What, anon? You havent taken the pipelinepill? Dana is going to expose the industry and the west is counting on us

What, anon? You havent taken the pipelinepill? Dana is going to expose the industry and the west is counting on us

muh pipeline

Translation, Calarts kids didn't bother learning the craft because their rich parents already ensured them the contacts they needed to get the job. So most of the animation was relegated to korean sweatshops. Do this for 20 years and californian industry forgets how to animate.

Do you guys ever get tired of being insufferable faggots?

Only if you do, hon.

Truth hurts don't it, fundie.

I genuinely don't get what the fuck she's talking about

She's half-right. Cartoons genuinely do suffer from how disconnected the American crews and overseas animators are. But that doesn't excuse her cartoon having shit character designs.


her cartoon having shit character designs.

TOH having great character designs was one of the main reasons it got the traction it did

The animeified beanmouth blobs aren't good character designs, anon.

I think you got the wrong show anon

I went to see her previous posts just for this thread and she's right.
They are supposed to be able to establish thier own studios if they really hate it, though. Most good anime studios were founded by artists themselves or they are involved in the founding to some degree.

Its not that simple. Doesn't matter how good an animator you are, animating still takes a ton of time to do. The bigger challenge is to secure funding or a budget for a project for extended period of time. Back in 80's and 90's it was toy companies funding these shows as extended toy commercials. Anime used to be funded by japanese tv channels. Nowadays its much harder to get a funding for a big project. Crowdfunding is good for supporting small teams or individual animators but not bigger teams doing bigger projects.

But aside from very rare key animation all Japanese animation is done in Korea or china now too, even keys are done overseas now. Japanese anime studios basically just do character design, writing and storyboarding.

And if they use Japanese animation it's usually severely underpaid, how's it any better of not worse than your typical American studio? At least we pay our animators a fair wage over here.

At least we pay our animators a fair wage over here.

Yeah because they're all rich kids. The rich parents basically pay their kids so they can LARP as animators. Because all the grunt work gets shipped to Korea, there is no robust base of animators in the US anymore. Its all indies or californian circle-jerk nepobabies, there is no classic in between state like back when Disney used to just hire people straight from the street and train them inside Disney studios.

But aside from very rare key animation all Japanese animation is done in Korea or china now too, even keys are done overseas now. Japanese anime studios basically just do character design, writing and storyboarding.

No? Why are you like this? Have you ever looked it up yourself aside trusting random posts on the internet?
Outsourcing is pretty common and they've been outsourcing to SEAsia these days but the majority of works are done in Japan in most anime. That has never been changed.


Outsourcing is pretty common and they've been outsourcing to SEAsia these days but the majority of works are done in Japan in most anime. That has never been changed.

Thats not really true, increasing amount of animation work is delegated to Korea. Problem with that is that when you take Inbetweening off-seas, you take away the important Apprentice job away from next generation animators. So when new graduates from animation schools couldn't land any jobs or got paid one noodle pack a month, lot of talent simply left the industry entirely. Japan itself woke up to the problem to a point their government announced a support pack for the animation industry. Lot of old talent is retiring and theres no new talent to replace them because the job doesn't pay anymore.

I'd say it's that simple. It's tough, for sure but I don't see how you can change anything without that kind of shit.
There are many anime studios that still work in a place that looks a shitty apartment. Those that worked for Star Wars: Visions were like that too.

What I meant was the progression of animator starting from bottom level Inbetweener to graduating to assistant Animator, to Animator and finally Lead Animator is no longer there.

delegated to Korea

It was probably like 20% even when its peak in anime. You guys are really fucked in the heads when it comes to this. It's almost a pure cope.
Have you ever seen any actual data back up those claimes. I'm pretty sure you haven't. Japan is not like the US, for better or for worse.

Depends on the studio and the production. There's always a pinch of outsourcing for some secondary stuff, but studios like Sunrise do the bulk of their work in-house. Dirt cheap studios and productions do outsource, and you even see some Korean directors these days, but it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to me.

My biggest issue is how much bloat Western entertainment has in general. Like, how much an episode of any given show or cartoon costs nowadays is insane. And there's no good reason for it to be that way.

