Oh my…
Oh my…
Jules from the Guava Juice Show.
The show was a pretty fun little episodic comedy with cute and goofy characters, very solid for what's essentially and YouTuber indie project.
She looks like someone who would be very into wearing bulky, highly-absorbent, plastic-lined undergarments
Fuck off, no one liked your show. The only thing anyone knows about it is how much you spammed it and tried to act like a fan.
Guava knew, he 100 percent knew what he approved. And hes based for it.
I liked the goth girl better
Last time some one post about it was like half an year ago
she look like she stinks...
Post baby Hana images
Why can't cartoon characters look weird in a fun way anymore? Why does every character need to be some faggot tumblr kid's self-insert with dyed hair and piercings and other gay bullshit?
Kids want characters that look cute, not some deformed ren and stimpy clone
There's room for both.
Jules will never bite your pickle
Why live?
Post baby Hana images
I wonder what she looks like without the rainbow hair?
Nancy and Jules are great but there's plenty of good one off girls from different episodes, hell I'd say Jenny herself is underrated in spite of being one of the main trio.
The Dolls
Hero Girl and Villain Girl
Lady FoilHat
Sheriff Nevermiss
Gua La
Granny Spirit
Lola (Roi's Grandma)
That hair makes her 20% cooler
Please lord tell me she stinks...
Possibly, if only due to
She looks like she accidentally made a rude noise while stretching and is looking to see if anyone noticed
Is there a name for girls like this?
Reminds me of something I made
something I generated
I want to lick the sweat out of her body
Thx or something
Whew ..
Yeah, for where it came from it's surprising the show was actually watchable. Even fun at times. For the most part I liked the energy of the show and some of the characters were cute. Still don't really know what the plan was with making this show when it's nothing like the rest of the channel's content but I'm glad it exists.
Which show is this?
straight reinbow bangs are a choice
something I made
Fucking delusional AI fag
Is this like some zoomer thing? It's crazy everybody was making fun of rainbow hair fags a few years ago and now it's "cool".
I wouldn't mind if it came back around. I'm old enough to have been there when bright unnatural hair colors were the provenance of punk rockers and goth girls. It was counterculture, alt, and a lot of girls looked really hot with it.
I hate that it became more of a thing for ravers, then gamers/e-girls, and people who alternate between browbeating everyone over morality and begging for money on social media.
Why can't cartoon characters look weird?
CGI, if you want weird characters, CGI cartoons because they are designed for toddlers.
2D now want be pseudo-anime with hot girls
don't know how cool it is. both characters appear to be airheads.
Post baby Hana images
it was a reference you didn’t get, Mr. “I’m totally an adult guys trust me”