Arcane: Top Caitlyn Edition

Previous thread Admit it, most of us here were thinking that Caitlyn would be the top


God shes so beautiful

She is the top.

Powder > Everyone else

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Jayce x Cait shippers why are you so fucking dense? They're both big faggots.

I felt disgusted by the lesbian crap, felt like I had developed PTSD for being forced to see all that.

Act 3 Cait with her hair up is the hottest woman in the series.

She tops, she was just feeling bad that day

Seething at soulmates. You hate to see it.

I didn't say she was straight or even bi, I said it looked like she had potential to be with Jayce by the time she first becomes an enforcer, an adult, which is before we know she's gay, since she's only seen with him and we don't know Jayce gets with Mel before this.

I always knew Cait would only be a bottom for Vi.

AUEkko is the luckiest guy

Ekko gets this

It’s not fair

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No Little man i dont give a FUCK about your Zaunigger friends, Caitlyn said its time to arrest some junkies and im going to do THAT, hands behind your back now you nigger cause she's waiting for me back home and im going to get handcuffed tonight

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Goddammit you've reached a whole new level of retardation. Caitlyn was always meant to be a big fucking carpetmunching dyke. Literally in the next episode she's laying it hard on a whore at the brothel.

Imagine choosing to walk away from this because you feel a sense of duty towards others.

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I admit I didn't like Jinx's design but goddmann is Powder fucking beautiful.

Is she not wearing underwear?

That's it, i'm going into town and find a crack head to fix.

She’s lesbian

So pretty, man. If I didn’t have a thing for women with blue hair, I definitely do now.

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What was the point of making her and Jayce close friends anyway? She didn't need to know Jayce personally to go looking for Jinx.

Its the giant blue eyes. And freckles. And perfect face. And cute personality. And smarts. And...

Caits mom


Give your daughter the best education in piltover,shooting lessons, everything..

She's a dyke


you try to find her suitable partners

she goes after a street junkie

psycho sister gets jealous

you die

in the afterlife you see that your daughter is living together with the same fucking zaunite

you pretend it doesn't hurt


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If I didn’t have a thing for women with blue hair, I definitely do now.

Anon, she is a fictional character with naturally blue hair, don't fall for fakes!

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i think clitsucker 5000 and homotron 9000 had potential together

I don't think she ever wore underwear

be Vi

be born dirt poor

your parents are murdered

make 1 mistake in which you lose your entire family again

get thrown into jail for 7 years without trail or hope of getting out

get bailed out by a hottie

said girl happens to be gay too

continue to do fuck up after fuck up

your little sister calls your biggest enemy her father

there's a Utopia AU out there where everyone is alive and happy without you

but hey, at least on this miserable reality you still get to be with the woman you love

only had to sacrifice your sister

end up with all the money in the world, a huge mansion, a title, an heir and a stable job while rebuilding Zaun

Goddamn Vi really had the best ending aside from Singed.

Imagine being Caitlyn in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Vi, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old police lieutenant in her palace. Like seriously imagine having to be Caitlyn and not only stand in that cell while Vi flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her steroid-induced acne and four inch clitoris. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, VI LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day.
You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and spies and later alleged murder victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the aristocracy in Piltover. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks in her roidgut to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for lifting weights in prison in the previous years. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person at Fortiche before the studio security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Caitlyn. You're not going to lose your future Council career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Copy Pasted it from Anon Babblechad

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Thats why I'm saying it LOOKED LIKE they were going to pair up LATER. She and Jayce just don't fucking talk to each other much after episode 3 which is weird cause they're supposed to know each other.

happy, content, stable Powder

next episode is suicidal and utterly broken Jinx

That was the saddest part of the series for me. It was whiplash.

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You forgot

build an air-filtration system

your daughter uses it to gas Zaunties

then disbands the council you were a part of to become a Noxian puppet

No wonder her dad never appeared again. He is Jhin and about to do the funny.

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this site is full of gay trans. you are in the wrong place

I don’t care, I just need her in my life!

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Absolutely brutal.
Ekko a real one, trying to double the amount of normal Powders.
Good thing he has the quicksave device, because nobody is going to manage from first try.

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You dykes are not ready for noxus show

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Where are the memes from this Season? Lots of great fanart at least.

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Everyone who did not die had a good ending except Ekko

Missed the train, grandpa.

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wish her hair stayed like that.

great fanart

really? I've seen none

that pink streak in her hair

She really was the superior sister

Hey Cait can you please call me a dirty Zaunite and hit me with your gun please? we can call your father and pretend he's jinx just PLEASE hit me again while calling me a failure, nothing gets me turned on like that

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It fucking sucks that the next series is basically guaranteed to be Noxus. It's such a boring and borderline retarded region.
Give me any other country in Runeterra.

I know

The best sister

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Fucking knew they would do this the second I saw Vi reaching out in the Act 3 teaser.

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I love this pasta

I wonder how many times Ekko saw her explore before his very eyes.


No you didn't

The ending also mirrors Powder looking at the exact same airship from the same angle.

High rise thong

samefag spammer kys

I hate more that the next series is looking like it will have Mel and Ambessa as the main characters. Anything but fucking that.

Anon Babbleing the Vi ryona supercut webm

Silco was always a good guy, he was just willing to use any means to achieve his goal. AU Zaun was always his endgame, Vi did things that prevented him from making it a reality.

in the AU were Vi died, does caitlyn become a dictator?

george lucas ass writing and you faggots eat it up everytime

They totally set up Cait and Jayce being somewhat close and did nothing with it. I get the confusion.

Man that makes me wish even more that Ambessa and all the Noxus stuff wasn't a part of Arcane. They could have just left that stuff for another show cause it added more confusion to the plot.

s1 sets up class struggle and civil war

s2 part1 follows through

s2 part2 and onwards go full magic technobabble

It was so close to greatness

Of course not. AU Caitlyn never goes to Zaun to investigate and her mother is never killed in the explosion by Powder.

I actually wonder if Cait also died in that AU from the explosion.

I take it that AU Powder already had a feeling that the Ekko she built the z-drive wasn't her Ekko, but a different one before she saw our Ekko in the Arcane Sphere.

Thoughts on Mel's hips?

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I agree with this. Not a Leaguefag so I didn't know shit about the game and I instantly thought to myself that Jayce and Caitlyn would be the ship of the series until Episode 5.

Also didn't buy Vi with Caitlyn until after I finished the series. Still don't buy them but meh now I know they were always canon so who gives a shit

Not as sex as Cait's waist to hip ratio

newfags are so cringe

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it's Caitlyn being clumsy that saved Vi's life in this timeline

because if Caitlyn hadn't dropped those objects, Vi would've never been warned and gotten away

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Vi has tits in this image

I'm looking forward to the brothers.

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You can still see the madness in her eyes.
Its a matter of time.

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So if you think about it, Caitlyn is responsible for Powder becoming Jinx and Vander becoming Warwick

Vi has female tits here, wtf. WHY did Riot cuck the prison scene so hard?

I blame everyone for that.

Could be. Maybe didn't drop the stuff from the box so she was right there at the door when the explosion hit. Jayce either died in the explosion or an heroes himself in prison. Vander gets Grayson to help meet with Cassandra about how they lost their daughters, reconciliation happens between the cities, poof utopia, no Hextech, Silco doesn't have to crusade.

I miss this version of vi
current vi's tranny chest scar gross af
go back to sodome which you came from

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hips expressly created for me to grab as i bury it deep.

Post Jayce anal fucking Viktor right now!!!

Official PowPower Rankings:

1. Loose hair Jinx
2. Braids jinx
3. Bob Jinx
4. Pixie Jinx
5. AU Powder

If both the dykes died and THATS why the utopia happens that would be top tier hilarious.

AU episode

ekko on screen studying

nigger rap on the background


She always had them.
They got a slap on the wrist for it being to mature and had to cut stuff. Idk if that led to her tits getting nerfed though. Cait's tits also looked smaller during the scene.

meh he'll be fine. He can tell those gays Silco and Vander to take care of his eleven children while he keeps inventing stuff and making more kids with Powder

jeez and I thought vicucks are worst till aupowder spammer happened

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Pixie Jinx is a miracle of the universe faggot.

Vi has tits. They're just censored for the sex scene. Goddamn Americans and their taboo on nudity.

OT got by on its visuals too

You were not here for the original powder posters
fuck off newfag

Not anymore, I get the feeling that Ekko self-cucked hard.

It should’ve been me, dammit!

Yes, they all are. But loose hair is the most sexo of all Jinxes.

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timebomb shippers

And you fuckers though Jayvik and CaitVi was bad

I'm mad that Cait lost her beautiful eye.

Blinking out of existence? Fine
Fucking off from Zaun? Fine

Losing an important part of your facial features is fucking tragic and I'll never forgive Riot for this.

in the bed while powder moans his name auekko will never know that it isn't actually him she is thinking about

Powder left the gift Arcane Ekko gave her in the drawer where Vi shrine was which means she was gonna move on with her life from both Vi and that Ekko

Jinx was just good fap materiel till prison scene made me "muh feeling"
now I can't even fap to her
I'm just listening melancholy music over & over again

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Every elite Kiramman ancestor is watching their pure-blooded heiress happily getting unwashed trencher trash coom

And on the antiques!

Silco was always a good guy, he was just willing to use any means to achieve his goal

Road to hell etc etc
We're meant to see Silco as misguided and too willing to resort to violence and throw his own people under the bus to achieve his goals. After all, what's the point of an independent zaun if everyone there is a shimmer addict on the verge of homelessness

GOAT: AU Powder
S: Caitlyn, Punished Caitlyn, Maddie
A: Hebe Caitlyn, Jinx, Mel, Goth Vi
B: Felicia, Vi, Sky, Margot, Sevika Prime
C: Ambessa, Caitlyn's mom
D: Renni
F: Sevika post-S2A1


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getting angry because people ship fictional characters

you desperately need to go outside


They are so beautiful...

even Caitlyn's tits they nerfed, everything blurred

They work well together

go to Anon Babble or get off Anon Babble,, whore
there are plenty of fanfics you can masterbate to

Instead of the pirate eyepatch she should have gotten one of those blinders like target shooters wear.

goth vi makes my clit turn into a penis so I can impregnate her with my babies

anal fucking

For me, it's intercrural with Jesus Viktor.

Same, but Isha.

So these threads taken over by female dyke tourists samefags ekkonigs and vicucks again? Migrating, hoping you're thrown to Anon Babble soon like the owl house threads

Why isn't Jayce allowed to have a girlfriend?
It's because he's white and male, isn't it?

as long as it's not troonshit i'm happy

The fuck am I supposed to do with my life now?

rewatch season 1




He has one, they just ran out of screen time in act 3 to show their reunion.

telling people to get out of 4chin

this isn't your sekret klub faggot, I'll stay if I want

so mad had to type this out and press post instead of just closing the thread

ai ai ai

so real...

watch your favorite episode over and over again. Not planning on watching the rest of this shit ever again, just that episode. I'm on my 47th watch.

They really did nothing with Jayce and Caits friendship lol. Caitlyn doesn't even spare him a thought after both of his disappearances.

Anon the entire theme of that episode is to move on. You have to do it.

I don't hate Vi for the same reason I cannot blame a dog for being a dog.

A man of taste

tfw Silco saw this epitome of beauty everyday cuz he's the one who tied her hair up but he always treated her like his own child cuz he's gay

Amanda is retarded but this story is kinda kino unironically

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To everyone that disagreed with me and called me retarded when I said "ma meilleure ennemie" was romantic back when the snippet leaked, WHERE ARE YOU NOW? GET CLOWNED LMAO AU POWDER GETS BLACKED BY NIGA

Funny cause she forgets that he exists the moment Vi shows up in the story

It's always amusing to see that the only place that unironically use the term blacked is Anon Babble. Normal people just see the couple and think it's cute and romantic.

