Doom Patrol: Does she get any better?

Watching Doom Patrol, and honestly how does one character come into an interesting concept of a show about well-established comic heroes and completely kill the vibe? I swear to god I was so interested in cliff and his arc almost instantly as he rarely gets main line focus in a story. Then it suddenly becomes the fucking Jane show. I know of her comic counterpart, but man is show jane shitty. Even teen cyborg is better and for some reason he gets shit on more than her.

Dropped after Tranny the Street. The Robot Man arc with his daughter was the only thing I thought was actually interesting, and they just pussied out of an actual confrontation after edging the audience on it for nearly the entire season.

Never watched the show; don't do TV
How insufferable did they make her?

define "better". she does heal and get rid of all her other personalities but then has no powers. in fact no one uses their powers really after season 2 and the show becomes "two people have long dialogues about their feeings in dark rooms" ad nauseum

Exactly robot man is set up as a tragic mc and then he gets bullied and shit on by this little ass girl. Like her saying how his daughter would hate him or how he's not a real man just a monster. But if anyone says anything to jane she cries and freaks out fuck her, how can she make fun of cyborg and cliff for being "toy men" but then cry

Or my fave "YOU ARE JUST A MONSTER CLIFF, Another man driven by toxic masculinity" Cliff gives a super fair response but is portrayed as the asshole "Oh then what are you hammerhead, you go around hurting people for no reason what's the difference" She gives bs muh trauma excuse of I do it to protect jane. Like bitch so you just have a instant get out of jail free card.

Damn yeah I guess I'll drop, again how can one girl ruin the show. She's not even a mainline Doom patrol member, at least do beast boy dealing with trauma of his powers and dead parents being a teen that'd be fun and could connect with cliff better. Basically has a kid with no parents and he's a parent with no kid.
Godly, she also has a weird gay message about "I don't control my personalities I give them anatomy and respect their right to exist" I've seen reddit retards defend this but as a psychology minor it's so obviously wrong. You are meant to tame/accept your traumas because the personalities are broken pieces of a child's psyche. In what world do you respect them when they are you it's basically saying don't try to be normal basically. So she stays a annoying bitch
OH THANK GOD!!! with all the "control is a fascist concept" and I give them rights like people. I was worried she'd stay that way forever.

Oh god some how worse, honestly such a shame my two faves are robot man and negative man in the comics. Seeing them be so ineffectual is depressing.

Wait so Jane has no powers and you are serious no wonder it was cancelled. How do you think that's a good idea. But this is why comics should be animated

This show had one good season and just got worse the longer it went. It was Titans quality when it ended.

it's funny because of how insane this TV show getting.

Last season is garbage because and only Ms Elastic and Robotman final are good. (Dorothy is just forgothem)

The Really good:
-The show is just insane
-Flex Metallo
-Robotman arc
-Bad tv drama like a old comicbook
-Plenty funny one joke caracters.

Really Bad:
-Cyborgue is NEVER feel part of the team(or the show)
-Excessive killing of villans (that never come back so...there is)
-Space Case is introduce in the ending, and the caracter never goes no no where (and she end as a lesbo because they dont know what to do with Crazy Jane too)
The really bad

Damn and I was going to try titans next. But S1 is good? it's hard to tell with jane yelling and bullying everyone. She alone is killing my enjoyment of the show as she basically has a power for every situation but is a massive cunt about it. Cut her out and the show is better instantly.
Dorothy? also well at least some of them getting good endings and robotman deserves one.

Really damn I like cyborg actually he feels like a good way to have a teen who's annoying. He's a good kid but trying to basically make adults follow him which is hard. Also he and robotman can have some good vibes if the writers were good.

So jane doesn't die?

Yeah I feel I was hyped for this show via clips and the one off jokes and bs drama.

Really this show reminded me of a convo I had which was about how modern shows can't right punk or goth girls anymore. They used to be these fun loser girls or contrarian girl with heart and some level of cuteness or vibe. But now they are always either yelling brats, mary sues, annoying cunts, cry bullies, or lesbos.

