Previous thread: In retrospect, shower scenes are necessary to show us the vulnerable and human side of women.
Riven x Yasuo coming in the next series and it will be the most complete hetero win LoL has to offer after 15 fucking years
How would (you) fix season 2 anon?
PAUwder wears baby Vi’s necklace.
stealing a Xitter post
love forever
Looking up Jinx to grab an image,
See this
Why the fuck is this even here
more gay dads
the picture I wanted to grab
Knows i stole a xitter post
Is the timebomb AU free of gays?
Brojobs after coming home from a long day of mine grime.
that demographic's attitudes poll close to 50/50
It won't change because it only increases sales when done correctly.
True, but so far when done correctly only seems to mean lesbians, and maybe a homo or two every decade
A reminder that Ekko Jinx will now be one of the flagship pairings along GarenKat and EzLux
Arcane will never be same again, it's marvelslop now
Is Jinx the only one they're making decent figures of?
That’s. Not. Ekko’s. Jacket.
You know people always say how folks are perceived vulnerable when they are naked. Why don't I ever feel that. I feel fantastic when I'm naked. I've streaked quite a few times in my life. Some drunk some even sober off funny dares. Never once have I felt vulnerable being naked.
Best girl
And adult Vi’s earrings style, somehow.
It's for the best. The lore was fucking trash before Arcane. People actually give a shit now.
I didn't say it was his fucking jacket. It's a themed outfit to match Ekko's jacket. They already said the design didn't make it to the final cut.
No. Vander and Silco are pretty much sucking each other's dick everyday there.
garen calling out lux for dating a mage, and a piltie at that
lux asks him what noxian pussy tastes like
garen shuts up
Imagine the make up sex after Silco found the letter
I know the neighbors hated their ass
Because lots of cosplay girls like Jinx and probably wonder to see how they could dress up
Give up dude. The people who made the figure confirmed it's timebomb coded
I mean s1 dummy
fucking retarded nigger coalburneer jeet whose mother is died from niggercumfountainflood
you will go to eternal hell for racemixing, oh I can't wait
I hope they redesign Shyvana to be like her iron scales skin when Demacia is next
They legit went full cape slop I can't believe what they fucking did LMFAO
Holy based
Ez isn't a mage.
His gauntlet is some artifact from some ancient Shuriman emperor. Kassadin has the other arm
One arm shoots arcane energy
One arm creates a manadraining void sword.
If it was an anime, Kassadin would get both for his final fight and die saving Kai'sa
My girl
some ancient Shuriman emperor
It belong to an Ascended. Ezreal got his from the tomb of the Ascended who stole it from that Ascended and kill him
It always meant to be this way
Is this really relationship goals
Ez isn't a mage.
even if he wasnt born a mage, he still refers to himself as a mage and most people consider him one
and in any case, the gauntlet is implied to merely be a magic focus that lets him more easily reach his latent magic potential
ironically, making his boasts about being a mage actually mistakenly accurate
it's just a little impact play
Mel Medarda on plebbit
When did you realize how filthy Vi's nickname for Cait actually is?
Caitlin has a strong hunch that Jinx might actually be alive
Finally has Vi all to herself and Jinx out of her life
Decides to withhold this information because she doesn't want to give up her Zaunite dog that eats her out on demand
Vi will forever be replaying the moment where Jinx died to save her
Cait knows this and it only makes her more wet
This is your queen?
Mel.....not like this......
Why is Vi the bottom one???
Best duo for straight men
Because Cait knows Zauniggers belong on their knees
I hate Caitlyn so fucking much bros
Jinx should have decaffeinated her when she had the chance
Remove all of Mel's scenes between her kidnapping and reuniting with Jayce, use that screen time to give more Jinx, Vi and Vander scenes. Somehow find a way to give Jinx and Ekko more screen time together, not sure where you can cut from to make room for that though unless you move it to the end of episode 8
lost her mom
lost her assistant
lost her brother
lost her true home
lost her fuckboy
Poor girl got the worst out of this
They're real in my head no matter what happens
both tops and bottoms eat pussy.
the Sexy woman and the Adorable woman respectively.
>scenes reminding incest : "pass!"
>scenes reminding agp : "pass!"
Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda Skin Alive Amanda >Skin Alive Amanda
Not only has Mel been totally disregarded in these threads, but I haven’t seen much buzz on her on Xitter. No haters, just a lot of not much.
They did a WW that looks alright despite the shitty show design.
gain magic
lost everything else
even her fuckboy left her for some boypuss
I can see why
So how do you guys feel about Ekko's redesign?
Personally I love it because he always looked like a fucking Urgel in his OG form.
Like he looked like a fucking faggot. The new design makes him look tough
jayvikkers are too busy creaming over that scene
Madd for Maddie.
arcane shifts in your path
She’s not she’s the top
total cishet death
jayce is the top
cait goes bot, while vi jungles
Her scenes are both utterly forgettable and utterly pointless. It's the main reason why I keep saying you could cut all of her scenes between the kidnapping and reappearance in the council chamber and nothing would have changed
Telling Jinx she can be like a version of her that doesn't know what it was like to have killed her entire family but one then get hit in the face and presumably abandoned by that and having that break your psyche for years while your adoptive father raises you to participate in organized crime in which you murder people before you ever even turn 18 is FUCKING. RETARDED.
Because her subplot sucks.
god thats hot
girls getting railed in the ass while their bfs/husbands pretend like they're fucking boys is just so good
She was meant to have design elements from the people she cares about, that's why she also looks like Vi. It's not about your fucking ship.
but the designer said-
Yes you're being baited.
When a guy sucks dick, is he top or bottom?
When a woman sucks dick, is she top or bottom?
When a woman sucks pussy, is she top or bottom?
Ekko quite literally STOLE the positive experiences that this other completely different Ekko was going to have. He STOLE the dance with Powder. He STOLE the kiss with her. When original Ekko leaves, the other Ekko wakes up NEVER having to have had those moments
True but that's fine not like he hasn't had plenty of time already with his girlfriend. It does make our Ekko rapey tho.
that ekko is probably going to pump 3 kids into powder while the real ekko stays an incel
He's not telling Jinx to be that version. He's telling her that she has the potential to do good, which proves Jinx wrong about there being no good version of her.
Top/bottom are gay sex roles it doesn’t apply to straight sex anon. The top is the giver and bottom receiver just google it
here to request jayvik fagfics
she's still my kween thoughever.
In Minecraft?
When a guy sucks dick, is he top or bottom?
Depends on how he does it.
Is he on his knees sucking off a much larger guy?
Is he pinning a tranny down and sucking it like a clit?
I made the comment on an insta post where I'm like this essentially sexual assault because he's duping this Powder into believing he's still her Ekko. And I got callee retarded by shipper retards
Shit, that reminds me. Was Caitlyn raped by deception if Maddie was both Noxian and a spy?
Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator deceives the victim into participating in a sexual act to which they would otherwise not have consented, had they not been deceived. Deception can occur in many forms, such as illusory perceptions, false statements, and false actions.
THAT PERSON IS NOT A VERSION OF JINX. I wouldn't point to a random person on the street and tell you that they are a better version of you
It does make our Ekko rapey tho.
AU Powder already had some suspicion about Ekko. The final scene before he departs confirmed it for her.
In Minecraft? haha ;) do you get it? in MINECRAFT haha!
why, my peanus weenus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
of course, my peanus weenus :D
Clearly they painted Jinx's airship, but why did they paint themselves too?
But that ISN'T HER, and she has already done plenty of good. Rerouting the grey was good. The prison break was good. Nuking the counsel was good (to me). They could have emphasized her worth in what she's already accomplished instead of alluding to a innocent girl version of her whose only accomplishment is choking on Ekko's cock.
She thought he was acting weird but there's no way that translates to "this is an entirely different person inhabiting my boyfriends body". It was rapey of him not to tell her either way.
Definitely deceptive rape but Caitlyn was also her boss so maybe mutual power imbalance deceptive raping.
Jinx was such a needy brat as a whole
don't give a fuck to Ekko regardless of AU, just walk away to fuck Lux
What did they mean by this?
i dont care about timebomb
The key was for Jinx to recognize Isha's sacrifice as one that Isha made on her own. It was not Jinx' fault despite her believing the Jinx. By killing herself over guilt would be to diminish Isha's act and her memory.
Isn't that exactly what Vi said to her? That she can continue to do good like what she's done for Zaun and both of them say she has the potential if she decides to move forward.
Vi is talking about Jinx as she is in this world, and only her.
well how can i say no
this one for running away together
this one for timeloopy shit
this one for taking a bath together
That's freshman year at the academy. Sophomore year we move to that the very existence of the butch and femme identities, and of the existence of a female masculinity and female femininity that is not primarily concerned with attracting/dating men, inherently and fundamentally destroys any notion of heteronormativity being able to define any aspect of the butch/femme dynamic.
Female fans are unhinged. I saw one woman saying that AU Powder needed to follow Ekko to the main universe because she knew their connection was stronger than the one she had with AU Ekko.
it is not ekko they must look out fot
I wouldn't point to a random person on the street and tell you that they are a better version of you
That's a dumb comparison. A better comparison would be comparing me to an AU version of me with a different life. You'll probably share more traits with a different version of yourself than a stranger even if your circumstances are very different.
All fun and games until you need your wallet
That is so fucking psychotic it is insane
I could very well have just not been paying enough attention, but the time loop/alternate universe thing between Jayce and Viktor didn't seem to make that much sense? Jayce only has the opportunity to create hextech because alternate Viktor saved his life/gave him the stone, if he didn't do that, Jayce would've presumably died in the snow, and hextech would never come to be, at least, I wouldn't think it could in time for Viktor to do his own experimentation off of it and become the machine herald world ender.
So the motivation for the loops doesn't really fit, why should Viktor save Jayce to stop his plans when letting Jayce die would do the same thing? On top of that, how did the time loop even start without Jayce surviving and being given the stone to begin with? Or is beard AU Viktor from a timeline where things just went radically different that we don't see?
Only Vi's point in saying that was for Jinx to repay a debt to Piltover which was fucking stupid.
This gay shit is too complex for me.
AU version of me
So a stranger
Always keep a card pinched between the cheeks
There's an alternate universe where I'm the best version of myself and there's an alternate where I'm a porn star taking 20 cocks at once in a gangbang I don't see why it fucking matters? Forcing character development through an AU is not even lazy writing it's just plain nonsensical and I don't see how people don't realize that.
Lmao thanks for taking the hit. I was wondering why no one was talking about the rape by deception angle.
Wait so in the jfe minigame pretty much confirm isha will stay dead?
thank you, my bookmarks are growing by the millions
how did the time loop even start without Jayce surviving and being given the stone to begin with?
It is a bootstrap paradox. It was never able to initially start because it breaks causality. It means it has always and will always be a loop. You cannot start a paradox.
What a gay does can't be heteronormative because it's a gay person doing it.
Not at all. Jinx was detained for her crimes which included murdering Cassandra Kiramman. Vi was saying perhaps if she used her chaotic energy to do something good, they would pardon her.
Yeah, she lives on only as a china-exclusive marketable plush.
She looked through his notes and saw his drawings of the arcane, and the two bodies. She didn't find it strange when Ekko asked her to pretend like it's the first time. Still very weird though.
One seat in the council is wild, she's not getting shit done on there.
The only one left who'd be marginally sympathetic to the zaunites would be bald gear neck lady and cait if she is still on there.
Zaun is fucking cooked.
AU Powder was off putting altogether. Her restraint and inaction to Ekko freaking out early on threw me.
it was only a kiss
it was only a kiss
I don’t know what Caitlyn is up to. But she could be of use here.
thats one more seat than they used to have
and the other councillors have to live with the fact that their asses would all be gloriously evolved if not for zaun and jinx
Doesn't matter, within a genaration (if that) the pilties will go back to being pilties and not give a fuck about Zaun's sacrifices.
she killed billions
Nah, fucking look at them. They're not gonna let Zaun get shit.
Anything Sevika puts out is going to get outvoted immediately.
...Did you think she was going to un-disintegrate herself?
Its funny how Riot is in internal war.
Stylus and Gypsy are probably seething over some nobody and a French man making their homosexual hood boy a self-insert to get pegged by a schizophrenic womans minigun in a literal AU fanfic episode of a season that desparately needed more screen time.
A non consensual one.
the ekko raped powder schizo is here
okay, how about
ambessa raping ezreal
So a stranger
Not really. A big part that makes us us is nature. Our environment has a big impact on us, but so does our nature.
There's an alternate universe where I'm the best version of myself and there's an alternate where I'm a porn star taking 20 cocks at once in a gangbang
If you applied yourself you could be either one of those. There's a bunch of limiting factors, but one of them is just yourself. That was the point of the scene. Jinx can do good if she applies herself to do so. The thing that's stopping her is herself.
