which one's doing better NOW though
Which one's doing better NOW though
The Simpsons is way worse overall.
Family guy has more stand-out bad moments but the Simpsons is never good.
I genuinely wouldn't know.
nu-Family Guy.
nu-Simpsons is unwatchable trash.
they are both equally awful
Simpsons don't have episodes exclusive to Hulu, so...
None of Family Guy's cast is slowly dying/retiring.
I dont think that's a metric for the quality of a cartoon, fellow kamala voter
nu-Simpsons is unwatchable trash.
Family Guy by the longest shot ever. The average Family Guy episode is just whatever they can think of so occasionally a joke hits the mark. The average Simpsons episode will rewrite the entire show's history and retcon the most beloved episodes and go against everything that's been set up for a character, just for one joke.
Nu-Simpsons is better than both Nu Family Guy and Nu-Southpark. People actually talked about the “series finale” of the Simpsons. When was the last time Family Guy did anything remotely memorable?
entire post discarded
zoomers watch family guy clips all the time on youtube
dont see any nu-simpsons clips, and if they exist they're like 0.00001% of the zoomie clipslop consoomsphere
All of them. Outlasted all the new woke disney shows atleast.
Simpsons is so irrelevant at this point it only get acknowledged when it does something cringy.
Family Guy is huge in memes and ytps. I don't know if The Simpsons characters were added to fortnite yet but when Peter was it was huge from a shitpost standpoint.
No one cares about The Simpsons even sort of.
Modern Family Guy doesn't work because the characters aren't dumb anymore. The gags aren't about a character making a lapse in judgement and then something bad happens, a comedic structure that can be reused endlessly because culture and the world changes. Most of the gags are just angsty sarcasm, torture, or mentioning that something exists. It's like watching Velma, but where Velma was a constant string of anti-white, Family Guy is a constant string of misogyny so the anti-woke crowd isn't complaining about it. As a matter of fact, the only character portrayed as a bad person anymore is Lois, her self-centered manipulative behavior is the driving factor of half of the episodes, meanwhile everyone else is smiley and mundane. Doing background character behavior. This show used to be the default satire program, now it is worse than bad, it's boring.
Hard to say really. Simpsons has more ambitious ideas for episodes, but Family Guy while uninspired is still generally funnier because it remains the more outlandish of the two and is able to aim for wilder jokes. Sometimes they hit, other times not so much.
Family Guy is just a collection of random, disconnected jokes.
Simpsons try to have a story each episode and fail miserably because their writing is so bad
I honestly dont know
female character isnt a perfect mary-sue
shut the fuck up dude
Family Guy is being relegated to dead timeslots and Hulu so I think it must be doing poorly enough that someone is trying to kill it.
I don't think it's doing badly, I think it's a DEI thing. They're pushing the more pozzed children's cartoons
Family Guy has always been the superior show. Nothing but laughs instead of Simpsons trying to be "intelligent comedy"
does an entire episode making fun of jews
gets shut down
makes one ponder
anon, I...
it's over
Honestly it’s a toss up, familyguy dosen’t seem to be loved by the network anymore since it’s now on wensdays Instead of sundays so that dosen’t bold well. In terms of Comedy though I’d say family guy is funnier they also have at least one joke per episode I chuckle at, I can’t say the same for the simpsons.
For some reason I seem to remember nore old family guy which was good compared to old simpsons which was good. Maybe because old simpsons was already on its way out when family guy first started airing.
You literally said it's misogynistic because Lois isn't a good person
A better question would be who is worse - Brian or Lisa?
Well that, and the fact that every male character is written as a good person including Carter Pewterschmidt, or the number of times they compare women to a dumpster or a bag of trash with a visual gag, and the number of conversation gags that boil down to "Women are trash"
Velma is legit hilarious because this chick made an entire series about a beloved legacy character except she's a poojeet now and totally removed from her context for the soul purpose of seething about how white dudes never want to fuck her.
Modern family guy makes a new meme every month, while modern simpsons has 0 relevance and no on cares about it
As Yoda once said, do or do not, there is no try. If you make an attempt and fail it's still just a failure.
How the fuck is Carter a good person?
Watch recent family guy before you have an argument about it
in English?
runs away from the argument
thought as much, fuck off queer
"You're wrong"
Simpsons has a better legacy. Nobody cares about the first 3 seasons of Family Guy
You're either watching a smiley old man show up to crack a joke with the family and give them money and saying
That guy's an asshole
or you've never seen it
Who's "nobody" here? Normie NPCs?
You're either watching a stressed housewife show up to let off some steam with the family and saying
That woman's an asshole
or you've never seen it
I think it'd be easier to ask for something like:
Post the best jokes from the last 5 seasons of Family Guy/The Simpsons
Then you can get an overall impression.
Like the time she murdered a barista because she wanted her picture on a wall. Just letting off steam because she's a stressed housewife.
Dunno about Simpsons, but its painfully obvious the people behind family Guy just aren't into it anymore. Its just going through the motions.