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Arcane: Puppy Vi Edition
Its a good song.
Vifags out in force
These two kinda grew on me since E7 desu.
The straight man's preferred duo.
vi won in life
Don't underestimate the power of yurifags. We will be all what remains of the Arcane fandom in several years from now.
The Demacia show better not fucking ignore/remove Poppy from the story like the Demacia game, The Mageseeker, did.
It's the best song of the season desu after Wasteland. But that is a very depressing song about suicide so it's understandable it's not that popular
If suicide is bad, why are they making it so glamorous?
What exactly makes Vi a puppy?
What's wrong with that dumb ponytail?
The fact that the last part of the song is about hope and wanting to try to not give up and the fact that we know the Ekko/Jinx scene was supposed to be longer makes me believe that the scene was going to end with them bonding and that last part playing.
We were so fucking robbed.
Of the S2 tracks that stood out enough to me to Shazam and listen to later:
The Beast > To Ashes and Blood > I Can't Hear it Now > Rebel Heart (which would have been a lot cooler if Jinx had spent S2 actually being Jinx and not getting a pointless ryona redemption arc)
It feels like that conversation would have been the absolute culmination of both characters, and they cut it because they needed more time for an already heavily pared down lesbian sex scene.
So apparently linke confirmed victor and Jayce are dead as fuck and the fujo ‘s are losing their mind on Twitter. I’d feel sympathy but after all the shutting on caitvi they’ve been doing their fag boys can rot in hell
For sure, we are missing a ton of context and conclusions on her end.
She just goes from her lowest point to being pretty normal and Powder-y in her interactions with Vi.
But it is what it is.
had a scene gayer and more intimate than lesbian sex
how did they do it....
Where the fuck is sucker
Interracial couple song made by an actual interracial couple
I find that cute desu
Apparently I didn't notice it or didn't like it.
None of the champions are dead.
I find that disgusting
So... is it permanent or was it a side cut?
that hairline
Christian confirmed that Ekko told Jinx about the AU world.
There's a reason why she says "always with you sis even if we're worlds apart"
Correct finding
What did they mean by this voiceline?
Best song, way better than Fantastic which made me cringe so hard I pulled out my phone
It's the one from the opening with the rival gangs where Isha is introduced.
believing linke
She got the cornea, that's all that it takes for her to lose her eyesight permanently.
This is why I called it like a week ago that 9-fingered Jinx is going to die and 10-fingered blacked Jinx will be canon
He needs to go to turkey and get a hair transplant
you know what
For me it's To Ashes and Blood > Remember me > Fantastic > Sucker > The Line > Isha's song > I cant hear it now > Hellfire > Ma Meilleure Enemmie > Paint the Town Blue > Cocktail Molotov > Renegade > Come Play >>>>> Enemy
If I missed any that's cause they're irrelevant
forgetting spin the wheel
It’s true. We were kicking all through the great hiatus (not to mention before Arcane). Now they’ve gone and cemented these two as a landmark yuri pairing.
if this bitch got a whole new body incl. eyes then the dyke will be fine too.
The who?
Yes, but it really seems like the Jinx in the finale was meant to be a synthesis between Powder and Jinx. (as you can see by the text in the image you replied to)
But we never got to see this happen. And it's like... the culmination of the arc of the most beloved character.
I would cut so much shit before I cut this. Like a lot of scenes with the enforcer squad, the whole black rose plot, Maddie subplot, etc etc.
Just feels shitty to do such a shoddy job at showing that big of a leap in self-perception and will to live.
landmark yuri pairing
Caitlyn is a terrible partner and abuses Vi physically and emotionally
You don't hear it in the show but lyrics do say "don't let me go" at the end of the song
that arcane viktor skin
that little twirl he does
get ready for your new canonically gay man
As an ophthalmologist I can confirm that eye is gone
did Riot unironically put Ekko in Jinx costume for his new Arcane skin?
No way this is unintentional
It wasn't gay. It was just French. Sometimes male platonic friends even hold hands in France and many other parts of the world. Men in North America are just terrified of looking gay.
Caitlyn won the lottery if you really think about it. Vi didn't give a shit about any of that and still gave her the greatest orgasm of her life.
That just makes us like it more because we can imagine saving her.
What if the jinx in the final fight is actually powder au who came over to this universe after jinx killed herself
I speak for all lesbians when I say this is completely acceptable for a hot piece of ass
I guess Linke hasn’t heard the memo that he himself said Viktor will be coming back in later adaptations.
thank god viktor knows how to suck cock and balls in a french way
China did not censor him and Jayce touching foreheads, therefore he is straight.
Did I stutter?
i'm not ready to face it
don't go saying goodbye
there is beauty in changes
and i wanna try
this world is a wasteland where nothing can grow
if it weren't for you i would be here all alone
i know in my heart this is where we belong
this world is a wasteland
don't let me go
Caitvi isn't even the worst of popular yuri ships lol. Let's just say they're quite vanilla.
They are just wearing matching fits.
She has his hourglass on her arm and he has her X over his chest.
Which makes it even crazier we didn't get to see how they got so close all of a sudden.
It’s not Yuri if there’s no domestic violence
china is actually a jayvik shipper
four days later and we are only growing stronger
I love this motherfucker
Which makes it even crazier we didn't get to see how they got so close all of a sudden.
Probably with ekko realising after 59 rewinds that the only thing he had to do to stop Jinx from trying to kill herself was dropping his pants and showing that art hoe his huge dick
no dude, look again. Ekko's new skin isn't the matching X costume, it's literally Ekko with Jinx clothes.
Why not? He's running things.
Well she is a cop.
More onscreen scripted development of their relationship aided by homoerotic animation choices, followed by a NGE/Madoka tier resolution that was somehow gayer than gay sex
choosing to die with your bestie instead of staying with your bombshell gf
deciding to cosmically bind with the one person in all timelines that loved you so unconditionally, not despite, but because of your imperfections, causing you to finally accept affection after convincing yourself you were undeserving of it
There is a very, very, very blurry line between intense platonic love and intense romantic love and those two straddle the fuck out of it.
Caitvi just remimds me of every uhaul lesbian relationship I've seen. I'm glad there's canon yuri but they were cheated out of the emotional intensity and depth that jayce and viktor had.
And Jinx has Vi’s haircut and booba wraps AND she replaced her neck bands (?) that spelled out ‘VI’ that she lost in jail with more neck bands that once again spell ‘VI.’
Don't be weird
Is the reason why Vi didn't take off her pants during the sex scene cause she has a massive clit and it'd be too much for Cait to handle?
If Jinx put an X on his bare chest it means he took his shirt in front of her
Also Jinx appears wearing nothing but wraps around her body for no reason at all
A cop AND a lesbian
It was when, not if
I want whatever they've got going on
She's matching Vi look at the haircut and pink streak in her hair.
Reminder that his simping saved the day (and then he didn't get the girl lol)
And a pink streak, right!
NGL, im gonna hate that bitch till the day i die. Then it didnt help that she was str8 Up a spy
In the afterglow they said Jinx status is unknown, Viktor and Jayce disintegrated and are gone.
No1 cares about Warwick and Heimer lol
I'm gonna miss Maddie. She didn't deserve to die that horribly.
Is this a fanart ?
Anon that is vulgar and not a good way to talk someone down from suicide.
Realistically though, if they ever hugged after rebuilding their friendship, Ekko would definitely get a boner.
This. The lesbian sex song crashed and burned, heimerdinger's song is about to surpass both the fantastic videos.
Cute drawing
lesbian reactor instantly points out that young Silco has thee same bang Jonx does
I don't like the implication
do you think jayce asked mel for anal because he wanted to pretend she was viktor
yes dude we know, she loves Vi, what's your point?
That he styled her hair?
Wtf is this art? Why are her lips like that?
its in the show ? wow i cant remember shit
Because.... Yumm
Jinx&vi's mom was passed around between vander&silco if that is what your asking.
And they found some beta provider to be the father.
No it's the last of Vanders memories disintegrating.
Jayce is a cool straight guy stop ruining him
DAE think they should've had Heimer choose to stay in the AU instead of dying? Make it a mix of him getting attached and feeling a sense of duty to keep helping them, which would also make it more clear that he had a role in fixing the P-Z relations.
Silco’s hair was always immaculate when he could help it. Another drop in the gay bucket, his kind does fill salons you know.
ahh yeah thx
That's basically what it looks like.
after that ending?
DAE think they should've had Heimer choose to stay in the AU instead of dying?
considering yordles are literally unkillable, the only question is if he regenerates in his own world or in the world he is in
It used to be a running joke that her lips are wrinkly cause she sucked Caits clit so hard every night.