It's a kino song and perfect for timebomb, but doesn't fit at all for AU Powder. It should have been for Jinx but she was robbed.

I think many people are undercutting Ekko's character and reducing him into a Miles Morales expy which is a funny coincidence at best and downright one dimensional if taken seriously at worst. In reality, picrel is his character; a freedom fighter whose motivation lies in thwarting oppression no matter where it comes from (whether in the ghetto or suburbia) and housing affected victims in his communal sanctuary. His first debut after the timeskip is literally him socking the heck out of one of Silco's logistical shimmer operations and won due to Jinx's ineptitude. And one more pinnacle thing why people like Ekko even more now is he experienced the one thing some child/ya prodigies don't face in the modern day: permanent regrettable loss. AU/OG Powder loving him yet OG Jinx doesn't reciprocate that love back will forever haunt him for the rest of his lost to the point where you could say it's trauma inducing. Taken all that into consideration makes his character more 3rd dimensional than Vi who mostly stays static throughout the series due to her motivation being closely connected to haunting down Jinx/Powder. Heck if Riot was smart they could have Ekko next globetrot all of Runeterra, recruit members onto his entourage, and destroy any oppression that comes in the way of the innocent.

Just realized Zeri shares a voiceline with Ekko and she's from Zaun

Ezreal gets shipped with him and he's from Piltover

Man Riot has greatest setup for a story rn

on the contrary, the entire theme of that episode is to never give up, no matter what

Learn to write, draw, or make edits so you never have to let go

What did Riot mean by this?

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I always believed anon

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Ekko made her an honorary firelight?

glad this faggotary scene ended asap

It's pretty annoying. I didn't look at Jayce x Mel and immediately thought of bleaching or whatever.

His first debut after the timeskip is literally him socking the heck out of one of Silco's logistical shimmer operations and won due to Jinx's ineptitude

He won by employing psychological warfare against Jinx.

A lot of people here did, however. Anon Babble is just full of race obsessed weirdos.

Caitvi sex S2E8 came true!!!!! AAAAAAHH

If your first thought after seeing Mel wasn't that she was made to be colonized, you might be gay.

You were right 100%, its a jam. Starts playing in my head randomly during the day, its real catchy.

Both sisters going commando

What did the French mean by this?

I thought it was going to be the best song of the season when I heard the clip, but in retrospect I think it's Wasteland.

she looks so good with her hair down. i will never forgive them for giving her that dog shit haircut.

A sign of her friendship with Ekko, a team up with with the Firelights, or something deeper. The first one is probably the answer.

The whole blacked, colonized, bleached, etc shit is fucking cringe.

Vi was the happiest in that moment

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What am I looking at?

Dear Vicucks,
Dear Ekkonegros,
Dear Jayced groupies,
Dear Vikchads,
Dear Kaitsluts,
Your characters have either evaporated or are stuck in a communist state, and they will Never ever come back with new arcs.
Meanwhile, Jinx, alongside Silco hallucination, Singed, and Orianna, have stolen the piltie ship and together will go on new adventures and will reappear like chads in other regions and arcs.
This is what happens when you listen to BASED Silco advice, you win everything and escape toxicity and depression.
A good day to be a Jilco enthusiast.

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I changed my mind, I love the French now.

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It was a great month of arcane guys
Now back to nothing normal

Yeah apparently they took the time to wear matching outfits before the final fight.
Some say its because of a budding relationship.
I say its because Riot wants to sell skins.

check my Arcane folder

90% of images saved are Jinx

Guess I know who my favorite character is

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Jinx, alongside Silco hallucination, Singed, and Orianna

jinx takes singed with her to gas ionia? kino

Whatever studio make next show I hope they're french

These shirts and pants together would be insane.

It hurts less to have never had it than to have lost it. Trust me.

Circus tent pants were a mistake, fashion police was right.

when your last couple of weeks suddenly feel like it was all in kind of a daze

and you realize that you're suddenly dating the best zaun woman of your generation

AUEkko has got it good. Ekko the self-wingman.

Comfy as fuck.

One will never understand the other. If you already had you can never understand the emptyness of never having experienced that. Just like they can never understand how it is to have lost it.

Mel would have likely stayed if Jayce hadn't disappeared.

I think they were already dating. This was in Powder's room before the party.

it's hilarious how things go with deranged yuris and fujos

Jayce and Viktor, two heterosexual men who were in relationships with women, have a very close friends moment


Jinx and Ekko literally make matching outfits for each other

no they're just bros dude, not everything is a relationship

I just think its too fast for them to be more than that. At least for now, the writers want to do more apparently.
Dont get your panties in a bunch.

Unironically. Until the 1900s, women were wearing stuff like picture related, if even that. Or going commando.
Women have been free-lippin for the vast, vast majority of human history.

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I think they were already dating.

Maybe. But I doubt it.
Like what Vander said, to me at least, really just sounded like encouragement for Powder to act on her crush and claim the man she loves. With that whole treat herself line.
Like I assume that Powder was already crushing on Ekko. And this was a perhaps not so perfectly kept secret. And that drawing was like, Powder fangirling like a lovestruck girl. And Vander wanted to give her a little push to make it a reality.

Well at least it's over, all things considered it wasn't that b-

cuckane viktor will now be the canon look in game


No, Vander was talking about her doing something with her life. They were definitely already dating. The picture, her being super touchy-feely, “trouble in paradise?” “Where would you be without her?”. And ofc “can we pretend like its the first time”, because for him it is.

You wanted an AdMech/Dr.Doom fusion? Sorry, you get a funky void magician instead.

This was so fucking shit by its end lmao. Here's to hoping the next one at least has a solid first season.

And ofc “can we pretend like its the first time”, because for him it is.

Ah well. That's totally true. Suppose you're right.

come to Anon Babble to talk about Arcane

the thread is nothing but shitposting about romantic pairings

If they gas Ionia, I'm guessing they just bottle up the grey from Piltover.

The most of Jinx I want to see in the next series is a cameo where a pale woman with blue hair is buying groceries somewhere in the background, let the girl rest. Any time she is the focus, shit goes bad.

Any time she is the focus, shit goes bad.

Nothing has ever gone wrong for Jinx without Vi (or memories of Vi) present.

you're one month late

purple hourglass

No it's okay. I respect the idea that they aren't there yet. I'm just pointing out that denying there's something deeper going on, is the textbook example of being delusional

No! Leave my girl alone. She can be happy, surrounded by Ishas in some Ionian orphanage. There they can do all her favorite activities like drawing, doing their hair and building stuff.

If the focus is on her someone will gas the orphanage and she will go nuts again.

You're free to start a discussion, anon. Or did you just came here to complain?

vi and cait are now canon lesbians forever

I hate this. I used to crush on vi when i was younger. Now its ruined.

You are free to bring up any topic and people will bite. Shipwars is always ongoing because live their loveless live vicariously through them.

You do realise that in both cases you had literally 0chance of dating a fictional character, right?

This. Not even because of story related stuff but because I want to see new characters in the spotlight for fuck sake. I don't want Jinx to steal a whole episode that could be used to develop other champions that could potentially be more interesting in their own stories.

if you're on your knees, are you really the top....

Vi would break you in half

Riot is claiming this series is kinda canon as they helped write it

I'm sorry bro...

They both were. My favorite moments of the sex scene is when they just looked at each other and smiled.

We know there is because the show lead told us there is. To Ekko Jinx is the personification of Zaun, she saw in the AU both what her and Zaun can be, and he believes its worth it to put in the work to achieve this. And that they are doing more with this pairing in the future.

I dont like interracial pairings but - thats clearly where this is going. Unless they decide to so some Lux/Ekko love rivalry stuff. Or he just moves on to Zeri.

made to birth all the kids jayce wants.

i saw a thing that the globalists used AI to edit your show
can you show me what they did to your work of art?

t. /sdg/

That talk wasn't about romance, it's about Powder being meant for something more. AU Powder is drifting through life. She ended up going out with her childhood best friend because it was expected of her, she sometimes helps with his and heimer's inventions, but that's all. She's still hung up on Vi's death and everything is so easy now, there's nothing to push her forward. She's practically an NPC while Jinx is the main character of the real universe. She's actually in a worse spot than Jinx at that same point in time (around E4/E5), whose adoption of Isha is the missing key that allows her to finally begin to heal from the traumas of S1, she's accepted becoming a hero, and working on repairing her relationship with her sister.

It's a pity Ekko never gets to see it. He goes from fighting a suicidal Jinx to talking to a suicidal Jinx, and doesn't even get a full minute and a half of screen time with her.

Pretty sure the pants are actually suspenders. I'd love to see her wearing them all the way up with nothing else.

How do you keep count?

This. Theorizing and discussing the leaks was the best part about these threads.

Now you can fantasize about fucking her straight, what's the problem?

sister about to fucking kill herself

nogsians fucking everything up

gay twink doing le instrumentality (evangayleon reference ???????)



Who knows it could be both.

Its called bad writing but its okay because they are faggots.

Yasuo's only purpose in life now is Riven in his current lore, in front of the skank he's about to ditch

Riot is going to shill the absolute fuck out of this relationship if we're going to Noxus & Ionia, somehow someway.

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I can't believe i breath the same air as your pathetic ass

If they do make Jinx appear in future shows, they better bring her evil insane schizo self back

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"Thank you, Ahri"

"Thank you for helping me realize that I should be with Riven"

Ahri bros...

how does he even know that she went back to Noxus or is the lore still fucked up

I’ve been asking myself the same question after finishing Act 3. I’m trying to find to something good enough to watch to fill the void Arcane left


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Oh keep crying loser they are fictional characters

Damn, season 2 sucked. Still gorgeous to look at and the voice performances are still strong, but goddamn is the writing bad. It feels like they've hacked big bloody gashes into the story to cram it into a single season.

It's incredible that Caitlyn and Jinx get better resolution to their story than Jinx and Vi. Cait and Jinx at least have a conversation about the things that are important to their characters and stories, even if it was short. Vi and Jinx are together on screen for a while, putting around some mine tunnels and then a commune eating fruit constantly, but they say barely anything of substance to each other. And the opportunities are just right there, easy lay ups, but way too much of the screen time is hogged by this weird Vander story thread that doesn't even have a pay off.

I don't even get why Vi and Jinx were fighting PERFECTED VANDER at the end. They're just punching and shooting a blank husk and they can't even actually beat it. They could have him be feral for the final fight and there'd be a moment when the brain tendrils came down and they'd like reconnect with Vander's consciousness - because Viktor spirit walks showed he was in there still - and then they get to say goodbye or Jinx gets some kind of absolution, any fucking pay off at all for it being in every single scene, but no, he's a mindless video game boss until the end.

And Jinx's sacrifice? How many "Vi cries in slow motion" scenes do we need? They could have had her grow or change over the course of the story and when it looks like her sister's going to be ripped from her AGAIN, she actually manages to not fuck it up. I don't know, have her grab Jinx with her regular hand and then have her sabotage the hextech glove and then rocket punch shoot it to knock Vander off and blow up or something. Then they could part on good terms after instead of the weird death fake out.

Just an example of one of the story threads and these are the main characters the show is built around.

I'm seeing a lot of people here enjoy S2 a lot more than they did after S1 ended.


So most thought it wasn't that great, yeah 8 and 9 sucked ass and the show runners should commit seppuku and rotten shitmatos deserves to burn for trying to pass this off as a masterpiece

Caitlyn became the most hated character on xitter

I love her even more after the Caitler arc

My conclusion is that people don't like complex characters.

