imprint under a microscope
the effects are still felt 6 years later
For fuck's sake, we still get Black Label books that censor their swears even with a ages +17 stamp on the bar code.
You're a dense motherfucker if you think it's about necessity and not about something that simply is. If the artist had foregone drawing Batman's penis from the beginning we wouldn't even be having this discussion. It's about the fact that the artist chose to include it in an ages +17 story under a separate imprint from DC's regular fare, and American's collectively shat themselves over it so hard that DC had to reprint it to settle people's sensitivities.
It's just a penis, get over yourself.
So people on the internet can act smug without lifting a finger to do anything actually noteworthy?
I don't mind and even enjoy it but It just seems like so many people have a very immature idea of what sex is. And it's only ever gotten worse.
Sex by it's nature IS immature. It's two naked monkeys slapping meat while hooting and hollering.
The sex scene was part of the board game session That the show was based on.
And it was the female players idea. (females like to act sexy, without actually doing it.)
so its for fat nerdy pervs then, thanks for clarifying that i thought it was for normies.
You're a dense motherfucker
Automatically starting with and admission of your own juvenile state of mind but okay, let’s proceed
…if you think it's about necessity and not about something that simply is
I’m praying you’re ESL at this point. Proceeding further though…
if the artist had foregone drawing Batman's penis from the beginning we wouldn't even be having this discussion
Now we get to some meat. This is Batman. This isn’t a creator owned book. This is a corporate character and everything from the costume tote level of blood or gore appearing in a panel is subject to being toned down. Yet you’re, for some reason, surprised that they were squeamish about nudity.
It's about the fact that the artist chose to include it in an ages +17 story under a separate imprint from DC's regular fare
And now we get back to the “why”, which is what I initially addressed before you sperged out like a high schooler trying to sound mature.
The shadowed half appearance of Bruce’s cock doesn’t serve the story at all. We know he’s naked, we know nudity serves to show his vulnerability. The outline of his cock served to shock and get attention online. It did this. Only the attention was mostly of scoffing and laughing because despite the fact that shows and films with sex and nudity are lauded and celebrated in America (which you seem to want to ignore to go on your screed about the country) most normies heard “they showed Batman’s penis” and had the very normal reaction which is to ask, “why?”
That being said I’ll accept your concession that it adds nothing to the story. It’s merely there for pretentious, childish people who think the appearance of a penis makes something sophisticated and artistic.
Normies like sex too, idiot. Like I said, EVERYONE is a pervert in some way.
They're never really necessary but adding some horny is a good way to get people more invested. And most artists are perverts. A lot of writers are too.
Like I said, EVERYONE is a pervert in some way.
well you didnt, you said it based on a scene from the podcast. idiot.
He did, only he forgot he’d been samefagging which he’s done multiple times ITT.
Because I'm NOT that anon, I'm a different anon commenting, (you) idiot.
shame hes too thick to see a joke when he reads one aswell.
i cant tell if youre deliberately being stupid on purpose or doing it without trying.
Only the attention was mostly of scoffing and laughing because despite the fact that shows and films with sex and nudity are lauded and celebrated in America (which you seem to want to ignore to go on your screed about the country)
This. I don’t know why people who spout this “le america is a country of prudes” shit think they can just ignore reality. Maybe it was true in the 70s (it wasn’t) but certainly not any time since the original HBO Renaissance back in the 90s.
Because people that have a hateboner for America will take anything they can to shit on it, even if it's not true. And it gets the most attention. Whatever it takes to get replies on the internet.