Forcing character development through an AU is not even lazy writing
I actually agree.
Unlimited Genocide on the PiltFuhrer EnforSSerSS
Next series will show Demacia
Ezreal and Ryze are there
Peak is coming.
Jinx can do good if she applies herself to do so.
She's already done good though. She was even taking care of an orphan. She didn't need an AU to tell her that.
If you applied yourself you could be either one of those.
Not necessarily. The AU version of me that's paralyzed can't ever be like or identify with the AU version of me that's a sports star. Our experiences make us more of who we are than anything else.
lux hanging out with whats obviously ezreal in a mask
garen warns lux to stay away from that jarro person, he is a liar and obviously not a sentinel of light
Giving someone a kiss who doesn't want it counts as sexual assault.
AU selves are different people. Powder might not have wanted that kiss if she knew it wasn't her Ekko. A twin impersonating his brother and kissing his wife is not okay.
It is strange. If I had to guess, it's because she has known AU Ekko for most of her life so one freak out might not make her question it. She did eventually give him the cold shoulder after a bit.
reminder that the sentinel of light shit started with an lightfeather voiceline, so he's actually more of a sentinel of light than the actual sentinels of light.
cold shoulder
After he made a mockery of her dead sister, or before?
Between Demacia and Noxus, which ones has more mages? I know Ionia has the most mages, their land bleed magic
the zaun independence movement wrote like this
no wonder they got their asses kicked
timebomb troons calling anyone who doesn’t like their ship racist
this is why i fucking hate shippers the au episode was not needed
The au episode was needed
So was another season
So true. I bet the jews forced him to post this. He is definitely seething when nobody is looking.
Between Demacia and Noxus, which ones has more mages?
demacia has more mages, but can only use a fraction of them
shyvana is the only one who is actually acknowledged and used by the demacian army, and even that is highly tenuous, she left demacia due to the mage seekers and only returned after they were disbanded
lux kept her mage-ness a secret until she left demacia, sona keeps hers under wraps, kayle and morgana are more deities than mages, and poppy exclusively uses physical attacks despite being a literal magical creature
Because they suddenly forgot about all the animosity between them for the past 10 years and instead became cute love doves instantly.
hate mages
has more mages than the place that respect and covet them
I don’t get the logic
fans fling rabid hate towards heimerdinger in season 1 for completely illogical reasons
season 2 vindicates him entirely
He was done properly. His sacrifice in the context of the episode was not needed, and I definitely had problems with the 3rd act, but the way the handled Heimerdinger I liked.
my cock likes this.
also, worth noting that noxus has actual magical institutions like the black rose that allows them to field mages on the battlefield
even if demacia has more mages living in their border, noxus has the actual machinery in place to send them to war
illogical reasons
What were those
I thought Noxus has more mages? They have a magic academy and shits, and they are much bigger than Demacia
nta but 'wanting to be careful around volatile/chaotic new technology' is probably one IMO.
he was on the council so he deserved to die. despite his inaction stemming entirely from ignorance because he's a terrible judge of character resulting in his underlings taking advantage of him.
You just know Jayce and Viktor will come back Endgame style during the final battle against Void so all reactors and twitterasts could cheer and clap.
She didn't need an AU to tell her that.
Correct, but Isha dying reinforced the idea of her being a walking jinx. One really bad event completely overshadowed all the good she did for Jinx.
Not necessarily. The AU version of me that's paralyzed can't ever be like or identify with the AU version of me that's a sports star. Our experiences make us more of who we are than anything else.
You make a good point about the paralyzed shit, but if the version of that is paralyzed never was paralyzed to begin with then he might've had the potential to become a sports star. Maybe I'm completely about this because paralyzed you could've been born paralyzed. Then again, that's just one version of you.
I don’t get the logic
demacia has, historically, had very few mages
they were founded by people fleeing the rune wars and so cultivated a thousand-year long hatred of magic use
it wasnt until recently in the timeline that their mage population exploded, for reasons that are not entirely clear
though ionian refugees, like sona, contributed to that number
but the sudden rise in the mage population caused a national effort to go all X-men on them
they did know lux was a mage, but chose to ignore it to maintain normalcy
their contingency if she was ever discovered was to marry her off to J4 so that nobody would dare touch her even if she was a mage, but this was just what finally drove her to leaving demacia
i threw up a little
Is this really the rationalizing that people chained to the cave make for themselves?
demacia had enough mages that they could make their own nation out of refugees leaving demacia
and demacia actually has about as many mages champions than noxus (lux, sona, shyvana vs leblanc, elise, cassiopeia)
demacia probably has, at least, a comparable number of mages to noxus
but noxus actually uses theirs in combat while the demacians can only reliably call on shyvana
So is Mel going to be LoL playable champion?
the entire last arc was an ad for her so yes
Ekko stopped Jinx from becoming an hero, they talked about the alternate universe, hugged it out, painted the airship, and then Jinx got an idea.
The only real friendship, trust and brotherhood in the show is between two dudes
women in the show are all disloyal stray cats
Writers of this shows are reality pilled even if they find themselves progressive.
I wanna fuck Orianna so bad she's adorable
Accusing anyone of not liking a ship because of any ist, ism, or phob is retarded, but there are people who do hate a ship because of those reasons.
August has been a Timebomb fan and a LIghtcanon for a while lol. He's playing both sides so he can come out on top.
They didn't become a couple. They just became good friends again.
The thing that pisses me off the most is the way the writers handled Maddie. No one seems to give a shit but her betrayal was so bad.
So much contradicts her being a traitor from the beginning, but if she wasn’t then the switch flipped way too hard.
Did she ever love Caitlyn?
Did Caitlyn feel ANYTHING for her?
elise, cassiopeia
These guys got magically altered
Its useless, she cant get pregnant
Did Caitlyn feel ANYTHING for her?
Obviously not. Like, even in the scene after they fucked, she obviously treated her like a rebound.
that just means you can nut in her with no consequences
Don't get duped by fanart man, in the show proper, at most they reconciled just enough for them to fight together again.
Does Swain have canon love interest and will French go with sugar daddy - loyal surrogate daughter trope again with him and Katarina in the inevitable Noxus series?
Thank god
Does Swain have canon love interest
not really, he only really cares about making noxus great
the closest he has is leblanc
but its more just hatefucking in between trying to kill each other
I remember when it happened I audibly stated 'Wow that's convenient.'
And then when she shot herself in the head I said again, "WOWWWW THAT'S FUCKING CONVENIENT"
I don't wanna think about this show anymore, I'm not coming back to these threads.
Ekko deserved better.
he is gonna get that seraphussy
please fuck no. Give us a Demacia/Noxus story and leave ionia out of this. Do Kat/Garen and make it a traditional rivals to lovers thing. Don't try and be fucking clever, flesh out the characters and don't try and be smarter then you are.
Whatever man. I don't think it's foolish believe that regardless of anyone's life experience, unless they were born an unfeeling psychopath, they have the capacity to be good. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm up for an explanation for why I'm wrong. I agree that using an AU for character development isn't a good idea.
Will Garen and Kat relationship be problematic for modern times? A white gigachad fucking a hot white girl...
just can't leave them white women alone, huh
We can all agree Caitlin was the worst character, right?
Didn't they add a Zaun punk girl recently? Zari, i think. Isn't she good enough?
dyed cotton candy hair
wants to unite zaun and piltover
smart enough to have built her hover device herself
he is gonna take one look at her, go "Damn, she fine" and take her home
Nah, Vi.
Cait did bad shit, but at least she did them out of her own volition and convictions. All Vi did was get dragged around, tossed out, beat down, and basically settled with being Cait's token zaunite arm candy at the end.
"Dirt under your nails" can't be more apt.
They'll balance shit out by making Lux and Jinx gay.
while kat being a trained killer who went after J3 and lux and only barely being thwarthed would be a red flag
but thats actually puts her as less problematic than jinx, who did succeed in killing multiple national leaders
As he should to be honest
That's true. They were both worst girls and got the best ending. Sad!
Single dads get the goods
powder looking helplessly while seraphina "shows support" for the jungler
the au episode was not needed
Unironically this, cheap emotions decieving zoomers again
This Chinese ad
Timebombbros... Even Vi thinks we've won
Ideally push a lot of stuff to a hypothetical S3. S2 continues to be about the conflict between Piltover and Zaun, and Jayce/Ekko/Heimer/Mel are still around. Viktor spends most of the season in the cocoon. S3 has the magic infection, machine cult, and dimension hopping.
If I'm limited to just S2, cut the Black Rose crap. Have Mel be the angel to Ambessa's devil as they both try to influence Caitlyn. Use the extra time for fleshing other things.
I thought Seraphine was asian? The way they draw her makes her look at least hapa.
Who the literal fuck is august?
The comment was about the devs that were going on about how much of a raging homo Ekko is for his hood boyfriend years back, shitting up the forums instead of working on game balance or fixing the launcher.
what the fuck
she actually glomped him
Viktor spends most of the season in the cocoon
Nah, I feel like if they're gonna stretch it, they should show Viktor actually building his cult piece by piece.
Like, he went from cocoon, to healing like 10 people, to starting a full commune in like, 3 minutes worth of screentime.
Also, people keep saying this, but I think splitting the PnZ conflict and the machine cult/Noxus plotline is a bad move. I think the move is to give them more time and intertwine the two more effectively rather than just splitting them apart completely. Ambessa's plot, as you mentioned, should focus more on her goals to usurp piltover via cait rather than her trying to fight black rose/get mel back, and Viktor's cult can be built up as the mirror to Noxus "infiltrating" piltover by him helping the zaunites and unwittingly pulling people away from the fight against the pilties.
close enough. PAAG'ing is the cousin of PAWG'ing.
they are integrating it into their marketing strategy
Its so over
This was before S2 too.
Focused more on Jinx doing chaos and Vi as Enforcer, developing her relationship with Cait, Cait slowly becoming Hitler, introducing Camille, introducing Urgot as one of the main villains, Zac, Ziggs, Viktor starts to work on hexcore machines and creates Blitzkrank but he's not yet machine Jesus. Dont know what Jayce, Heimer and Ekko could do in a season like this, Warwick escapes from Signed. Obviously you need a S3
Cut the world ending bullshit. Viktor goes into the machine herald plotline, Jayce counters that. Focus is on Jinx and Vi still, with WW in the mix. Piltover vs Zaun the main event.
Forgot to say: introducing Black rose - Mel situation, so you can develop it through two seasons.
Linke and co. coming out and saying it's shit too
KEK, so it really looks like Amanda hijacked the project
The Timebomb necklace sold out a day after Act 3 dropped on Riot's merch site
Man are we going to see Riot take advantage of shipping from now on
kek. At least they'd be following the foot steps of anime.
August is Gypsy.
He designed Vi, Jinx and Ekko.
He stopped using the name Gypsy because he isn't actually a gypsy.
Riot should've taken the anime/Japanese approach to merch selling a long time ago. They could make bank selling plushies of every popular champ but they only bother with doing it for Gwen and Tibbers because of a gimmick specific to them.
I think Linke is a pretty chill person who can playfully handle criticism which is a rarity from creators these days. I love Arcane and hope he takes the feedback to make a series just as good if not better the one he conceived nearly a decade ago.
Kat and Garen confirmed
Where was that anon who wanted the Vi jacket? I did find it on the Riot taobao store after all. Only L and above sizes left tho.
For all the bitching I did about act 3 there was a lot that I liked in the second season. Episode 7, in a vacuum, was peak. Chef's kiss. Heimerdinger's characterization was fantastic, and I loved his dynamic with Ekko. And obviously everything to do with Singed was perfect.
Just want to lick Jinx so badly, I mean, no sex, no rape, just lick her, I want to lick everyshit from her toes to her little dainty cli, to her armpits, to her forehead. I want to stick my tongue in her urine if she pees and dip it in bread on her menstrual days, I'll just stick my tongue till she becomes stupid spoiled harlot roastie, 30s I guess, till then I won't even stick my tip to her, I'll pop her cherry when it's plump & ripe, as if it were going to explode at any moment, after she giving birth the stupid retarded children, I'll dump these stupid babies out in street and watch & have fun how she cry like bear just lost her cubs, and I'll lick this tarnished flower every day, gladly, I'll make her as my broken pregnant machine
what about her booty hole and underneath her toenails?
that was cute
Why are some normies in denial over Jinx obviously being alive?
i wonder if that other fujoanon is awake just read the best fanfic of my life god damn
share it
i am here fujosister please hand it over
doesn’t use mages in combat
still managed to be Noxus’s equal
Demacia is kinda based, not gonna lie
Me! Thank you anon!