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I hated act 2. I didn't hate act 3. I'm definitely in the "holy shit is this real?" crowd. I still can't believe that the writers thought caitvi sex in Jinx's prison cell while she kills herself was a good idea.

Too many retards here are autistic and will spend all of their energy coming to the conclusion that the entire season (some even say series) is dogshit because of retarded nitpicks. thinks the entire season is bad because of a single subplot.

I'm sorry do you not like Vi and Jinx learning that Vander actually wanted to reach out to Silco, acknowledged things would've been different if the letter got sent, only for Vi literally to not follow through with what Vander went through and just leave her sister to kill herself, just for a quick fuck?

If we’re minority why everyone in social media is trashing this season? I genuinely haven’t seen anyone saying anything positive about it only complains. And posts about ships

Frenchies make her so manish

Kill french "people"

She already shot him down in that game. He's acting as her bodyguard for the story and he gets really into her. The conversation is something like:

Ahri, I want to be with you even after this job.

Sorry, the last person I got involved with got hurt.

You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.

... No, sorry. It's better off that we don't stay together after this. Good luck, Yasuo.


folds the instant she sees Vi again

So disappointing like many things in S2

Caitler had already folded offscreen. It's insane how much isn't shown this season considering how much screen time they waste on shit that has no effect on the story.

The fuck does Ahri need a bodyguard for

I'm still pissed that they wasted an entire episode on slice of life isekai bs

Vi is the last straw she needed to fold. Caits only flaw is the rushed writing in S2.

Ep 7 is widely considered the best episode of S2.

plebs like isekai wish fulfillment

no way, really?

I really don’t get it if anything is one of the worst

It's one of the weakest episodes of the season.


So what I got from this alternate universe is.... Everyone's lives would be much better if Vi died?

Yeah a kid needed to die at the explosion so Jayce could never invent hextech.

She looked like she was still on top in the jail scene though

Timebomb faggot detected

The real issue is why is old Viktor trying to create a timeline where things work out when that timeline already exists?.
Or will AU Viktor still manage to heal himself and ruin things for everyone?

I think Netflix Heimerdinger also played a role in making the AU Piltover better before Netflix Ekko arrived there.

Name one evil thing she'd done

Eat my ass, dipshit. The writing was bad. I can enjoy the good parts. There are the naked bones of a good story, the animation and art are phenomenal, and some of the emotional beats are really resonant, but the pacing is completely fucked because they hacked all the humanity and character out of it. It isn't autistic to be let down by the writing falling flat on its fucking face.

Mel and Jayce barely have a conversation and the one they do have is overshadowed by robot fight scene

Jayce and Ekko do not have a conversation at all post anomaly-induced universe hopping

Ekko, who hasn't even been around and can't possibly know what's going on, is teleported directly next to Jinx (whatever, he was there in the other universe) and has what might be the biggest conversation for growth Jinx would have offscreen

the entire Maddie traitor thread is basically made only of headcanon and stupidity

almost no fucking support characters for our cast to bounce off of - S1 had bit plenty of bit players here and there - and the ones that are there (Maddie, Loris, and Steb) get no fucking time or scenes or lines

Caitlyn turns Hitler for one end scene and the next time we see her, the start of the very next episode, she's already having second thoughts; what is the fucking point?

Piltover's population is basically absent from the story until the big fight

so much runtime taken up with the dumb music videos instead of just showing scenes normally

seriously, way too much licensed music *this is the sad part* music segments; the good ones would have hit harder if they had any restraint

the Black Rose thread in general was thrown on top of an already overstuffed pile

The drama and character stuff that makes its core were completely tossed out so they could churn through plot as fast as possible. It's really telling that what you deem "autistic nitpicking" and just a "single subplot" is the relationship between the two main characters.

Tbh never understood why they set em up as close friends prep time skip and then dropped it HARD afterwards. Like, do we even see Jayce mourn Caitlin's mum?
Shit they barely interact with each other. I also thought they looked cute together

I mean say what you want but
"does nothing on the battlefield in the final fight"?
did we watch the same show?

built like Manga Makima

Arcane S2 should've ended with Jinx/Vi and not with Caitvi. Jinx and Vi were the crux of the show. It started with them.

Probably doesn't want to advertise her succubus powers and just use the scruffy looking ronin to handle bandits and such. Yasuo doesn't really know much about her at first, and complains about it, so she's probably trying to pass as just a normal person.

Heimerdinger seems too selfish or autistic to actually care for people and want to improve their lives unless they're literally dying in front of him.
Heck, the latter didn't work with Viktor.

She ended up going out with her childhood best friend because it was expected of her

Judging by the some her drawings I don't think she's dating AU Ekko because that's what's expected of her. She does seem to be in love with the guy, I mean she leaned in for the kiss first.

she sometimes helps with his and heimer's inventions

AU Powder and Ekko were working a project together for months to win a competition.

look at the hatred this creature feels for its creators
it knows its your fault its face is so fucked up

No it’s because Hextech and Shimmer were never created you all watch this show with your eyes closed and ears plugged

So true and also sex. Tall and slim is how I like my women.

See, even though you might still be autistic, you now look like a functioning human being by actually putting your blame on your overall dislike of S2 because of Cait Vi Jinx. Good job on not looking like a total loser.

Ekko truly got punished for doing the right thing. He got by FAR the worst ending

No individuals of similar intellect

Not on the council

Zaun united already due to Jinx

Only remaining childhood friend is some rich racist's whore

Realize that soulmates exist and you BARELY lost her because Vi's retarded ass decided to be emotional about Vander dying for the 50th fucking time

Realize that said soulmate was the only girl who could keep up with your mind and your culture

She had also successfully done a PR tour which made everyone in the under city respect her, even your gang that used to hate her

Realize even after saving her from suicide 5 times in a row it took 5 minutes unattended with her sister to undo your pep talk

I fucking hate Vi. She should be called Jinx because she's done not but fuck up since episode 1. Vanders prodigy my ass

Ekko was so CLOSE to have his golden ending for the Hextech!route VI locked him into when they were kids.

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Well even if they tried to find Vander's mind in the hivemind, they wouldn't find it unfortunately. Singed's anti-humanity juice burned away all of his memories as his time as Vander. They're going to need a mage to dreg out what remains and create new memories to fill it out but Vander is deader than dead, just a beast that remembers that he was once human with no idea why he was crying while trying to kill VI and Jinx

Why was Warwick still a monke until the end instead of the actual doggo chimera? Why does everyone need to be homo or have a romantic relationship with a nigger, possibly at the same time? What was the fucking purpose of having ekko and heimer in this show at all? Why does there need to be so much cheap porn with these ugly ass models? Was it this shit in the first season as well?

At least he believes he saved the day by killing Viktor when in reality it just dazed him.

Well she wasn’t, to lesbians the one who gives during sex is the top and the ones who receives is the bottom

actually a sweet moment when you remember his entire character in a nutshell is finding purpose in life. All of Yasuo's stories are peak, I hope Riot continues with this.

recent announcements

Lightcannon? More like LightCANON hehe

Oh come on liking the Gary Stu character is so boring.

I'm autistic like that

There's nothing wrong with e7 but putting it in act 3 ruined the entire season. Half the cast disappeared for an entire act, they had to stuff act 2 full of filler, and they ran out of time with only 2 episodes to wrap things up in act 3.

also from ep 7

Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes and we'll start the game

Everyone is blind and it all ends the same

What does your heart race?

When does your heart leave?

Roll of the dice if you're not afraid

You and I till the end, it all ends the same

What does your heart race?

When does your heart leave?

Vi's shrine song, think this is why Ekko gives her the blue rose, cause this song was playing in the background when he learns she died on that job. Pretty sure he sang HitC in the rough versions, Alex Seaver or Tyler ig?
Turn Your Back & I'll Disappear

Are you death sent home

Let me down

I'm not left in the dark room alone

This time's the (fifth)

Open your eyes

Turn your back and I'll disappear

Kiss a rose and it's over

There's a 2000 character limit. I looked closer at one of the many threads, the most important one since the show was built around it, and talked about it. I'm sorry I can't fit a detailed analysis and offer potential alternatives for every single botched storyline in one post.

My point was that from a writing standpoint, they could have changed the story in any number of ways to keep Vander's personality in there rather than burning it out through the glorious evolution. Something handwave-y like Ambessa not wanting him to be lobotomized because she loved his savagery and her obsession with wolves. Anything to keep the personality in there so that there's any kind of emotional stakes for the Vi/Jinx/Vander fight during the finale. It feels completely extraneous that they're just kind of smacking around this big empty husk of an enemy while everyone else is having big culminations of character arcs.

He might've been reason why Zaun ended up improving in the AU or partially the reason why. He there for over three years after all. His time with Ekko probably inspired him to actually do something. It was pretty strange to see him work on the z-drive more than Ekko so they can get back home as soon as possible.

why wasn't Shimmer created? I get that Silco is an "I suck his dick everyday" grade AA faggot here, but wasn't Singed already developing Shimmer before SIlco appeared?

Sevika in the council was so random I don’t get why they didn’t just give Zaun independence wasn’t Caitlyn the ruler of all why didn’t they have her doing it

He did save the day. Without his last stand, Jayce would've never had the opportunity to talk to Viktor

Poor guy lost everything for being a good guy. Now I understand why he goes bad in the future. He has every right to fucking hate the world that made him miserable

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Angry CaitVi fans mad someone doesn't like them as rugmunchers now.

Because the AU episode is fucking trash and makes 0 sense. It pins all the blame for Zaun's state on hextech instead of decades of systematic oppression from Piltover.

Bro you already know why. There was zero coordination between their lore teams which really just shows how little confidence Riot has in their world building. Like if they knew Cait would lose an eye why did they release her in Legends of Runeterra with 2 eyes right when season 1 released? Why did they release Warwick in Wild Rift in-between season 1 and 2 if he wasn't going to look any different than he does in pc? Why did they add the t-hex into Legends of Runeterra and Wild Rift if the show ends with Heimerdinger dying/disappearing and hex tech getting destroyed?

Shimmer was was already invented by s1e1, what happened is that Silco dismantled production as a condition of independence. We already saw him agree to that in s1e9.

You can tell that she's falling in love with Ekko Prime in a way that she never had with AU Ekko.

AU Powder and Ekko were working a project together for months to win a competition.

Meanwhile, Jinx had already developed a device all on her own that had a permanent effect on the future of both Piltover and Zaun. She's an NPC in that universe, but she was meant to be the main character and deep down she knows it.

You know the pacing of season 2 is so bad when you realize that cutting out all of the sections of Mel's imprisonment, awakening as a mage and 80% of the Black Rose shit and it would change nothing. Seriously, just Black Rose shows up and scares Ambessa, Mel gets kidnapped and Ambessa's actions get more and more desperate as she now realizes she's the only target left still on the list. And then Mel reappears in Act 3 now a mage and everything just happens exactly as it panned out but what happened is just kinda not explained. Seriously, all of the bullshit Mel went through deserved it's own episode and ideally in a series that focuses more on mages and magic in general, cut the shit between and we're just left with breadcrumbs for a spin-off. Not this crammed in whole under-baked loaf bullshit

From his pov he threw the bomb and Viktor died. He has no idea Viktor would have shrugged it off had Jayce not made him change his mind.
Must be nice to think that your last stand did all the work.

Why does everyone need to be homo or have a romantic relationship with a nigger

To make you mad. Glad they succeeded

Hextech is part of the reason why Zaun was left behind so bad. Silco himself admits it in one scene of S1

I aint mad over shit hes just a pathetic cuck

Everything played out the way it did because mage Viktor needed it to happen that way. It's lazy as fuck, but that's why multiverse timetravel sucks ass.
Him throwing runes at Ekko until he finally manage to come up with z drive.
Ekko showing up when Jinx was about to commit sudoku didn't happen by chance either.
Everyone but Jayce were just chess pieces.