Fellas, is it gay to hug your friend as you are both about to disintegrate to save the world?
It is clear that a LOT of American men have never been shot at.
a lil i guess
So sweet babby’s, hnnngh.
Powder’s tiny hand
they are buddies Jayce lets Viktor suck him and Viktor lets Jayce pump his ass but they don't talk about it afterwards because they are straight!
Men in North America are just terrified of looking gay.
Now they whine about male loneliness like it isn't their fault. None of them want to step tf up and break the cycle that led them there. None of them want to stop caring about being labeled a fag. None of them want to stop labeling anyone hugging their bros and having emotionally honest convos with them as gay.
I am sympathetic to the cultural pressures that exist, but at some point you have to say fuck it and tell your bro you cherish his company.
she did take them off. She also used a lot of choking and spit, just a nasty, egregious marathon rut. The french sent it to Riot and they locked it in a sealed vault guarded 24 hours a day.
It's fine, Heim's just lost in the timestream now and will run into Viktor and Jayce eventually whenever Riot wants to bring them all back.
Post S1 memes. This is the only one I felt like saving from S2.
It's actually top 5 now
i too want to touch foreheads with the person i am connected to in all timelines after we save each other from doom over and over again. leaving my gf behind too of course
dude ive seen guys shit their pants in fear, That wasn't a gay thing.
Hairstyles aren't genetic. He styled her hair and she kept it that way because she liked it. It's a cute father-daughter bonding thing.
that's all I have
You remind me of those retards claiming the men hugging at pompei were gay lovers
Crack has hit the neighborhood for you toyheads
i'm going to rape viktor. it will be easy because he's a cripple and i can just kick his cane away. his skin is milk white and his body dotted in moles which i will bite and suck on. i will pump his flat ass full of cum until he can't walk or even raise his head properly from the ground. then i will nurse him back to health and do it all over again
He already confirmed Viktor will be involved in future series. The only thing that would destroy the ship is killing off Jayce. Fujos don't need them to be canon to ship or be delusional about Jayvik anyway, as long as CL keeps writing them as he did their relationship will always be gay as shit. No romantic relationship comes close to what they had at the end of S2.
Linke is a bullshitter.
powder's last thoughts after she dies
The only thing that would destroy the ship is killing off Jayce
not even that. the fujo mind a wonderful place where anything can be real. if they don't want jayce to be dead, he won't be
I'd let her hit and cuck me too
I don't fucking care
so prrrrrredictuhble
She was trying so hard to sound hot here huh..
you've grown quite predictable
That line delivery will live rent free in my mind forever.
Goddamn they are really leaning on the ship ain't they?
I loved this moment in particular. I don’t know if I’d call it flirting because it’s more subtle and instinctual, but it captures that surge of confidence when you’re talking to someone you’re into where you’re more animated, you enunciate your words more, and you’re looking them dead in the eye with tunnel vision…
I’d let her stomp on my balls
That's Powder, Ekko is literally her boyfriend. We still don't really know how Jinx feels about Ekko.
The only thing that would destroy the ship is killing off Jayce.
Character death has never ever stopped shippers from playing pretend with their action figures. Hell, if the death is sufficiently tragic it fuels the flames.
Didn't even give him his braids or the shirt.
Not even the tattoo
Come on man don't be lazy.
Well yeah, Powder's pretty much a done deal for Ekko. No way to spin that in any other direction.
I'm kinda interested more in hero Jinx's lines. I like that they were neither antagonistic, nor too cheesy towards Ekko. Something like she understands his feelings but she's not quite there yet.
Powder and jinx have the same soul, if powder and ekko are soul mates in one universe they’re soul mates in all universes
Caitlyn is a terrible partner and abuses Vi physically and emotionally
The dykes and shippers love that type of relationship, It's his fetish
It's a complitely coincidental white haired shiiiieeeet I found on
They cut out a looooot of their scenes so we were just left with his pep talk with her. From the song and their final fight costumes where they actually swapped around their clothes, they either fucked or kissed and coordinated outfits. Hard to say which one they did
When does Warwik do the "don't touch my daughter" line?
And heteros don't ?
Nah. They're not even soul mates in the universe they're together in, there is a lot of indications that Powder will leave Zaun as well. Timebomb is just puppylove.
When jinx brings ekko over
Middle of Ep6, after Rictus BTFOs Jinx
I still can’t believe that Vi dying literally leads to a good end of peace and prosperity for Zaun, that’s just the funniest shit.
It’s like I can’t tell if the writers hated her and that’s why the whole show shits on her constantly or they love her and that’s why she’s the only one to get a happy ending with Caitlyn.
We don't know but hints are appearing. Like in the minigame where Jinx says he will never forget Ekko's eyes that day on the bridge and how Isha would've loved the firelights place, which means she was, in some way, imagining a life with Isha and the firelights.
It's not Vi dying. Amy of the kids could've died and it would still lead to a Utopia without hextech. The only requirement is that Jayce doesn't get to develop his cursed magic technology.
Toxic yuri hits himejoshis harder than CIA supplied crack hit the projects
Also, there was a thread earlier where a bunch of mulattoes got angry at the gay statistics. On Reddit I saw the biggest Ekko fans had brown-skinned avatars. This thread has an unusual.number of Ekko fans compared to earlier, and it's currently American hours. It's mostly mulattoes here, isn't it?
It's The Notebook or whatever that Dude Where's My Car? movie guy's name is, except instead of a chick it's Jinx
Why doesn't Vi have any jealousy against Caitlyn in this scene, apart from it being a cuckquean humiliation ritual mood?
I'm a setting fag and I want the next show to follow one of the wanderers in LoL, preferably Ryze or Ezreal. Runeterra is a beautiful fucking world and I wanna see all of it in its entirety so badly on the big screen after what I've seen in Arcane.
They met five seconds ago
They loved her. Creators love to shit on their favorite characters the most. She's literally irrelevant in the final act but still gets the last line of the show and the episode title is her line no matter how dumb the line is.
Lines having to do with her sissy.
thats when she realised caitlyn was also a homosexual, and they werent together yet
Are you people fucking dumb or what
Again, it wasn't because of Vi, if anything she was the collateral damage
dude, her literal last thought while dying is Ekko. You can't mental gymnastic a way into denying them in the AU
Why doesn't Vi have any jealousy against Caitlyn in this scene
Are you really???
They are done with P&Z champs
Vi "I don't fucking care" would still hit it even if she found Cait in bed with dozen other women. She's a simp like that.
i dont remember this
It does sound that way when they said they’ll simply update the game lore for Blitzcrank, Camille, etc. Then what ever did Linke mean by saying Viktor will be back?
I just want to know how did her dying end up leading to Silco, who would still have been in the middle of his evil plan, to eventually reconcile with Vander and together made Zaun better.
It’s just an interesting butterfly effect.
She's such a siscon
Wtf is with this shit quality
Oh, I didn't realize Mylo and Claggor came to the last battle too.
On Twitter as well the biggest ekko fans are Latin American mullatos. Characters like ekko are a bad thing because it makes these people get too full of themselves
That’s only the powder skin?
Silco for all his evil shit still saw Vi being born and grow up. He could probably relate to Vandef's grief after losing Vi and made an approach. Perhaps he could read the letter in the end.
Even with all my dislike for large swaths of the writing in the show, I cannot deny that the back half of Episode 3 and all of Episode 7 are great.
Wish the whole season felt like that.
thanks to the love and attention of two gay dads, AU Powder grew up to be a normal well adjusted young lady
This is the biggest win for homo dudes, meanwhile the lesbian couple in the show is abusive and violent.
Yeah that makes sense while she's still in that relationship. But she won't be in it forever, is what I'm saying.
Scorpion jinx.
Anyone else briefly see the homie when they look at their GF?
So for you its inconceivable that Silco ended up hating those kids
???? Uh yes?
Just in case you didn't know, hating a kid is an incredibly unhinged position to have as an adult.
And we're not even talking about random kids, these are the kids of your dearest friend. If Silco "grew to hate them", it is incredibly important to show how that happened instead of just going "somehow Silco hated them".
Professor! Remember me? I'm ekko's really good friend powder.
Sure buddy. One things for certain though is that ekko kissed AU powder first, he cucked his AU version.
Didn't Silco pay the cops to murder Vi? Wasn't he shocked to find out she was rotting in jail all those years?
Am I remembering S1 wrong?
No way this is temporary lol Samira also has an eyepatch Caitfags need to accept it and get used to it people online are saying she deserved worst that she should have died instead for the war crimes she committed so be grateful she only lost an eye
Ep.5 was the peak of the season. Fuck every other character and plotline.
Silco hated them because they were Vander's kids. He's extremely petty like that.
