I ran into Doctor Doom once, he took off his mask and told me “Buddy, you need this more than me!” No respect!
I ran into Doctor Doom once, he took off his mask and told me “Buddy, you need this more than me!” No respect!
I’ll never do it on a Christmas tree
Robot A 69, Rodney Dangerfield keeps telling of this encounter with my august persona. I assume this happened while you took Doom's place to deal with some minor matters concerning the accursed Richards! and his pitiful troupe. Did the events transpire as he describes them?
they did, master. I calculated a distraction was needed-
Doombot A 69’s last words as it disintegrates are “no respect at all, I tell thee….”
I tell ya, it's rough out there!
I saw Spider-Man swing down 5th Avenue the other day, I called out "Hey Spidey, how bout a joke?"
He called back "I'm looking at one!" No respect, I tells ya, no respect
i used to act in marvel movies.
i still do, but I used to, too.
I keep getting attacked by Kree, they keep saying I’m a Skrull! No respect!
Most celebrity cameos in comics are cringe. They usually take the form in something like a politician such as Obama getting dickridden in a Spider-Man comic.
I wouldn't hate them so much if they took the form of something like Rodney Dangerfield showing up, or Norm MacDonald being a news anchor in Marvel as if he was doing Weekend Update going "hey what's the deal with this Spider-Man fella?"
I once told my story Sandman, and it out him to sleep!
The more I hear about this Darkseid guy, the less I like him!
Darkseid is...
a real jerk!
The FOH wants to kill a lot of people, including…MUTANT AMERICANS!
Norm is stating actual facts in this bit
Albert Fish was a real person
none of the people he's talking to can tell he's stating actual facts so they just assume he's making shit up because it sounds so preposterous they just assumed Norm was making it up
okay, now don't laugh at this next part
Norm was a master of his craft
if Norm hadn't died, at least 20 bookies would have killed him and dined on his flesh by now.
If you wanted to bump, you could have just said so
almost been 20 years
Man, Robin must hate baseball for calling dibs on "Bat Boy"
I mean, everything else around him is just perfectly on-brand
"Look at that, it's the Batmobile, in the Batcave, and Batgirl is at the computer. Hey, dude, who are you?"
*sigh* "Robin."
look this guy up
he legit hunted down children and ate them for the sheer hell of it
Jesus H. Christ in Heaven, what the fuck?
So I wrap up a show in Gotham and I'm heading back to my hotel.
Suddenly, Batman comes outta nowhere and tackles me to the ground. Saying "I'm taking you in, Clayface!" Starts beatin' me black and blue!
I call out "Bats! Stop! It's me, Rodney!"
And then he starts hittin' harder!
No respect, I tell ya.
These are all hilarious.
He was insane. He would also stick needles in his own dick for fun.
So is two movie reviewers arguing about the 1989 Batman movie in Hulk cringe or based?
I was hanging out with the Avengers yesterday, making them some of my grandmother's famous coleslaw, when Kamala Khan walks in.
And Spider Man come up to me and says "Emo, I want you to make our Indian friend here feel right at home."
So I rape her
Why the fuck would a Doombot say "thee"?
Once again murder is legal in the city of Gotham!!
TIL: Squirrel Boy was loosely based on a Rodney Dangerfield sitcom
So there I was in the Gotham Mall and Joker comes in with his goons.
They shoot up the place and kill dozens of people.
Horrible, absolutely disgusting!
Then one of Joker's goons points a gun at me but Joker stops them.
He tells them that shooting me would be a blessing.
Then Joker says to me "Rodney, you're free to go home back to your wife."
Then he starts cackling as he walks off and shoots someone else.
I've never been so jealous of a dead guy in my life.
Will zoomers get this reference?
I tell ya, I can't get anywhere in this town.
I applied for the Gargoyles, they told me I was too ugly!
I know I said I wasn't going to, but I think we all need to address the big, purple elephant in the room: Thanos.
Mmmhmm. Space Daddy.
Some of you are thinking "Don't do it. He took out the Hulk. He'll bitch-snap you into dust."
Others now, you know who you are, are sitting there thinking "Purple and green. Thanks Doc."
Yes, Anon. You're welcome.
Thanos. Mothafugga gonna kill all of everything so he can bang Death. Not sure on the logistics of the second part of that, but the first is pretty simple: everybody here's gonna die.
Ladies and gentlemen, it appears Wade Wilson is here tonight. Be sure to tip your waitress and reinforce your fourth wall.
I didn’t get a single reference in this thread but they’re still funny jokes
A genuine monster.
It was a different time
Based zoomer
Heh, they really captured him there
Real life is full of the "shit tier, evil for the sake of being evil" villains.