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"Mid" is a compliment for this one

Least deranged dog fag

I can't find my damn hairbrush.

Ahh not again. Questioning what was the post mode activated. Teary eye sight slightly seen. Possibly hiding the thread immediatly

Duchess is one of the best Disney waifus

Shut your mouth you fag

The butler did nothing wrong

Fuck you, it was fun.
I liked looking at the pictures in the book where their uncle visits them, but mine's in German and I never bothered trying to decipher it.

It's weird Disney made a movie like this, it's nothing epic and the adventure is nothing-burger the best part is Edgar chased by the dogs

Extra Bonus Cartoon: Superman

It's a period piece seen through the eyes of animals. They were into that for awhile.

He was the real hero of the movie.

I hate the word "mid," because you kids aren't using it like, "it's good, but not great," you use it like, "it wasn't great, therefore it's BAD."

Some things should be "mid." Mid isn't bad. I think Aristocrats is actually a good example of that, because it's never going to be the first Disney movie I reach for, but I find myself singing "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat" more than a lot of other Disney songs. It is a perfectly decent, watchable movie, but it isn't the best. And that's okay.


What was that 50s short cartoon that this movie ripped off again? I remember someone a few months ago posting about it.

Good design wasted on a HORRIBLE character. Duchess is simply trash incarnate. An ignorant idiot who knows nothing because she is rich and the things she knows about being wealthy are USELESS since she's a dumb cat.

This even if the butler was actually indeed evil who could blame him. Being the only servant in an entire rich estate he handles EVERY single thing managing every aspect of the estate outside of the lawyer matters since the Madame has her lawyer and even then obviously her lawyer doesn't work in the estate. Basically the butler deserved the inheritance because he somewhat ran the whole place anyway. Any human being would consider killing those stupid parasitic useless cats.

Millenoid cope.

That's why it's not really a popular movie. There's nothing interesting in the movie. And the only likable character Edgar is crippled by forced bad writing stupidity so that he loses. What I don't understand is how an annoying character like white female kitten is popular enough to sell merchandise. She is an annoying shitty character. I can understand why Disney has made money off other mascots like Stitch who is the main character of the Lilo and Stitch franchise but this annoying trash character? Get real. She does stand out compared to her shitty brothers but not for flattering reasons, she's annoying and even more dead weight than her brothers. So I don't see why that would translate into good merchandise sales.

Anyway not even furries like this movie, that's how you know Aristocats is not popular.

I really wanted anyone to kill those two dogs. I hate irresponsible people who allow their dogs to roam free like that to attack anyone. And before you say "They were guard dogs!" Yeah Edgar was passing by he was not trespassing onto that farm. This shit happens all the time, a person walks by an area and the dogs feel entitled to attacking them especially in rural areas. The owners should not be surprised when people hate them and kill their dogs in retaliation. Quite frankly I think the dog owner deserves to get killed as well.

but I find myself singing "Everybody Wants to Be a Cat"

Seriously? I hate that stupid song. It has no rhyme or reason and the beat of the song is sporadic without a cemented vision and I just don't find repeating lyrics like "Everyone wants to be a cat!" for no reason like a broken record to be compelling if anything it's annoying. And it's even more annoying when they show the mouse and horse characters singing that song at the end as if they agree that being cats is superior. I mean the only reason the useless cats won is because the horse literally KICKED ASS and stopped Edgar. If she was a mangy cat they would have all lost. Dumb song for a dumb movie.

I know which short you mean but I forgot the title. However the cat in that animated short was more vicious in that she kills the butler once she figures out he's trying to kill her. So she kills the evil butler and and uses the telephone to request a replacement butler.

I don't know what to tell you, anon. I'm sorry you can't pick up on that feline beat, but everything else is obsolete.

Zoomers have too much media to shift through, without any sort of head start, so they have to be reductive instead of spending time on okay things.

Seems some people feel a lot more strongly about this movie than I would have guessed

It's popular among normies.

Shut up zoom zoom

racist ass movie

Aristocats (or any classic 2D Disney film) thread

Always have at the very least one bitter millenoid that just endlessly seething about "le zoomers"

Like a clockwork.

Seethe, you will never have your own house.

it's an anon is a fucking square and can't into jazz episode

*sniff sniff* d-dumb zoomers...your slang is so l-lame! *sniff sniff*

Grow up, manchild. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

Man, I'm the guy who said you kids use "mid" wrong and what's crazy is that I'm not even , and it's even funnier that thinks "coping millenoids" wouldn't be the ones owning houses. I'm an elder millenial, I already own my own home. Your generation is the worst off financially at age 30 than any other generation since the formation of this country. You can type "cope" on Anon Babble but you're doing it from a phone inside an apartment with rapidly increasing costs you pay to another man like some kind of wallet cuckold.

It's weird Disney made a movie like this, it's nothing epic and the adventure is nothing-burger

But enough about Dumbo

101 Dalmatians (co-directed with Clyde Geromini and Hamilton Luske) (1961)

The Sword and the Stone (1963)

The Jungle Book (1967)

The Aristocats (1970)

Robin Hood (1973)

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)

The Rescuers (1977)

All the animated features directed by Wolfgang Reitherman.

holy meltdown


Why are you such an asshole? That was completely uncalled for.

Millenoids BTFO and on suicide watch.

anon, Dumbo is literally a story about an elephant that wants to fly, making the impossible, possible, there isn't a thing more epic than that

The animation of the Reitherman Era movies are really charming and endearing, despite whatever cartoonfags and Spümcøfags says.

He did, though: he let greed get the better of him. What a lot of people overlook, is that the money basically WAS his. As the cats' caretaker, he was the de facto heir despite it legally being the cats, and as long as he could prove he was using at least some of that money to care for them - which wouldn't be much since they were ultimately low maintenance - he could do whatever he wanted with the rest.