Ans why is that? The show made it pretty clear she loves her life with Ekko. Vander discourse wasn't meant to say she should leave the city, it was meant to tell her that it was time for her to develop her own projects instead of just being Ekko's assistant. The ending implied that she was gonna do that now using the hextech crystals.
That’s the word. The normalfag twitterers whitewashed this with the homophobia jokes.
I thought he did that mainly because he didn’t want her to influence jinx
Best song from the best episode
I hate this. I get its supposed to be three versions of Jinx combined, but why? Every other skin is just one version, why couldn't they just make separate Jinx skins for each version? Shes popular, people would have bought it.
Didn't Silco pay the cops to murder Vi? Wasn't he shocked to find out she was rotting in jail all those years?
Nah, Marcus just lied to him that she died. That's why he was shocked.
Except he clearly didn't. Killing the kids was merely a contingency for his overall plan. Hell, its debatable if he even hated Vander. He borderline asked him to join him in episode 3 and went for killing him when Vander refused.
Cool theory but! her eyes are pink so… not very likely
They did it to justify the $320 tag price
My question is how a timeline like that exists when Viktor ends the show by saying he gave Jayce the hextech gem in every other timeline.
The dead Vi timeline just prevented Jayce from introducing hextech and accelerating the problems between the two cities. Powder has the crystals still, and if Viktor saw every timeline he eventually destroys the world with it even if its delayed.
linke says jayvik is not canon
half of the character designs/artists say it is
something malicious is brewing
Topside shifter
get her cop loving ass, Jinx
you're telling me there's no model of Powder and bad Jinx in the game? Only the voice lines are mixed?
Powder still invents Hextech which leads to Viktor's glorious evolution again.
So in the end, how many people did victor connect to?
All of piltover&zaun?
Outside of that?
The entire world?
Imagine other nations getting conected to some mind collective for a couple of seconds all over the world and then it stopping again as fast.
And then hearing about shit going down in piltover because of hextech.
Every nation in the world would want to go down there and make sure it doesnt happen again.
Nope marcus told him “he had taken care of her” and when he finds out Marcus lied silco threatens him and tells him to make sure vi disappears. Dude wanted vi dead.
They 100% want to fuck each other in every timeline, but have too much trauma to confess it.
Season 2 doesn't mention this which is fucked up, but Jinx has killed his firelight friends. That I think is the biggest block between them.
Sorry, I missed one. The grammar is lacking but I imagine it’s supposed to be:
Sometimes family’s just a girl, a recently deceased chem baron, a one-armed killjoy, and her long thought dead sister.
Every other skin is just one version
I mean Kayn in his base is like 2 people.
Mutiny is brewing
And I blame Amanda for that Caitlyn League of Legends could never do that shit. She doesn’t know that champion at all
Damn even jinx has forgotten about isha
I was just thinking that
For her maybe. Gay Silco told Ekko to leave that in the past and he listened.
It would be interesting if it was guilt what was preventing Jinx from being fully into Ekko though. Sounds like an interesting arc for her
Sure, but that's part of his character. There is no version of Jinx in Arcane that is three combined into one, they just did this to cash in every version a fan could want.
The block only exist in Jinx because she is haunted by her own actions. Ekko even says to AU powder that he had given up on her but that reality showed him how good things are so he is willing to try.
It's implied that after Vi's death he went into the mineshaft to sit at their old base and reminisce about the "good ol' days" and finally found the letter
What was her original personality?
Her voice line talks about exploring runeterra.
What exactly did he say ? I just saw him in the stream calling them a bromance thats it? fujos are mad about everything
One of the best in the series, easy. Perfectly conveys the feeling of the scene. Even moreso when you read the translated lyrics.
Not the first time they've disagreed on no homo brother thing
Animators might as well have a co-writing credit with how much their interpretation of the script influences the final product. Linke can say and write what he wants, but animators ensure there are homos for those with the eyes to see them.
They had to keep it Tv-14 they even censored their tits Vi’s back is facing the “camera” they were not going to show her ass if they want to keep that rating
silco threatens him and tells him to make sure vi disappears. Dude wanted vi dead.
Yes, after she reappears 7 years later. Silco hates Vi because he thinks Vi will hurt Jinx/take her away from him.
By paying off the cops to kill Vi, I thought you were referring to the past. In the present, yeah he did.
Once again, not a Jinx line.
Attraction isn't love.
literally your stereotypical high class bimbo
How the fuck are the firelights gonna react with him dating the murderer of their friends. Hell how is Ekko going to react with that, forgiving jinx is one thing, dating her another whole thing. This is why shippers are braindead, they want to gloss over everything just to make characters get together
I didn’t know that. Linke really didn’t need to speak on this. If he poo-pooed Jayvik and Mylo/Claggor being gay, then I will fill in the lines to mean Zaundads is fair ga(y)me by him.
Attraction isn't love.
Tell that to Caitvi fans
Christian confirmed that Ekko told Jinx about the AU world.
she needed to hear that
caitvi full sex scene somewhere in some french pendrive
if i were an animator i'd switch the models to jayce and viktor and leak it
the same voice lines where she's thinking about Ekko while dying? Sounds to me she won't leave him even if she travels outside.
Hell since we're entering into fanfiction territory, what's preventing Ekko from going with her?
That's extremely shitty and stupid.
meant for
Meh he probably also wanted her dead in the past, what is he gonna believe Marcus just randomly killed her without silco ordering him to?
It's funny how Caitvi is the abusive ship, meanwhile Jinx is a literal murderer and terrorist, and Jayce and Viktor have fought each other like 10 different times.
We'll see when we she what she does in other series, and if she gets a more popular ship. ;)
anon your brazilian heritage is showing
linke is a retarded fag who can't write for shit. no one should care about what he thinks
Anon please calm down. Arcane is "canon" in the same way Legends of Runeterra is "canon". That being that it's canon until it's not. She's mean to Vi in Arcane. She's not like that normally.
Thats based af. Someone needs to draw that
You know very well why is that
Silco literally told his goons to stab the little bitch with big fucking knives. Before the 7 year time skip.
what is he gonna believe Marcus just randomly killed her
He doesn't have to. Just tell him Vi was already dead. It's not like Silco asked for her body as proof anyway to believe she's dead.
but you see, it was for zaun
Jinx has been advertised as the face of the franchise for sometime. It's interesting that they would choose her as the mc for these projects. She does have a lot of personality and is popular so its sensible.
Vi "I don't fucking care" would still hit it even if she found Cait in bed with dozen other women
I think Vi’s into getting cucked fr anons…
Vi's full tattoo reveal was peak fan service. Vi is built like a truck lol
We're never seeing that AU again, I'm sure of that.
but hey, I guess you'll always have your fanfictions where you can dyke her, have fun
After the explosion. He was originally looking to recruit her but once things went to shit, he decided to just kill them all and wipe the slate clean. That's why he had Deckard following her originally. To keep an eye on Vi. She was the "prize" he was looking for as he tells her in S1 episode 6.
It's meant to be like 3 skins in 1 where you can switch between the skins as you play the game rather than being set with one the whole match.
It used to be a tier called "Ultimate", where the whole point was skin evolution. The biggest one is ELementalist Lux who has 10 forms, all with their own models, particle effects and some exclusive voice lines I think.
But she came out a LONG time ago and Riot's full of really hungry jews now so the Jinx skin has 3 VO's ("Menace", "Hero" and "Tinkerer") and 2 models since Tinkerer is Powder while Menace and Hero share the same look from the end of Arcane, just Menace has schizo lines included in her spells.
Oh and despite being so much less, Arcane Fractured Jinx is going to cost at most $250 while Elementalist Lux costs like $20.
We can overlook the abuse cause Caitlyn kept a dirty unwashed Vi in her bed whereas the mistress didn't even have the privilege of having sex with Cait in her bed.
So.... what happened?
Why are people super against CaitVi?
”you told me you took care of her”
Is the literal line. It implies both that Marcus supposedly directly got rid of her and on silco’s orders. Are you this illiterate?
Because Caitlyn went full hitler in this season and cheated on Vi after beating her.
i think you're misinterpreting what he meant by "prize".
I don't get the ship wars. The show went to shit anyway and there's fags, dykes, and hets. Pick your choose and stop fighting.
Because cait is too based for the masses
Mulattoes specifically or just regular black people?
boring and rushed
So weak willed you can't handle a bit of angst.
The homos literally kill each other in every timeline and yet no one complains
Jinx and Ekko violently beat each other up and I don't see those fag's complaining either
Jealousy. They won bigly and everyone else? Dead or worse.
Jinxfags are malding that Jinx isn't the center of Vi's world, again.