What now
post it
doesn’t use mages in combat
No they just use several 100 ft tall animated stone statues.
porn so good it had me taking breaks
Episode 7, in a vacuum, was peak. Chef's kiss. Heimerdinger's characterization was fantastic, and I loved his dynamic with Ekko.
Ep7 made me want to see this type of short, self-contained stories, maybe a couple an year, and not necessarily these giant arcs that cover the entire life and accomplishments of a character.
League characters are larger-than-life people like seeing content about their favorites, so having their story be "done" kinda sucks.
Obviously can't happen because it wont make money compared to a whole show, though, and not completing the arc will feel bad for viewers who dont give a shit about the characters outside of the show.
Riot decides to tap into a never before considered market - Straight people
Obviously can't happen because it wont make money compared to a whole show, though, and not completing the arc will feel bad for viewers who dont give a shit about the characters outside of the show.
I mean if anything, it'd be a more economical method of peddling overpriced skins to people. You can make one-shot episodes that highlights one or two characters per instead of spending an entire show highlighting an ensemble cast of 5-8 characters. That's basically the model of their music videos already.
normalfags like normal things
Who would have thought.
This is way more expensive than music videos and I am not sure how much money they manage to recoup through Netflix. It doesnt cover the production costs for sure, but it does get a part of the way there.
now I get it why they rushed it so badly, caitvi is too hideous for chinktards, they wanted cute jinx lux anime yuri audience
Did you seriously not expect this? I told everyone from the moment season 2 dropped that it would go the way of Ruination. The event itself was fine, and over-hated, but it just didn't mesh well with existing lore. And Riot is not going to pay their professional world builders to rewrite everything. It would be too expensive.
Like take Legends of Runeterra for example. Riot had to pay Vi's VA. They had to pay sound technicians and engineers. They had to pay artists for the splash. They had to pay animators for the level up animations. Editors. Coders. Character designers. Writers. Story directors. Game directors. And so much more. They spent too much money on that version of Vi to just throw it all away because for some reason Riot is dedicated to this idea that they must align every facet of these characters with "canon", whichever canon it may be at the time.
And because of what happened in Arcane, Vi can never become that version of Vi. She lost her gauntlets, one was destroyed and the other depowered, and the person who made them fucked off into the aether or possibly died. Are you going to tell me that Vi's "legend" was her wearing gauntlets for like a year tops, and then fighting off a small regiment of Noxus mercenaries? And then what she lives a quiet life with her wife? Or goes and becomes a normal cop?
This series, with the way it ended, was never going to be canon. This isn't a passion project. It's a product. This is a job. They have to keep the stakes high. If they fall then the customers lose interest and demand dies. This story was great, but it was never going to be canon. It's like Ruination in that sense. The major story beats are canon, but the smaller details are not. That way they appease the players and stop them from bitching as much about thigs like Cait losing an eye, Vi losing her gauntlets, Warwick's final design, etc.
Viktor being the mage was still fucking shit though and I'll die on that hill.
don't care, kys tranny
Those statues are useless without any mages around
Don't expect too much, she's gonna be replaced to another ugly morbid femcel and repeat same shit again
can lux handle that bpdemon
I think Arcane would been better with less shipping.
it wasnt until recently in the timeline that their mage population exploded, for reasons that are not entirely clear
Probably because of the world runes ryze left at Demacia
S1 was phenomenal so it wasn't unreasonable to have expectations. No idea why S2 went so off the rails when you cannot have better setup to a story than what Season 1 established, it's like they went out of their way to ignore every single major plotline and character development that happened other than CaitVi scissoring
agreed even though im a shipfag
Make act 1(Vi hunting down Jinx and Piltover cracking down on Zaun) the overarching plot of the season. The season ends with Jinx leading a army of revolutionaries against Piltover and her and Vi having an epic confrontation.
Viktor is just some cyborg guy turning desperate people into cyborgs and not some weird energy being hivemind thing, he decides to support Jinx because Piltover has been cracking down on his followers and he feels he'd have greater freedom in an independent Zaun.
Warwick is treated as an unstoppable monster for most of the season and Jinx and Vi only find out he's Vander in the last episode.
Singed stays in the background doing Singed things and then at the end of the season he's captured by Noxians and it's implied they'll bring him back to the Empire and make use of his services.
Cut the Black Rose shit.
This feels like the most basic but still satisfying plot direction they could've taken, what the fuck inspired them to go so far out of scope with the story?
If, and I mean a big IF, jinx does some weird hextech shit and somehow gets AU versions of herself stuck in her body like in her arcane fractured skin and be like some kind of magic DiD but she can switch AU bodies at will, that would be cool.
If not a third season then at least 3 more episodes.
Void would be behind viktor's corruption, and sky's avatar would be revealed as a manipulator void entity. Like leblanc, it doesnt have to be totally clear what's going on.
Viktor can look through all timelines where Ryze gives Jayce different stones without having to retcon Ryze into Viktor. Ryze would also get a brief epilogue scene.
Blitzcrank would at least get a cameo as a broken down machine in the corner of Viktor's lab at some point.
One single scene with Maddie that implies she's duplicitous before she's betraying Cait.
And what does Demacia have a surplus of?
Like come on they're basically Tolkien's early elves/humans.
people still trying to tell me this man isnt gay
No idea why S2 went so off the rails
A hint.
Speaking purely about animating it, s2 had 3 years for 9 episodes, s1 had 3 years for 8 episodes as the pilot came earlier.
S1 had a room of 8hr/day, 5days/week writers rubbing shoulders, S2 had Amanda with Linke and Christian as their personal yes-men. As it happens Amanda is a Los Angeles lesbian.
That's just a Hwei reskin.
Small changes that could be made without completely redoing the show:
E2: Viktor doesn't immediately leave, but gets pulled away in a trance in the night.
E3: Have a few minutes for the Piltover squad to bond, plant the seeds that Maddie is sus.
E3: Have the Mel abduction be that she gets grabbed while talking to a fake Jayce (that she doesn't realise is fake but the audience is hinted to). This gives a hint of the deceivers and lets the chain dimension scenes later get shortened because there doesn't need to be the part where her aide dies.
E4: Give us a better sense of the time that has passed, have a random merchant complain about the months that martial law's been in place and then gets silenced by the Noxians.
E5: On the way to Singed, Caitlyn seems that Ambessa's guards have beat up nearby Zaunite randoms which makes her more doubtful of their methods.
E6: Make Viktor's issue with using his powers that he is losing his humanity and control and that the hexcore is actually getting stronger.
E9: Have Mel's moment be that she fully restrains Ambessa who decides to "sacrifice" herself rather than surrender. Mel then crushes the Black Rose necklace because she's doesn't need their power.
Exactly why he's a fag.
Heartbreaking: S2 head scenarist after watching 'THE END' frame in Ep. 9
the au episode
there was an au episode?
didn't see that one...
I don't think Cait gonna be there. Sevika is sitting in Cassandra's seat. Caitlyn probably gave Kiramman seat to Zaun.
Jayce spends most of the season depressed and unsure of himself but the Battle of Piltover makes him realize that inaction won't save lives so he takes on the mantle of The Defender of Tomorrow and dedicating himself to defending Piltover from anyone who would harm it.
Ekko and Heimerdinger try to be a neutral third party and end up making enemies of everyone.
I have no idea how to fix Caitlyn, Mel and Ambessa.
I don’t know what Caitlyn is up to
Getting her asshole rimmed by Vi
vicuck은 캘리포니아 트랜스젠더들이 없는 유럽시간에는 나타나지않아요
이것은 많은생각을 하게 만듭니다
armpit alert
Strangest cope just dropped from Necrit
Around 15mins in, he says:
"Miss Young was kind of extracted seperatley from the black ooze" and "that part" is what saves Singed's daughter, A.K.A. Orianna.
finally decided to watch the final episode after putting it off because of how sluggish episode 8 felt
episode 9 was underwhelming
You know, usually a show's finale is the highlight of the final season but holy hell this episode just made me scratch my head at the stuff that was happening there.
I was expecting more from Arcane desu.
Because what anon described is more or less lore that already existed or is in that spirit while Arcane tries really hard to do something new.
So instead of Adeptus Mechanicus you get transcendant cancer Twink Viktor.
Justice for Maddie
woot nice to see my unhinged friends on ao3 getting some traffic.
her full name, probably is Madeleine Nolan
Her name as adorable as she is.
glomping the delivery guy
I am so happy this isnt me haha
....write and fanfic about it
Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING wǒ hěn xǐhuān BING CHILLING dànshì sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 bǐ BING CHILLING sùdù yǔ jīqíng sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 wǒ zuì xǐhuān suǒyǐ…xiànzài shì yīnyuè shíjiān zhǔnbèi 1 2 3 liǎng gè lǐbài yǐhòu sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 ×3 bùyào wàngjì bùyào cu òguò jìdé qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 yīn wéi fēicháng hǎo diànyǐng dòngzuò fēicháng hǎo chàbùduō yīyàng BING CHILLING zàijiàn
Its not the fault of Caitvi tho
He is a mage. The gauntlet allows him to use magic without effort since he's too lazy to actually learn how to do it.
all jinx fapfics on ao3 are shit
sir have you played league? the game at launch was considered a sloppy fan service game.
Great LICK forward, Piltover square massacre, Zaun concentration camps, hot lesbian sex
1 episode of wholesome Ekko kissing AU Powder (already done)
8 episodes of Ekko impregnating Jinx.
And what does Demacia have a surplus of?
closet homosexuality
T_T they made my blayt boi a faggot how will viktor mains recover?
Yes but Arcane has always been lacking in the straight romance department.
Riot has always taken advantage of shipping. They made huge bank on couple skins with Ezreal and Lux in the East. Xayah and Rakan were also created to profit fr it even more.
Kat is a redhead so they will make her black if the Demacia project is live action, which I hope it isn't. Riot are idiots for entertaining that idea when animation is a better medium.
Live action is much cheaper though.
I will never forgive them for what they did to my girl. Goddamn Piltover scumbags
Vi had a great ending. She doesn't work, cook, or clean, just lives in the lap of luxury and her only expectation is to fuck.
While that is true Riot isn't short on money.
How is she Noxian if we've seen her as a child? She's just a traitor.
That's post Swain's takeover and industrialization. Currently they're under the retard Darwill.
She's just a traitor.
Her rationale for betrayal was profound and well-substantiated. It were dumb scenarists who stood between us and those reasons.
Companies want to spend less tho
I am 75% of the way done and I hate Isha. Fucking disgusting gremlin.
It's literally "filthy zaunites, one was mean to me, reeeeeeee"
the only thing Caitlyn did wrong was NOT shooting her.
ambessa starts coming on to ezreal, who is clearly not into it
ambessa is getting very forward and ezreal starts to make excuses to leave
just as ezreal decides to just decline ambessas "offer" to spend the night, ambessa just says he doesnt have a choice
ezreal tries to arcane shift out, but he gets grabbed by the collar of his coat just as he is about to go through the portal
"oh no you dont"
ambessa forces the gauntlet off him, so her treat for the night wont slip away
Currently they're under the retard Darwill.
its not entirely clear
the crows having some kind of spying power implies that swain already has his demon power
but singed was hired by noxus under darkwill, which hasnt happened yet
unless arcane takes place after the ionian invasion but before the coup
Who the fuck is the hobo cop who keeps getting drunk with Vi and even followed her when she quit? They never say his name. He seems like a cool dude but they seem to only focus on the ntring lesbian instead.
Demacia Season
absolutely no shot this black hole isn't the focus of the entire plot
Get ready for Facist Cait 2. Electric Boogaloo
holy shit it works so well thank you for the laugh
I hate sylas so much. Such a lame character
We're going to get young Sylas as a mage seeker and discovering the corruption
Sylas thrown in Jail
Facist Jarvan and Garen
Lux will be even more of a trauma dump than Jinx is
The plot will be about literally nothing else.
please make new animations adult centered and don't cut hot sexy scenes no more.
plox and ty rioto or I no more buy any RP
They are incapable of writing anything but extremely traumatized people.
Jinx tried to kill herself in 3 different episodes, with one of them having like 6 different attempts.
Its trying so hard it verges on comical. E7 felt so refreshing because it was a break from the 24/7 miseryfest traumadump.
I actually shocked that Vi never really tried to off herself. Her life was just as awful as Jinx's, minus the mental illness.
You're gonna have to learn to love him because he is going to give Lux a good ol' fashion mana transfer.
Facist Jarvan and Garen
fascist Jarven is on-brand
the death of his father at the hands of sylas broke him, causing him to tear up and then burn the "dont oppress mages" order that J3 wrote so that he could take vengeance on mages
Have you ever thought that Powder actually wanted in fact a threesome with his Ekko and Prime Ekko?
