He Won

height is everything

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are you telling me even Chris managed to find a girlfriend?? What the fuck am i doing

We all Lost

he also got her pregnant apparently

Chris has created a small Chris

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tfw he finds one of the surgeons that does tranny shit

somehow gets the funds to make his kid look like one of his ocs

tldr me on how they met?

Chris Chan got a Finnish wife.

Femcels are now simping for him and saying he's attractive after saying for decades how ugly he was.

Y'all weird.

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How do I get on the ground floor of convincing Evangelists that Chris' progeny will be the Antichrist?

Im so scared for the baby. Ain't no way the child protective entities won't take the baby from him, right?

You don't know how social services work, do you? They break apart functioning families, and do nothing about abusive ones.

It's Europe's problem now. Send him to Switzerland with the other weirdos.

god I hope he tries to name his kid Sonichu

Wait did he move or some shit? I don’t really care about Chris Chan since he’s just a lolcow that had/has a cult following. I thought he was still in prison.

This creature lives in Europe now??? Putin, end him before it's too late, please.




He moved to Finland last I checked.

Anon the baby(satan) is gonna be a euro

The baby is 100% going to be molested if no one does anything about it.

goes to jail

get pussy

have a legion of paypigs every stream

It’s really that easy?

"dad, how do you eat food?"

"son, i chew"

I think she paid for him to go to Finland

How tf do you get money for that? Wasn’t he on welfare or some shit do they just give out blank checks now wtf?


I would assume the girl would be the one trying to move out of her country.

Is Barbara still alive?

this is basic female psychology 101. all it takes is one woman to take a chance on a guy and it allllll snowballs from there. if a man is not attractive and not in a social group or in a relationship with a woman, women will ALWAYS feel le ick for him. virgin, unattractive, isolated men are like pussy repellent for women. literally all they care about is social status and looks.

Huh interesting.

it's called having a status

Why are we still treating this rapist as some quirky character?

Nah. Boogie is a 5'9 fat fuck, probably much less because his knees sunk to his ankles, and this happened to him too. Fame and money makes woman more willingly to approach a man.

not even just fame. infamy works just as well. women fucking love psychopaths unironically because they think their pussy is magic and will fix him.

Chances of someone calling child services early?

If this bitch is really pregnant oh boy.
She doesn't know the absolutely hell she's about to go through.
This giu probably thinks his son/daughter is the anti christ for real.
He will rape that baby. This shit is worse than 1000 Andrew Tates


vast majority of child abuse cases happen in the home, whether it's the father or a boyfriend or other relative. nothing new. women date and fuck utter vile scum daily.

kid will have 2 moms

How fucked up will the child be from the get-go, like outside of being raised by Chris like how bad of autism will they have?

Chris has said many times over the years that he wants to have a daughter named Crystal, and even made her a character in Sonichu for a while. If it's a boy then he's definitely going with Robert considering how much Chris loves his father.

Christorians will no doubt make sure the child stays with Chris so they have something interesting in their lives.

I haven't kept up with Christory in a hot minute, how the fuck did he get laid?

Sonichu reference in Sonic movie trailer

Chris fucking a lolibaba and having a child

What a fucking wild ride today was. Chris-sama, I kneel.

Absolutely none of this is true.

Sonichu reference in Sonic movie trailer


>Sonichu reference in Sonic movie trailer

lol nope. That detective pikachu reference was nothing. Actually grasping at straws.

She’s actually kinda cute what the fuck.

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why does she look like a child?

Chris has a type.

shut up woman/simp/fag.

I doubt it. Chris is an unreliable narrator. Didn't he cut off his dick?

chris thought an infected wound was turning into a pussy. afaik he still has his dick and balls. was it ever even proven he was on estrogen and not just a fat?

She looks like a Cabbage Patch doll.

I knew the trolls are going to be losers at the end. They spent 20 years of their life obsessing over the man and now he's doing better than all of them combined instead of them getting their own lives they just pointed and laughed well guess what guys he's successful he's going to have offspring his family line is going to continue all those autistic trolls who sat there and made fun of him for his bad art and general craziness now look like complete losers like they always were l


I see you Chris

No anon, he just won.

At this point the chris-chan saga will actually be followed through generations

Did you know that one of Chris' trolls is an oncologist?

Nobody knows. He just showed up with her and there was speculation on whether she was his gal pal, a tard wrangler employed by the Praetors, another troll, or whatever.

No he didn't, he still lives in the Praetor house. He visited Finland though presumably to meet her family.

Nice bait post but isn't Liquid married?

I knew the trolls are going to be losers at the end.

I would say except for Liquid since he's a doctor but he did spend years dating/married to that fat cunt Kacey so maybe it's a wash.

From what I know, Chris travelled all the way to Finland to meet her and fuck, right? Who from there even has the audacity to contact him and agree to have him book a flight all the way there?

Realize that Chris chan has infinite status which is why he got pussy easy. Idk how people are saying "how tf can't I get a gf"

It's not the first time, there was an autistic girl who wanted to have sex with him for real, but he screwed up when the incest issue came out.

Slow and steady won the race

crazy that there are people who actually literally want to fuck chris chan

some of the most deranged and crazy dudes still get pussy. women love that shit. literal homeless drug addicts still fuck women. women just don't want boring guys, absolutely nothing is more unattractive to a woman than an average unassuming, boring man. that's for if she wants to settle down and stop opening her legs for the interesting bad boys.

