So Anon Babble, who or what is next?

So Anon Babble, who or what is next?

Why is Carnage so jacked?

The Return of Ultimate Spider-Woman

why aren't you?

Why the fuck is MJ in the middle

And fuck Chasm

Total Spider-Verse Death
All my real niggas hate the Spider-Family

The artist adds the newest one to the middle. So it depends on who was latest. So Spinneret was latest.

Example, when Superior Spider-Man was latest.

inhyuk-lee-1.jpg - 1920x960, 721.73K

I don't know, I just fap to the porn

They’ve already announced it for 2025:
Spider-Verse VS Venom-Verse

That's the question you're asking, rather than why Carnage is hanging out with them like they're all bros?

Remember when we thought things couldn’t get any worse after Spidercide? I miss those days

I dunno. Maybe he got inverted again.
Him being big instead of lean just feels weirder to me.

Annie May, or Hobie Brown

Marvel wanted to ruin her character ever more by just making her another spider thing.

The rest of Spider-Verse movie Spiders
Maybe even Spyder-Byte

Original size btw

Not gonna lie, would rather see Spidercide than probably half the other characters in OP's pic.

I remember when Twitter fags gave this artist shit just for including Spider-Boy. It's like walking on egg shells with that crowd. They will find something to be offended about.

Where the hell is Miguel? You're gonna put a bunch of nobodies there before him?

Anyone of these I guess

sleeper & scorn are my niggas

Milesfags are exceptionally fragile. Anything can be perceived as a threat to their artificially constructed delicate reality, held together with spit and duct tape.
Deep down, they know that Miles will always be the number 2, which is why a small ginger child not even named "Spider-Man" threatens them.

Weird that this includes basically everyone but Mania

Even Payback and Raze are there

I know Agent Venom is one of the best but I would love to see Space Knight in there as well.

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what are the symbiotes up to these days?

no miguel

shit taste, shit art

They're in the middle of Venom War right now

Meridius is manipulating events so that Eddie and Dylan are fighting over the Venom symbiote. Carnage is working for Meridius for lols
Dylan's Allies Red Goblin and Flexo are Sleeper agents that are being manipulated by Kang and Doom in a Time War
Venom temporarily bonded with Peter because it can't choose between Eddie and Dylan and then decided to try both at once
Toxin and Sleeper are also there
Black Widow's symbiote died

Also the world is being invaded by Zombiotes, symbiotes that are possessing people and killing some and puppeting their bodies. Only thing affecting them without killing the hosts is Anti-Venoms like Flash, Liz Allan's Mercy and Andi Benton's Silence

And I think Silver Sable had the other Life Foundation symbiotes turned into watches for her Six

They're on symbbatical.

The artist is slowly adding everyone. Be patient.

>Black Widow’s symbiote died.

*cries* So no more She-Venom?
That sucks.

are Carnage and Clete still broken up?

king in balck

skin & hair as white as pearls

it still baffles me how out of place knull looks when put beside any symbiote. what the fuck were they thinking

theres a lot more spider-hoes than i realized.
does miles wear socks over the suit when he wears shoes? and why isnt kaine wearing a full body suit like everyone else but mj?

thats toxin

Spider-Verse VS Venom-Verse

why? theyve spent all this time trying to make venom and the symbiotes separate entities from the spiders so now theyre backtracking on it?

Why is it that Agent Venom is the only one wearing his normal outfit and nothing other than that?

Toxin's on the left
Carnage is on the right

toxin is the jacked one in that shot though. carnage is just tall

it's the puffer jacket making the lanklet look wider than he is

Andi or Julia, hopefully. Peni would also be a good pick.

Don’t forget venomverse, I think I’m getting fatigue again

Annie Parker probably.

Araña should have never been folded into the Spidey side of things. She had her own thing going.

I'd like to see Mayhem, poor April got a raw deal I'm the comics.

mary whore in the middle

holy shitty taste. neck yourself, op

And the fucking Symbiote T-Rex(I almost wonder if that was meant to be Tyrannosaurus and the artist got confused). And Grendel. And Hybrid, who's been dead for ages and usually never gets acknowledged. And Gwenom, who's from a different universe. And friggin' Zzx, who's front and center(right next to Sleeper). Also the cooler looking dragon's not here either.

look at his arms

Fuck off, pedophile. Your kind isn't welcome around here.

I'm not much of a comic guy. There are this fucking many of the alien goo guys?

more, actually.

a lot more.

madness.png - 1426x1363, 3.77M

Yes and no, some of these guys are dead, some are the same person wearing a different goo suit, one of them is a combination of a bunch of dead guys goo into one dude, some are from AUs, and one is Knull a god awful mistake of a character.