She was a bit older when it started going to shit, and she didn't lose a kid right when things were looking up.
I had to laugh when lebanc called her an empath. Could tell a dumbass female writer cooked that up (amanda)
because he is going to give Lux a good ol' fashion mana transfer.
he lost his chance when he stole luxs ult to get a free kill on the king
sylas literally traumatized lux with his betrayal to the point fiddlesticks implies sylas is luxs greatest fear
it is ezreal who will get that lightussy
what? sylas was totally innocent on that front he never killed king jarvan. kat did
Give jinx more screen time towards the end!!
Garen isn't fascist. He's a soldier. He's is slavishly loyal to his station. He's whatever the king commands him to be.
People focus on the timebomb slop, but the au ep completely trashed zaun, too. You're telling me Marcus, the guy who pointed a loaded revolver at powder and only didn't get a shot off bc vi kicked a ladder out from under him would gaf about a trencher girl who blew up a building in piltover... LMAO!! And the fact that apparently the air/water problems in zaun are still there because claggor mentions it.. so the poorest zaunites are still doomed and will birth little fucked up viktors with disfigurements
Seems like we missed a whole lot of development.
People online are talking about 10 minutes of interactions cut from the final product, but I dont know where it was said.
Seems like they were going for E9 jinx as a synthesis between Powder and Jinx. Its reflected in the way she acts around her sister, but they really missed the mark IMO. We needed way more Jinx in the finale of her show and less Void Jesus, Ambessa and Maddie.
It's going to happen in his cell. We'll get a music video montage of Lux and Sylas having a merry time. Lux doesn't get split down the middle with Sylas's dick shooting her light magic though because the chains.
Yes we needed more of jinx!
Another act. Act three is dealing with Ambessa and her army, ends the same with Mel taking over the Noxian contingent and they help against Viktor's iRobot army attacking the hex gates in act 4.
Reminder that they won and are happily married.
Get Ash Brannon back, and have Amanda Overton editing, at all costs.
Did Vi showered here?
The most fun parts of the show were when Jinx was doing OK.
If they weren't gonna go anywhere with her being a schizo and wanted to focus on Jayce and Viktor for the last arc, they shouldn't have made her suicidal for the 11th time in the show and brought us a bit of a resolution to the sisters plot at the end of act 2.
Her "suicide" in the end felt unsatisfying for a bunch of reasons.
1) It felt tacked-on after we already had the beautifully animated end of the Jayce/Viktor arc
2) She seemed OK with herself and being around Vi prior to Vi's brain activity nearing 0 in the end.
3) Like 90% of viewers missed that she faked it, so Ekko's whole speech we are shown that convinces her not to kill herself, about building something new, feels pointless. And that's literally all the context we got about her transformation from the start of Ep9 to the end of Ep9
Dont know how they managed to mangle their best character right at the end.
Good post.
There were concepts of a shower
Vi has returned to her true form
We need to Fortiche to release the full uncut version of Ekko mating pressing Jinx womb nonstop.
open xitter
timebomb everywhere
barely anyone talking about Jayce and Viktor being confirmed dead
people jumping with joy Jinx is alive
They really struck gold with this character. Everybody was rooting for her no matter what she did.
Honestly hope they never show her in another show, they love torturing their characters and I want to just headcanon she is alive and happy working some regular job like she wanted to keep doing in the AU.
I like the pairing but you retards are real weird about it.
very based
She is the most powerful in this form. It bewitches hot aristocrat girls and forces them to love her unconditionally.
Because she's extremely sympathetic. Her life and story is neverending tragedy and suffering. Even cold hearted bastards like me want to see her succeed and be happy.
How do they even do someone as joyful and full of life as Lux in their miseryfast shows?
inb4 they kill her in a brutal way just to be edgy
This. A better ending would be Vi sneaking her out on a blimp and faking her death. They part as proper sisters.
Instead we get blueballing with the intent of them reuniting in 10-15 years in another slow-mo mixtape encounter
What's weird are the seething faggots fuming about this pairing when it's been established since day 1, but don't bat an eye to CaitVi.
We're just dabbing on them.
She starts off as a well-meaning student troubled by her emerging magic, accidentally lets Silas siphon off enough to escape, he blows up his prison and kills X family member and forces her to publicly use magic to save her brother.
She then runs away into exile to avoid being arrested and because she thinks her family hates her.
lol-lore swings wildly on how miserable luxs life is
original IOW lore had lux be an empty shell of a person robbed of all true joy due to being trained at the institute of war, and her happy go lucky persona was just her putting on a show and going through the motions
revised post-summoner lore toned the edge down, she was heavily repressed at only pretending to be happy for the sake of her family until she became a mageseeker and was truly happy as she could practice her mage-ness freely while also exploring the world
slightly amped up the angst in modern lore, she is a genuinely happy and peppy person, she just chooses to smile through the pain she endures as a matter of choice (also mageseekers are the gestapo and she never joins, she self-exiles herself to avoid marrying jarvan)
Doesn't matter. He is now.
The au episode was needed
No it wasn't, it was irrelevant to the overall plot
Dont think they will do the "Siblings are at odds, one of them runs into exile" story again.
Pottery and all that, but it's just kinda boring. Hope they lean into something different.
when it's been established since day 1
No it hasn't, in fact the opposite is the case
Hope they lean into something different.
lux and garens relationship, while estranged, isnt as turbulent as jinx and vi
notably, garen never truly abandons lux, and its implied that if lux hadnt run off, garen would have backed lux, mage or not, 100%
another thing that seperates lux from jinx, other than sanity, is that she has a much more innocent and disney-like dream of exploring the world
jinx chooses to leave zaun because there was nothing left for her there and she wants a fresh start
while the proximate reason lux leaves demacia was to avoid mage oppression and avoidign an arranged marriage, the ultimate reason is that she wants to experience life outside the one rigidly planned for her
schlop schlop schlop
Ekko owns Jinx's coochie regardless whether you like it or not.
I need to see him jizz in her armpits
ok amanda don't you have another lesbo slop script to write for fortiche so china can censor it
post jinx armpits plz
very nice ty
reminder that lightcannon is literally going to become cannon and timebomb got doomed, with them throwing an AU bone for you to come with
lol China is on OUR side, see Arcane is a Timebomb show now.
I would rather Lux get fucked by her brother or the pedophile grooming her than fucking Jinx.
incestuous themes and closet homosexuality better be rampant in any demacian series.
I would like Lux and Jinx to become besties but please no more forced lesbo shit.
Timebomb idiots still don't understand that Ekko was into AU jinx and not main Jinx
this is what SilcoJinx fags that became Lightcannon rapefugees believe after TYRONNEKKO finally canonically clapped Powder's cheeks with a full episode about it.
lol, lmao even.
Bucks on suicide watch
No I'm just not a fan of Muffmuncher from a fuckin' skin line reasoning.
Lux exiled from Demacia
Shown at a port, conversing with some hooded woman
Woman leans forward, we see some loose strands of blue hair
"No matter waht happened in the past, its never too late to build something new. Someone worth building it for."
roll credits
lightcanon fans go wild, skins sell like crazy
Ekko paired with Zeri as consolation prize
they successfully milk money off of both Timebomb now and Lightcannon later
Nothin personnel, corpos always win.
In the end he was sitting in the same spot where they kissed and lit up the little cloth thing in remembrance of her.
He knew that Jinx was too far gone to form a happy relationship with but he also knew that the original Powder he loved was still in there somewhere and he was grieving her "death".
Timebomb won.
Get over it Timmy.
literally got abandoned
Its over
Delicious Timmy tears
blacked jinx yum
Jinx becoming friends with Lux would make a great dynamic in the Demacia arc considering Jinx's crazy shenanigans and Demacia's stuck up royalty culture being complete opposites.
It could play well into Lux's character arc and her breaking free from everything that's being forced on her but we really don't need this relationship to be romantic.
I wondered what timezone was posting right now and apparently its the middle of the day in Israel.
They are the same person, thats literally why Jinx didn't kill herself.
I think its dumb too, but take it up with Linke, he said that Ekko telling her about AU Powder is what convinced her a good version of her exists.
They even gave her a voice line about it with the 250$ skin (which is 3 skins in 1 - AU Powder, Schizo Jinx and EP9 jinx as a synthesis between them).
She says something like "Jinx, Powder - they aren't that different after all" or something like that.
They are the same person
No, retard
Unfortunately, you are wrong and I am correct.
I expect a cameo at most. Maybe the overall story is about different traveling characters eventually ending up in the same crew - Lux, Jinx, Ez and whoever else.
one day this city is going to respect us
I’m the dirt under your nails
wtf happened to Vi
You see, power, real power, doesn't come to those who were born strongest, or fastest, or smartest.
No, it comes to those who will do anything to achieve it.
She didn't have the drive.
Vi felt like a complete side character this season and most of the focus was on the shitty love drama between her and Caitlyn.
b-but m-muh joos!
Goddamn Ekko has broke timmies so hard.
Make up hugs with AU powder after you get into a heated argument
The zoom out that they've intended was not gracious at all, it retroactively ruined even s1.
The only politics related plot I’m bothered by is that nobody picked up the Zaun mantle. That was Silco’s dream in season 1 then it just didn’t amount to anything here.
This sends such a stupid idea to normies, no multiverse is not real. It'll make suicides skyrocket.
The thing is, Jinx in Arcane is NOT Jinx in the games. Jinx in the games is absolutely a crazy shenanigans lady, Jinx in Arcane is a misery machine, if anything her being in Demacia would be her being cheered up and finding joy in life.
You cannot have the law of identity across multiverse. I know that they believe it is that way and all media presents it that way but it's utterly incoherent and you deserve all the negative backlash you get.
They finally re-add the League of Legends to lore via Arcane.
The League of Legends is an avengers-style group of champions Mel is forming to take down Noxus.
Ma Meilleure Ennemie is less than twenty-four hours away from overtaking To Ashes and Blood as the most viewed and iconic song of Arcane Season 2.
Why is this?
Best episode, best scene, good music.
no this cannot be
"What are we, some kind of league of legends?"
The League of Legends will be complete in like 2-3 decades when all the main characters from the shows released up to that point reunite and band together in one climactic show to fight the main evil entity of the universe aka the Void.
They'll slowly work their way to an Avengers Endgame like scenario.
funny that in the afterflow they had to clarify that this is her way of saying she'll never leave caitlyn
Why would anyone pick it up? That would imply one (1) seat on the council wasnt a good enough outcome for the poors
You expected something good from this Steven Universe sad lesbian slop? lol
That is not something I would consider good.
One billion poos
What did people think it meant
Linke confirms Jayce,Ambessa and heimerdinger are dead
Viktor and Jinx are the only alive characters
Viktor is getting a VGU but viktormains hated it
90% of the "bad writing" complaints are people not understanding what the fuck is going on, it's season 1 all over again
but we really don't need this relationship to be romantic
We didn't need jayvik to be canon either yet here we now, this is now the tumblr shipping universe and you're going to like it
Im sorry but they're fucking HOT, i dont give a fuck if i were Vi i would literally kill my sister just to be handcuffed by this tall bitch
Because Season 2 abandoned any semblance of politics in favour of a more bombastic, epic, MCU-like story, because they started work on Season 2 three years ago before corpos realised that people are getting tired of capeshit, especially multiverse capeshit.
So Zaun basically doesn't feature in Season 2 at all, except as evil crime bosses who need to be put in their place and briefly in Episode 4 as innocent dindus being crushed under the boot of Noxus (but not Caitlyn because Caitlyn wasn't allowed to do anything wrong, not even during the six months she spent as a Zaun-hating dictator). And when Zaun gets a brief cameo at the end, it's coming to the aid of the Piltover main characters and then getting rewarded with ONE seat at the council table, against SIX Piltover seats, when either a majority or a unanimous vote is required to make anything happen.
Jayvik canon? Where? In your fujo dreams?
We didn't need jayvik to be canon either yet here we now
Arcane creator said they aren't in love.
She gets to eat the pussy of the head of one of the most influential people of Piltover.
Caitlyn wasn't allowed to do anything wrong
Bro, Caitlyn was character assassinated. People hate her and compare her to a nazi racist on socials. They turned her from good Piltover girl who feels for Zaunites to gassing them in a few episodes without even trying to properly redeem her.
It’s not. Giving Sevika a place on the council was a brainless move the writers just throwing out a random bone. The undercity is supposed to become independent that’s it. The writers just completely forgot about season 1. The story isn’t meant to solve class discrepancy, that’s an eternal crisis. Zaun is the Gotham city of Runeterra, it’s always going to be a shit hole and chem barons still exist as its leaders.
