Was this the most brutal mogging in Anon Babble?

Was this the most brutal mogging in Anon Babble?

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Babs literally cucks Kory in this one btw

oh look its this thread a few days after we just had it. autoban autism looping retards making the same tired threads over and over again please.
tired of you incomplete brain bad autisms constantly shitting up websites with your inability to not be bad autism looping subhumans with incomplete brains

Cry about it

Dick goes to visit Babs after he learns she’s a cripple now

as as he shows up they have steamy passionate sex

post coitus Dick goes “whoops forgot to tell you I’m getting married and you’re invited haha”

who wrote this crap?

Double cuckqueans?

I prefer Barbara

Nah, that was Starfire with Buddy's wife

is that what Starfire is all about in the comics? being a cumdumpster whore?

mostly, yeah

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outside of coomer self inserters, I can’t see why anyone likes Dick and Kori together

Nah, Starfire means Blackfire is in play too.

Buddy’s wife is bisexual and his daughter is a lesbian, they were into it.

Starfire moggs most people

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red head

curvy sexy body

openly sexual and has no qualms sharing

Penultimate girl. Surprised she hasn't been canceled.

the whole

tee hee, is it okay that on my planet we kiss hello? and what do you mean it's not alright for me to walk around with my tits out and fuck everyone else's boyfriends?

sorry, I didn't realise

thing has to be at least partially an act, right?

Marc Andreyko, a gay dude

Why does Anon Babble like this one page so much? I get that its sexy but there are a million other sexy comic pages out there and anons continue to make threads just for the excuse to post this one.

It's just one person pushing for mogging threads because the first one lasted for so long. Outside of that it is a pretty amusing page.

do you speak another language besides english?

I have now decided that Starfire should be a bislut with a homewrecking fetish who will screw anyone, but only if they're already in a relationship

The timing didn't make any sense either. Babs was crippled in the 80s, Dick's wedding wasn't till the 90s, it was during Death of Superman and Knightfall.

No, not at all. The culture clash stuff is played for laughs, but she's a warrior princess raised to be a queen, kidnapped and experimented on and given superpowers by evil alien scientists, then sold into slavery by her parents and her sister to save her planet, which has since been destroyed. She's a superhero and a fashion model and she's tried to make a life on Earth.
She has a lot going on.
It just gets frequently fucked with because DC can't stop fiddling with the Titans franchise and can't keep consistent continuity for more than a few years.

Why do you call her the second to last?

What is this cope? I can smell the bitterness off this post.

Buddy’s wife is bisexual and his daughter is a lesbian

turbo cucked

Quite literally TT03 millennials

not that guy but when some bad autism loops and posts the same shit over and over a day after the thread dies every time it gets tiresome and annoying and the image goes from woo awesome to oh god this obnoxious piece of art and another looping bad autism thread by a retard who needs to be beat til he stops being a retard in life. anyone that disagrees is a bad autism looping retard and thinks that behavior is acceptable and not earning of beatings to correct it.

I mean millenials were the last ones to actually read comics, but whatever helps you cope.

Teen Titans Go is infinitely more popular anyways.

Buddy's daughter isn't a lesbian tho

Nice ESL post. Next time try asking an AI to better articulate your seething over a meme image.

What cope? I am just asking why people like this one so much

looping bad autism

BR? BR? Keep seething over a Starfire meme panel, kek.

I am just asking why people like this one so much

I get that its sexy

It seems like you do know though? I'm not sure why the panel is causing these reactions.
I mean, I only have my suspicions.

Shitty writers gonna shit. Coomers gonna coom. DC editors going to fail at their jobs. Such is life.
She can learn new languages through touch. She kissed Dick because she thought he was cute.