It's why I knew I couldn't stand jane, she has everything in one. "I hAvE tRaUmA" why do writers now think a mental illness or trauma instantly makes a character likeable. Jane is that taken to the umpth degree as she has all the typical signs of a shitty goth/punk teen and she gets excused for her assholery with her mental illness. Like how she talks about being judged but she literally belittles robot man as "not being a real man or being a toy man" She's not even a fun to hate character as her actress always just screams at poor cliff and cyborg and does that all so typical unhinged teen thing. She's so generic of a character without the other members I'd think she's from the boys or some other lame super hero parody. Nothing stands out as she feels like just another asshole punk teen (also isn't she like a adult but they act like she's a teen/kid)

Titans is abysmal. Every season there is like one great episode, two good, and then the rest is shit. Its not worth watching.
Doom Patrol season one is genuinely great, then it turns to bad, then garbage, and then the final season is pure shit.

Dorothy Spinner is Chief's Daughter, in the end of the show they just drop a line "Dorothy already go", maybe they forgot the caracter when filming.

As I say, if you love bs drama you will love the show.

I remember the bandage guy was cheating on his wife with a man and nobody acknowledged it

God honestly that sucks so should I just trugde through jane? for s1 or is it really not worth it?

An that's sad but really Titans looked like just a better cw show
But I asked because honestly I wanted it to be good at least and jane literally is killing me. I've never wanted to punch a person as much as her. I'm just tired of her bs

Also man that's shit dorothy just gets cut out?
They don't? huh weird I thought no one knew but him or something. I feel for negative man but he really did fuck his wife in the end.

No. Neither show is worth it.
Nightwing gets his name by helping illegal immigrants break out of prison, I think one of them is even a murderer. Its like the name of a Mexican god or some shit.

Lol that's hilarious, man these shows have to try to be this political and over the top in forced messaging. Like trying to make crazy jane super deep but the message is lost on her because she doesn't even try to be likeable

I guess I'll stop sadly

Janes gets better she got some personalites that are fun, she and Cliff gets to love each others company to scream at each other.

Dorothy enters and leave the show sometimes, but as is the consensus the last season is really bad (and unecessary as the previous ending is they becaming a team), after the hiatus they rush to ending things and I really thing they forgot Dorothy and didnt call the actress back, so they just talk abouth her.

Weird also does she really get better or more just bearable because I'd hate to invest my time further and jane is still around ruining the show. I also still feel her character just doesn't work because even if she's meant to grow she has no fun qualities as of yet and the seasons almost over.

Damn that does suck, just kind of there and left out lol.

Also what about them not using their powers is that true?

she appears in the musical episode and does nothing to counter the pathetic main villain and then is once again forgotten. doesn't even get a final goodbye

modern writers can't do punk right because they've never taken a step outside the mainstream
i wouldn't call it a political thing, or a lack of life experience per se, it's poor theory of mind more than anything

Not even a little

As I say, some of her personalities are more bearable... and she change the main one some times.

you can see that the show if fighting the budget (it got plenty scenary and costumes), but there is a bunch of powers been used.

Jeez sounding worse and worse as time goes by
True yeah it's like people saying what is punk now, like how they say you can't be "conservative and punk" or you can't be insert thing and punk. The whole thing about punk is you are free to do whatever and are just being yourself same with goth. But this mentality explains the new goth and punk kids I see. They are like the vamp kids from SP remember when they were like that's bad for you lol.

I think it is that as well and was less saying purely political in all bad examples just many bad examples tend to loop back to trying to push a politc. Like jane saying cliff had toxic masculinity but one of her personalities hammerhead is more of a bully and jock than cliff ever was. It's a bit of a so dumb you obviously made a strawman argument moments.

I still cant believe they didnt think a sentient street was enough and made him a troon too
Feels like a hat on a hat

The whole problem of people need go to College makes no one have experiences.

But than again, we got a bunch of main stream people the where marines and they do shit on writting too

Well are they bearable or good? Because from shit to bearable is still a shit character.

Yeah can feel the budget at times and good to hear their are some powers used.
Oh thought trans street was like a trans street walker or something. How dafuq can a street be trans?
Ironically just had a convo about this with a bro, we talked about how come now show songs are just random bs or ukele and basic singing with little soul or form to it.