Jayce, Viktor and Heimerdinger will come back at some point somehow.
If Viktor is alive so is Jayce.
That's just a bunch of retards who don't understand the plot, Caitlyn never actually did anything terrible.
The undercity is supposed to become independent that’s it
why? because you say so?
Because that's how it is in the game
Some retards compared her to a Nazi but if you look at it she didn't do much AT ALL. In fact she felt like a fucking viewer of the show in the supposed dictator arc, in episodes 4/5 were she is 'evil' she just watches as Ambessa do bad shit and she thinks 'oooh this is le wronggg WHY AM I DOING THIS' and do a 180 in ep. 6 after cupcake xD flirts. Her character arc was dumb because they cant fully commit on her being evil so they left her in some weird middle ground
Not really, the complaints are split into three categories:
The story is way too rushed, jumping from one thing to the next without giving a lot of story elements enough time to land or resonate. See Isha, who we are expected to mourn and feel bad about even though she's not given the time to develop as a character and exists solely to facilitate a change in personality for Jinx, which also feels rushed as a result.
The story is focused on generating a combination of feel-good and misery-porn moments, at the expense of previously established story. See Vander and Silco both knowing the mother of Vi and Powder, retroactively degrading both of them as characters.
The story jumps from one event to the next in order to progress the plot, without trying to make any sense in the progress. See Jayce trying to kill Viktor in Episode 6. He comes from the future where he gets to talk with future Viktor and wants to prevent that future from happening, but by doing so, he sets the events of that future in motion with his actions, which leads to a great battle that ends with masses of people dead or transformed into robots, and Jayce never ruminates over the consequences of his actions once.
Piltie hands typed this
With Jayce being dead he is the biggest fucking LOSER in this show. He is a pathetic bitch who repeatedly fucks up and is a total failure at everything he attempts until he dies stopping Viktor.
Same, fuck my sister she’s a bitch anyway
But Vi exists
her ending was still better than Jayce
Vi will become Vi still. She suffered, but the Piltover Enforcer is still there Punch lady is sorted.
Jayce died and has never and can never become a champion anymore.
See Isha, who we are expected to mourn and feel bad about even though she's not given the time to develop as a character and exists solely to facilitate a change in personality for Jinx, which also feels rushed as a result.
So like Claggor & Mylo in season 1, who appear in even less espisodes than Isha
See Vander and Silco both knowing the mother of Vi and Powder, retroactively degrading both of them as characters.
It doesn't, in fact in it makes Vander adopting the kids less contrived
The story jumps from one event to the next in order to progress the plot, without trying to make any sense in the progress. See Jayce trying to kill Viktor in Episode 6
The explanation for what Jayve does in ep 6 literally happens in the very next episode. Not very different to Silcos motivation being explained in episode 3 despite being introduced in episode 1, or the hex crystals being introduced in episode 1 and only being really explained in episode 3
That’s the lore. They are twin cities. Piltover is Metropolis full of wealth, innovative culture, and hextech. Zaun is Gotham crime infested hole ruled by chemtech. As it stand in Arcane everything is still Piltover, they just added a new seat to the council.
Jayce died and has never and can never become a champion anymore
He just went poof and Riot can pull him back out their ambiguous fate box whenever they want.
Except the gassing of Zaun is shown as a good thing, complete with a badass copaganda music video which shows them kicking criminal butt. It's not evil racist Nazi shit, it's fucking cool.
And then when she becomes an evil dictator, she never actually does anything bad, she just allows the Noxians to do the bad stuff and is even shown as feeling bad about it and arguing against it, she's the voice of reason even when she's supposed to be Caitler.
In fact, she feels so bad about all this shit that all it takes is Vi calling her cupcake for her to immediately abandon Ambessa and turn against the Noxians.
They refrain from doing anything to make Caitlyn seem like an actual bad person at any point, she's just temporarily blinded by revenge in Episode 3. The only people who have anything bad to say about her are the people who look at the Zaun-gassing music video and go "but that's not cool, that's evil," no matter how hard it tries to make Caitlyn's team look like badass crime-busters.
Oh I'm sorry you're correct because Riot in the act of 2 seasons can't even keep shit straight. So them going "X IS DEAD" means nothing. Can't wait 6 years till they finally remember to actually solve this problem.
There’s a whole dimension which is just Ekko’s butt, literally everything then there’s another fart dimension where literally everything is just farts.
There’s also one where there’s just Ekko and farts, one of Ekko Jinx and farts and a butt on ad infinitum.
How tf Vi will become an enforcer? They will take the easier route and say that she doesn't join the task and just works with Caitlyn
Jayce got touched by Viktor in ways we can never imagine. So he won in the end.
Because that's who and what she is. See I don't need the nitty gritty of Vi being officially made and enforcer. I know what'll happen because it's what she IS. That was what Arcane's goal was and then fucking forgot.
Don't force a resolution to Ambessa's plotline at the cost of the Piltover/Zaun conflict. Have her manipulate the situation, but not get directly involved to such an extent. At the end of the season have her leave the city with Singed and some stolen Hextech and save the Mel/Black Rose stuff for a future Noxus series.
Such a waste of a character.
where in the lore does it say thay Zaun is politically independent from Piltover?
The problem is the creators expected normal people to watch it not retarded liberals who inherently hate cops, are obsessed with privilege and poverty, and call everything fascism.
Because vi doesn’t actually have any large morals or ideology, she just wants to have family and be loyal to them. Now that Cait’s family she’ll just support her side and be an enforcer.
Libs don't hate cops, they're the ones increasing police budgets every year
The right calls everyone left of them liberals, the left calls everyone right of them liberals, it has become a meaningless word that doesn't exist as anything other than a negative slur at this point.
dies trying to stop viktor
research kills a kid and the other pilties tell him to fucking stop so hextech is never created
gets viktor to believe in humanity but they commit double suicide
jayce loses in all universes
oh no she used tear gas against criminals, what a terrible person!
I just wanted more comfy Ekko/Heimerdinger times...
The idea was that Jinx was convinced ruining everything is intrinsic to her being, that literally no matter what she is always meant to fuck everything up.
Another version where a couple of things went differently and things turned out fine shows her that she is not cursed by fate (and Isha's death was, in her mind, proof that she is and should just end it). And she needed this, because she saw Vi's theoreticals about her being able to do good as cope.
Is it particularly smart? No. But that's Linke's explanation.
So you're cool with the cops gassing your neighborhood while they try to catch someone?
Apparently Christian is not happy with the ending
It is justified from Caits pov, cope
I thought they had it in mind since the beginning
You're going off by something that wasn't even implied. Only criminals were shown. If they wanted to really go the evil Cait route, they'd shown innocent civilians get caught in the crossfire. But that's just a head canon of brainless people on xitter.
The gas barely left the hideouts we saw, stop overreacting. Plus, getting rid of literal gang syndicates living right next to you is probably worth it.
Vi and Jinx yes.
Thats why it feels so tacked on, lol. It just had to be there because they planned it from the start, and now it doesn't fit the rest.
Except a lot of people were looking forward to evil authoritarian Caitlyn, see the "Caitler" memeing that took here after Act 1 aired. There's a lot of disappointment that Caitlyn never got to demonstrate any actual authoritarianism or do anything actually bad that she would have to atone for, the only people who hate her for her actions (instead of hating her for how poorly written she was) are the extreme leftists who see the gassing of Zaun as a bad and evil thing, instead of the cool, badass thing that the music video made it out to be.
Ekko was a big fucking mistake cause there couldn't exist a more Gary Stu character for libtards to latch onto.
The headcanon in question.
Cait is the rich kid of an oligarch, gassing innocents and inviting the occupation of foreign soldiers to ensure the dominance of a few is what she was born and bred to do. Cait fans should not be surprised when her actions are rightfully criticized.
he is not happy with Jayce/Viktor resolution which is, lets be honest, really fucking rushed and impossible to understand
Retards wanted to see them do “dictatorship bad” , while in reality it would have been the most based if they showed a military dictatorship being a much better and safer government for piltover than the oligarchy.
gassing innocents
go back to xitter, speed watcher
Honestly Ekko is an incredibly boring character on his own, that’s why all his scenes are centred on playing off more interesting characters
You are the speed watcher in this situation, anon.
Show us a single innocent person gassed
Gassing my neighborhood to clear out gangs without ever addressing or planning to address the underlying structural issues that created the gangs in the first place would piss me off, yes. They're just going to pop up again and my neighborhood is going to be gassed again. Fucking pointless.
gassing innocents
where? give me a timestamp of the episode and minute
Writing so bad you have people fighting over if a character did a bad thing or not
Who cares about some xittertards? Caitlyn is super based in my mind. Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. If anything they went quite vanilla with her cause her evil arc was toned down a lot by involving Ambessa.
Illogical worlds are real.
Gas flooded into the hideout where Jinx made Sevika's arm from the outside, from the street, which was conveniently empty and devoid of citizens because they didn't want to depict Caitlyn and co. as being too evil.
Similarly, there's only this one instance of civilians screaming and running from the gas being deployed in the street in the music video, while the rest of the focus in on criminals, because once again, they want to make Caitlyn and co. look like badass crime-busters who take down gangsters.
There's also the fact that gas is notoriously unreliable and that it's almost impossible to direct it and control its spread, so the idea that the gas lingers only in the hideouts where they unleash it is ridiculous, but again, they don't want to make Caitlyn look bad. They want to make her seem like an edgy cop who does whatever it takes, but without actually pushing her over the edge into being unlikeable, hence they don't show the consequences of civilian Zaunites being gassed.
oh but my time rewinding nigro :(
Ekko did nothing, NOTHING besides having 2 minutes of action in ep 9. He doesn't even talk to any other character after Jinx
Anon these are not civils, the chick on the right was a silco gang member who threatened to kill Marcus daughter
jinx did nothing wrong
Gassing people is a war crime anon, doesn't matter if it's civilians or enemy combatants. We were taught in the mil to disobey unlawful orders. The order Caitlyn gave is one I would be morally and legally obligated to disobey unless I wanted my ass to be raped in prison.
Literally everyone in that pic is part of Silcos gang.
The streets of Zaun are shown empty during most of the show, in season 1 & 2. Not once is the gas shown to be instantly lethal, in fact they go out of the way to explain that it is only lethal by being exposed to it in everyday life, it's also implied this is what made Viktor sick.
Thanks for supporting my argument by providing more evidence of the whitewashing of Caitlyn and the enforcers, and showing that despite deploying lung-rotting industrial cancer gas in the streets of Zaun, somehow the only people who get impacted by it are the bad guys.
I wouldn't mind this because it still feeds my delusions.
ep 3 starts with Cait looking at old schematics where the Kirammans developed ventilation systems to suck up The Gray that was plaguing Zaun
they show it being stored in a big ass tank
serious face
shots of The Gray hitting Zaun again, juxtaposed with an image of its depictions in the old days when it was everywhere
while song about doing bad things because the ends justify the means plays
Did you sleep during this part or something?
Yeah bro but that was my point as well, the show did everything to make Caitler arc look pointless cause she's never truly evil
Hmm maybe just a thought, but if they only showed criminals and not innocents, maybe the point is that it was in fact only criminals and not innocents.
Cassandra: the people of the undercity deserve to breathe
meanwhile Caitlyn
Because back in S1 Caitlyn would have never killed off Zaunite criminals like this, but here she does. It still doesn't imply that those are innocents.
he didn't watch the show
Janna the god took jinx's side on this one, cope.
This. Ep 3 caitlyn looks nothing like caitlyn from any other point in the show, idk what the fuck they were thinking cause it looks like she becomes a different character
Unrelated, but what is your stance on the holocaust?
The streets of Zaun are shown empty during most of the show, in season 1 & 2.
That is literally what Vi is saying in .
They unleashed the Gray into Zaun on a widespread scale to clear the streets, as in force people inside. Anon's description of tear gassing your entire neighborhood to get to some criminals is literally what they did.
But what Vi says in DOES imply it's innocents.
Jinx says she's fucked up too because she's gassing Zaun
Yes, we gassed Zaun but just to force people off the streets while we cracked heads and hit the drug houses.
caitlyn brainwashed her with her homosexual hitlerite pheromones
Yes, we gassed Zaun but just to force people off the streets while we cracked heads and hit the drug houses
And this is not evil
Isha never mentioned again
Just there for more cringe miseryporn
LMAO, embarassing
The undercity is a densely populated slum. Gas does not stay contained. It will spread into packed houses and harm innocents. People with weak lungs (very common in highly polluted regions like the undercity) and children will be harmed the most.
It is beyond fucked that Vi participated in this. Her teenage self would slit her neck if she knew this is what she becomes.