So how do you get that one woman if you're isolated and all of them want the opposite of that?

By your logic, aren't homeless men boring? They don't do much and the exception being the ones that are just boring.

luck mostly. what normalfags don't want to admit is that a lot of what happens in life just boils down to luck and circumstances. they want to believe in a just world where everyone good gets rewarded and everyone bad gets punished or nothing, when that's never been the case.

nah they're usually drug addicts or alcoholics so they're exciting bad boys and a project for women to try and fix with their magical vaginas and emotional intelligence.

Normalfags don't believe that, they just know that it takes effort and multiple tries.

It's fucking hilarious that Christine got proven innocent AND got a girlfriend as well while the trolls and MAGAts got nothing but shit!
I hope she lives a long and happy life:
She's earned it!

no normalfags absolutely believe that all incels are evil and deserve to die alone. especially women.

Let's be real, he will ruin his baby's life. Poor little guy :(
I really hope that he's lying

Is geno samuel ever gonna resume the doc so he can get to this development?

Literally who?

Call that girl Neo for dodging that bullet.

He Won

He raped his mom

Now he didn't anon.

The dude who did the Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History documentary series? Learn your christory.

He raped his mom

He's been proven innocent in the court of law, ya virgin retard!

he got the girl though. that's more than the average young man can do nowadays. chris is basically a chad at this point.

From what I know, Chris travelled all the way to Finland to meet her and fuck, right?

No, she first showed up hanging out with him ater he got out of jail. She undoubtedly lives in the United States/probably lives in Virginia but could be an immigrant or have family that lives in Finland. The only other explanation is that she lives in Finland and flies over here all the time to visit him which I highly doubt.

Sorry for not keeping up with literal whos:
I got a job and a life, you know.

A bunch of people just woke up and realized they wasted their lives living vicariously through an autistic Man child the amount of coping and seething is hilarious youtu.be/TxDfjX7rMpg?si=X4D9P8NtnX9VJPxq

Oh God someone please get him on 90 Day Fiancé the Other Way

Going by Chris’s history of killing off pets through neglect or accident, I doubt we’re gonna see it live long enough to find out. He’s gonna put it in the microwave to dry it off after a bath or something equally fucked up.

That's likely after the "incel" status is more personality than just lack of sex. We were all incels at some point.

He posts, in the chris chan thread.

you people really do have no standards.

It's really funny for these loser MAGAt incel retards to realize that they'll always be stuck in their pathetic little existence in life while a Stacy like Christine gets to live life to the fullest every day for the rest of her life, kek!

He's been proven innocent in the court of law, ya virgin retard!

Claims he's trans

the virginian court bends over backwards saying women raping women is nonexistent.

Dude. We all know he fucked his mom.

ah yes because i totally forgot Anon Babble is almost completely devoid of virgin men nowadays and the majority of you are married, in relationships, or having lots of casual sex. my bad. forgot i'm one of the last older loser virgin fuckups on a site full of normalfags. we're a dying breed (apparently, according to you).

Yeah and I got a job and a life so what's your point?

Post a picture of your girlfriend

If you put yourself out there long enough with effort eventually someone will come regardless of how much of a loser you might seem.

This post glows

Jail doesn't seems nice anon

I would have to say he's doing well because he has a steady income, also he gets boatloads of cash because all the trolls throw money at them like they're on short leave. Outside the smell in the degeneracy he's not a bad catch if you're an autistic lady

actually this has been debunked.

NTA though un-job and lose your life and join us.


Why can't we just say good for him, I don't get why you guys are so mad he finally got someone just be happy for him.

Why not?

it is literally all luck if you aren't attractive or insanely charismatic. you could try for years to find someone and things could never happen or you could find your soulmate in the first date. it. is. all. bullshit. like is just ridiculous chaos, nothing matters.

life is just*

Most incels are left-wing faggot lmao

Evidently neither do women.

They can't fathom someone that they thought of as more pathetic than them to actually succeed more than them and thus they will cope, seethe, and dilate instead of doing some self reflection and improving on themselves for the rest of their lives:

i get no bitches

now how about we add a baby

lol these fucking writters

No, they're mostly rightwing like you and just like them, you'll never get any pussy while Christine gets all the pussy she wants, MAGAt incel chud, lol:
Cope, seethe, dilate, virgin!

Boooh, falseflag post. One of the reasons why Anon Babble sucks so much

no fucking shit. no broke, ugly, and neurotic men do. at least i'm willing to admit my faults.

ok schizo kek

Even if it's not true and he's not having a kid it's still incredibly evident of how pathetic the kiwi s r at the end of the day. They devoted years of their life to this man child along with all these Chris historians and the moment the man is succeeding in life or is perceived succeeding they all have an emotional breakdown. I guess he was really the troll all along he got their money he got a easy cushy life making his crappy art and now has a kid on the way even if that's not true he's still winning better than all the trolls

Kinda and kinda not
All you have to do is trust and believe toobz trust and believe twu

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I really am proud of Christine and I hope that she lives a long and happy life as a free and innocent woman:
She deserves it for being a good and kind and generous and honest and selfless and hardworking woman!

there is le someone for everyone

biggest lie ever told.