Aren't those both the same question to someone who prefers anime and doesn't understand why cartoons aren't produced with similar infrastructure yet?

This is her entire thread. Trvke

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John Kricfalusi already had major focus on the production pipeline, and so so did I as I developed my views of how to improve the field. However I was discarded like trash because John K’s approach hurt the feelings of Hollywood nepotists and I’m not going to rebuild my analysis of the production of a studio system I’ve never been to. It’s ruined
Your inability to understand is more fruits of the failures of the animation industry
Dana can make good drawings, not so much the crew she had and could have had

tldr: Good showrunners and good animators can, working together, still produce absolute garbage because of artificial constraints forced on both teams for the sake of 'efficiency' that makes sense to the capitalist automatons you are forced to deal with to get a show made in the first place but make for objectively worse quality products.

Wasn't this basic bitch loser open her patreon because noone in their right mind will contact her after the fag house fiasco?

Apparently, she never wants to work on another kid show again. Guess her next work of art will finally be lesbo witch porn we all been waiting for

Hey pal, is only a comment on the internet.
*Said with obnoxious bitch voice*

She ain't gonna do shit except whine.

Flippy Bippy!

Dana Turdrace can only go on a schizo meltdown and seethes on her shitty fake Twitter safespace.

I don't think she could take any more Ls after being in another constant vigilant of a suicide watch because her more successful peer, aka Matt Braly, is getting a Sony movie deal, an Amphibia artbook, and an Amphibia graphic novel all while her shitty owl house shitshow, which was terribly written and has a dogshit ending, was canceled without a second thought. Nobody wants to hire this talentless hack bitch Roflmao.

Dana seethe.jpg - 667x431, 70.35K

Reminds me of the faggot jew manlet saying very proudly that he was gonna do another show in Fox as soon as gravity slops was over, only for the show to never see the light, also, don't forget she never, ever could get anything clear, one day in some interview she is saying fag house is great and disney's best bet, then the next admits it bleed too much money, then she goes over a runt of her being tired of making disney look good, just a couple weeks before that she had an online tantrum making it clear she hates working there, a month or so after in other interview she drops the ball of the show not being annachievement, but rather a "a coworker told me the idea sucks, so I doubled down on sucking manlet dick so I'd get a greenlight and push this as some in-yout-face achievement".

Her saying she doesn't want to do more children cartoons is her trying to cover the reality of how she burned every bridge that disney created for her only by working for them.

Please for the love of god, don't mix me with the tribefag, I just honestly hate dana and alex and their works, nothing else.

Hirsch was able to work on Inside Job at a pretty high level, though. So it might still be possible for Dana to land a Netflix show and create a lesbian R-rated kino

muh outsourcing

good thing TAG and the homo PR league of animators have pivoted away from decrying outsourcing and replaced it with "standing in solidarity with our overseas partners" because the one thing they could possibly try and leverage is too racist to angle over!

Dana is legitimately one of the dumbest people in the industry. A nepo/diversity hire if ever there was one.

Maybe she means she stands in solidarity with the workers, not the black kigyous that treat their Japanese and Korean employees like slaves

You mean the show he almost totally ruined?

his Detective Pikachu script got rewritten over

his Netflix deal was a bust, the "Untitled Alex Hirsch Project" (that's what it was literally called) never got so much as a piece of concept art and is on indefinite hold

His participation on Inside Job was a disaster and he basically almost ruined Shion's career, after causing the first season to go millions overbudget and canning several near completed episodes he was let go near the end (he is no longer executive producer on the last several episodes) but it was too late to save IJ

Even people from netflix were talking on twitter about "the guy who urinates in trashcans because he enjoys making the Pacos clean his shit"

I honestly doubt Dana can land a job there, maybe if she distances a lot more from Alex, like selling him out so his dirt is exposed, considering how disgusting she is, she probably would!

Hey, just because you're a hack doesn't mean people don't wanna hire you. Look at fucking Disney, they're thinking about hiring the CEO of fucking EA. Suits probably see Hirsch and his resume as a long standing industry producer and think, "This guys knows how to run a show."

after causing the first season to go millions overbudget and canning several near completed episodes

That sounds like there is an interesting story there. What the hell happened?