But as we said it was because classic animators and creators needed to be social and branch out and not be dickheads. The most anti social person of the 80s and 90s is probably as social as the most sociable zoomer. They had to also do many things, it's why people like seth mcfarlane can sing, va and draw and write. Same with Butch Hartman, back then, you met people who gave you advice, and you helped them out and slowly became a reliance man of a creative. You learned on the job, wasn't always school you'd be jumping around and were taught to get out of your box.

Now most creatives are chomping at the bit to cancel each other, so they don't like each other and aren't friends. They also gatekeep skills and knowledge for their friends which is why SU had that animation problem because rebecca just hired her friends. This is sadly the creative space echo chamber and how it's become a self fulfilling cycle.

Wasn't Danny trans in the comic too? Morrison's Doom Patrol is garbage.

They make Danny essentially non-binary. Which actually makes sense, Danny literally says in the show that he's not exactly male or female. He's literally a sentient street. So it makes more sense for a street to go by they/them than some retarded girl.

Yeah.... just imagine that Tim Burton was the most strange and anti-social at his time, and still they like have him around.

Now if you just dont fit they say that you are toxic.

Did they run out of money?

Isn't comic Jane pretty timid and nice? Seems like they really changed her entire personality

at least do beast boy dealing with trauma of his powers and dead parents being a teen that'd be fun and could connect with cliff better. Basically has a kid with no parents and he's a parent with no kid.

Then how will the upper middle class white bitches use the show as their personal therapy then?

But this is why comics should be animated

Nah, a live action Doom Patrol show could've worked had they not gone all in on the identity politics shit. Bullshit like that turns off the average person, leaving the minority of Twitter freaks to like it.

Nightwing gets his name by helping illegal immigrants break out of prison

So much for being heroes.

Fun fact: Same actress

IMG_1686.jpg - 750x1288, 607.16K

They also gatekeep skills and knowledge for their friends which is why SU had that animation problem because rebecca just hired her friends.

And why OK KO has ball hands the whole time. One of them tried to make the excuse of them homaging Sonic CD when Sonic only had ball hands when in motion, not stationary.

darkest shit I've ever seen in a DC show

But than again, we got a bunch of main stream people the where marines and they do shit on writting too

I mean, they're marines, just the fact that they can write already makes them above average.

Midwit spotted

Whatever, dweeb.

Nah, Morrison has done a lot of great comics. Doom Patrol is not one of them. Flex Mentallo on the other hand, that's great.

Ah well that's a bit better thought went the full I don't feel male thing lol. But it's like a robot being non binary, it's a bit of a given.
Didn't know that but yeah pretty much how it was you were forced to be at least not a full on social autist. Now you have movies saying it's ok to have anxiety and let it control you lol.

That they are and they are like the crab philosophy, they love to pull you down into the mud with them. They actively leak dms and art just for nothing but likes and hate.
I believe so but now they've made her a bit more like show jane. Where she's domineering girl she's even been made the new chief in one of the newer runs apparently.

Heh true well they can use rita, but you aren't wrong they love that shit. An always seems like it's valley girls and basic bitches that love these new goth and punk girls. Which is hilarious since most of them used to be the exact girls that would bully the goth and punk girls from the 80s and 90s. It's like class of 09 it's a bunch of fake meaning and stuff to make white girls cheer and feel validated in their perfect lives.
True really why I feel titans and doom patrol and that dc channel failed hard. Like when they did the exact same with YJ it really kills the vibe. An it's never done well either I remember many classic cartoons had some meaning and politics but were fairly two sided. Like BTAS and their views on morality and justice at times. But thing is most shows use strawmen and already know who's right in their heads and want to beat you over the head with it.

What's going on here?
See I can accept it as a stylistic choice because unlike rebecca the animation of the fights and some of the movement usually was good.

Rebecca's fight animation was trash and then they were always inconsistent on models and heights and bgs. It's one of those shows that looks good/pretty if you don't give anything a second glance.

Waait-a-minnit... You're not trolling me again, are ya?

he likes doom patrol but not flex

You're the troll or the stereotype Anon Babblentrarian.

I like both, but Doom Patrol is just hands down better than Flex Mentallo.