2 seasons worth of development culminating in a sex scene at the end of the season
Number 1 CaitVi hater
In the case of Vander and Silco, it's pretty clear from the writing that there was literally nothing romantic between them. The animators could say all they want with their homolust but all of their spoken and written interactions were clearly betrayal from a trusted brother in a mafia/gang sense
Jayce and Viktor on the other hand, no matter what he says Viktor was 100% gay for Jayce but Jayce only saw Viktor in a platonic manner
b-but you don't understand MY ship is canon !
Cait washed her hair when she was out.
She really hated the black hair.
Brother you might be the illiterate once because that line you quoted doesn't exist.
I thought it was going to be 3 different models, one for each voice. Are you telling me they couldn't even come up with a different model for original Jinx?
It's jealousy from the timebombfags who seethe at the idea that they got a happy ending whereas Ekko remains cucked and alone forever.
I like the reference but this is definitely NOT what old schizo Jinx would say. She was so far gone she could actually hear her guns so her line would be something like her telling Ekko what the gun quipped back to him
It's haram.
here is a lot of indications that Powder will leave Zaun as well
Such as?
Never change Jinx.
I'm watching the clip right now and typing a direct transcription:
For us it was like... it's strange that people say the only close relationship that two men could have is to be a couple, you know it's really close like friendships and like like brotherhoods if you will and like really being there with each other if you will. Um... it's something that, uh... which is something that was really important for us to explore, and it's like so so um... It's like... it seems like there's no other version, you know, for fans to say there must be romance, you know, and we're like this, these relationships can be really layered, really complex you know. I think there is... there is... some kind of...there is a love between, I just don't think it's romantic you know?
He says that while comparing her with Jinx so the "prize" is in terms of being a massive asset. What was your interpretation?
ionia vs piltover when?
Yes rushed. Season 2 vi was barely a character, cait becomes a nazi and yet their MOST intimate scene was back in season one. The sex was awkward, forced and boring.
timebomb and jayvik clears
Yep. Powder gets her own model, but the other two are the exact same at default except for the color on Rhino, her new weapon.
The "Menace" one just has more schizo particle effects and becomes all blacklight and neon when her passive triggers.
She prefers the real deal in all her rawness.
I mean, he's right.
Don't deflect this on us, we don't care about you
Oh shut the fuck up
Honestly, the death of Vi was a big part of it. It stopped the escalation that the kids getting away caused. The fact that it was Vi probably affected Silco too. But a thing to remember is Heimerdinger was there for 3 years with his new perspective. He even said "I've been able to accomplish wonderful things in this world." I actually think Heimerdinger solved a lot of issues then retired to busk in the streets once he got the ball rolling.
jayvik confirmed canon bros
timebomb doomed ship only existing in au where ekko cucks himself
vi was barely a character,
Funny, i remember people saying that for s1 Vi too
I'm way too dumb to understand multiverse shenanigans
There are no shipping wars, there are just stupid retards who like to ruin everything
shipper just wants to post a pic of his/her ship because she's happy for them
all of a sudden, ten mentally ill dipshits appear out of nowhere to respond with the only purpose of shitting on the ship and argue in bad faith if the poor shipper takes the bait
that's every single thread
Since the worlds are somewhat parallel, whatever happens with our Jinx leaving Zaun you can assume something similar happens with Powder. But hey, you're right we'll probably never know.
But AU Powder is so popular I won't be surprised if they make her come to the main universe, especially when she has the ability to. Would be interesting to see how the fandom would take that. I think they jumped the gun too early making her part of the fractured skin.
The French are always doing gay shit while thinking it's normal, of course he's confused.
More like the other way around. You keep seething yet we don't care cause we got a canon endgame couple. Keep seething.
Lol, lmao even.
heimerdinger was able to create a giant, shining, utopia from scratch after the rune wars, leading to piltover
if you gave him 500 years in zaun, he could do the same thing
kennen is literally the wisest, most respected member of the kinkou
kled is a near-mythical warrior of noxus
poppy is the ultimate demacian hero
give yordles enough time in any region and they become pillars of their society
um uh y'know uh ah uhm uh
this man can't even answer a simple question
You just don't want to accept what he's saying kek
The Jayce and Mel scenes were probably just there to tell you Jayce is not a fag. He could be bi but if he were I'm sure they'd say it.
If we accept the notion that both Powder's will make similar decisions with their lives, then we accept the notion that both Powders have similar feelings for Ekko
Ironically S2 caitvi has far more development than S1. I remember when anons used to call S1 caitvi forced and rushed.
S2 solidifies them as a romantic pairing, they have a fallout, make up and have sex after a big act of love. There's nothing forced or unnatural about that.
For me, they're still the superior ship.
Hy guys, Im back from shurima
I got this sick gauntle-, what the hell happened to everyone?
when riot sees the fujo money it will all be over
posts their youtube watch history like some kind of own
I just can't understand shipfags. Not a bit.
no timebomb fan has a problem with your ship idiot. Unless you're one of those yuricucks who desperately want Jinx to be a dyke, then you should have no problem with us.
team hierarchy
Vi was the leader of the group while Powder was the runt.
If Demacia is the no-magic-allowed region then how do they stand a chance against Noxus? I doubt spears and swords will do much against magic.
Jinx is not straight. I'm just saying.
being unironically a timbebombfag
Twitter timebomb fags suggest differently
Attraction isn't love.
Tell that to Caitvi fans
Caitlyn and Vi’s voicelines
Tell Vi that I…
Cait I still…
They love each other anon
so basically jayce got sent to the evil ass rape universe and concluded the only way to save the world was to rape viktor
i think all ships are great but mine is better
If Jinx finds a Vi lookalike I will lose my sides
I blame Ekko's VA, with his dumb tweet about Caitlyer
Vi's dirty under your nails line is her meathead equivalent of an I love you.
Yuriniggers have a problem with everyone, especially the fujoshippers but timebombniggers aren't much better
with guts, determination, and the power of friendship
found your problem
he was right tho
You can just say its a Frodo/Sam thing. A Jay and Silent Bob thing. Hetero lifemates.
If Demacia is the no-magic-allowed region then how do they stand a chance against Noxus?
petricite can not only nullify magic, it can release the stored magic
hence why garen can summon a giant glowing sword despite not being a mage
demacians are also just built different, garen is 8 feet tall and can bench press a small house just because
I doubt spears and swords will do much against magic.
noxians were one-shotting chemtanks with their spears and beating guns with crossbows
demacians can, in turn, one-shot noxians with their swords and spears
I liked Caitvi in S1 because of their sweet scenes. For me, they were written well and made sense then. Comes S2 and there is just fighting, unnecessary hitting, an unnecessary rebound and sex. I can't blame anyone for not liking them now because I can only enjoy them if I pretend S2 doesn't exist.
Ambessa fell in love on one of his trips
it could only have been him, right? kek
Because fujoshits ruin every franchise cause they can't see a single male friendship without sexualizing it. It's insane in a show where the only canon pairing is a yuri pairing the fujos still dug their nasty little fingers and ignore the yuris.
Since S1 mind you.
Demacia has petricite which is anti-magic stone. Idk how exactly that works against Noxus' runic weapon fuckery but they can put a stop to Noxus' magic users with it
ship so good they had to kill them
The “Vander Warwick” model in-game. Looks like a bat, which is alright by me because bats are cool, but the rest is pretty ugly and inaccurate. Also
calling it Vander Warwick when this is when Vander has left the building
Fine you're weak willed but don't come and say you enjoy jayvik and timebomb cause those are other """abusive""" ships.
crying about fujos
is this your first fandom
I guess its still somewhat fitting since Vander was a good portion of the building blocks for it anyway.
They have magic though. They have a lot of magic. They have a bunch of giant magic statues that come to life. It's all self-hating mages there.
p-professor we can explain! It's a science experiment we've been pioneering, the results are remarkable!
I fucking despise fujoshits because I've been in too many fandoms. They're the cancer of every fandom.
Noxus/Demacia is just diet Horde/Alliance
It's like asking how normal humans can fight hulking orcs
You are just biased, yurifags cant have shit if you have a show with potential multi ships, even if the yuriship is canon it will always be the one to get more shitting on for x or x reason
This is exactly the kind of behavior that makes yuriniggers hated. You aren't owed or entitled to anything just because you have a canon wlw ship. Especially when you niggers are pandered too all the time and the safe gay rep option because straight men jerk off to your garbage.
I'm gonna laugh when he actually has Vander voicelines instead of being all Warwick
Xitter timebomb retards also see their ship as androgynous lesbians. How long till they die off.
They have a bunch of giant magic statues that come to life
galio is literally an anti-magic golem
they either dont care or are willing to overlook his magical nature because he nullifies all other magic
I see the vision. I've seen way too many irl lesbian couples like them.
