Do Disney Princesses have "unrealistic" body designs?

Or is it just a skill issue taking drawings so seriously, like how they complain about manga proportions? Isn't it itself a form of body shaming, assuming women don't have this body type ever? Are little girls really affected by it, because I doubt they focus on Ariel's waistline; they want her red hair and tail.

All I can say is that I like how diverse they had back in the 2000s, like Nani and the others.

Every Disney princess should be fat and soft

Could be a little thicker.

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A key point of Stalinism is its enforcement of realism and treatment of stylized art as a threat against the regime

Yes. However, this is not a problem because it's fiction, not reality.

Are you joking? They're the opposite of unrealistic.

those sure are some words

The body positivity movement was started by big pharma as a way to sell more insulin. Just like how the trans movement was started by that one hormone manufacuturer in Israel.

Snow White was purposely designed with realistic human proportions (which was an uncommon thing during the 1930s). Does that answer your question?

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These edits reek of female jealousy.


I have known women with bodies like the left, and bodies like the right. The problem is so many of these self important naval gazers think their body type is the only body type that's OK.

that ariel edit's kinda activating my almonds

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They're wearing corsets, except Ariel but since she's half fish her belly isn't the most unrealistic anatomical concern

No. Women just got fat. Disney used to rotoscope footage of real women acting out the scene. That actor had Disney princess proportions.

women with bodies like the left

aka anorexic.

Kill yourself.

tenth post best post

They're stylized, anyone who complains about that shit should be forcibly banned from watching anything animated.

Ehh, there are girls with the Disney princess build in real life. They’re just thin with god tier feminine bone structure. Top 5% of young women could pass as having disney princess bodies especially if the’re wearing corsets

right is better

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Fuck off

Holy hell she is MUCH hotter now

put the fork down, Karen

curvy anna is goddess

Ariel has a fucking fish tail, who cares how skinny she is?

All that matters in the end is the Rule 34

Is that OC?

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You sure are in denial, faggot
We will not follow this site's retarded rules. Get fucked, you snitch

Isn't it itself a form of body shaming, assuming women don't have this body type ever?


Are little girls really affected by it

they're more affected by comparing themselves to models and celebrities, but also yes.
The truth is nobody wants to shame little girls

saved it from here, this is the last one

Literally no non-feminist women ever cared about this shit. My sisters never cared, my girlfriend never cared, no woman cares about le beauty standards of cartoon characters unless they're terminally online twitterfags with neopronouns. I will never understand people who blame all women for this shit, being sexist just makes feminists feel vindicated in dismissing all criticism of their retardation as bigotry.

Meanwhile in Japan

Really, why western women always complain about unrealistic body designs but Japanese women never do?

Eastern women are too busy killing themselves

Only the Korean women

Fiction can be whatever you want.
There is beauty in capturing reality, but there is also beauty in exaggerating beauty to more absurd degrees.
Fiction can be whatever you want it to be.

Only "those" people are the ones complaining because they will never be a Disney Princess.

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Ariel actually looks nice like that but I am going to ignore the rest.

It is unrealistic, no one's head is bigger than their waist. Doesn't mean it's bad. It's an art style thing. You can't really get mad at calling the chibi style "unrealistic."
Ariel does look surprisingly better like that, less so for the others since you can tell they were made with hate and not an understanding of anatomy.

Women are not philosophers who have theories about the purpose of art. That's not their intent when they talk about these things. They are merely masking what their true intentions are so that we will take them more seriously. They are jealous and/or feel their own social status falling.