The first movie wins an Oscar against all odds

the first movie wins an Oscar against all odds

the second movie is delayed multiple times due to COVID

the third movie is delayed indefinitely because of Hollywood strikes and Sony demanding rewrites

the first Spider-Man actor not to date his co-star irl

Sony terminates contract with Lord and Miller

Why are the Spider-Verse movies so cursed?

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mfw he’s not the qb for the Buffalo bills.


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Why are the Spider-Verse movies so cursed?

Miles actively makes everything worse

>the first Spider-Man actor not to date his co-star irl

who fucking gives a shit

Agreed, can't wait til they cancel Dragon Ball and One Piece forever.

Really enjoyed the first but 2nd was a bloated unfinished mess

Nig nogs who keep gloating about BBC and think porn is a representation of real life

You can just tell that she is a low key racist

Honestly, how could the moral problem of the movie be solved without making everyone look retarded?
The Trolley problem has no morally satisfying answer.

without making everyone look retarded

They didn't care about that. As long as Miles remained the perfect golden child, every other character was free to be as retarded as humanly possible. That was what the second movie was about.

Well, first off, Miles discovering a, let's say, hidden coalition of Spider-Folxxxx who have come to the same conclusion that he has, that "canon events" aren't something you can never push back against, including at least one version of Peter. Maybe they're afraid to challenge Miguel's group so they're staying in the shadows and Miles gets to rally them with a rousing speech, so he still keeps his agency as the protagonist without putting him on a uniquely moral pedestal above all the other alleged heroes?

why are the Spider-Verse movies so cursed?

Because they're shit, and fate knows it. There's a reason why there's so little in-depth discussion. The people who watched it, its fans, know not to talk too much about it because otherwise the other people will catch the scent of shit.

What is that thing in the bottom center?

Shameik apparently

idk do i look like i watch these shitty-ass movies?

Understandable. Also, double dubs checked.

Link to tweet? Context? What is happening in the video?

The black voice actor for Miles Morales said he had a crush on Hailee and it's very obvious that blacks disgust her. They disgust everybody.


Link to the interview?

Ignoring how the second movie ends abruptly and without a real resolution, I'll admit that it's a very impressive movie worthy of respect.
But what the fuck is up with all the dick sucking for the first movie? The first movie is genuinely bad.

>the first movie wins an Oscar against all odds

To be fair, this movie deserved it.



Well this is awkward

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Based and beautiful <3

He still going at with this routine? Jfc does this nigga doesn't have a friend to tell him to stop?

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quads are all 4’s

Too based

who cares miles sucks and is not spider-man.

Tell that to Marvel. I swear to God if Miles was Mexican, Arab, Chinese, or native American they wouldn't give a single shit.

Miles isn't spider-man. Period.

You're confused the 2nd movie terrible, the 1st is good. It not Amazing but I can see it being in a lot of people's top 3 Spider-man movie. It sets up a ton and of story elements and ties it all up. It's highly efficient storytelling.

Miles and shlubby Peter both get a character arc, even if Peter's is small. It doesn't fall into the pitfall of giving anymore backstory for the villains or Heroes then is needed(Spider-man3/Amazing2). It fleshes Miles backstory, Blonde Peter intro doubles as a juxtaposition of Shlubby Peter's intro showing his life going to shit as he got older. Gwen gets a shorter intro and 2 scenes that double as showing Miles struggling to adjust to the new school and then powers, because that's all she needs. the 3 other Spider-people get even less cuz there just there to pad out the roster and comic relief, it give a motivation for kingpin but, what is Goblin, Ock, Scorpion,Tombstone and Prowler origin story? It doesn't matter, they're Kingpin's goons. Blonde Peter and Arin get just enough screen time that both their death has some weight to it.

My only complaint is it has the same problem as Ironman 3, not a lot of time is spent properly suited up in costume until the movie blows it load in the final act. but the sweatpants Spider-man is fun and the terrible Halloween costume works thematically.

If you don't like Miles or Shlubby Peter as characters you're not gonna like the movie but that doesn't make it a bad movie.

Why do you think black males have the biggest rape statistics?

I'm black and would nut if she called me the n word

Why are the Spider-Verse movies so cursed?

Lord and Miller aren't very good writers and don't understand the process and lead time of modern animated movies.

first movie had multiple comicbook arcs to refine into a decent stories. second movie had a team working on the big epic final act set piece for 5 years do in large part because L&M kept changing elements of the scene.


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Spiderverse 1 and 2 are the top 2 Spiderman movies and in the top 5 superhero movies ever

Anon Babble completely btfo as usual

The Trolley problem has no morally satisfying answer.


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make Gwen the tranny

face the consequences

Such is life.

People thinking Jews like nig nogs because they force Americans to mix hard are retarded.
Killer injecting poison into victim's veins doesn't necessary adore it.