Has Bob's been revived?

I used to watch religiously until it became stale. Begrudgingly sat down to check out the latest episode, and found it was pretty excellent... The B plot felt like what they'd been making A plots out of for years.

Adult jokes seem to be peaking through again, nice Louise balance (not too psycho, but also not too cuck). Anyway in short, I felt this was a season 4 to 5 type of ep. Perhaps a show to tune in for each week again.

I sort of dropped off recently last year as well. It didn't help that the movie wasn't much good either. So i don't blame your impressions or anything.

I'm a person who has low hopes for cartoon movies anyway. The fact is, episodic shows are just a completely different thing in structure, everything about the characters, writing style, etc, is different and usually doesn't translate well to the screen.

South Park did a good job but I can't really think of anything else. I also can't seem to think right now of any live action episodic series that also made a movie. Just like hour long specials or some shit.

I found the movie to be okay. Above average. I would watch it again but not often.

I've noticed thebshow has made some attempts to get out the rut by ditching the holiday episodes and spotlight on Rudy and to a lesser degree Marshmallow.

Most episodes this season have been good, with just the last two being kinda weak. They're finally back at being peak.

No matter what I think they need to rethink how they write female characters, especially considering how they make up over half the people.

The coombait hints of Louise's hair just poking out

no closeup shots of Louise' feet

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Bob is so unconcerned with her knowing what sex and penises are.

Courtney was a bigger one even with that diminished David Wain voice acting.

She's 9.
What do you expect?
Girls that age know about that.

She reminds me of every girl I crushed on as a kid. Adult romance is so unexciting and sad let's be honest. I mean after say, 30, it's just pathetic then.

My neighbors met at elementary school and have been together since then. So good. That should always be the way...

the small win philosophy really held this episode back for me like this should've been a fun episode where everyone is super competitive and aggressive with hijinks and shenanigans between the competitors.

Was good. What I was really surprised by was Krapopolis. This last episode have me the first genuine laugh-out-loud laugh I've had at a cartoon in years over an absolutely absurd nonjoke joke.



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Why is this still on?

Chelsea peretti


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They don't got anything better to replace it.

This makes me think Louise has a reason not to wear socks.

It's 20 minutes bro and the episode story wasn't about that. You're describing the episode where Tina and Bob go into the raft contest against the cheaters.
This ep was more like the ep where Louise is constipated, or Gene goes to the rock concert, except Bob and Louise is peak.
Louise was portrayed just about right I thought. Vulnerable but still alpha bitch. Lest we forget she was always vulnerable for daddy's attention since season 1 spaghetti western and meatballs or w.e. It was called.

The cats?

I've been watching since the first episode, I don't get people who say BB dropped off. I've always enjoyed it. Only a handful of episodes I think are duds.

It didn't drop off a cliff but I think it's something like season 11 or 12 that was really ass. And a number of seasons of meh. The first episode of this season was shit IMO even though I love Rudy. It was like, juvenile manchild bullshit. Felt like Rugrats. I need to feel like a show is at least PG13 minimum.

I need to feel like a show is at least PG13 minimum.

Sounds like a you problem. An adult cartoon is allowed to ebb and flow from kiddie antics to adult humor.

It just gradually drained out of energy and stopped being interestng. Could've been worse, I supposed. Could've been like The Simpsons.

If it's pathetic baby tier stuff I'm not the target audience. To be very clear, the bowling episode is more childish than most Nicktoons. I'll gladly watch Nicktoons like As Told By Ginger, Hey Arnold, whatever they are childish to an extent but relatable ... Creeping around the bowling alley or messing with minigolf courses is literally Tommy Pickles shit bruh. In fact I think Rugrats did that plot.

It's 20 minutes bro

That's just goes to show how Bob's Burgers is stuck a decade behind everyone else. They got to stop thinking so episodic and start embracing the nature of being serialized.

I want a Tina episode that just goes full throttled adolescence with zero awkward drag.

I just use it as fodder to fan fiction about teenage Louise's sex life. I barely seen the newer season, the only one I saw this season was the cheese one.

embracing the nature of being serialized

Urge to kill... Rising... RISING...

They have enough serialization. For example the episode just gone, Bob has the brony tattoo on show. What I mean is continuity rather than serialization. Storylines develop but each episode is its own story within the bigger story. All successful sitcoms did this too AFAIK. It took Niles 7 years of episodes to get with Daphne. The storyline developed but no episode was a direct continuation of the last unless it was a two parter etc. Or just the same chick as a girlfriend for a few eps where it's not the main element.

until it became stale

Isn't that the entire point of the show?

They have enough serialization

No I don't think they do because Home Movies was more serialized and only benefited from it.

For me this is the right level. There are plenty of callbacks, it's not just totally self contained episodic but separated enough to allow for great creative flow. Since you aren't constrained by what came before so much... If a shit plot is in one episode it's done the next. King of the Hill had the right amount also. For me it's the perfect balance.

I never feel like they just killed Kenny and he's back the next episode. I feel like these are all different days in the lives of the Belchers that we are witnessing. A few small things develop slowly but definitely. Louise primarily, and realistically her relationships with the men in her life, her idolization of her father and bizarre soft spot towards the German cuckold Rudy.

I never feel like they just killed Kenny

That was actually South Park playing with forms, I'm talking about Tina's forced arrested development.