Vi is too traumatized to open up and really talk about her feelings, so this is her cope.
Especially when you niggers are pandered too all the time
Now you are just delusional
they're in every fandom because they're the ones making fanarts, fanfics and buying merch while people like you bitch about useless things. be grateful
Fujos don't do anything except like their own ships. Yurifags will literally have their ship canonized and make its lack of popularity everyone elses problem kek. Even Timebob shippers aren't this whiny and it's only canon in AU
because straight men jerk off to your garbage.
As if 90% of JayVik shippers aren't lonely straight girls rubbing one off on ao3 fanfics.
It's like asking how normal humans can fight hulking orcs
in warcraft, its mostly due to numbers
an orc grunt is worth 3 footmen, but you get three footmen for every grunt
humans are also more tactically minded while orcs brute force their targets, levelling the playing field between large units
abstracted in game, where orcs win the DPS race, but humans have access to more army-wide buffs and debuffs that let them trade equally
I'm looking at the timebomb hashtag right now and I see nothing of what you claim
Which begs the question, who the fuck you follow? Do schizos really attract each other in social media?
What do you think fujos are doing at 2am
He's nervous because a Chinese Riot agent is holding a gun at his head in case he answers the question wrong
nta but he's kinda right. there's a shitton of lesbian ships/characters but barely any gay boys. you know it's true, don't deny it
Because Caitlyn evil war criminal and Yurifags are too woke so Caitvi is now too problematic for them
Please mention them to me then.
What's up with xitter libtards and using Caitlyn as an example of a racist organization? Reed is a fucking retard
for all his talk about being a ladies man, and being a shameless flirt with every girl
ezreal is actually down bad with a severe case of one-itis for lux
ambessa would have to force herself on the weedy twink while his arcane shift is on cooldown
I saw that post which blew up. I never noticed how feminine Ekko looks until it was pointed out he could be a stud (that means black butch). Also just found this lol.
galio is literally an anti-magic golem
sure but he is literally animated because he is magical. and he has friends.
they ride around on discount dragons and giant dogs and are basically the greatest armies of men from lotr.
also pic rel and i know lor isnt canon to arcane but still
Dude doesn't have a career so he decided to fire up an anti racist shit storm because of a fictional character.
fucking hated this song. that annoying little tsk the french cunt does every other word.
Should have fucked.
Steven Universe
Name a western show with a gay ship that's received as much story/plot focus or screen time as the lesbian or lesbian adjacent shows just mentioned. It's all shit that's given to side characters who you see super briefly then never again or it has to be "hinted" at with subtext for plausible deniability.
catra and adora
that retarded lesbian from tlou
poison ivy and harley
and this from just the top of my head, and excluding shows and movies. now name at least 3 canon GAY couples anon. do it.
pic rel
KEK they didn't need to go so far and show Vi licking her undercity
Petricite absorbs magic. They built everything they have with it. They're just as battle-ready as the noxians. They use flying mounts, have exceptionally crafted weapons and armor, and were founded by Kayle/Morgana. They are led by Jarvan, Shyvana, the Crownguards, Laurents, and ig Quinn.
galio being literal anti-magic is why he gets a free pass
they ride around on discount dragons and giant dogs
magic doesnt apply to fantastical flora and fauna
magic mostly applies to spells cast by mages, in this case
Garen is just a random mage who can summon giant swords from the sky and for some reason they just let him join the dauntless vanguard
Thanks, I will now watch these shows.
timebomb hashtag
I don't know why up until now I was looking for fanarts on google images, this thing is a gold mine
Umm, the gems are all non-binary and Sugar released her art of Pearl making out with Greg.
Well I'd like different videos of the quotes separated then, because hearing multiple Jinxes talking about different things in one video is annoying.
Are they? I see nothing but fanart on my end.
The ship fights is because neither Timebombfags nor Jayvikfags can like their ships without shitting on Caitvi for some reason they are just jealous that the dykes are endgame and got a “happy ending” for once
Caitvi happened mainly because Vi found Cait extremely fucking hot.
I wasn't talking especially about animated show per se, you have tons of shows not animated with gay dudes in it focused on them or not
I love how easy to tell it is when the jilcofag is asleep.
I know you’re sweet on her I hope you got a chance to you know before…
Let’s not forget
I don't know bro, you're the only one bringing this up and playing the victim.
Current canon Garen doesn't know that he wields magic.
Pretty much
the dragon pussy enjoyer is going to win any fight to continue enjoying shyvana, his determination is simply too great to let himself be defeated by the Noxians
originally his giant glowing sword was just handwaved as divine in nature, probably from kayle, and therefore halal
but petricite retconned it to be likely a form of releasing stored magic without garen being a mage himself
I mean...Sol's big dragon pussy is worth fighting for after all...
Idk about you guys but I hate CaitVifags because they only care about the lesbian melodrama and nothing else. Seen a ton of them getting bitchy about other regions being adapted and demanding lesbian pandering in it otherwise they won't even give it a shot.
The glaring difference between Anon Babble and Anon Babble threads will never not be funny to me.
I enjoy Anon Babble a lot more despite the retarded shipwars.
She went from suicidal to big damn hero, color coordinating her outfit with Ekko. Seemed really obvious, I don't know why people were questioning it.
It's really nice, and doesn't deserve the hate.
garen is a retard just like his players
one of the few times the gameplay matches the lore
I don't care about future adaptations of the LoL lore because Riot showed that they can't write for shit.
Eh, it's a bad faith response to a fan asking about a romantic interpretation of their relationship, and it's weird of Linke to get defensive and pretend that shippers are saying men aren't allowed to be friends.
Contrast this response to Neil Gaiman's common answers to people asking about the Crowley/Aziraphale relationship: He often refuses to comment or confirm one way or the other, and invokes a Death of the Author mindset. It’s up the reader/viewer to interpret the characters. If you think they’re gay, then they’re gay. If you think they’re just good friends, then they’re just good friends.
Some fans say this response is a bit of a cop out, and they’re entitled to do so, but I think it demonstrates that Gaiman respects the views and interpretations of his fans. Imo it's also a great tactic for encouraging media analysis among his fans. Not saying one way or the other, or saying that his opinion is irrelevant forces readers/viewers to go to the text and argue with each other why they think the things they do. English teachers would cream their pants if they had that power and influence.
viktor is gay
none of this matters
it's just a variant of:
my ship is canon and has a happy ending
my ship is the most romantic because they turned into spacefags
my ship is the most popular and our song has the most views
instead of enjoying it, they go around hating on each other. people are just bored and want to boost their ego.
And i've seen the same with some Jayvickfags, really two sides of the same coin, like usual.
shota time
close your eyes and imagine
China the biggest anti caitvifags
In short: shippers are cancerous.
Make a new thread about this downgrade
I love my toxic ship
Caitvifags will see this and still schlick to what's practically a heterosexual sex scene
the only canon pairing is a yuri pairing the fujos still dug their nasty little fingers and ignore the yuris.
Other anons are right you fags are fucking whiney and entitled
censors caitvi
doesn't censor jayvik
they will be missed
How different are they?
J4 is probably laughing at how easily the pilties got steamrolled by a 3rd rate noxian force
I dislike the guy but in his defense most people speak like that unless they've prepared a response in advance. There's a reason every interview you read will say it's been edited for clarity and length.
Please Soraka, grant us a Vi Kiramman junior
Ambessa raping Ezreal in an Amazon position
Too much kino ....i kneel...
In the yurifags attempts to be more accepted and liked their, "it's canon so you must love it!!" mindset is what pushes people away from their side
Cait! I don't fucking care if you cucked me! I just want your pussy!
Not even Jinx dared to do that, LMAO
Are you going to buy it, anon?
lmao her OG design was drawn with the artist's hand down his pants
The censorship of the sex scene is funny af though. Why not just slap an M rating on the show and be done with it
Caitlyn is the only character who didn't face any consequences for her actions and still got a happy ending. Is it based? Yes.
how much and what material was used
Piltover is considered a backwater according to Ambessa. They are a bunch of uppity academics. That wasn't even Noxus, just Ambessa's small contingent that steamrolled them. Then again, maybe they had a chance if Viktor wasn't involved as Jinx showed up and was pushing them back.
Singed, unless you count the burns received in S1 as a consequence, in which case you'd have to count Cait's eye as a consequence too.
Reminder that episode 7 happened only so Riot could sell skins
magic is gay, If a black rose assassin throws a magic projectile at you and you die, it means you are a fagg and you deserve it
caitvi in league are superior in every way
partners for over a decade fighting crime together
no sidechicks
no domestic violence
Piltover is considered a backwater according to Ambessa
Noxian soldiers are armed with spears
Enforcers have firearms
A political backwater maybe, but their industry and tech is highly developed. No one calls Singapore a backwater.