The hate is well deserved. Other characters go through so much more shit (like Vi) and still remain good people (Vi). She got to keep the girl despite that horrendous gut punch and jumping into bed with someone else as soon as she dumped her lmao. Caitlyn fans are so unserious.

The state of the undercity in S2 is directly the fault of hextech, though. Jayce creates hextech, uses it to get onto the council, kicks out pacifist council member, and uses his position and hextech weapons to wage a war on the undercity. Without hextech, you don't have the guy that's pushing for a war, or the weapons that give him the confidence that there's no way he can lose. When the undercity has developed chemtanks and Piltover is stuck at the same point they were at during the bridge, it's over. They're forced to seek peace and make concessions, including sovereignty for Zaun.

Riot already has three other shows planned, one has already been getting developed for a year

The worst part about Arcane is nothing following it will be nearly as good. If Fortiche keeps doing LoL stuff it's gonna take another ~3 years for one season

The left Vandar's empty husk alive for the same reason for why Orianna was shown alive at the end. It's breadcrumbs for a future spin-off focused on Ekko where he has to deal with the leftover chembarons, the hextech/chemtech golems being born, and WW rampaging around in the fringes. Also hextech is probably not going to go away, just the use of runes with it will be taboo. It's been shown that the way how Jinx used hextech aka just a power source, was far more stable

So in your mind Vi is still straight? Bud they ruined her im sorry.

she is gonna lose out to a piltie, like she always does

No way. She was clearly the bottom and Vi is clearly the man of the relationship. Cait being the top goes against nature

How hard can it be to make a wolf not look like a human faced monkey? Warwick's identity has been the same thing forever, I don't give a fuck about his sob story or hextech bullshit.

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was it worth

Ekko showing up when Jinx was about to commit sudoku didn't happen by chance either.

Why would Viktor interfere here? Jinx was a non factor in his defeat. If Jinx had died, Ekko would've still fought in the war

There's still time for her to be his undoing.

singed is only gonna keep winning
since he will go on to touch the lives of so many ionians with the gift of chemtech

I'm a straight guy but I like Jayvik way more than Caitvi

She was needed to unite Zaun.

She got blacked. She was already ruined

vi's wearing a high cut body suit

Zaun didn't do anything useful either.

Jayce was literally his first chess piece

I know. I wanted to see the wolf. Like I don't care about him "still tfansforming" or whatever. I wanted to see the wolf in action. All the other characters got epic scenes that pay excellent homage to their in-game skills and abilities. What did us Warwick mains get? A metal gargoyle. Like I loved the prison scene. I was so expecting him to grow into the wolf later and was so disappointed.

Considering the fact that he got what he wanted, yes.

played the long game

commits acts against nature itself

turns Vander into a near mindless beast

turns his former pupil into some kind of emotionless demi god

walks away with daughter now alive and well

the only cost is badly burned skin and a fucked up eye

she will probably be unhappy that she was brought back as a robot and only after singed had committed unspeakable evils in doing so

Oh you're right. I noticed that in other scenes but thought it was just her shirt tucked in.

Jayce was the only chess piece. Giving him the proper rune was the only intervention necessary to guide the timeline to the optimal path.

I fear they're gonna ruin him soon like they will ruin Viktor. Don't do it Rito

Look, I'm just saying, if Caitlyn needs to piss in someone's mouth, I'm open.

I hope so. Anything to forget the blacked episode

that's why they didn't let WW mains write the story, they'd force the design even if it clashes with the story being told

beastman makes more sense considering Vander's evolution at the hands of geneticist Singed who makes chimeric hybrids on the regular, each stage still humanoid and borrowing only the useful traits from the murkwolf, mainly the double heart and blood hunt. the enhanced super-human body and mutated face were legacy traits from shimmer Vander, which become more beastly but still humanoid

he absolutely was since Miles and Claggor treated him like a familiar face. its clear he poured a lot of time into Zaun and probably took on teaching Ekko and the other kids personally.

swain was apparently keeping an eye on him
but, assuming it doesnt get retconned, swain sees singed as a mistake of darkwill

maybe he is the one who gets singed fast tracked to noxus for his own purposes, darkwill decides to use him to make weapons against swains wishes
but singed doesnt care who is fitting the bill, as long as he gets one step closer to getting a human body for orianna

I wonder if she actually gets her mind back. I'm pretty sure in the actual LoL lore, by giving up her last organic piece she gave up the last of her soul and now she really is just a robot.

They saved the wolf form for League. The skin he's gonna get is much more like classic Warwick with the metalization. Also Shimmer aspects included it seems.

Also, it may be a Legendary. That's not his normal idle pose.

It was missed opportunity to not show Jinx, Ekko and Sevika uniting Zaun, which is also a missed opportunity to show us Jinx and Ekko cooperating.

he didn't work more on the z drive, only built the machine to amplify its power

clashes with the story

We literally see Singed using murk wolf parts to make Vander into a dog! How does that clash with anything? He's already 90% of the way there by act 2. Isha blows up his face and he regens as a dog. How does that clash with anything?

So if a girl sits on another girls face the one the bottom is the top actually?

that's nonsense but ok

The moment I see a black man on screen I scream at the top of my lungs because I know he most likely will get with a white woman.

Where is loliPow?

If this show had one more act or season we could've gotten more of Heimer and Ekko.

Vi doesn't have amnesia

Missed opportunity

Also a missed opportunity to show us Jinx and Ekko copulating.

in original lol-lore, it was a tinman situation
she felt like she was no longer human after replacing everything, but she still acted like she used to and was still capable of emotion

Yup. Warwick complainers are fucking retarded. Warwicks design is the most generic ass werewolf ever with a tube on his spine.

> all of that was probably storyborded but then cut for time
Hate s2 even more...

Ekko gives her the blue rose

When does ekko give her that?

it's the chemistry for me

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Complete MEGA yet?

Why white men fap to that?

At the end if the day. League is was brought me into watching the show. What I found was a beautiful story with a league of legends backdrop. What we saw in S2 was a show about league of legends. Which really upset me.


I thought them showing Ekko getting into a situation where his main power, to go back 4 seconds in time would become useless if he found himself in a position where that 4 seconds wasn't enough a completely tolerable method of showing his main power.


I'm pretty sure he did. I just watched the part where they work start working on it and he was there the entire time.

on your knees, stupid bitch

y-yes cupcake

Oh, did you really do it? you are so predictable Vi, you dumbass

y-yes cupcake

Did I tell you you could talk without permission?


What did Amanda want to tell us with that scene?


I know you're joking, but that's too quick. I'd rather they take their with that relationship before anything romantic happens. It wouldn't make much sense for it to happen so quickly.

When I was a young man, my girlfriend made colorful embroidery floss bracelets for me to wear. She would also sometimes draw on my body. I was retarded and never handcrafted anything for her in return.
It didn't work out.

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Black men won, anon

Yeah that time loop shit was awful.

this. they were domino pieces instead of chesa pieces and jayce was the only important piece.

Of course he was there helping, but how does that mean he worked more than Ekko on it?

Nah the Grey was pretty lame in the end. It took like years of continuous exposure to get supercancer, short term it was basically like having a terrible allergic reaction. Singed would have to supercharge it, and I feel like he could make something on his own without concentrated pollution as a base.

Because considering the scope of his time traveling ability, it's stupid to think he was only solving one issue at a time.

I want them to go on lots of cute dates.
I do think they're familiar enough they don't have to wait TOO long before making love. But yeah not right away.

chemtech bombs were explicitly made by singed
and they dont just choke people like the grey, they actually kill you so dead that you cant even go to heaven after, with the souls of its victims wandering around ground zero

there was no tactical benefit to this, singed just wanted people to suffer

It's because there's no logical reason why Vi should be in love with Caitlyn. She forced the badge on her, guilt tripped her into joining a mission to kill her sister, physically abused her because she stopped her from killing a child, called her people animals and after all that never apologized. Caitlyn is lucky that Vi has 0 self-respect.

They're lesbians, that's reason enough to excuse toxicity.

I very much loved the Ekko Jinx scene but everything else about the multiverse time travel shit is so fucking ass

Ok I'm wrong about that. He didn't put more work into than EKko or Powder. It was more of an equal effort or did less work. Sorry about that.

It can't be a body suit cause how did Cait take it off durinng the sex scene hmmmm...

Actually it was white men showing their fetish

If Vi was a guy, people would call her a huge simp

Why wasn't she wearing a bra?

Cope. All black men own your women wyte boi

And the ending is Vi submitting to her superior - dirt under your nails. Ha! What was even going on in these writer's minds?

Vi doesn't seem like the type to wear a bra. Caitlin idk?

Jinx has left both cities, but she might return at some point, Christian did say he wants to do more with their stories moving forward. That could either mean together or separately, but we'll see. Even though I like Timebomb I'm more curious about where Jayce and Viktor went.

lesbian couple

domestic violence

The writers sure know their stuff

Maybe they were scared of France getting more rebel and anti-establishment every year

Ekkoo episode was the only halfway decent episode of the series

all anyone cares about is blah blah Caitlyn blah blah lesbo shipping

Studs(AAVE for nigger bulldyke) self insert in to Ekko too. Ekko x Jinx is homo-approved.

Chuds are trying to forget the blacked content and women don't like black males in their shipping. It was an episode for no one, except male feminists

What's even complicated about her. She's less complicated now than before if anything. You just like bad girls

I can read the words in these posts, but I cannot parse their meaning.

by niggercattle

Gonna be honest with ya chief, I loved every episode of the series until episode 7 of season 2.

Well your image gave away that you have no attention span unless it's shipping shit on screen.

Damn anons, we've been leaking content for months, how hard is it for us to leak the extended version of Caitvi sex? We have a mission to do

no one wants to see it

Blue ray version will have it.

Nobody is going to wait until 2027 idiot

Just finished the final episode. Wait, so the entire show is about two friends creating a hybrid of magic and science and then finding out in the end the Wild Rune they've antagonized over is just a paradox after effect of their own deaths in the last episode? How did Jayce and Viktor fix everything? By just allowing the Rune to kill them both fulfilling the paradox?


is just a paradox after effect of their own deaths in the last episode? How did Jayce and Viktor fix everything? By just allowing the Rune to kill them both fulfilling the paradox?

What the fuck are you talking about? The anomaly was the Arcane throwing a hissyfit because Hextech had been abusing it for years, Viktor intended to use it to for a mass scale evoltuion, and when he had his time loop revelation, took the anomaly and fucked off. Where it went from there is a mystery, but it isn't poisoning the city anymore.

lesbians pretend that Ekko is a masculine lesbian woman
cuz he a soft lookin nigga

ekko should marry jinx
cait marries vi
jayce marries viktor
rate my ending proposal

The entire show is about Vi fucking up for years, then finally admitting that she was always the fuckup from the very beginning, then finishing out the story by fucking up again, by having prison sex with cait while her sister is off killing herself.

As long as Heimerdinger marries me I dont care who ends up with who

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marrying heimer

ok i can respect that, he's cute


I need more of Zaunite Standard English

So take your bets, what unecessesary queer couple is it going to be in the Noxus series. You can damn well bet they will just show straight couples, the writers crave Queer couples like it's fucking Fentanyl.

Honestly every ship is either cringe or fucked only zilco hallucination was both based & kept royalty, one of writers gotta be zilcofag, I suppose it's Lee

She does nothing to stop viktor I guess. While Ekko does something but it doesn't accomplish anything, which doesn't really seem any better.

