2027's DCU movies are reportedly Luca Guadagnino's "Sgt. Rock" starring Daniel Craig and Mike Flanagan's "Clayface"...

i thought alan tudyk plays clayface?

Gunn has already walked back on the whole "live-action, animated and videogame versions will all have the same actor" thing.


Sgt. Rock will be gay and the whole movie will be a lecture on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

It was an untenable approach anyway.

That kid from dune would be a solid clayface

Can anyone take Craig seriously after he sold his bussy out to Rian Johnson?

I swear, its like WB is TRYING to make all the worse decisions.

Why is a limey fag in his 50s playing an American GI?

I wouldn't trust an American to play him at this point desu, brits like Sgt. Rock and war comics

i just didnt think gunn would give up in that this quickly

Adding Clayface is totally missing the point. Creature Commandos is about the question of losing your humanity during war. And as the CC are monsters, are they human to begin with?

A vampire, a frankenstien's monster, and I think the creature from the black lagoon. But they were all born human. A blood disease, surgical reconstruction, maybe an exotic serum for Mina. Now they have fallen from the grace of the lord's light and are unfit for society, or something like that.

plus a squad sargent who's racist against all of them. I guess to show off the human qualities of the CC's, and the subhuman qualities of the common hateful man.

Is DC not able to do a straight WWII movie anymore? Get some army uniforms, a few nazi uniforms, some deep dialogue lifted from the comics and some Shakespearean speech because that was the style that upper class had at the time. Run around and shoot off some squibs. Lament their actions and the war in general. Get it together for the day of a push into some sector. Win, oh horrible victory. Set up the sequel. Roll credits. No one needs to fly, or have newer monsters. They may be reaching "undefeatable Batman" levels of super-actions but that's part of being the monsters. They're too _good at_ war for the war effort to let them regain their humanity.

Why are they making Clayface a HERO?!?! What could have possibly inspired that? The series of Sony Spiderman villain bombs?

Sgt Rock is based. A Sgt Rock movie could be really based. I like Daniel Craig. I'm optimistic.

A Clayface project

This one feels weird. Feels like WB's budget is a lot tighter than Gunn anticipated and no Swamp Thing and Authority being downgraded to animation makes me feel like Clayface was the only Phase 1 character that fit the "Monsters" part of "Gods and Monsters"

play a heroic version of the title character.


Much as I would love that, he's not DC.

Darkman was like 30 years ago.
Hell, we need a new Darkman movie, because so much stuff has been invented. 3d printing. Power bed printing. Garage kits.

The chasing cop breaks into DM's hideout, only to find all the walls are covered with 3d printed statuettes of Julie. "I was expecting something more criminal."

But who would Darkman fight? Can't use the mob again. Maybe another home researcher gone mad? As long as it's not an identical DM costume. That sort of Hero vs Same Hero has been done to death.

Brits are gay, just without trannies but still gay

The Frankenstein's monster by definition wasn't born human, only his parts

What if Gotham villain good

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Well, not in the original book.

And Joe Kubert is neither alive to stop them, nor would he if he was.

the last downlow gay man was killed by the last bullet fired on the last day of WWII

Really says a lot about society



Rape. See, rape is the new 'right', right? So Clayface raped Poison Ivy, so he's now a hero, cinematically speaking. Especially since it turned her lesbian. The good guys are finally beating the chuds!

That's Sam Raimi. He's doing Marvel.
Gunn is trying for Toxic Avenger again, probably.

This never happened.

No Man's Land. Ivy was Clayface's captive and fuck toy for like weeks.

Proof of rape?

This anon never read Creature Commandos ffs lol
All they are is a cheap joke, pretty much admitted in their narrative structure. They're all severely depressed and dysfunctional sadsacks whose commanding officer,Shrieve, treated with open contempt. Shrieve is seriously the standout character and it's ridiculous he's completely forgotten in all these adaptations since. The way he'd taunt his monster men and goad them on to either victory or suicide was the only thing making that strip worth reading. Especially Taylor, the saddest sack of all, the misshapen franken soldier who just wants to die , but isn't allowed to. Shrieve always giving him the true suicide tasks and then laughing in his face when he never dies.

Ivy acting vulnerable and violated in that story (it's a very explicit implicit), and her total character change afterward consistent with irl rape victims.


who would darkman fight?

Surveillance/data miners or whatever wants to track and identify people

Am This anon. Has read CC. In comic books. Not recently. Reading old comics as a kid over at a friend's house. Some things are a bit fuzzy.
PTSD is surprisingly popular as a story element. Everything from Office Space to Blade Runner 2. You could claim it was a major element of Lord of the Rings. "Let's take the most pure and innocent Fantasy world and bring World War 1 right up next to them." Look at Rorschach from the Watchmen, forever mistaken to be an underdog hero, because he says what everyone is thinking: "This isn't fair and I suffer because of it."
A real adaption of the CC isn't in the special effects to make the most SFX monster they can add, it's in the every day completely normal suffering. And that is some of what Shrieve is there to point out. What would they do if they weren't monsters? Go back and work as a sales clerk? That's just another form of suffering, and for a lesser cause than the WWII.
Shrive: to whip, to scourge. See old world Christian religion.
My point was that DC can't get their act together and do a simple non-super-hero movie. This is a job for the makeup department, not the sort of special effects they used in things like the Justice League movie.

I support clayface as an antihero of sorts. I don't want him full blown bat family hero though. That's too much.

It's going to happen due to synergy.

Clayface solo film after Joker 2 bombed and Venom 3 underperformed

Ya just keep hitting homeruns DC

He's truly the rapist we need, not the rapist we deserve.

i love clayface but the first incarnation on the big screen should not already start out heroic

The Clayface in Creature Commandos is said to be a sociopathic murderer, so I wonder if we're already starting out with multiple versions.

Clayface was originally inspired by the movie monster killer he portrayed as an actor. Not somehow making that the centerpiece, if not actual plot, of a Clayface movie would probably be the most obviously missed opportunity of all lifetimes.

Clayface would make more sense as a body-horror movie like The Substance.