I was joking, you shouldn't give money to Riot.
The entire purpose of the show is to sell merch and expand their brand
Caitvi in LoL is just them in 10 years lol
Vi taller
its shit
who's this twink
literal schizophrenia scene
damn Caitlyn was the real schizo all along
Who’s seriously buying this kek
S1 didn't feel like that, they could have made it work if they didn't get overconfident.
this kills the jayvik
people on twitter were saying it was out of stock a couple days ago so I don't know
There's nothing worse than having her lose one of her eyes.
hextech, and by association the scientists, are the only reason they are there
piltie firearms are barely any better than noxian crossbows
and noxian spears deal with the chemtanks much more easily than piltover guns do, even more than cait and her marksmanship
I wanted Vi's jacket so bad bro....
Far better outcome than what Ekko, Jayce, Viktor, Heimer, Jinx, Mel, Ambessa and Vi got.
Demacia is teeming with mages, compare to Piltover, with has next to no mages. There is so many mages in Demacia that even though they have exiled, imprisoned, drafted, killed a bunch of them, there are still enough mages in Demacia to make their own community and rebel against the country
Also, Garen definitely has magic. I blame the diet and the world runes Rize left at Demacia as the cause
it literally cant be them since
vi is taller
they chase after jinx
cait has 2 eyes
vi has her gauntlets still
all have the same pants
hero Jinx doesn't have all the paint over her
that's literally fucking lazy shit
Caitfags are so dramatic
He never did that in lore though, yet
No shit faggot. All ships are done in order to catch the shippers and take all their money. CaitVi and JayVik are no different
this is somehow worse than elementalist lux while still being 10x the price
You forgot Vi isn't an enforcer and Caitlyn isn't a sheriff. Arcane and LoL Caitvi exist in separate timeliness.
It’s on the store I think
Honestly theres no way it could be a backwater. Off of geography alone, any city located in this straight would have a massive amount of trade. Any noxian colonies below the mountains would greatly benefit from having PnZ as a puppet state.
riot shop
do we think it's worth $250? is pretty cool ngl
Demacia is teeming with mages
I thought they hate mages?
No skin is worth 250 dollars
Thank god to my wallet Caitler doesn't get any merch.
Arcane lore will take over Lol lore so this version of Caivi is gonna disappear soon, just like they deleted old Viktor.
they are shown to be a wealthy merchant state thanks to their advanced technology and the hexgates
but in terms of what the noxians value, they lack vision and strength
sold out
dude it's literally two copypasted skins and one that is only different from the waist up
Evil Jinx isn't even crazy original Jinx. It's just a bastardized version of S1 Jinx
I wouldn't pay 50 for this shit. 30 would be my top offer and then I'm being generous.
sorry WW mains, yall just keep getting pissed on like a fire hydrant
Pre-orders for Caitlyn Funko pop dropped a few hours ago
even default kayn is better than that shit
I don't think it'll disappear. This is probably Caitvi's future, working together as partners. Cait is just gonna get her eyepatch.
Just fucking release LoL 2 already. It's clear the game suffers from old unmaintanable engine
How pissed will Caitlyn mains be when she gets the eyepatch?
a mage
Nah man, he just REALLY REALLY HATES magic soooo much, his hatred manifests as giant glowing swords.
Totally not magic, just pure spite.
The “Vander Warwick” model in-game
Vanderwick was right there
well, they cant go around oppressing mages if there are arent any mages in their borders
and there wouldnt be much opposition to their oppression if there werent that many mages to begin with
the lore says that the mage oppression was in response to a suddenly swelling mage population within their borders, because they had previously had very few
so its an explicit reaction to changing demographics
Ok so Arcane Vi doesn't even end up as an enforcer, Caitlyn isn't the sheriff and Jayce isn't the mayor of Piltover. so how are they gonna explain that?
I just finished S2 and in general it was what I was expecting, a conservative ending. The staff are probably upper-class considering Netflix is alergic to unions so they like to tease with social change but at the end they want things to stay as they are, replacing identity politics with old school class struggle. Not bad but a little disappointing but that's just my personal bias
two adcs with eyepatches. a bit unoriginal.
He totally is a mage though, only a mage has shown to release magic from petricide
Where are those mages coming from? It’s not like mage refugees are a thing
How the fuck does Camille’s backstory work now since Hextech is apparently evil/no longer being used by Piltover?
The big gigantic fucking mountain guardian surely isn't magic it just cant be
It’s not like mage refugees are a thing
there were ionian refugees, sona and xin zhao were among them
its never actually explained where most of them come from, just that one day there were a lot of them and demacians freaked out
The caitlyn hate on xitter is insane and it's based on the most retarded superficial arguments
Show some examples
libtards are retarded what else is new
blame the flop actor
most bland and boring character
she deserves it
Depressing. It’s possible they could recoup half the cost of the episode with skin sales alone.
i dont think so. riot moves so fucking slow that in the time it would take them to slap and eyepatch all of cait's skins they'll have retconned arcane
So... does Garen have magic or not?
You see they have advanced weaponry in the form of firearms but they crumble before actual soldiers with spears. They don't have an army and they aren't trained for war. They just rely on the idea that being trading partners with the other factions will keep them from being invaded.
You're thinking in terms of strategy in a world without magic. They don't have any reason to occupy piltover.
Simply search for the KuKluxKiramann hashtag on xitter. It's a minefield.
We all know she did nothing wrong.
oh yeah you're right
i guess the half dragon also isnt magical since thats just biology. see its science and not magic
Didn’t laugh
His sword does, not him.
30 would be my top offer
clearly not their target demographic. at $250 it's priced for exclusivity. they probably could done 2 models only and those who were going to buy still would. is what it is
She lost 1 parent and immediately unleashed all her rich girl privilege power on poor Zaunites. I get the hate.
this will never not be funny
yes but he's retarded so not an issue
they saw the future with Viktor
Jesus said love is stored in the Violet.
on poor Zaunites
gang members
Really now ?
Cait wears a tophat
yes he has magic and it was confirmed during the morg and kayle rework q&a and it was his own magic
now as for why the magical dude who has magic magical powers is so pissed off at his sister for also having magical powers the world may never know
If you think there wasn't some collateral damage from gassing the streets you must be retarded.
Netflix had no hand in the writing, and even if they did it doesn't matter much. Capital doesn't see genuinely radical messaging as a threat because it's so effective at recuperating those messages.
Other than that you're right, the writing is very pro status quo and it's reflective of the writers' class position. I can't say I didn't see it coming, but it's still disappointing.
And I know expecting a major franchise to have a serious political message is like losing a chess match to a dog, but the animation bamboozled me into praying it had a chance of delivering, and a star wars show managing to deliver gave me some hope the writers would step up.
Garen is literally canonically too retarded to realize he uses magic
He hates magic so much that he thinks he can summon a giant sword of light out of the stratosphere because he's just that mad aout magic existing
Prove me otherwise, then.
That quality is not worth $50 what are they smoking
the proof is literally in league of legends right now
It's on their official taobao store with tons of other "retired" merch
I thought i was on sight with mages there. How does no one around him realize he's using magic
You're in the wrong circle. My top recommended is just caitvi fluff
Lots of self hating mages in Demacia that’s how. Mageseeker reveal that Demacia is actually a place where mages can train their magic responsibly under the guidance of Kayle&Morg, but it got twisted into hating mages after they disappear
He never use ult in lore, and Sylas only knows that Garen has magic the moment his sword made contact with Sylas’s chain
lol caitvi>arcane caitvi
disregard that I suck cocks, I swear I saw it there a few days ago but I must have misremembed. Sorry anon.
Vi wishes she would be taller
Isn't lol Caitlyn the big spoon final boss
in-client mini-game
i aint playing that shit
Caitlyn became a dictator and never faced any consequences for that
Caitlyn physically, mentally and emotionally abused Vi and never apologized for any of that
Caitlyn still gets a happy ending where she can keep Vi wrapped around her fingers cause Vi has nothing and no one left.
She somehow keeps Jinx's fate a secret from Vi cause she knows Vi will bolt away the moment she finds out that Jinx is still alive.
Vi compares herself to dirt under fingernails.
Jayce isn't the mayor of Piltover
He was? I don’t read his lore
Ok. Still means you're wrong.
Meanwhile Ekko is left contemplating suicide after doing everything right. Riot hates black men confirmed.