Zilco hallucination is extremely based because Silco is dead and this is Jinx coming to terms with what she has learned in life.

learned in life.

learned in silco.

i'll take it, good job anon

Silco was apart of her life


literally full of 3 year olds and dykes

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Refusing to kill Vi

S1 Mel

politically savvy and full of calculated risks

shapes the narrative with the decisions that she makes

lots of agency and lots of influence despite being a mundane woman

original, interesting, intriguing, new lore

S2 Mel

her story is all about things that happen to her rather than things that she does

she doesn't push the plot along or have any agency, plot happens to her

no more feminine wiles or political machinations, just flashy fighting magic

clearly just a new champion, just like her mother

How to kill all of a character's appeal in a single season.

Silco was apart of her life

Silco was part of her life

The moment I see fortiche make mr black niggar end up with ms black niggar like it's supposed to be I will stand up and yell Kino

Jayce and Viktor are both attracted to women.

Love? that which inspires our greatest good is also the source of our greatest evils

I get it roasties mad to europoor zilco pedofaggots but Silco was the only good character all along and vi was worst, it won't be changed, feel sorry for caitlyn

Prestige Arcane Heimersinger

Only $500 on average in the gacha

Do you do it?

She even lost her boyfriend lmao

my guy everybody uses youtube

it's time to let go anon

I learned my lesson about gachashit ages ago.

You know, before I learned more about the lore, I thought Caitlyn's mom could have been Camille. Imagine if Viktor was stuck in a Hexcore-induced coma for the entire first act and then when he wakes up he revives Cassandra as Camille and ends up ousted from Piltover.

Chickening out on actually killing off Jinx was the worst decision ever made. It's not like we will see her again for the coming 5 years.

The worst part is that you could cut all of her scenes between her kidnapping and then her reuniting with Jayce and absolutely nothing would have changed to the narrative. That's how fucking pointless her scenes were

here, for you

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Yes. It isn't a coincidence that Silco is both the best character in the series and not a LoL champion.

camille, urgot, zeri, seraphina, renata glasc, janna could all be used for the return to zaun special

though the plot of zaun getting flooded and causing another 9/11 event might be a little too much misery for them to endure

While you niggers are arguing about no longer relevant characters, chad Luxanna and Demacian region are currently in development .

C o p e

No more dykes

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fuk, what happened to this thread? slow as fuk now

thinks Demacia will be picked over Iona

enjoy waiting ten years for your turn

I didn't think I was going to like Ekko, but S2 made him one of my favorite characters. He got fucked in the end, but just because his story is tragic doesn't make it less compelling. Probably my favorite outside of Singed/Viktor


Buddy this show has been """Chud"" repellant since it made two hot beautiful women into lesbians, ruining fantasies everywhere.

which demacian champs would you want in a demacia show

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lucian vs thresh would be kino, give me that

At least I have a turn to wait for

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no more dykes

Anon ill pay you cold hard cash if there isnt prominent faggotry in every one of the new LOL series. They have queers in the writing room, we ain't getting off scott free.

<3 Jinx <3

i feel like singed could cure his wounds if he really wanted to

piltie bougie with big hair and a tinkering habit brings harmony and unity to zaun and piltover with the power of sovlful music

Who did it better?

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Samira is bisexual and has a fifty percent chance of being introduced having a MFF threesome

lux and garen as the main characters obviously
lux struggling with being a mage in a world that hates mages and garen trying to reconcile his love for his sister with duty to the crown
jarvan as a side character, trying to live up to the very hard job of being king while a mage rebellion is tearing things down, petricite is running out, and he is banging a magic dragon

not likely to show up, but ezreal disguised as jarro lightfeather walking around town
so that we can have dramatic irony when lux meets ezreal for real and has no idea who this schmuck is when she had actually been friends with him before


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he is apart from her life now

heimer is actually a 500 year old mega-genius who has lived through both the good times and bad
he more than anyone can afford to say "everyone should live together" because of his uniquely long world view that has given him the chance to see al the good and bad man has to offer and why he thinks co-existence is possible

seraphina is just discount lynn minmay, but without the protoculture

Why would he keep the massive burn scars and melted lower face

If they weren't cowards they'd add this guy from the card game that canonically has a husband, but fat chance we get any gay old men.

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What do you think the intellect ranking for all the science/inventor related characters is? Personally I think it goes
Singed >= Heimer > Viktor >= Jayce > Ekko > Jinx

Who's this daddy and who's his husband

MC status: Garen, Lux, Shyvana

important supporting characters: Jarvan IV, Fiora, Quinn, Sona

mentor characters: Xin Zhao, Galio

guest stars: Lucian, Vayne

villains: Sylas

cameos/easter egg characters: Morgana, Kayle

mascot: Poppy

bonus NPCs: Jarvan III, Cithria, Tianna, Eldred

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because its funny?

noxians appear with the viktech that swain found at the end

they use it to arm the mages just to stick it to the demacians

I like to think that he simply doesn't care if it isn't towards achieving whatever his current goal is. Clearly his fucked up face doesn't impede his work so he doesn't bother fixing it

Which Demacian character is most likely to get screwed over by not appearing at all, like Camille?

They're all at the top of their respective fields and have made groundbreaking discoveries. In terms of raw intelligence I wouldn't put any above the other.

It bothers him enough to keep it covered with that ridiculous neck piece

poppy showing up out of nowhere to one-shot everyone before leaving because another village somewhere else needs her help would be hilarious

she would be a natural fit, being an ionian mage living in demacia

But she is kind of a silly character, a mute who can force people to dance, and doesnt really have an established relationship with anyone
so she is someone everyone would want but cant actually show up unless they go really far in justifying her existence like they did with singed

Poppy, Vayne, Xin Zhao, Sona

She should've spent S2 being the Varys to Ambessa's Littlefinger.
Them actually duking it out by trying to outmanipulate Caitlyn would've been way more interesting than just sending her away to get powers.

Bilgebros, I don't feel so good...

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It would be pretty unfortunate if they did a mage rebellion story and left out Sona, which is what they fucking did in the current version of it. I feel like Sona is too popular and free representation to leave out though, unlike old white woman Camille

They love their music videos too and Sona is perfect for that
She has loose connections with Quinn and Lux through her sister, who is Lux's best friend in Demacia. Anyway she's too hot to leave out

No name as far as I know, just "Legion Veteran". Has some pretty cool voice lines and has seen some shit.

bilgewater is, like its name implies, way out in the boonies and nobody has any reason to invade it or meddle with its affairs

noxus isnt diverting their armies just to apprehend gangplank

Bilgewater will get the live action show, it would fit with it the most

Who should play them

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Well they should because Gangplank stole Swain's boat

Don't see Darius, Kled, Draven, Sion, or Swain being gay unless it's for his birb since they're not the type of male characters that appeal to homos, this leaves only Talon and Vlad. Talon is obssessed with earning Kat's daddy's approval but that might be going to far for fujos given the grooming undertones, which leaves Vlad since his lore is practically non-existent.

dislike lol

never seen an episode of arcane

yet all these arcane edits on tiktok making me melancholy

Wtf? Is this the chinese virus I keep hearing about?

Kled appeals to me.

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Does anyone know where this is from? I've seen korean fans discuss this on twitter and forums but I can't find the source.

"In the beginning, he was an innocent man with a cane, but later, he became an uncontrollable god with the power to dominate everything, including the entire universe."

Is Viktor now canonically one of the most powerful beings in the universe?

Vlad is definitely a sassy bisexual, that's just par for the course with vampires.

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Vlad is probably bi, he has a short story where he paints one of the few people he remembers from his memories and has some melancholy about how he's forgotten his name but remembers his presence and the sadness he left behind when he was gone


married/widowed with kids


possibly, but only because his character was one-dimensionally written as longing solely for combat with no room for friends of any kind


he is canonically a ladies man
but they could just write him as overcompensating while in the closet


he is already in a complicated relationship with leblanc where they want to murder and sex each other at the same time

kled is the personification of the noxian soldier's grit and spirit, he's the meme story they tell around the campfire, like a kilroy from wwii

i want ridiculous tall tales about kled in the noxus show

If they made Draven gay his mains would legitimately commit jihad against Riot HQ the same way they do in game when they die one time in lane

Why not just throw in Graves somehow since he's already canon gay instead of using somebody who isn't from Noxus?

kled vs poppy showdown, we need it

greatest warrior of demacia, who nobody actually recognizes but nonetheless her legend still gives hope

greatest warrior of noxus, who inspires suicidal bravery in everyone he meets

riven, swain, katarina

Forget them, here's your Noxian protagonist!

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they'll give the live action show to the freljord or shurima, to capitalize on game of thrones and dune, believe it

While it makes more sense for the next series to distance itself from piltover, meaning no Noxus, I would love to see some of my man Swain

regardless if the next show is ionia, demacia, or noxus, you'll probably be seeing swain, ionia and demacia are too connected with noxus for him not to be relevant

meaning no Noxus,

we see mel on her way back to noxus while swains raven inspects the remains of viktors coccoon

noxus will be a major player in the story
which makes sense considering the next regions they have lined up are ionia, demacia, and noxus, regions that are all very tied together

I don't think it'll be possible for them to turn any of the male characters into homos for Demacia or Noxus because none of them really appeal to fujos. The gaybait will be reserved for Ionia with Jhin/Hwei and Zed/Shen

Was it really necessary to kill him off?

the prime fujobait

imagine if they found a way to have aphelios cameo in ionia, no matter how improbable

if its in ionia, then swain is pretty much inevitable
he leads the initial invasion, he makes a name for himself during the conquest, and he experiences his fall from grace after losing to irelia
and his rise to power is directly a result of him turning to dark magic after losing his arm to irelia

his role in demacia is more as a side-character
with katarina being the noxian POV there, with focus on her attempts to kill J3, lux, and trying to kill/fuck garen

Jayce is ultimately a manufacturer. He's not good at developing revolutionary science even when he wants to, but he's good at using the science that exists to mass-fabricate tools.
Viktor is the opposite. His science is almost entirely theoretical and revolutionary and he's not very good at creating reliable, functional tools. Even his laser malfunctions during its test.
Heimerdinger seems to lack any inspiration of his own but he excels at uplifting the creations of others. He helps Viktor and Jayce turn hextech into the hexgates, and helps Ekko supercharge his device. No inventions of his own.
Without access to any literature, Jinx is able to construct all sorts of craziness and combines the gifts of Viktor and Jayce. She's able to mass-produce stuff in fits of mania, but the stuff that she produces tends to be extremely potent and volatile.
Ekko is the master of making use of what tools he has access to. He's a jury-rigger, an improviser, he takes whatever he gets his hands on and transforms it into something incredible. When he gets access to hextech, he adapts it to do things that Jayce and Viktor never dreamed of.
Singe is the apex. His work is iterative and without any morals to hold him back, he makes steady progress until he achieves his goals, typically through his own discoveries, but sometimes by adopting and adapting the inventions of others.

Though is correct, if I had to rank them, I'd arrange them as:
Singed > Ekko > Jinx > Heimerdinger > Viktor ≥ Jayce

Nah that was kind of lame, but if they're going by Riot canon then Yordles are almost impossible to kill because they just respawn back at the Bandle Tree. But there wasn't any shadow or ash like when that other guy got vaporized earlier in the season, so he might have just been shunted into another time or place.

yordles are supposedly immortal, vex cant kill herself even when she actually wants it
he is probably just floating in the void waiting for someone to rescue him



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Singed is one of if not the first champion designed for the game

has not received a gameplay update since release, iconic

does nothing but win in Arcane

is the entire purpose of this show secretly to be a love letter to one of riot's first champions

What sort of story could they pull off in Ionia, if they don't do the Noxian Invasion?

i find it funny that he never appeared in any of the advertising for season 1, wasnt even named at all, and then just became one of the major characters midway through season 1

I always thought it was Heimerdinger that was responsible for a lot of the pre-Hextech Piltover technology, considering he's called the "father of Piltover" and after spending several years in that alternate timeline everything was much more advanced in both Piltover and Zaun.

