Villain routinely steals, kidnaps people, murders, launders money...

villain routinely steals, kidnaps people, murders, launders money, commits mass manslaughter and property damage as collateral when fighting heroes, peddles drugs, threatens to destroy the entire world and double-parks





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Don't forget no rape either. He'll tie up the ladies and electrocute them or something but no penetration, that's just gae.

Why are you so upset, anon?

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Any real villain would get to a position of dominance and begin dispensing brutal racist blows like elaborate ways to call someone a nigger. Just makes for a cool moment

Most cartoon villians are smart. Only retards are racist

Shut up redditfag

Again I ask, why do upset, anon?

who are we talking about here?

This says way more about yourself personally than anything else. Surely you realize that?


Robbing/killing people doesn't necessarily make you racist though. Uncle Ted didn't go around calling people niggers for no reason just because he mailed bombs to people, although that would be kinda funny

Also, supervillains, especially ones that don't/rarely kill people or whatever having a "line" totally makes sense, though Joker being a patriot or other stupid shit is groan-worthy. If they're gonna do the "even Joker wouldn't work with Nazis!" thing they could do it way better in ways that make sense for Joker specifically.

My villain can’t be racist because he commits all those crimes you listed against everyone.

Death to american imperialism. Spongebin mohhamed has called you out for filthy imperialist dogs that you are.

He is literally worse than almost any Nazi you can come up with but that isn't the point, he's an anarchist who kills people for fun, he wouldn't like people who are authoritarian and focused. But he should just say that instead of being like "I am not le racist guys" like retard comic writers make him do

better in ways that make sense for Joker

all it would take is a south park "germans aren't funny" joke but i think we know why they chose to give joker scruples

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ermm sweaty, why does it bother you so much, chud?

Because it's fucking retarded. Common sense will tell you that.

i was thinking about this too while Kaido was murdering and enslaving children but always respected his daughter's tranny pronouns while also abusing her her whole life.

But Germans ARE funny. One of them played one of the funniest pranks in the last hundred years.

Most cartoon villians are smart.

Pffft. Most evil plans would fail completely on their own in a vacuum in the long run. All the hero does is act as a catalyst to speed them up.

ok but joker does and says things to make people feel emotional pain on purpose. He would never racially taunt anyone ever. even if he used his keen sense of backhanded empathy to know the exact thing to get under a particular victim's skin was to taunt them racially.

Elaborate, then.

Why didn't Joker do this thing I want him to do in this hypothetical situation that didn't happen???

Why would the writers set up that specific situation though? And why would it be necessary? A scene like that would be just as bad as "I'm a psycho terrorist serial killer but I'm not racist!"

Safe edgy prohibits real edgy

Supervillainy is fantastical. Racism is a real-life, mundane evil that lots of viewers face and can sympathize with, so of course they'll have a visceral reaction towards that but not towards a clown who floods the streets with green gas that makes people laugh themselves to death.

Racism is a real-life, mundane evil

t. white trash

Pedophile take

It takes one to know one.

Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss in a nutshell

The Boys tv show. Homelander is supposedly the most psychopathic, sadistic supe in the show and yet we've never, not once seen him say "nigger" or any other racial slur. And the part when Stormfront is talking to his son about white genocide, they make sure to show his face side-eyeing her because WHOA, even THAT is just too far! Give me a break.

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Blacks and Asians can be racist too, dipshit.

Racism is bad. Why is this so hard for you idiots to understand?

Saying mean things ain't the same as flaying someone alive and killing children.

Let me guess: they're discriminating you.

It ain't nowhere near as bad as murdering innocent people, my guy. Not everyone's gonna like you, nor tolerate you. Most racists don't even do anything to the people they hate.

No excuses, Clem.

Because otherwise they wouldn't be idiots.

Nah. Ain't white either by the way.

Pic or gtfo.

No excuses, Clem.

I ain't white, dude.

Shut up faggot

Then why do you cry about whites being exterminated?

I don't.

sweet, thread's over.

She isn’t a tranny

Ok I’m Dexter then. The only serial killer - or pedophile - everybody loves
Time to rape pedos as children by time traveling to their past

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You know what's funny about this thread? If villains were written to be openly racist, there'd be a thread about how the woke writers are beating us over the head with their morality messaging and taking established characters and turning them racist as stand-ins for rightwing voters so they can cry their libfag tears about Trump winning.

There is no useful discourse to be found in this thread, no nuance, no victory. You people are determined to be angry about SOMETHING, because being angry is the only time of day during your meaningless, social-media-doomscrolling existence where you summon up enough energy to fucking FEEL something.

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OK, but would the joker say nigger or nigga?

Not sure, but you can bet pic related would drop hard Rs in chat.

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