Difference between a plot device like Isha and Mylo and Claggor who get mentioned throughout the show all the time. But you have speed watcher xitters on here.
You can argue that all you want, but as long as you acknowledge that she was absolutely gassing civilian populations as part of her strike force operations.
There isn't anyway around her having gassed innocents and it's not "xitter headcanon" as you keep bleating.
The gas isn't lethal the way she is using it, it's literally that simple
The streets of Zaun are shown empty during most of the show
Except when they aren't, when they are, it's almost always because something is going down like enforcers have come knocking or because Caitlyn has deployed cancer gas that makes everyone run for their lives, but showing innocent people run from the gas would make Caitlyn look bad, so they don't do that.
Also, streets aren't just tunnels that allow people to get from A to B, they're typically lined with structures, buildings that the gas would probably seep into. Unless Caitlyn manifested psychic control over the gas and could perfectly control where it went, the Gray would have flooded into every other building on that street and filled the lungs of their inhabitants. It's just logical extrapolation, based on how streets work and how gas works.
It will spread into packed houses and harm innocents
Headcanon until confirmed. All they've shown are criminals. They had the chance to show innocents getting impacted by the attack and they didn't.
I would watch an entire season of this.
They tried to bring her closer to her LoL personality. S1 Caitlyn feels ooc if you know what she's like in the games.
I don’t think it was difficult to understand, it was just stupid. What could have been a simple revelation for Viktor ended up throwing away both characters for no real reason. The only way this ending would have worked is if they promised a movie featuring what happened to Viktor, Jayce, and Heimerdinger and their adventure to get back home.
In any case Christian’s sentiment obviously extends to Jinx/Ekko and episode 9 not being his desired hour and a half. Plus whatever else he’s keeping to close to his chest.
S1 Cait is young and idealist
You can move the goalposts all you want, it doesn't matter to me. She gassed innocents and you're a speed watcher. Backpedal to "well it wasn't lethal!" all you want. It's irrelevant.
Reminder that Ekko got abandoned and Jinx is never ever dating him
Do you really believe that Caitlyn told Vi about the extent of damage that could be caused by the Grey? It sounds to me like she sold her a more innocent story to get her to work along with her.
They had the chance to show innocents getting impacted by the attack and they didn't.
Hmmm I wonder why the writers decided to not show the logical consequences of their precious heckin lesbian's indefensible decisions.
Funny how caitlyn fucked maddie in another room while keeping Vi on her bed
No one's calling it immediately lethal, but flooding the street with a debilitating gas that is shown to cause extensive lung damage over prolonged exposure is still a pretty edgy thing to do, Riot and Fortiche just keep Caitlyn from appearing too morally reprehensible by refusing to show anyone actually innocent getting harmed by her gas at any point.
Cope all you want friend, all her actions are justified within the story.
She gassed criminals in a non-lethal manner which may or may not have temporarily affected nearby residents, in an attempt to prevent an even worse, more violent invasion of Zaun. Seethe about it
I'm sure Ekko can find another Zaun qt to be happy with but he'll probably reunite with Jinx at some point when the Arcane characters come back in like 20 years.
You think Vi doesn't know about the effects of the gas while growing up with Ekko,Vander and being abused by the enforcers? As long as caitlyn isn't literally gunning people down on the street Vi will justify it cause she's loyal like a fucking dog.
Lux has to leave Demacia
Jinx has to leave PnZ
They are one of the most popular ships and have been winked at for ages
Her actions were justified only in the eyes of oligarchs and their running dogs.
and have been winked at for ages
thats lux and ezreal
she never gassed anyone, speed watcher
yes, she did. You're the speed watcher
show me! show me one instance
okay well she gassed people but it was non-lethal
so you admit she gassed them?
yes but you're coping. YOU'RE COPING
lmao okay anon I'm coping about being objectively correct and you being objectively wrong.
you still have to show a single innocent being gassed
There are infinite versions of Ekko working to give Silco a grandchild
This anon understands
Jesus did I stumble into Twitter?
Just accept that the show didn't fully commit to Caitlyn being evil, they tried to do something different for her character BUT they already knew she needed to be good because Vi would be her endgame. By having just 9 episodes she goes from Hitler to Cutelyn by Vi calling her a cupcake and thats it
One-sided and just a gag.
Damn, Vi's cock is huge
not shown = not canon
You can stop with your essays about logic btw, like the other 10 plots weren't rushed nonsense crap. If they wanted people to believe Caitlyn gassed innocents, all they had to do was show a clip of an innocent suffering through the effects, but they didn't. So whatever you keep on yapping about is and forever will be a headcanon.
its one of the longest running in the series, next to garen and kat
treating it as a joke is almost entirely in the base game, but its a universal constant in every other spin-off
You mean like how every character operates in Arcane, through interpersonal relationships and self-ideals. It's clear to see back in S1, Ekko was established as young Vander/freedom fighter with him fighting oppression and being responsible for the innocent, something Vi wishes she was apart of. His sanctuary is a glimpse of what could've been. It's why he bounces off well with other characters despite how little screen time he gets (I kinda wish the writers leaned on that more but whatever). It's also why people think CaitVi from a romantic sense is dogshit as some writing aspects have to bend over backwards to justify their existence and people liked them more as friends back in S1.
it's called consistent character writing, why the fuck would Cait turn evil knowing how she is in season 1
You can infer it from what Vi says in and the fact that it was deployed on the streets. How would people clear the streets if they weren't exposed to the Gray? In order to clear the streets, these innocents would have to have been subjected to the gas.
It's just not shown on the screen because like says, they wanted Caitlyn to seem a little darker and a little edgier without fully committing to her being an evil authoritarian bitch, hence Riot's refusal to show her doing anything wrong even after she becomes commander-dictator of Piltover. The worst we get is a military checkpoint in Zaun where the Noxians are shown to be the true assholes, not anyone from Piltover.
Lux and Jinx fit perfectly together, they are exiles that need some warmth and love in their lives.
Ezrael is just an annoying, lecherous twink.
And beside Arcane set standards in LGBT representation soooo...
Gas behaves like a gas.
Do you think no innocents are killed in superhero movies when superman and the villain slam into a high rise and collapse it, but no bodies are explicitly shown?
Why is Ekko so possessive and controlling he gets jealous of guns?
Do you think no innocents are killed in superhero movies when superman and the villain slam into a high rise and collapse it, but no bodies are explicitly shown?
Yes, and this is often a plot point in those movies.
Loris shouldn't have died man.
Because she just lost her mother to a terrorist attack by an extremist who has previously traumatised her and has effectively ruined her life, with other Zaunites going out of their way to lash out at Piltover in S2E1, and her lover abandoning her to save the life of said terrorist.
That's enough to radicalise anyone.
If arcane was 3 seasons long, s2 would have Caitlyn as a villain.
thats just a tuesday for zaunites
And Jinx as a big fat hero.
So Vi is put in a similar situation to s1 but with the roles reversed.
Arcane set standards in LGBT representation soooo...
I can't be the only one that thought season 2 was an incoherent mess with lots of gay shit
Jinx is brave enough and he knows it
Lux and Jinx fit perfectly together
They fit as friends not lovers.
Ezrael is just an annoying, lecherous twink.
ezreal is actually a sad, lonely guy who hates himself and puts on a persona of what he sees as an idealized man to hide his own insecurity
lux would almost certainly deeply empathize with pretending to be someone you arent, even if their reasons are different
he only flirts with girls because he thinks thats what a cool guy does, when he sees lux, someone he actually likes, he drops the act and starts getting gushy
which is why skinline ezreals always get lux, in universes where ezreal has his act together there isnt anything really keeping them apart
Because she just lost her mother
She's also at fault for her mother dying. She could have killed Jinx in the S1 finale but chose not to because of Vi. That's why she keeps going on about how Jinx can't get away again, how she had the shot. She doesn't want her humanity to get in the way again, so she basically shuts it off.
They could have done great things with Caitlyn's plot but like the rest they fucked it up.
No wonder so many of them hate the guts of Piltover.
But hey, at least they now have Sevika serving on the Council to represent them, with six Piltover councillors to oppose her. Equality has been achieved at last.
Its just a goodbye hug!
Despite a lot of people here saying chinks are ultra racist and that they hate bmwf pairings i've seen a lot of chinese and somehow korean accounts making/retweeting timebomb fanart
They didn't want to risk actually vilifying her, because it would fuck up their most lucrative ship, so yeah, they fucked up by only going half-way with her.
didnt some super famous kpop person post timebomb on her insta?
Ekko's design is inoffensive. If it was K'Sante, on the other hand, I don't think they'd be anywhere near as receptive.
Caitlyn should become evil and hate everysingle zaunite (criminal or not) because a criminal killed her mom, and her stupid gf stopped her from getting revenge on said criminal, completely betraying her values and personality shown in season 1
This is what some retards here expected
And often their bodies are not shown because writers want to establish the seriousness™ and realism™ of their take without actually having the balls to commit to the full implications. Arcane's writing team pussied out and excused her evil shit with i was sad about my mommy and ambessa manipulated me. The problem is we all know how gas behaves, neither of those explanations are an excuse, and I'd be legally obligated to arrest her and turn her over to the MPs.
He is also really likable and admirable as a personality.
Characters turned into villains for lesser things
So as a whole, would you still recommend Arcane and rewatch? Rating?
chinks are ultra racist and that they hate bmwf
They hate caucasoids on a personal level moreso than blacks + it’s probably shipperwhale chink women doing the most of it. Women love shipfaggotry in a way that most men don’t understand.
And they even say that she couldn't go evil because of caitvi when this pairing has been around since waaaaay before Arcane.
S1 9,5/10
S2 6/10
Recommend back then, yes. Recommend now, no.
Well yeah, retards are upset because the story didn’t play out like the maymays
Imagine the sex
That's the majority opinion here. Some on twitter have the same complaints, but most normies loved the slop.
So as a whole, would you still recommend Arcane and rewatch?
He's a fag, he wouldn't know what to do with pussy if it sat on his face
Most normies just watch it, like it , and forget about it. Fans obviously are gonna care more deeply about it
i dont care about ekko
Worth a rewatch just to focus on the animation. There is some gorgeous shit, especially with facial expressions
I dont have to cause it never happened
would you still recommend Arcane
S1: 10/10
S2: 8/10
Overall score: 9/10
ships have romanticism that most people lack in their lives i guess
He's the typical, good guy mc and it's so fucking boring. Jinx is the best because she's the most complex. Can't believe they paired these two up.
I liked Ekko
And Singed and Silco.
I liked s1.
Generally, the less screen time a character had, the less time they had to fuck it up by looping the same arc for the 3rd time.
Rewatch S1, it works well as its own self contained season.
rewatch S2 only if you're a fan of animation
S1, yes. S2, yes but only if you love the animation of S1.
It did in at least one timeline
S1 Caitlyn would have never killed off Zaunite criminals
Didn't happen in season 2 either.
And this is a good thing. Ships are often the only way the lay people have to express their romantic feelings in an age where romance is slowly dying and being replaced by pessimism and hedonism.
Even in the Ma Meilleure Ennemie youtube video you can find a lot of people saying how much they miss this kind of innocent love without realizing that nothing is stopping them from getting it. Nothing is stopping them from trying and pretending it is the first time again.
no here we can discuss murder-rape in peace
What did Vi do to make her react like this?
Same, boring ass gary stu nigga
They must be rough.
Trauma destroyed any sense of ambition that she had and after everything that she lost, her personality shifted to revolve around clinging to anything that she had left - her connection to Powder, then her connection to Caitlyn, then her connection to Jinx and Vander, then back to Caitlyn after losing both Jinx and Vander and regaining Caitlyn's affection.
The CCP is censoring gay scenes and promoting straight ones because they need their people to reproduce. It's propaganda don't fall for it
Vi always did like using her fists
I truly hate normgroids with a passion
They want to import Africans and have Chinese women have children with them? Have they not seen what has happened to Europe?
It’s maybe that but mostlly because women are nosy as all hell by evolutions design
episode 9 not being his desired hour and a half
I don't get this, it's not like they're airing this on TV or something, like, if fucking Alex Hirsch can convince fucking Disney to run an extended episode on TV with no ads just for his darling episode, why can't Riot do this for fucking Netflix?
Like, it's fucking Netflix.
What? They don't have to import africans, just show happy straight couples to make their people want to pursue that too
Jayce did nothing wrong during the entire season, what a chad
He did not impregnate his twink, that's an L imo
Because Ekko is a decent human. You can see it in the series, not once does he mention the color of his skin, he loves and tries to protect his friend and community, and in Ep 7 you see how much Benzo means for him.