Riven and/or Rell are guaranteed to appear in a Noxus show, because there's no way that Riot would make a show that's just about political machinations in an authoritarian empire. There's got to be quirky rebels for the normies to root for.

The Hunt for Jhin

zed and shen as the main characters, with shen's dad as their mentor

they pursue jhin across ionia, seeing his horrible murders

>karma, kennen, lee sin, and master yi help out too

hwei and jhin have an episode

cameos from younger ionian characters, like a child akali, irelia, and yasuo

No it's because Vi sucks

yasuo being an arrogant swordsmaster and yone being the wise one
though sibling drama was already done with vi and jinx, you could do a decent jidaigeki with yasuo and yone

with the noxian invasion only occuring at the midpoint of the story that results in yasuo being accused of a crime he did not commit
the noxian invasion isnt very important and functions more as a backround element to him looking for the true killer of his master

So, like, did Mel just assume the GIANT GOLD PLATES BOUND TO HER SKIN were just... there?
She's so shocked by her magic powers, but she literally had gold bonded to her skin. Did she think they were tattoos she didn't remember getting?

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True Detective season 1 but it's zed and shen and they're hunting for Jhin and realizing the conspiracy goes beyond just Jhin would be kino

Lux doesn't show up at all

gets 900 fics shipping her with Jinx

if she shows up next season yurifags are gonna lose their fucking minds

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But he's also the embodiment of slow, iterative progress and slow, incremental change. AU PZ isn't particularly advanced, it's just the same sort of clockwork city as S1E1-3 PZ.

Sure, he's potentially on the same level as Singed, who makes revolutionary iterative progress, or he might be even better. However, based on what we see, Heimerdinger doesn't create anything particularly impressive on his own, he just bolsters others and enhances their creations. His "true" intellect, if he didn't hold himself back and pushed his mind to the limits, is entirely hypothetical.

didn't fortiche say those were tattoos?

funny that lux's popular ships, jinx and ezreal, are only supported in skinlines, and she's never actually met either of them in the main universe

Do you really think there's enough meat in the Golden Demon Murders for them to make an entire series out of it?

He's too high testoterone for Riot's intended audience (which is why they had to take a fat shit all over him during Ruination) but I'd love a show or even a one off episode animating Pantheon's backstory, he probably has my favorite character lore in the setting

Why are people just ok with seeing Jinx as a prize for a man. Don't have to be woke when it's a BLACKED ship or something?

There's nothing stopping them from adding more to it

It's from the TFT video where they did reveals today. It's the TFT team talking about it, so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

This granny shows up at the end too and is shown to be controlling rose thorn vines. I imagine she'll be Mel's mentor character in the upcoming Noxus stuff.

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I don't think AU Piltover was more advanced, it's just that Zaun was also close to the same level and wasn't just dark and depressing, presumably because it never ended up being ruled by gangs in that universe

Draven is the most obvious fag in the entire franchise, just like his players.

Writers have sort of already communicated that they hate Ezreal.

it would make sense as a prequel to the invasion, have half the series be ionia and the other half be older noxian characters coming up in the world, like darius and swain

That runs the risk of turning it into Arcane S2 and "fleshing it out" to the point where it no longer resembles the original thing at all.

They are out of their fucking minds and its been like that for years

Well if I can bring up True Detective again, they made an entire series about a set of murders but it ended up being a lot more about character drama with the murders as the backdrop/driving force. So yes, absolutely there's enough to fill the season - as long as it's not just focused on that and is more about the character development.

and she's never actually met either of them in the main universe

she has met ezreal, but in his alter-ego of jarro lightfeather

the obvious story beat would be to have lux slowly warm up to ezreal when he shows his more noble side
and ezreals main damage is that he is afraid of being himself and puts on the facade of being what he thinks is cool instead
so ezreal getting exactly what he wants, luxs affection, after finally embracing himself instead of hiding behind his persona would be narratively solid

Jilco below vinx

How is this possible?

Riven isn't even a rebel you retard. She literally goes back to Noxus to serve her sentence for ditching Noxus because of PTSD

There's Valoran Town at least. The fact that they're best friends in this series makes me think they're probably destined to meet in the main lore. They have a lot in common.

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Silco has existed for a fraction of the time that these other ships have existed

I'm chill with shipping (to an extent) but people who are genuinely invested with shipping characters that have never met and have zero connection to each other and don't treat it like a crack pairing are fucking insane to me, where does this investment even come from.

well, not enough to keep him from getting a million skinlines, most of which manage to bang lux

I guarantee you that less than 10% of these fanfics predate Arcane.

No? The current version is she lived in Ionia for years with the people who rescued her, and when her former comrades were sent to drag her back, she went along to save her adoptive dad from being killed

Ez has consistently been one of the most popular champs in the game since forever regardless of how bad he is, they're kinda obligated to keep pumping out skins for him

In my ideal world, the Hunt for the Golden Demon would be the Act 1 arc for Shen, Zed and Grand Master Kusho for a season of a show based in Ionia, to explore their relationship before the Noxian Invasion in Act 2, which culminates in Zed's betrayal, with the Ionians fighting off the Noxians in Act 3.

China took the retard pills in America and actually ships Jinx and Lux

Surely there's no way Riot is gonna make this happen right

Jilco is split into "jinx/silco" and "jinx & silco." "silco/reader" is probably mostly implied jinx as as well.

they drop a joke about lux not knowing who ezreal is when they first meet before they immediately hit it off

i think the main thing all the universes where lux and ezreal meet and instantly become friends, is that the only thing standing in the main-ezreals way is himself

if he stopped for 2 seconds and realized no one actually likes the arrogant, grave-robbing, brat he acts like
he would get the companionship he truly wants

gorilla warwick was probably forced by 1 retard on the team
this is how lol depicts arcane ww

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She goes back the second they showed up retard retard retard. She never got blackmailed like that. The fact that you're even listing her as a rebel on the same level as Renata for trying to live a peaceful life away from Noxus is so retarded too like what?

I wasn't joking, they are genuinely fucking crazy.

Ez is the only champion I genuinely want to see die in the lore.

it gets even worse when charted
himejoshis have truly been putting in the work
fujos are slacking something fierce in this fandom

80% of it comes from Star Guardian and Wild Rift trailers.

“Much has happened,” Riven slowly shook her head. “Too much. Go back and tell them I’m dead. There is truth enough in that, the Riven you knew is dead. I’m someone else, someone broken who this land still holds to account.”

Vinx didn't even make the cut. That ship has 445 fics
Character/Character is for ships
Character & Character is for friendships

A plot is 2-armed swain plotting the conquest of ionia

B-plot is irelia going from being a 2-bit dancer to an unlikely warrior

swain plot is about him being the only one to recognize that ionian resistance is stiffening up and trying and failing to get reinforcements from darkwill, with the eventual realization that even noxus has its limits and darkwill is trying to expand to too many regions too quickly

while irelias plot is about her snowballing her resistance from a small band of ragtag losers into a large, proper, army

strong contrast with irelia and swain, specifically how the former would rather just go back to dancing while the latter takes the leading and strategizing as if it was as important as breathing

it finally ends with irelia managing to fight and defeat swain, in the first major noxian loss of the war, setting up swain for demonic possession

God I wish I was AU Powder

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the ionian timeline confuses me, who are the young vs. middle aged characters. how old are akali, irelia, yasuo, riven, sett, etc. compared to each other?

There's no way they won't. Where else would they insert Jinx? She has no association with any other non-PnZ characters except maybe Kayne but that was mostly played as a joke.

how did that even come up on your tiktok. I've never seen a single edit come up on my fyp, and I've been a fan of the show since s1

Oops she resisted a bit actually, because she thinks she needs to repent more in Ionia, and then she decides to go back to Noxus. Still not a rebel, more like a deserter. Two very different things.

Oh my god they still have dedicated fan artists. The fucking ship is still going strong.

Well yeah, I think the assumption is that she eventually does rebel against Noxus, she gets dragged for execution in the arena, then gets caught up in the Ruination and becomes a Sentinel. I think she was headed back to Noxus after that?

Im gonna write 8000 Gnar x Rengar fanfics.

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Garen, Lux, Poppy, Sylas and Vayne
Especially Vayne because she’s based schizo racist

How is going back to Noxus to finish her sentence make her a rebel though? Sounds like the exact opposite. Also didn't Riot retcon the Ruination or something? I actually don't know but that shit was a disaster.

vayne murdered her mentor/adoptive mother figure because she was a werewolf


Ryze's base is in Demacia btw

That’s why I want her.
She’s based schizophrenic maniac. It would be fucking funny

I can't be bothered to look it up, but I'm pretty Riven wasn't heading back to Noxus to finish her sentence after the Ruination. They've never really followed it up.

Its still canon, but they barely reference it. There's a funny reference to it by Olaf in a story

Fiddlesticks is also in Demacia

I figured most of that as well, though that they would have a larger roster characters of that.
In that ideal world of mine, I'd throw in Riven and Kayn as well, maybe Draven as a tertiary character.
Riven as Swain's trusted second in command and chosen champion, who helps him finish up a conquest of some random province in Act 1 and prepare for the Invasion, only for her to develop sympathy for the Ionians in Act 2 and outright join them in Act 3.
Kayn as a young man eager to prove himself (young adult rather than an outright child) who gets conscripted in the conquered province in Act 1, only to become increasingly bloodthirsty throughout Act 2 and end up abandoned after a massacre in Act 3, to be recruited by a renegade Zed.
If Draven gets featured, then he'd probably just be a bit of comic relief to contrast with the straight man that is Swain, only for him to be the only Noxian character at the end that still shows any loyalty towards Swain and respect for him. Mostly a minor role though.

what imagine dragons song will they use for the next show

It was never going to truly work out with Ekko. AU Powder loved her Ekko. There's just way too much baggage between Jinx and Ekko living separate lives for them to ever get together in a way that mirrored the AU relationship.

The best thing that can happen is Ekko moves on with his life, as Jinx is doing, flying far away.

Jinx & Silko

oh I see, the ampersand indicates a plato-


oh ok



They’ll make a new one lmao. Or maybe we will get someone else to do the intro music

anything but thunder please

We're all fantasizing about the next show but let's keep it real guys, it's probably gonna come out 6-7 years from now and you've lost pretty much all the interest you have right now. The Arcane production started in 2014, so that's 8 years up until its airing, and the next show started production a year ago. It is what it is.

