What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

Hes Jewish

Kek, it's funny cause it's canon

There can be only one.

you know what our animated movie about talking babies going on adventures really needs?


Nani the fuck?

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Yeah they go Old Testament on their asses.

You think there's an alt universe where the scene plays out.

Tommy pours banana baby food on Dill

Monkeys then proceed to rip and tear Dill apart

Monkeys now have a taste for baby flesh

The parents finally track down what they think are the babies but find nothing but blood and shoes and bits of clothing

Quest for Camelot



A Bug's Life

The Rugrats Movie

The Prince of Egypt

Not the best USA animation movie of 1998

If you ever had a younger brother when you were pretty young yourself. you understand.

what the fuck are you talking about

It's sharkfag autism, best left ignored.

Dil spent the whole movie making things worse for Tommy

Is it normal to have a second child that close to after the first turns a year old? This could mean that DiDi got knocked up when Tommy was only 6 months old.

Dil spent the whole series after his debut making things worse for the babies. It wasn't until All Grown Up where he actually justified his existence.

Harriet the Spy

Good Burger

The Rugrats Movie

Snow Day

Rugrats in Paris

Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius


Hey Arnold! The Movie

The Wild Thornberrys Movie

Rugrats Go Wild

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

It's hard to believe that a masterpiece like the first SpongeBob movie came from Nickelodeon Movies, whose previous works are.... far from being masterpieces.

What's weird is as a kid I understood Tommy was going to kill Dil but I never made the connection that the banana baby food would cause the monkeys to eat him. I just assumed Tommy was trying to smother Dil and suffocate him with the food. It always seemed like a weird jump in logic to assume monkeys will just tear a kid apart rather than just lick the banana shit off them. They're monkeys not chimps.

I think you're being a little hard on them, considering they're just babies

why the hell Dil dont talk and is a actual brain dead baby while Tommy and the other babies can talk and understand each other?
serious the entire point of the show is the babies live in their own little universe where the communicate, have their language their own view on the weird adult world, but Dil just break that, its stupid

The law of the jungle.

Tommy spells out in his dialogue that Dil seems happy with the monkeys and the monkeys will take him away if he covers Dil with bananas. As an adult though, it is obvious that the monkeys might have torn into Dils flesh to get the food.

What got me more confused is how the hell did Tommy know what a compass was before a watch?

Seeing how he acts in all grown up I guess he was even autistic even to baby standards.

Hating Jimmy Neutron

I knew you had shit tastes in films given your opinions on KFP2 and Shrek 2 but dude fucking give it a rest.

Of the three Rugrats movies, this was the one I watched the least.

There's a third???

She really wanted that Stu D

That makes sense because Dill was asking for the food and he was like "I got your nanaers right HERE" like he was going to choke him with it.

Yeah, there was a third one: Rugrats Go Wild. It was a crossover with Rugrats and Wild Thornberrys.

Oh yyeeeaaaah I completely forgot, I fucking hated wild thornberrys.

All poops cover

Spike's going to talk!

and he's voiced by Bruce Willis!

Fffffuck yea-

also he's going to sing

Sweet Christ, why?!

Tommy was born premature

Dil has a developmental disorder

Didi has a toxic womb

He's brand spanking new to existence itself. He can barely comprehend his own fingers and toes, he's not gonna catch on to the "baby language" everyone speaks at second freaking one

There's a musical sequence with other newborns in the hospital being perfectly coherent and singing.

in the hospital scenes we see many babies just born few hours ago talking normally like the main babies

that moment during the musical number where a baby makes a circumcision joke

he had no choice, he had to kill his whole clan in order to avoid a civil war

Mulan had the titular heroine nude twice so I guess that's the best movie of the 1998.

Phil and Lil think it's because they dropped him on the head, but doesn't explain him being a dumb right from birth

It's meant to parallel Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.

I don't remember that part of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

My sister is only a year and four months younger than me.

Yeah true