He made Hextech weapons to oppress the zauniggers
why would he, he is not a faggot :)
In fact he has a gf
They arent paired up.
Jinx literally abandoned him.
They didn't want to risk actually vilifying her
If anything, they made it worse by not having her properly confront flirting with being a fascist dictator for months.
Like, people on twitter are already calling her KuKluxKaitlyn, jokingly for the most part, sure, but still.
He made a rifle to keep a hot childhood friend safe against criminal scum
Two in the pink, one in the stink.
S1 9/10
S2 6.5/10.
I've rewatched the entirety of S1 a couple times but I probably won't rewatch S2 in the same way. I'll go back to a couple of scenes here and there, but that's it.
And over here, we called her Caitler, but the truth is that she did nothing because Fortiche was too scared of alienating Caitvi shippers.
Mel isn't pregnant, that's a massive failure on his part.
she did nothing because it wouldn't make sense for her character you mean
I find myself not really connected to Vi and Jinx’s ending especially when Jinx’s death is the result of Vi being a retard. That relationship fizzled out after episode 3. The highlight in act 3 for me was Ekko and Jinx. Between episode 7, her suicide attempt, and them teaming up at the end it was a nice little character arc for the both of them.
So what was the point of her accepting the position of dictator in a moment of angry angst, if the writers did nothing with this opportunity and had her abandon the position as soon as she reunited with Vi?
Netflix had no hand in that decision. Riot gave them a budget, Linke & co. decided how to spend it. They wanted to rush through and get to as many regions as possible, so they squashed three seasons worth of material into two.
Ez isn't a mage
Ez IS AAGE, ironically his magic is extremely similar to lux's, so the runeterra god have a good sense of humor
I feel like people are forgetting at the end of ep 9 people are writing down the names of people they lost and putting them in those huge ass bowls and I mean HUGE. And those people were casualties of caitlyn's decision to allow noxus into piltover and have sway in the government. Caitlyn's indirect kill count has to be in the thousands and yet its never even acknowledged. She was way more destructive to piltover than jinx and even more destructive to zaun than the chembarons bc I'd assume most zaunites couldn't even leave the way we saw pilties evacuating bc they probably didn't even have the money (al la seeing the poor zaunite couple put their kid on the evac train and they couldn't go with her)
But there's 40 minutes of basically finished product that have ended up on the cutting room floor, for S2E9 alone. What do they have to gain from that?
True, the sister relationship didn't really feel all that compelling.
Ekko stuff started being interesting but they cut off most of the E9 dialogue and then she left and he thinks she is dead, so the "building something new" thing went nowhere.
She’ll be back, she’s just going through her college lesbian phase with Lux
bruh it was the final battle. putting the fault on caitlyn only is cope.
Certified söy quality post.
True, the sister relationship didn't really feel all that compelling
Probably because it’s constantly on and off with them. This is why Warwick was so important going into the season but he was wasted.
Because it's about Ambessa gaining power in the story, not Caitlyn
we got like 5 Vander death scenes, it was goofy
I was in denial about it until the very minute arc released.
my bad, completely misread your post
The cut content wasn't finished, Fortiche did a rough draft and flat out told the riot team they weren't given the resources or time necessary for what Linke wanted, and to start cutting it down. Production realities hit like a bitch.
You can say what you want about Caitlyn but under her rule all the air ships arrived on time
Abd who let ambessa dance her black feet all over piltover and zaun unchecked despite having unlimited authority? Caitlyn was a disastrous leader and her decisions led to the final battle
Im finna bout to post more timebomb in the next thread
doing god's work, anon
You can blame all council members with that one.
Doomed ship, unfortunate you are so invested in it
Slav genes drive Viktor to turn metropolitan city into picrel
Tragedy makes romance that much more delicious
Police use tear gas all the time in every single western country.
Viktor builds more housing
My YIMBY king, I kneel
Stop coping anon. They are using the ship on tv ads and including it into league of legends. Even Linke said they will be continuing their story.
Future Piltover seemed like a pretty affordable place to get a flat in.
Warhammer gets copied-pasted by Warcraft, a mod for Warcraft gets made called Defence of the Ancients, DotA gets copy-pasted by League of Legends, LoL gets adapted into Arcane.
It's kind of hilarious that Pic related, literally ended up morphing into Arcane, through a process of fans just basically taking a setting they liked, tweaking it a little bit and releasing a new product.
The council members may have initiated martial law and caitlyn's reign, but caitlyn is ultimately the one who enabled ambessa and the noxians for months. She even learns about rictus roughing people up and continues to allow it despite being bothered by it. She had every opportunity to eject noxus, didn't, and thousands died
As long as you know its dusted, then cool
Linke also said he has t decided what to do with Emko/Zeri, so this ship is still open. Continuing their story doesn't mean in a relationship way. She will return to the city in 10-15 years for some reason and everyone will have moved on. She will probably have, too. With or without Lux is yet to be seen.
You're the type of person who sucks Ekko's good MC with no flaws bbc.
warhammer, warcraft and dota will never have an adaptation as good as arcane
I hate this timeline
Thats one of the cool things about humans and culture.
And now tons of young people inspired by Arcane will bring us even more creative stories, characters, beautiful animation, etc.
Thing I hate most about life is that I will one day not be here to keep enjoying what is being created.
Consider a situation where Ambessa didn't pick Caitlyn but Salo. He'd be even more of a doormat to her.
Also she did not have the option of kicking Ambessa out at that point. If she tried, Ambessa would have quietly removed her. Maddie was just lip service to test her.
no flaws
ends up alone and depressed
Ekko is a cautionary tale. Nobody is there to save the boy savior.
If you think about it it is perfectly understandable that Piltover can’t give independence to Zaun, it would be a huge security risk. It’s literally filled with terrorists shooting rockets at Piltover, imagine giving that independence and having a criminal rogue state next to you bend on your destruction
delete warwick
delete avengers
delete blackrose
simple as
I hate race mixing, actually, and I hate that jinx and even ekko were reduced to ship slop
Jinx with Lux will never happen. I don't even mind the ship itself, but Jinx simply does not work in Demacia. Putting her there will be a hyper whiplash for the setting. It would ruin the aesthetic and take away the focus on the ones that should be the main characters.
thinking of black cocks unprompted
what the fuck is wrong with white men
i dont think jinx should be paired with anyone in canon
Lux gets exiled for being a m*ge and they meet up in their trip. They bond over being outcasts and one thing leads to another…
For dumb political reasons the Geneva convention doesn't apply to internal policing operations, only to nations at war. This is widely viewed as a mistake.
Regardless, Caitlyn was fighting a class war, putting down an internal rebellion, and allowing ambessa to occupy the city to help her wage this war.
Jinx's screen time was wasted in this fightslop.
We needed way more dialogue and character interactions.
Comparing S1 finale to S2 finale makes me depressed
he did impregnate her thankfully.
pretty sure they intended for lux to head towards ionia after she runs from demacia, where she bumps into ezreal and blitzcrank
ends up alone and depressed
His fault for all of a sudden forgetting about his firelight friends and treehouse. Ending would have been better if they showed us with his group working on painting more stuff on mural, but was shown sad looking up at Powder.
It could work if it's an arc of healing for Jinx. Pure fanfic she's taken in by the Crownguards and given a place to recouperate before heading on her way. But she'd effectively be a tertiary character, at best, a confidant in Jinx.
It's weird because Garen's LoR story mode (which is fucking awful) has his second chapter be against Jinx when he's on the rebound from KAtarina breaking up with him (Why? No conclusion.)
This. He goes back to his world because he can't abandon his friends, yet spends his time moping over a girl who doesn’t even exist.
Shit is dumb.
A huge security risk for the 1% of Pilties that have all the political and economic power. They can rot in hell, none of this would've happened if they were the tiniest bit less greedy.
sounds familiar
He is a teenager
It always is the tendency of the worthless to blame anyone but themselves
You're not supposed to swallow the boot
Chris, lee, and Amanda happened. Saw an interview with Amanda that said bc of covid the writers room was effectively reduced down to the 3 of them. And those niggas even said themselves on btr that they can't write. Idk why riot allowed this
Why do you think she will be exiled? Isn't being a mage in secret until the time she has to use her powers to protect her city her whole thing? She has to be there to wake up Galio
They reduced every character to ship crap. That's the problem.
You guys think they could've made Ekko the 3rd protagonist to Vi and Caitlyn + Ambessa the villains for this season, resolving some potential issues with it
Vi and Caitlyn falling out
Vi meets up with Ekko and Heimerdinger back in Ekko's communal tree
Half of the season is them wiping the fuck out of existing Chem Barons (They could even include Renata Glasc in this season if they want)
Servika and Jinx can easily access the Chem Barons but the CBs want those fags gone with them resembling Silco's tarnished regime
Vi and Ekko could have conflicting views on Jinx: They both LOVE Powder but Vi still wants to save Jinx while Ekko thinks too far gone
Caitler can be at the mercy of Mel (Good) and Ambessa (Bad)
Maddie could be the one who betrays Caitler but fails to do so
Ekko and Heim could still vanish enabling all hell break lose between Zaun and Piltover
Yeah I believe you get the picture of where I'm going with this. Some scenes can still remain the same and others need a complete overhaul to make sense. You could even Vi, Jinx, and Ekko coming together at the ending to destroy the big bad(s) as it's so weird how none of them talk to each other in the finale.
She will have to reveal her powers to save the day and then will get exiled in the ending.
Meet up Jinx and they start traveling together.
Wizard Viktor and the presence of Noxians ruins the aesthetic of Arcane and P&Z, but that didn't stop Fortiche and Riot.
That works because they are shown as an invading force. As a viewer you're supposed to want them out. If Jinx was in Demacia they would have to include a scene of her doing her paint explosions triumphal entry and you would be expected to cheer
Tahm Kench, Jhin, Pantheon, and Illaoi ship Garen and Katarina
Geneva conventions are a virtue signal anyway, not even western nations care about it in actual real war scenarios.
Also you're acting like Caitlyn tear gassing civilians is as if she dumped white phosporus on a village.
putting down an internal rebellion,
Completely justified. She was destroying the crime syndicates that Piltover should have removed a long time ago.
retards insists the writers didn't change between s1 and 2
Amanda admits it herself
retards say vi will end up an enforcer, caitlyn a sherif, and jinx will go crazy again despite chris linke saying for years that they will explore beyond that
none of that sticks, as he said
The latter was at least understandable bc it did sound too dumb to be believable
Jarvan, I'm not going to let you go until you promise to fuck my sister
Lazy ass excuse from them. This isn't 1940, the script could've been fixed with the team of experienced scriptwriters they had in S1, discord team calls, and a google doc.
I think Ekko is the only true successor to Silco’s Zaun dream but I don’t think he works as a tritagonist, that role clearly belongs to Caitlyn
She was meant to have design elements from the people she cares about
Yes stupid and that's why she has elements of Ekko there because, and this might hit you like a rock because of how slow and stupid you are, she does care about him.
Maybe but Caitler not happening will always baffle me. In a year from now, people will see CaitVi to be the most dogshit aspect of S2 where the non-gay relationship (Viktor and Jayce) and AU relationship (Jinx and Ekko) are seen as the highlights. Their sex scene coupled with good music is the only good thing about their romantic relationship only due to the sensational reason of the song heightening the moment no matter how ass people think it is.
Nah, Caitvi was simply irrelevant this season. The actual dogshit part was the arcane hivemind nonsense and the black rose plot that went nowhere and wasted space.
Are you really being cucked if an alternate you took over your life for a couple of months and kissed your girlfriends even though you have probably done that a thousand times before and then actually just reinvigorated your relationship?
It's still you. Same spit same sperm same dna
season 2 of arcane
what I expected:
what I got:
they actually tried to do that
but lux would rather leave demacia and live with the unwashed masses than spend time with jarvitler
not even western nations care about it in actual real war scenarios.
And yet it the obligation to and importance of disobeying unlawful orders was still drilled into us.
Caitlyn was conducting a counter-insurgency operation. It was low grade warfare. Chemical weapons, even when "just" tear gas, should never ever be used in any context. They are not controllable, we cannot prevent it from from harming those that should not be harmed, and are simply bad tools for the job.
Cait belongs in a prison cell.
swallow the boot
The boot doesn’t stamp down on the upper classes retard
So even Jinx designer is on our side?
We have the two main writers, the director of riot, the current LoL Ekko writer, the current LoL Jinx writer, 2XKO director, AND even the original Ekko AND Jinx designer on our side.
But no dudes, it's going nowhere from now on, I swear.
How do you end the show with Caitlyn as the sheriff with this plot?
Point me to a country that puts its cops in prison for using tear gas during riots.
Nah, AU me is a different person with different life experiences. I'd be pissed if my identical twin fucked my partner.