Not a lorefag but just pulled this from the wiki if it answers questions. These are usually their birth date, though a few (particularly the 816 group) don't have a specific date so it's some time before then. I will classify them into groups just by eyeballing it. Seems BN/AN corresponds to BC/AD in modern year syntax

I don't know the exact point in time the game takes place but it seems to be somewhere around 997 AN ish? So you can have these guesstimate ages along with their birth dates. Also, some characters have a birth date range so I always took the oldest value, but it's probably +- 3 years for some

Character = Age (birth date BN/AN)


Kennen = ~10,000 y/o (>9000 BN)
Ivern = ~ 10,000 y/o (9000 BN)
Varus = ~3537 y/o (2540 BN)

Turn of the century

Ahri = ~1022 y/o (25 BN)
Lillia = ~1000 y/o (3 BN)
Syndra = ?? (unknown, at least multiple centuries sealed)


Rakan = >181 y/o (<816 AN)
Wukong = >181 y/o (<816 AN)
Xayah = >181 y/o (<816 AN)

Middle aged

Master Yi = 51 y/o (946 AN)
Jhin = 41 y/o (956 AN)
Lee Sin = 41 y/o (956 AN)


Shen = 36 y/o (961 AN)
Yone = 36 y/o (961 AN)
Zed = 36 y/o (961 AN
Hwei = 35 y/o (962 AN)
Yasuo = 34 y/o (963 AN)
Sett = 33 y/o (964 AN)
Karma = 29 y/o (968 AN)


Irelia = 25 y/o (972 AN)
Kayn = 21 y/o (976 AN)
Akali = 20 y/o (977 AN)

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Forgot to mention but this is for Ionia specifically, I'll post Noxus in a few

Cait & Vi together in her nice house MANY times throughout the series

They only ever make out or fuck in sewers and jail cells

Maddie got to fuck Cait in her bed though

What the fuck did the French mean by this?

so that's 8 years

it took that long because they had to start and re-start production several times, inlcuding riot literally putting it on hiatus for a year because they hated the first test footage they got

only way it takes 8 years to get another show is if they get saddled with that many interruptions

as a lorefag, a lot of the stuff here is pretty much just made up bullshit.

French niggers are utterly degenerates

Riot is gonna wanna top Arcane, so yeah it's gonna be just as long of a wait. The writing is gonna be hard to manage too, because unlike in Arcane where the champions don't really have an expansive lore that can allow for a more creative story to be written, Demacia/Noxus/Ionia does and they're gonna try and find a balance between original stuff for the sake of creativity and what's already in the lore.

I feared as much. Oh well, I'll do Noxus for the sake of completeness, you can critique the wiki writers as you like

will they have the balls to make lux 5'10'' instead of shrinking her down to jinx size like they usually do?

a large part of arcanes dev cycle was literally just waiting
they made the entirety of popstars during a lull in development while waiting for riot to pick it back up

its not likely to take 8 whole years unless they have similarly long periods of time where no work is being done

her story is all about things that happen to her rather than things that she does

>she doesn't push the plot along or have any agency, plot happens to her

>no more feminine wiles or political machinations, just flashy fighting magic

>clearly just a new champion, just like her mother

she literally manipulates both her mother and the black rose sorceress to the point she can kill them both, sacrificing half of piltover to do it.

Lorefag explanation for the big ages:


He's a Yordle, just lived in Ionia forever same way Heim was in Piltover forever. Pretty sure he helped found the ninja order that Shen, Akali & Zed came from.


He's a tree. No, literally. He's this super spiritual tree. His current incarnation is younger though I think cause some viking dude came and chopped down the tree and got cursed to become the new incarnation of it


He's an ancient race called "Darkin" that got sealed in a bow (they were all sealed in different weapons). His current form is younger I think, as he made a body out of a gay couple that used him to save each other.

Ahri & Wukong, Xayah, Rakan

Vastaya (magically inclined animal races) from a long living tribe


She's a spirit born from this tree tied to the dreams of all mortals to tend to the tree and the dreams.


Super mage sealed in a dreaming pool for centuries cause they feared her potential power

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It should be out by 2028 or 29. Production is streamlined and they have more experience now with limiting the scope of the project and not biting off more than they can chew

You know if the mmo ever comes out it's going to make Arcane not canon.

Nooot even a little bit, cait would be the cheerleader on the baseball team, a tomboy, Vi is a str8 up butch lesbian. Butchies tend to be tops, and do a lot of picking up.

That shit is never coming out

Here's Noxus - also just noticed I said turn of the century instead of turn of the millenia


Vladimir = 2997 y/o (2000 BN)
LeBlanc = 1897 y/o (900 BN)
Mordekaiser = 1547 y/o (550 BN)

Very old

Kled = 999 y/o (2 BN)
Elise = 648 y/o (349 AN)


Sion = 179 y/o (818 AN)

Middle aged

Swain = 51 y/o (946 AN)
Darius = 41 y/o (956 AN)
Ambessa = ?? (no lore page yet)


Samira = 33 y/o (964 AN)
Cassiopeia = 32 y/o (965 AN)
Draven = 32 y/o (965 AN)
Katarina = 31 y/o (966 AN)
Riven = 31 y/o (966 AN)


Talon = 25 y/o (972 AN)
Briar = 24 y/o (973 AN)
Smolder = >20 y/o (<977 AN)
Rell = 17 y/o (980 AN)

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Riot can't keep dodging Ryze forever. They can reuse his character twice over in Arcane but that's only delaying the wait. He will return.

But why did Amanda remove him?

the main character allegations are so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if Riot retconned his lore again

Because time shenangians (Viktor somehow learned how to fully do arcane magic but dont think too hard on that)

he's about to get his lore rewritten to just be some random blue schizo that smokes fent in a shuriman alleyway that thinks he knows magic so they never have to touch him again

Again, here's how the really old age ones work:


Literally got sold to some Darkin as a slave all that time ago and learned their blood magic to let him live forever. Member of the Black Rose that only comes out whenever something big is about to happen in history.


She's the Sorceress from Arcane. Ancient mage that has been leading the Black Rose to prepare to face threats to Noxus forever


Turbo wargod that used to rule in Noxus then died and wanted a kingdom in the realm of the dead so he made it and intends to invade the living world one day. Leblanc's biggest threat she's trying to stop


Yordle. Went nuts fighting endless battles with his lizard mount Skarrl.


Chick that worshipped this ancient spider god/monster thing and became a spider monster herself as part of it


Big Noxian soldier that died a long time ago, famously killed a king while losing his jaw, so he had the guys crown put in to replace it. Noxians did a revival experiment thing making him an undying zombie super soldier

You guys joke but Riot wrote themselves into a corner with the whole World Runes thing because that's all Ryze's territory, and the only way to use their magic is to make their usage ambiguous (the Black Mist exists because of a World Rune shard btw). Ryze might actually get retconned so that their not tied to mention him whenever they want to make a plot about the World Runes, and honest to god this might all be the reason why we got the whole Wild Rune bullshit instead of a regular World Rune shard causing all the mess in Arcane.

Oh also Brand's gonna need a lore rework too if Ryze is getting one I guess.

Demacia for completeness and comparisons

Very old

Kayle = 1010 y/o (13 BN)
Morgana = 1010 y/o (13 BN)
Poppy = >996 y/o (<1 AN)
Galio = 705 y/o (292 AN)

Middle aged

Xin Zhao = 51 y/o (946 AN)


Lucian = 36 y/o (961 AN)
Sylas = 32 y/o (965 AN)
Vayne = 31 y/o (966 AN)
Fiora = 31 y/o (966 AN)
Quinn = 31 y/o (966 AN)
Shyvana = 31 y/o (966 AN)


Jarvan IV = 27 y/o (970 AN)
Garen = 26 y/o (971 AN)
Lux = 21 y/o (976 AN)
Sona = 21 y/o (976 AN)

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Ryze is the reason why the destructive Wild Runes exist

this guy fucking sucks at his job

wild runes result in the creation of a wild rift

everyone gets sucked in


xin zhao

its funny how old he is when he doesn't look it at all

One of the three biggest plot devices in all of LoL lore pretty much belongs to a single champion

Is Riot retarded?

he eats a lot of ancient Chinese pickle brine that has been in the family for generations.

downloaded wild rift again to dunk on the Arcane newbies

can't name myself Yuri Tarded

Kayle & Morgana

Twins born to the "Aspect of Justice" that eventually took her place. Aspects are people inhabited by godly presences embodying concepts. They also helped with Demacia's founding.


Yordle, helped with Demacia's founding


Giant magic gargoyle made of anti-magic stone designed to protect Demacia from magical threats after they got really racist towards mages

Didn't realize Demacia had so few "old" champs honestly. Makes it funny how they're treated as Noxus' biggest adversary so often.

World Runes and the Rune Wars were created with Ryze's rework, everything regarding those two was all created for the sake of making up Ryze's lore. So yes they are retarded.

Fiddle and Nocturne if you want to count them. Evelynn maybe too

ryze is the reason why the world runes exist in the first place now thats just sad

Makes it funny how they're treated as Noxus' biggest adversary so often.

ever since they got rid of the summoners and the IOW, demacia vs noxus has been a bit of a formality, only included because its one of the few bits of old lore thats so ingrained that its kept no matter how many times lore gets retconned

they dont even share a border in the current map, with a giant chunk of neutral territory separating them

Yeah, there's a lot of champs actually that should be in specific regions but Riot still treats them as "Runeterra" Champs not tied to a specific region.

amerifats go to sleep

leaguefags come crawling out

Where are you guys even from

when the LoL lore show creates LoL lore discussions

Also just to give some breakpoint ideas, excluding all the super old people that will be omnipresent no matter what story they tell:

970 AN


Master Yi is 24 y/o
Jhin and Lee Sin are 14 y/o
Most other cast (Shen-Sett) are <10 y/o


Swain is 24 y/o
Darius is 14 y/o
Most other cast (Samira-Riven) are <10 y/o


Xin Zhao is 24 y/o
Most other cast (Lucian-Shyvana) are <10 y/o

980 AN

Master Yi is 34 y/o
Jhin and Lee Sin are 24 y/o
Shen-Sett range from 19-16 y/o
Young cast (Irelia-Akali) are <10 y/o


Swain is 34 y/o
Darius is 24 y/o
Samira-Riven are 16-14 y/o
Young cast (Talon-Rell) are <10 y/o


Xin Zhao is 34 y/o
Lucian-Shyvana range from 19-14 y/o
Young cast (Jarvan-Sona) are <10 y/o

990 AN

Master Yi is 44 y/o
Jhin and Lee Sin are 34 y/o
Shen-Sett range from 29-26 y/o
Young cast (Irelia-Akali) range from 18-13 y/o


Swain is 44 y/o
Darius is 34 y/o
Samira-Riven are 26-24 y/o
Young cast (Talon-Rell) range from 18-10 y/o


Xin Zhao is 44 y/o
Lucian-Shyvana range from 29-24 y/o
Young cast (Jarvan-Sona) range from 20-14 y/o

The way I see it, whatever story takes place is probably going to be either in the mid 980s and exclude the young cast, or it'll be closer to current period and be mid 990s. The exact start date depends on which groups they want to focus on. If they want to focus on the younger cast, and they pull an arcane style timeline, it'll start in the 80s and progress to the 90s over the series. If they focus on the adult cast, it'll probably start int he 70s and progress to the 80s, excluding the young cast. I can't see Demacia being done without the young cast, so whatever Demacia storyline they plan is likely 80s-90s, while Ionia and Noxus will probably be more adult/middle aged focused and go for the 70s-80s timeframe

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I still have no idea where Arcane takes place in the timeline, its before the invasion of Ionia, right? So characters like Kayn and Akali would be Powder age?

Guys how do i stealthily convince my partner to dye her hair blue?

Anon Swain already has the bird. The invasion happened.

Don't worry about it.

Acrane is the new point Zero. Everything will be based off it going forward.

We don't know if the ionia war happened already. It could have happened during the S1Act1 timeskip.

Singed doesn't have to necessarily be there himself to sell his weapons through Silko to Noxus.

The bird might just be Raum, Swain might not be in control yet

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I can't find an exact date on the Noxian invasion but supposedly Karma was an adult which would put it around the late 80s or early 90s. If Arcane takes place before, then Jinx (972 AN) would be in her late teens in the ending stages of Arcane, which you could argue though I assumed she was early 20s. It's very tight and I'm guessing the Noxian invasion happens either concurrently with Arcane or within a few short years after it.

Buy the dye and tell them they'd look cute

Tell her you'll rim her if she does.

