Hush 2 Character Reveals

Everyone ready for Loeb and Lee to define the iconic Batman family dynamics for a new decade?

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The first Hush was the most iconic Batman story of the '95-'05 era and kicked off the resurrection of Jason Todd.
What do we think they'll do the second time around?

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The first Hush was the most iconic Batman story of the '95-'05

A shitty comic, but because the media told you to like it, you really believe it's good.

Damian, Talia, Nightwing all confirmed for brawl.

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The Gordons, confirmed for brawl.
Doesn't have to be quality to be iconic.

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No Tim, no Cass, no Steph, no Duke, no Luke, no Kate
Reddit is calling Loeb a racist and crying over Cass. Listening to Daredevil show staff he actually is racist, but that's no reason to force shitty characters like Tim and Cass.

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What do we think they'll do the second time around?

Resurrect Alfred.




This is probably going to be picking up immediately where the 20th Anniversary epilogue left off and have very little impact on present day continuity

Jim Lee ditching his own Huntress design

Truly the West has fallen

Good. The tummy window, while hot, was incredibly stupid.

I'm all for some 2000s nostalgia pandering. And get Winick back on an Outsiders book. And McGuinness doing art for Superman again.

Seriously, who the fuck gives a shit about Hush? His theme makes no sense, his costume is lame, and his story is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. Where are the fans for this shitty character?

What can they even do with Hush? He has the same problem as the Phantasm, his backstory, motivation & setup is too specific for him to be used as a regular Batman villain.

I like him, but only because in my headcanon he becomes an over-the-top siver age Luthor type batvillain, complete with his own planet and all.

Does anyone remember when Batman wasn't the focus of his villains? Good times bro...

no Cass, no Steph, no Duke, no Luke, no Kate


Hush is a great name for a shit villain.

I legit barely remember Hush other than Poison Ivy corrupting Superman and a sloppy story that felt like a failed attempt to bring back Jason Todd.

Hush is a great name


How bad were Chip’s Batman sales if they made Lee draw more than a 3/4 angle of Batman from the shoulders up??

Lee just drew new 52 Helena Wayne lmao

Hush pretending to be Bruce in Batman Reborn was fun. So was that Rebirth story where he decided to replace Dick. I'm sure Loeb is going to ignore everything since his first run. Should be good.

In Minecraft?
He designed or signed off on the designs for all the New 52 characters, didn't he?

In real life. I wish someone would burn DC down every single day, burning it until there’s nothing left.

You can't burn ideas, faggot. Jump in a fire and it'll all be over.

The first Hush was the most iconic Batman story of the '95-'05 era

No, it was just popular because of the art.

No Tim, no Cass, no Steph, no Duke, no Luke, no Kate

Tim is unsalvageable now, Steph was fine as Spoiler, and it's a shame we have to have Damian, but this is otherwise truly separating the wheat from the chaff. What kind of retards honestly sperg out over them leaving out all the pointless legacy characters who shouldn't even have been created in the first place?

This anon is right though Jim Lee should just draw classic Huntress and force the rest of DC to follow his lead.

Why do they insist on shoving Babsgirl down people's throats? Put her back in the chair.

being this salty and retarded

That's Batgirl, anon. She was Batgirl before you were born, and she'll be Batgirl long after you're dead. It's not supposed to be a legacy title.

Then why is she the second?

We're getting a new Batman #1 after HU2H


Barbara was in that chair for a couple of decades because Denny O'Neil hated everything from the silver age and never wanted her to be Batgirl again. Well he retired and now he's dead so there's no big opposition to her being Batgirl other than market forces.

I would prefer if Loeb and Lee both died.

Are you stupid? Burn the studio, dammit. Ideas don’t mean a thing if there’s no one left to make them.

Bronze Age, you mean? Batgirl was Bronze Age.
Bat-Girl was silver.

While she existed throughout the bronze age, Batgirl debuted in the tail end of the silver age in 1967 when Batman was still campy and there was synergy with the very campy tv show. The more serious bronze age begin didn't truly begin until the end of 1969. When Denny was a writer in the 70s he got to slaughter Kathy Kane, but they wouldn't let him give that same treatment to Barbara, he had to bide his time for a few years.

Because Bette is a prototype who had like 5 appearances, little better than the pre-Kara Supergirl

Art looks okish.

The issue is that he let DiDio and his cronies in his place, and everyone at DC hated both.
In fact the rape of Catwoman at the end of her comic was DC's message to his waifu getting raped in a alley.

It's not supposed to be a legacy title.

But there's been multiple Batgirls just like there have been multiple Robins.
For a while, Babs grew out of Batgirl just like Dick grew out of Robin.

Hush would've worked better if it was someone we knew, instead of some random asshole introduced in the same fucking story.

Hush should've stayed as a Long Halloween story rather than a mainline one.

Dennis had nothing to do with hiring Didio. That was Levitz. Dennis was gone by the time Didio had DC.