How do ekkotards cope knowing jinx will always prioritize vi over their swirl ship?
highly implied au powder will use the universe hopping device to find vi, abandoning ekko
jinx leaves PnZ and abandons ekko for what she perceives is vi's own good
The caitvi scenes were extremely minor no matter how much you cucks keep going on about it
Do you think Jinx was a virgin?
arcane hivemind nonsense
Didn't mind that but Viktor being the mage who gave Jayce the stone still kinda confuses me.
black rose plot
Oh yeah they should've axed that shit altogether and reduced it to a tease for the sequel series. Servika was right there to make into a champion but the casino mechanic is stapled onto Jinx's new skin so that can't happen lmao
I responded to this line of argument here
highly implied au powder will use the universe hopping device to find vi
yuritard delusion
Silco has her do some odd jobs to other chembarons when she was a kid.
Cait belongs in a prison cell
The Cait hate is blown so out of proportion only because she's a dyke. Jinx has done 100x worse things, Jayce and Viktor have killed innocents, but let the dyke do it and she's hitler.
What if it was your identical twin but also on YOUR body with YOUR memories
Dykes are torn between "My CaitVi" and "FUCKING COP!"
That's a good question: you could have her die in this setting or end up in a coma. Might be underwhelming as I didn't think that part through.
When Germans use mustard gas in WW1 it’s based, when dyke dictator dies it it’s evil. Don’t bother with these people, they have no principles
So tear gas is not even illegal irl and you want Caitlyn in prison in their magical steampunk world that doesn't even have Geneva?
I'm queer myself, I don't care if she's a lesbian. I'm morally opposed to all the shit she pulled and damage she did to people who had nothing to do with her mommy's (deserved) death.
It's a bit jarring what goes on in Ep 6 between them as opposed to the "what-if" portion for Ekko and Powder.
jayvik, timebomb, niggers in tutus...
these threads are becoming useless
In other words your solution is character assassinating Caitlyn like they did Warwick
Amanda also confirmed that Timebomb can only happen in a universe without Vi because Vi would otherwise take up all the space in Powder's heart.
Opinion discarded
So what's fishbro's story?
Bet you think Jinx was justified in killing the progress day guards in an insidious terror attack because they wore blue. And the redhead girl of the firelights deserved it too because she was annoying jinx.
I'm queer myself
WTF does this even mean, just fucking use the word homosexual or leave.
Jinx is clinically insane. Caitlyn should have known better.
New thread
She hid the hexgems in her vi shrine in a drawer labeled "vi," didn't tell ekko or heimer that she had them, and is clearly living an aimless life that even other characters comment on. She's going in that damn thang
Already said it above but caitlyn's leadership led to thousands dying so no, she was actually worse than jinx
Genuinely believe if they made the finale 1hr 30 mins+ as originally intended then most of the issues people have with the ending wouldn't have emerged. I wouldn't mind if it was a EoE final movie thing they held off at a later date.
Anon the point is that chemical weapon usage is supremely shitty. Cait had no justification for using it. Soldiers can kick in doors without gassing the slums, we're trained to do it, and we manage to do it all the time.
rules only for thee, not for me
Why are internet lefties like this?
Damn wait where'd she say that... I love winning
caitlyn's leadership led to thousands dying
Name 1 person other than her mother.
good point
Enforcers are thugs of the wealthy, i don't care if they die
The firelight execution was shitty and Jinx should feel bad
Jinx is like Ciri of lol so yes
Her live reaction to episode 7.
Did you forget the ending scene where people on the bridge are putting the names of the people they lost in the noxus fight in those ginormous bowls. The noxus fight that was her fault, mind you
Killing your oppressors is good
That was all Jayce.
That's supposed to be the things she learns to move on... Why would the showrunners make an entire episode about learning that you have to let some things behind to be able to move into the future, show a Powder that needs to learn to move into the future and you still believe she will do the opposite and chase the past?
If your commander thought that throwing in a canister of tear gas into a building full of armed terrorists would save your life and those of the rest of your squad, and there was no such thing as Geneva, he would do it too.
we're trained to do it
No one wants to storm houses, it's the worst thing to do. That's why nowadays you just blow them up with artillery and drones if you think there are enemies inside.
What if current jinx is AU powder in Jinx's body? She came to this timeline to save Vi's life something she couldn't do in her own timeline.
yeah, yeah sure. if jinx had done the same thing, people on here would be jacking off to it. just admit you hate the dyke and move on.
Danke, wow. Crazy how reinforced jinxvi is
I can guarantee you that any ground assault would have created far more victims
The whole point of her Arc was moving on from Vi. That's why she quotes Ekko after the party. The crystals imply she's gonna start building the stuff she wants to change the world instead of just being an assistant.
Also she doesn't have the Z drive and would need the help of the other ekko to build a new hexcore.
Wow. I love Amanda now.
notice how it progressively got more gay through that process.
Admit it you only defend her because she's a cute girl and a dyke.
Ultimate doomed ship. Lmfao. Timebombs clinging onto that AU for life.
Yes and this is why what Caitlyn did was the least bad option in the situation.
you are not ready for Jhinx
It kinda baffles me Viktor was kinda 'manosphere' thing 3 years ago, no one wouldn't have believed it what happened to him in s2
I am The Dyke, dumbass. I used to ship caitvi but don't anymore bc of the direction they took with her character that they poorly handled. Also if jinx decided to play petty dictator and fucked up that bad with no consequences bc the writers took her side I wouldn't like that either
If your commander thought that throwing in a canister of tear gas into a building full of armed terrorists would save your life and those of the rest of your squad, and there was no such thing as Geneva, he would do it too.
He can do what he likes, but placing my safety above the innocent is not what I signed up to do.
And that isn't the situation Cait faced. She had options, and she chose a shitty one.
That's why nowadays you just blow them up with artillery and drones if you think there are enemies inside.
Depends on the situation. War is an extension of politics. If we're fighting in a densely packed area and don't want to create more enemy combatants we're going to be as surgical as possible to keep collateral damage down. That often means putting ourselves in danger and door kicking. And no we don't use tear gas for that, flashbangs are the better tool.
Consider that this also means Jinx is basically unshippable with anyone until Vi croaks
What did he say?
Technically speaking she let go of Vi so you can ship her with anyone now.
Why are are his eyes like that
She never said that though, she said Vi not being there made it easier. In no way she ever implied Jinx would love Vi like that.
Wrong. This universe still has Vi.
you know, he's a colossal faggot, he's only interested in twink like viktor
You can't reason with yuri/yaoi fags anon
I miss when this was jinx’s main ship, timebomb is such a downgrade
She said that Vi takes up all the spot in her heart so she allowed herself to love Ekko in that AU.
Always with you sis even if we're worlds apart!
You just know she's gonna continue to obsses over Vi even when she's fucking her Demacian girlfriend.
Truthfully I don't give a shit to him, nogspammers already moved to another fotmship even they know how boring ekko is
girl deals with traumatic event at young age ( sister dying because of her)
copes by getting blacked
Many such cases
Jinx convinces Lux to cut her hair and dye it pink as a "disguise"
ep 7 intro vinyl replaces vi with the boy she kisses
jinx tries to kill herself after giving caitvi her blessing and her tears tracts even form a "vi"
He's more of a bear enjoyer, and I do ship him with Viktor, but what does that have to do with his eyes looking in different directions
we will never see the AU of Powder being unhealthily clingy with Vi
Life sucks man
Rainbow Six isn't real life, anon. You're a fucking larper.
He can do what he likes, but placing my safety above the innocent is not what I signed up to do.
Said not a single soldier who had to fear for their lives fighting a guerilla force.
No one will love Vi more than Jinx does. Not even that enforcer bitch.
Literally Linke said they are doing more Ekko/Jinx, how is half of each thread still taken up with arguments about this?
Literally Linke said they are doing more Ekko/Jinx
broken ship
Being doomed only makes it hotter.
If I had the time I'd cook together an image of Linke carrying this ship on his back
timebombs are the most disgusting shippers by far.
25ID 2016-2020
She still has ekko and heimers hexcore notes, all she has to do is fire the device up. Before, she hadn't seen what it could do. And it would make sense that she would whip up some fresh chaos bc the use of hextech at all seems to lead to insane consequences. Ekko inadvertently doomed that timeline and cucked his alt self bc what are the chances she would disassemble that thing when she has all the resources she could ever need to use it
my favorite piece so far
Ekko will plaps Jinx's pussy senselessly and turned her back into Powder again.
fucking cringe go kill yourself
piltovers finest but instead of becoming partners fighting crime, they've become disabled sugar mommy and baby. ty amanda.
not before I rape you to death
But powder is boring and lame , how is this not just the same shit of season 1 with Ekko wanting to turn jinx back into powder wrongly while chad silco tells her she’s perfect just the way she is
It's a spammer who is samefagging.
And were you ever in a situation where you had to fear for your life?
Jinx is just a misery porn.
Powder is the girl of your dream.
Maybe chad silco was wrong this one time
chad silco tells her she’s perfect just the way she is
that scene goes so fucking hard
Because Silco was wrong and she was not perfect, she was broken.
Final Jinx form is perfect - the tenderness of Powder and the mischievousness and unpredictability of Jinx.
Will love intensely and rip the face off of anyone who fucks with you.
Vi is gonna become league Vi and the meltdown will be hilarious, imagine a spin-off were they go back to Piltover and we see Vi punching criminals till they are crying on the floor.
Trust the plan. She will use the device, suffer unforeseen consequences, and become jinx again. Also jinx was perfect, ironically the writers were just too scared to have her be a villain
I’m queer
fuck off Amanduh
You ruined S2 with your bad writing and insidious lesbophobia
Wrong. Jinx is my dream girl, boring au manic pixie powder is my nightmare
This, jinx was perfect but the writers didn’t understand that and turned her back into powder
Jinx is the girl of my dreams, some hood “I’m so quirky “ art hoe absolutely isn’t
There’s a point in the episode where you can just see it in her face that she’s considering it after Ekko saying something.
all she has to do is fire the device up
She has no hexcore, which means she has no hextech. She can't build one on her own. Pay attention.
Honestly what was the point of all the scenes in the au telling powder she’s wasting her life away
I want to brutally rape vi and then burn her alive magically condensing her final torturous memory and feelings into some really good in-universe version of meth and then force Jinx to smoke it with me and relive her sisters terrible final memories.
what do you think would happen anons?
JinxVi fags don't care about Jinx. They want her as miserable as possible and her to throw away every chance of maturing and development so they can fuel their incestuous desires.
Jinx = stinky and dirty
Powder = clean and smells like flowers
Where did Vi's hand go?
the girl who reverse engineered hextech alone after stealing the gem from jayce and viktor's lab wouldn't be able to get the machine running even when she has the whole thing already built, the gems necessary, and the aforementioned notes
You guys really underestimate jinx
Caitlyn "Can't be Kept from the Cunt" Kiramman
this she is really smart probably the smartest person in the show after viktor.
She doesn't have the gems though, she only has the raw stones which have a tendency to fucking explode.
Timebomb is the new EzXLux expect all Ekko and Jinx skin to be themed together from now on, I won't even be surprised if she becomes part of true damage in the future
There would have been no sane and healthy Jinx without reconcilliation with Vi and knowing that she is alive and everything is ok with her
Jinx needed could peacefuly leave Vi at any possible moment after war was over and all that *sacrifice* narrative was pure tears-edging shit with 0 sense
their incestuous desires
I think you mean her incestuous desires.
The writers didn't even gaf about jinx. I'd have preferred for her to have become the antagonist to piltover and for cait to have become the antagonist to zaun, and for vi to have become the bridge between them. It was all there. PnZ are even called the sister cities. Also you can ship something without wanting them to scissor on screen, per se. Even though the ascended low chaos, low body count ending is clearly caitvijinx but it'd be too much for normies
and there's nothing wrong with this
Some poeple still thinks Vi is the top
oh shit maybe drawing them into and incestuous relationship that results in their public humiliation and ostracization first would be better. Then do how much further can we go anons?
It'd probably be easier to get the device running with whole stones than those damn slivers they were working with
Jinx canonically has incestuous desires towards Vi. We can't help it that we notice it.
True Damage is even a thing? I thought they only had one song
It has more chances of a return than the boyband project that's for sure
On Cait's pants obviously
Maddie fingered her better
I need art of Maddie tearing cait up with a strap, desu. You just know ambessa trained her in the art of dicking a woman down so good they just have to come back for more
I don't have a pic but Jinx already in True Damage with Ekko in some promos for season 1 of Arcane.
Since Jinx gave up on Vi that means her heart is now open to accept Ekko
Thank you anon for fueling the timbomb