The entire anglosphere Internet, including here, goes to shit when Australia gets off work, which is now. The next six hours are the worst time to use any public chat in English. This time period is also when the most virulent anti-American rhetoric comes out.

You'd think it would be the Russians or Chinese posting the most anti-American shit but it's not because the grammar is actually fluent and the slang identifies it clearly as either UK or Australian in origin and given the UK is only starting to go to work right now it means the shitposting for the next 6 hours is almost exclusively Australian.

Americans seem to have a high opinion of Australians but the respect is not returned. I wasn't sure of how shit the Australians were until I went and lived there on a work project for a few months and the way they get into fights in bars is nothing like how we fight in North America. Like it's actually no surprise Murdoch is Australian because I swear there is no group in the anglosphere who detests the anglosphere as much as the Australians do when you get a few beers into them. moot should have seriously ip banned the entire continent even just temporarily, just so we could've seen how much better the site would have become.

I can't grasp why the Australians have become like this. It was true the Internet got worse when everyone got online but Australia legitimately got so extraordinarily shitty I actually noticed it.

How? He was locked up in the iron bastion before Swain freed him.

Was Raum locked up? I thought he just lived there, and Atakhan was the one that was imprisoned

Something else interesting is the wiki puts Singed's birth at 876-916 AN which would make him 121-81 years old

Though admittedly this timeline (as the other anon said) is probably bullshit because his lore implies he was vocal against hextech when he was in university which would have to be the early 900s, many decades before Arcane takes place

last jayvik for tonight. remember to always confess your love or your crush will brainwash everyone

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Americans seem to have a high opinion of Australians but the respect is not returned.

We do? The only opinions are I hear are either, "haha funny accent," or if it's someone who's been there, "holy shit you guys Australians are the most virulently racist fuckers I've ever met"
The latter reaction checks out with what you've said

Both were. Actually I don't think we know where atakhan is. He might be in the iron bastion or he .ight no. Or I'm not remembering correctly.

The lesson of Arcane is that gays will make their problem everyone's problem

at least pre-internet, the most famous aussies in the US were crocodile dundee and steve irwin
who were the baddest of asses and were largely responsible for australia occupying the same level of cultural recognition as the UK does on the average person

it took a long time for the crocodile-wrestling, bare armed, badass stereotype with a cool accent to go away

goodnight, will be dreaming of them again tonight

Im thinking its more along the lines of contract and dedication, the time and artistry arcane (lol) demands is expensive and disgustingly time consuming, NGL, i would expect anything that comes out of that department to take four years at a time. Adding Ryze alone would be a whole ass (im gonna say) season and a half (12 episodes) i dont know if any people with that kind of grit mixed with money even still exist to make it all make sense in a show.

Cait Vi love vid drop

Most Americans probably only meet Australians briefly when they visit America. And like a good tourist you have to be somewhat careful about not pissing off the locals so the first impression is pretty good.

It's only when you meet an Australian who has been in-country for a while who has figured out how shitty they can be when you get the pathologically virulent behavior that is just the norm in Australia. The "I'm going to chase you down to keep fighting you, fuck up your ride, and then continue to chase down your vehicle so I can proceed to fuck up your home". I've obviously never met Murdoch but I have met or worked for incredibly wealthy Australians and it actually made all the sense in the world to me why Murdoch does what he does. It was such culture shock learning how aggressive Australians are in business I mean to yell at subordinates as much as they do combined with throwing shit and property damage. Once I was about to call the police but my boss stopped me explaining that this shit was somewhat normal. And you can see it so plainly on Anon Babble at this hour.

I figure I'll understand why the nation is like that one day but I can't figure it out. I mean they play the same sports as the English and people in the UK basically antagonize each other on the basis of religion and sports to the degree entire towns antagonize each other but the Australians just have a general disdain for literally everyone. It's like there's no fucking shame of being caught fighting at a bar whereas in the UK the next morning the whole town knows about it and there's some amount of shame. God I remember once a visiting Australian was playing rugby with the local team and he had to learn real fast that screaming at the ref was just not something we did here.

maybe, but I doubt it

why? the 'can we pretend its the first time' line sounded pretty explicitly as though he knows the AU version of him and Jinx have kissed before (going by how she pretty much instantly went in for it like she was used to it), but he wanted to treat the moment as wholly unique/new.

Plus she's generally just way too touchy with him for them to not be dating, IMO

so what?

Why are people obsessed with making every character gay when the show is already super LGBT friendly?

become like this


Anon, moot was complaining about Australians on this site a longer time ago than the age of some of the people on here.

legends of runeterra fans leading a mass exodus after arcane destroyed their version of canon
theyre used to every character becoming gay

They went ahead and made the Universe page and said a bunch of shit is now the official canon AFTER Arcane was released, only to then burn it all down again. Its very confusing and they are doing a terrible job with creating integration and an ecosystem of narratives. An example of how to do it are 40K and WoW which are franchises that have spit out books for decades, retcons can happen but its decently consistent for people to follow the broad strokes of the narrative.

Just realized the final scene of the blimp has blue paint sprayed on said blimp.

That generation got really into fanfiction, so all they would do is ship whoever they wanted and would try to get the actual creators to do it, when its obvious that a ALOT of characters were NOT written like that. And of course the rich kids just want to be part of the Literally everyone who is not them, so they just tell mom and dad, and their parents ALSO hate that they cornnerd themselves like that too, so they make massive changes to stuff that everyone already thinks is fine, and good just the way it is.

That's the question why are they like this at all. Is the answer the obvious one, that their entire nation is populated by the descendants of criminals? America needed Vietnam and two more wars to begin eroding social cohesion but is it actually just correct to say Australia was shit from the get-go without any serious national trauma? The country was shit before it became China's bitch, I can't imagine how knowledge of that has made the nation so much worse in these past twenty years.

I have wonderful friendships with Australians but I realize those people are probably outliers as if they escaped their nation.

I genuinely think Americans carry some mind virus psyop to make people care about race and porn when it doesn't matter. I had never paid attention to shit like this before until I started lurking here.
Keep your cuck fetish to your self.

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Americans are retarded and only care about dumb shit like race and sexualites.

Real. I don’t know how you can focus on the racial aspect of this relationship at all.

Btw speaking of getting BLACKED
is BBC the way to fix mentally insane girls?

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jinx and ezreal would make a cute duo.

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An example of how to do it are 40K

lmao, even

No. BPD symptoms can subside if a relationship continues for about 2 years (and an active effort is up by both parties) because abandonment issues and lack of stability are a huge part if it, but thats a tough ask. Life can be absolute hell and there are no guarantees she will improve.

America is a massive joke to us because it's just a caricature of Americana stereotypes. 24/7 pharmaceutical advertisements and the recent US election are just sincere regularity for you folks. There is significantly less 'us vs them' culture wars of any particular flavour here - We are united in understanding how flagrantly corrupt our government is and having a laugh at our own shitshow, something that the English can't do out of post-empirical pride.

Ez, Lux and Jinx link up in Demacia, Ez and Lux become a couple, Ez and Jinx return to their home region to pull Lux out of magehating Demacia, Ekko and Jinx reunite.

tl;dr we're a bunch of sad quasi-solipsistic absurdist losers

I get what you mean.
At least getting the fuck out of Piltover and Zaun was a step for that, so it’s up to whoever she may meet in next shows (if we will get more of her)

She had BPD symptoms in S1 but now she seems APD lol

I am irrationally tilted at Vi and Jinx not parting properly. I get that it's done with the intention of an emotional fucking reunion in 10+ years, but I hate it still.

mfw I realize that Convergence explains the entire canon situation

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3 years for this season

no closure

I am too old for this shit

Pffft what’s next for her in Damacia/wherever the fuck she’s heading to?

ionia is a place of solitude and spiritual healing, and we are nearing a Noxus vs Ionia arc, so if I had to guess thats a good place to head. The wide open sea under her airship also suggests this (or like Shurima, but she has no business there). Demacia is not the most welcoming place for strange people, dont think she’d head there (intentionally).

Remember when we'd get 24 episodes a season every year
What happened to that

I just hope they find a way to advance the characters in a satisfying way without necessarily needing them on the show. Otherwise there would be too many characters (there were in s2) or alternatively we wont see what is next for our favorites for 10 years.

People are no longer satisfied with 8 fps paint filled characters in 3 locations

After they kiss, he leaves to check on Heimerdinger in the lab downstairs.
She puts her hands in her jacket pockets and feels the brown envelope. Ekko stashed it in her pocket at some point and she found the spinning blue rose jewelry inside, kind of good-bye present

no body, no kill

Watch them turn Ezrael in some super compelling character.
Remember how goofy and basic Jinx was before this show.


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In other words — based

She has the highest body count to date - in all possible meanings.

Who made this shitty ass list those numbers are way off

that might be going to far for fujos given the grooming undertones

Modern fujos have become so weak

Soul sucking Ahri

Tranny Taliyah

Stinky Riven

Yasuo is an unlucky man

Himejoshis are stacies

I think Warwick has the most on-screen kills

how are you both so far off? WW bodied like 12 people in just one scene, like at least another 4-5 Noxians and a couple randoms in the street

maybe it's not updated for s2, idk

Who will be gay? Either Fiora or Quinn I think

i hope kayle and morgana are gay
with each other

she literally manipulates both her mother and the black rose sorceress to the point she can kill them both, sacrificing half of piltover to do it.

It was literally a deus ex machina. She doesn't do anything and Blackrose gives the collar to her.

can turn it invisible somehow who knows

defeats br

Literally the worst part of her arc

she can defeat it... Just because she can defeat it and always could

Also I just hope if they do go Demacia and choose to introduce Garen and Lux's dad, they go with this design.

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Quinn, Fiora and Vayne have potential

Dont know about the guys, Riot seems to avoid it because guys are too insecure to play gay men.

but fiora is canonically gay though.

Dont know about the guys


It's a stone


Already with Katarina


Already with Shyvana


Gets pegged by Senna




Maybe? Dunno if they'd dare make the chinese man gay though.

Is she now?

That's Amara. She died in s2

Wither gay or ace. Swain has a voice line about her declining any suitor.

Swain's voice lines are god tier.
It's shocking when you compare them with the newest champions voice lines.

Morgana does have Evelynn pining for her in the coven line.

i just don't like the rush, it needed another act at least to be better

I noticed it with her heartpiercer skin

Fiora fancies herself the ultimate rival in all things romantic—a duelist unsurpassed in swordsmanship and love. How ironic that she finally seems to have met her match…

Swain is one of their coolest characters.
Would love a story where we start off with him as protag gunning against Darkwill and start questioning whether rooting for him is a good idea once he starts his Demonic pact arc.

missed the Jayce part about 'we're meant to lose this fight' which is obvious when Viktor's murderbots own everyone without effort

would you have preferred it if they defeated the ultimate threat gg ez? then non-stop complaints about OP characters and nothing burger big bad. I'm glad Caitlyn got her ass whooped by a literal warlord.

If they do a Noxian show they'd be crazy to not adapt Swain's uprising and how he became the ruler of Noxus.

I mean Swain has added voice lines for Arcane back when it came out but yeah he's the goat.

Faces in the flames, it was all her fault.

"They expect me to play fairly... We aren't even playing the same game."

"They are five steps from realizing: I am ten steps ahead."

One of my favourite is when he kills Riven

"She held their hands as they died, hoping they would drag her with them."

New thread

Darius is married to his job, Kled is Noxian Smeech, Draven is selfsexual (unless they ship him with Riven, which would be funny), Sion is a corpse. Swain could possibly used to setup a polycule with him, Vlad and Emilia screwing each other over, in plotting and actual screwing.

Noxus is actually pretty progressive. So long as you contribute to the cause, you can be whatever.