Fuck dykes i'm so hyped for jinx demacia arc i'm legit getting boners just thinking about it. No normies i'm not a luxannaFag ship nigger, just fascinated by jinx's character. Lorefags and smarties, what do you think they're gonna do with jinx in demacia? Rewrite lore and make her the one to reintroduce magic there?
man I'm really mixed on season 2, the first 3 episodes were good, 4 was complete shit, everything involving the black rose was retarded and pointless, characters change on a dime and the entire thing felt like it was throwing shit hard and fast, each arc could've and should've been different seasons, making it be a smoother transition from political drama to pseudo-capeshit. the whole zaun v piltover plot gets maybe 2 episodes and then takes a backseat to Viktor turning into robogod and fighting his boyfriend which admittedly was one of the best parts of the show. people praise episode 7 but it had some really bad characterization for ekko and the whole parallel dimensions make it grow a bit too big for its britches, making it especially weird going back and forth between ekko and heimerdinger chilling and inventing stuff with powder to jayce being thrown into fucking insanity and suffering for what seems like could've been days. jinx is really loose as a character and her whole "jinx is dead" moment in episode 4 was fucking retarded, same for the nation of zaun being boiled down to blue colored teen punks. everything feels so off and I don't know how to feel really. if I had to number it I'd say maybe 4 out of 10
Caitlyn cancelled by the woke kek who would have thought
She'll be a background cameo bro
She's going to Ionia, there's nothing to do in Demacia when they already have some super developed lore happening there and Noxus is just fucking boring. Ionia's big enough for her to pretty much do whatever she wants over there.
Jinx is dead. She’s a big fat hero now!
I read they wanted 5 seasons but they only got one more
Supposedly they had a budget for 5, but chose two for Arcane from the onset. Then there’s this…
Vi compares herself to dirt under fingernails.
With the way she scratched Vi's back during the sex scene it makes sense. All that old, dirty, dead skin under her nails. Vi on the other hand.... poor Caitlyn.
Jinx and Lux are always destined for friendship because Lux's whole thing is feeling terribly deprived of excitement and adventure by her responsibilities and repressive society
So the question is whether Current Year could write two women to become genuine close friends WITHOUT furiously eating each other's boxes in a grimy jail cell
You'll she her eating a cupcake in the background.
We get it bro, you really really really love jinx lux
Caitlyn definitely got a uti after that
shes going to ionia
literally has no connections there
She was already standing on thin ice in S1 after her encounter with Ekko. She really did turn out to be the rich privileged girl who only has a good heart as long as it benefits her, but 1 thing goes wrong and she's full blown fascist.
this is as close as Chinese Vi will get to scoring
I mean yeah she hasn't killed anyone, just like batman
muh gas zaun
batman would do same thing to zaun
why you got such a hate boner for a video game?
It looks like they're going to do updates for the lore based on regions. They chaqnged their seasons to be region based now with Noxus up next.
Considering Shyvana's rework got pushed to 2026 and is going to ship with the Demacia season I'm guessing we won't get an update on PnZ until then. Logically, PnZ should be last.
caitvifags call this """""win"""""? no wonder they/them are basement dwellers
I think menace is her Act 1 persona, before she really bonded with Isha
I have a question did Caitlyn gas all the people in Zaun or just Chembarons?
what ? i don't ?
It's ok. We know the uncut uncensored version will come out one day
That was not my question. Kys dyke
Hate vi of course but it would be fap material of decades
Scar, Ekko's number 2 man, and some of the other notable firelights gave Jinx their approval after she rallied the undercity inadvertantly during Act 1->Act 2
There's probably a few that hate her still but most have come around given the circumstances.
Strange times make strange bedfellows. Its like when the crips and bloods came together after the LA riots.
love is so beautiful
Targeted gassing of chembarons but that doesn't mean there wasn't collateral damage of innocent bystanders.
Batman is not a good person
thread is full of retards and dykes, jinx is going to demacia there is nothing more obvious. i wonder how they would react to her shimmer and hextech weapons
Riot will finally confirm Yasuo x Riven on the big screen after 11+ years of teasing it
life is good.
I accept anything to elude the blacked route
yeah he's shotacon & groomer & rapist
>Noxus is fucking boring
Arcane normie spotted , literally kys
Heckindoggofags fear the gargoyle.
Then why did you reply sarcastic?
to her shimmer and hextech weapons
She brought the blue balls with her right? Wonder if that'll play a role
Isnt yasuo bwoinking ahri?
Nothing happens in Noxus, that has been a meme for years retard.
What arguments do you consider retarded?
That's why MLK hated upper-class liberals
So from my understanding the skin represents the New Jinx in lore
Jinx during Act 1 of season 2. Hateful, broken and ready to burn it all
Jinx during Ep 9. Her new outlook on life. This is her response to Ekko
AU!Powder. I hope this is just a recency bias inclusion due to them banking on Ep 7 being a fan favorite. If AU bullshit becomes a common plot point in League it will hurt the setting. AUs should be seperate with no in between
He ditched her to look for Riven. 11+ year love story in the making here folks this is simply no joke.
he's gotta update the white moderate part to include hapa moderates
the ship has sailed, lil' bro
and using the term blacked makes you sound like a weirdo
I hate that one fat bitch in the middle. Just use a vtuber model like the other hambeasts
implying the staff wasn't jerking off to Ekko inserting his BBC on Powder
both hands on the keyboard please
The reason heimerdinger feared the hexcore was because it reminded him of the rune wars
demacia is anti-mage because it was founded by people fleeing the rune wars
They will not be amused
Why do fags keep insisting that Jayce and Vick are gays even when the writer said they are not?
250 dollar skin
Mained Ekko for years and I'm here to tell you that its going nowhere lol.
since shipping is on the mind, they need to switch Ez off of Lux.
No one really likes that pairing since Riot never does anything major with it.
Casual fans and media enjoyers will like whatever you tell them to like. A good chunk of casual fans never even thought about Jinx and Ekko as a couple but now they're raving about it.
Fujos (rotten girls) mind.
Holy shit my sides
Their relationship is pure and cute.
fuck off with your porn-infected brain
Ez being with a girl is never happening. Never.
So that's it? He found a joke about Caitlyn's name funny and this happens.
I'd be OK with that relationship if Ekko was any race but black. I'm all for equality but seeing black men fucking women outside their race creep me out
New thread
Realistically, what are the chances of this seeing the light of day? Asking for a friend
who up
Speaking of Ezreal, Riot needs to update his lore to have him meet Ryze or something, that's the only way I'll be satisfied with his character.
The only people who are going to buy this are Jinx cosplayers, reactors or league streamers who probably got it for free.
"lil bro"
He bangs lux in every skinline, its only main ezreal who is too afraid to ask her out
The implication being that the only thing getting in his way is himself
so the only difference between the first and third form is a color swap? holy lazy
Jinx can't introduce magic because she doesn't know how to make hextech. Unless she had time to steal hextech from Piltover (which would be ridiculous because all the remaining hextech should be in possession of Caitlyn and Vi now which means they would've noticed some gems missing), she probably doesn't have a way to make her weapons work
Of course this can be solved if Ekko left with her. After all, he is the only person alive who knows how to synthesize an uncorrupted hexcore.
Because it's boring and stifling to put much stock into authorial intent.
To give a text an Author is to impose a limit on that text, to furnish it with a final signified, to close the writing.
They can but it requires dedicated love intrests for both of them.
So Jinx will have to be having memories/flashbacks/stories of Ekko and Lux will need to start showing some interest in men like Sylas or Ez.
I wish I was Jinx atp.
I don't know how they had to audacity to make Jayce and Viktor the gayest fucking thing in the show despite showing some semi-explicit carpet munching from 2 dykes.
how are people not throwing more of a fit over this? the ahri shit had people in an uproar
we have to wait until Page 10
Why deleted?
please make another general only when it hit bump limit
if you actually maned Ekko for years like you say, you would know that timebomb was pretty much nonexistant back in the day
the very few that were there pushing against complete extintion can say we've reached this far and laugh at the idea of someone telling us that the ship is "going nowhere"
why? the show is over move on
Because the thread here is full of xitter dykes samefagging and spamming the same disgusting dyke shit over and over again
Men are just easier to write. Even women struggle writing women and they end making them a prop for the male lead
Jinx was such a needy brat in whole seasons
don't give a fuck to Ekko regardless of AU, just walk away to fuck Lux
I mean of course I hate coal burning but what did they mean by this?
Concierges sans salaire
the bump limit is 500
we can't make new threads until we sink to page 10
Seeing the way Arcane watchers are reacting to Caitlyn list League champions you think would get cancelled from each region
no one is stopping you from moving on
C'mon bro, you don't see the aethtic appeal?
Jinx's ghost white skin contrasted by Ekko's dark meat? Seeing this little white girl get fucking destroyed?
White man on black woman is also a very kino pairing. Mel and Jayce just LOOKED good standing next to each other.
But Timebomb did exist back then, wasn't famous at all but the people that knew Ekko's lore would know about it (because Jinx's lore doesn't mention Ekko at all if I remember). I also don't remember the name "Timebomb" being used back then but maybe its because I've never been a shipfag. All I can promise you is that Jinx will always and continue to remain crazy in ways that'll make her impossible to form a romantic relationship around, that's just her identity and who she is.
do normal league fags care or have they been buck broken by years of getting fucked over by wild rift skins and riot's jewery
Anyway to watch this show without Netflix
This is the stupidest shit when Linke is still, and will probably still be for many years, in charge of Riot's creative direction. Maybe if Amanda said something you would have a point because she can be fired any day, but Linke will never leave Riot.
you get it
contrast is king in all designs
Lanky boi. Well, I’m up now.
About 20%. Riot gets hacked like every few years. This is of course assuming Riot has a copy.
There's also the chance of some retard rioter sharing the vid in discord to mack on some underage bait
Chinese hates bmwf even more than mutts
Mutts just implying their blacked libido to jeets, chinks, gooks, spics, any shitskins they can
To further add onto that, forming romantic relationships between champs is also incredibly rare in general.
even more than mutts
*I mean slavs
It’s time for a new thread?
Why always black males anyway? Ekko could be any race but they made him black
They did a great job on his face, not sure about the rest compared to the splash.
Asians hate BMAW
literally nigger livin in ghetto slum shithole
jeez I don't know
human skin
Gross. Act 1/2 Viktor was prime, they should have stuck with that.
Are you implying only black men are poor? Granted, they're most likely to stay poor for generations but still
Where are the leakers when you need them
Asians hate BMAW
there's tons of bmaw jav tho
They will never actually be together. If we get Jinx with Lux, they will never actually be together either. They don't pair off popular characters because it will alienate whoever doesn't like the ship which means loss of money. I don't get why people don't understand this.
Why do you think they devoted timebomb entirely to an AU? They were too cowardly to make it canon, have to leave room for deniability for people who don't like it (thank fuck because I'm one of them).
the term didn't exist back then, that's how non existant it was, but of course it existed. I was there. It was pretty much trying to ride it all on the basis of a few lore crumbs and a single line in the game. Newfags who think that fucking 100+ fics a day is the normality today won't know how it was to spend 5 months without a single new fic.
Jinx will always and continue to remain crazy in ways that'll make her impossible to form a romantic relationship around
I don't know man. It seems to me Riot is pushing hard to turn Jinx into an anti hero. I feel like she's one VGU away of losing the crazy identity.
I was rewatching some of the old cinematics and that Jinx is fucking dead. She was literally just a crack addict looking Joker-HarleyQuinn ripoff.
Her best characterizations besides Arcane was Odyssey and that skinline failed.
Arcane breathed some much needed life into the Leagueverse because that shit was boring as fuck and the characters were 2 dimensional at best.
pirate it
My mom doesn't know any of this. Neither is she a fujo. Her gaydar sucks too. Yet she still turned to me and said Jayce and Viktor were gay.
Authorial intent doesn't matter so much in part because most people will never watch or read interviews or letters where they state their intent. Viewers will only ever see what's in front of their eyes, So if something comes off as gay, they're gonna call it gay.
Because nips turn on by humilliation and bestiality was declared illegal in 2004. They loved to see women fucking dogs but they were forced to move on to the next best thing, black men
Theres a lot of blacked content in the US. They hate it because the fetish makes them feel inferior but that also make the fetish appealing.
No animator is gonna risk getting fired for this
10 pages yet?
Her best characterizations besides Arcane was Odyssey and that skinline failed
they still parade around its corpse
White men's lust for black cock trascend political afiliations and generations
Lux could fix her. Not will, but could.
tfw 6 years left at least
we should've seen more of baby Viktor
I just want a new season with Lux/Jinx content to forget about Ekko. I don't care if it's just friendship, anything will be fine to just pretend Ekko isn't endgame
They don't pair off popular characters because it will alienate whoever doesn't like the ship which means loss of money
Bud, they have been making hella pushes as of late. They're going for a comic book verse not an anime verse where purity is required.
Leona and Diana being confirmed exes
Graves and TF being confirmed gays
Reretconing that Ashe and Tryndamere love each other instead of being purely political
Releasing lines in the Jinx skin that reference AU!Powder and Ekko who had an onscreen kiss
It's happening dude
Damn did Odyssey really fail? Galaxy Slayer Zed and Odyssey Kayn for sure printed them a bazillion dollars.
it was accidental, and their storyline come out as better than caitivi when the audience compared some rushed lesbian sex clip video to viktor and jayce being connected and dying in each other's arms and all that
Do you think that'll change now that we're seeing a conservative backlash?
As an AU it failed. The legendaries did do well but the other skins did not.
Everyone forgot about Odyseey Malphite, Kha, Aatrox etc.
It's no project skin
Sure but there are characters that will always be linked no matter what. In fact, Lux and Ezreal are two of them. Sure they will probably never make them official but they're always linked in almost every story they get in some way. That's how shipping works in these "eternal" stories. You will never get official stuff but you'll always get the crumbs that will give you the idea that it's possible to happen.
And that's where Ekko and Jinx are now. In fact, they've been there since at least 2021. They're always together in promotional material. Even in loading screens. Why do you think they do that?
Did Viktor and Jayce die? I thought they ascended to godhood
Now 10 pages?
Not that anon but at the end, this kind of stuff is aimed to upper-class because Reagan killed the middle class and only they can afford it. And they'll double down after the conservative backlash
Diana and Leona are both sexbait champions and gaming has always leaned into non traditional romance more than than standard fair.
In Mass effect, the most popular love interests were the aliens, DND has had sex changes and gay couples since the 80s. It won't change because it only increases sales when done correctly.
unclear. But big chances they didn't really die, maybe got teleported (rune) to another place
In no way shape or form should Jinx have ever been thinking about a romantic interest given the state that the writers put her in. The fact people push their retarded fanfics onto a person like that is absolutely mindblowing
Zed and Kayn are still really popular champs (especially Zed) and their best skins are still from Odyssey, I think Riot should just keep printing legendaries or something for it idk.
the guard coming to check the cell vi and caitlyn were having sex in
How much longer till 10 pages?
You don't understand shit about fans, hardcore or casual.
In fictional stories, people want to believe that love can fix all problems.
The bad boy will be tamed by the good girl. The sad girl will be saved by the chad boy. Grease, Breakfast club, step up 2: in the streets, they all bank on this.
Fuck, how many Azula fags believe that her fucking Zuko would fix her problems? A lot of them including her voice actress
It doesn't work in real life but that's why people like it in fiction/
Linke said they died but that Viktor will most likely come back
2 hours
I was wading through an astounding amount of homophobic reactions to CaitVi stuff just today. I was gobsmacked to see rhetoric like this in Hugh volume and off of Anon Babble.
writers changed, storyborders changed, storyeditors changed
I remember one retard who said there's no problem because seasons 1 and 2 were produced simultaneously
but the women are better written here
maybe in season one
But we are at 10 pages now
Agree to disagree then
A reminder that the French animators deciding to cook a romantic subtext into this scene redirected the original story direction between Ekko and Jinx
scenes reminding incest : "pass!"
scenes reminding agp : "pass!"
scenes reminding bmwf : "oh I feel like these characters could be in love now!"
I want to skin this woman alive before cut like pigs
Jinx was so well written until character assassination and then failure to ever show on screen her path of acceptance.
Depends on site activity.
twitter saw a huge increase in right wing posters after Musk bought it. It didn't used to be this bad, the new mods are letting lot of outright hate speech that violates site policy stay up.
You don't think the power of dick should be able to save Jinx? How uninspired
>Lux and Ezreal are two of them
have quite literally never met
One line in the game dude!!!
Oh how the tables have turned
Literally her but in an AU
A completely separate person
You don't understand how multiverse works
Probably Silco never having to fully develop shimmer and go down that route made it easier for Vander and him to reconcile.
people are not the lived experiences that which make them
You are in the cave. Smiling at shadows flickering across the walls.
You're not the one out of the cave.
Jinx: There's no good version of me
Ekko: There is a good version of you and I met her, so you have the capacity to do good
Jinx this other completely different person who shares none of the things that have made you is actually you but better. You can be her!
they have met, but ezreal was disguised as jarro lightfeather
which is why ez knows, and is infatuated with, lux but not vice-versa
and its became pretty much a joke to blue-ball main ez and main lux, even though every single skinline has them be destined for each other
You just want the last word, don't you?