do yall think wildstorm characters merge pretty well in dc universe or its just couple of character like grifter who integrated smoothly?
Do yall think wildstorm characters merge pretty well in dc universe or its just couple of character like grifter who...
Wildstorm should have stayed its own thing.
Grifter sucks.
Planetary and the Authority can both come over if necessary but Wildcats, Gen13, Majestic, etc. can all stay in a separate universe.
They really need their original universe back. They don't integrate AT ALL, and in fact every single one got badly damaged by forcing them.
Planetary and the Authority don't work in the DC universe at all, either. Both of them are built in part on intrinsic, fundamental criticism of the DC universe, which is only catastrophically compromised by forcing them in. There's literally zero point or profit to that.
theyre good for one-off story like that kelly action comics run where the elite basically authority pastiche when DC dont owned wildstorm yet
I don't think they merge well at all. I guess Grifter did okay and so did Midnighter, but it was a misstep and honestly I'm still a bit salty about Captain Atom fucking the entire Wildstorm universe raw.
where is gen13??? i want to fuck all 3 of them at the same time
whats wrong?
Planetary and the Authority can both come over if necessary but Wildcats, Gen13, Majestic, etc. can all stay in a separate universe.
I'd argue the exact opposite
Grifter and Zealot and Fairchild all slide into the DCU pretty seamlessly. The other Wildcats and Gen 13 teammates can tag along.
But Planetary and Authority are too disruptive as concepts. I would be... okay with Stormwatch coming over.
Its a shame that Warren Ellis' The Wild Storm reboot got fucked. I would have liked to see what he was attempting with a separate Wildstorm universe featuring Wildstorm versions of DC characters like Aquaman and Wonder Woman
for me just get rid of character that already had similar traits to DC main hero like mister majestic, dude basically superman apollo can stay because hes different gay blackops superman
The Wild Storm was complete ASS and deserved to be cancelled by issue six. DEI Muppet WildStorm. No thank you, and I'm even happy Ellis got cancelled because of it.
between 2001-2010 yes.
After that: NO
I can reconcile Mr Majestic with Superman, but its harder to imagine Superman co-existing with Apollo & Midnighter
DEI Muppet WildStorm
Prettyvsure DEi isn't informing Ellis' writing choices.
He made Kherubim Yon Kohl a black guy, made Jackson King a Jackie, turned Miles Craven into a gay beta manlet, made Michael Cray a useless black simp, turned the Authority into the Lesbian Tryst, and implied humanity was retarded and needed the guidance of daddy aliens. I know it was ASS, but did you even read it, anon?
I think that was him just wanting to change those characters, not some nebulous funding group asking him to write it that way for a comic that sold maybe a few thousand copies.
The Netflix Castlevania guy just randomly decided to transform a broad swathe of characters along obvious DEI agendas.
Of course, midwit anon.
The Netflix Castlevania guy
lol how casual are you?
Maybe the real answer is that Ellis was always a subversive liberal writer. "DEI" or whatever boogieman doesn't change that.
muh casual
muh boogieman
So you didn't notice how Ellis' priorities changed when he became a Hollyweird creature? He was always about exposing the falsehoods of establishment thinking until he was being courted and paid by said establishment, at which point he became its biggest cheerleader faggot. Good thing it bit him in the ass.
Castlevania was still the same fedora-tipping shit he's always done. Castlevania was huge to me in the 2000's, and I remember reading the announcement he was doing DTVs for it, and dreading what he'd write. And he put out about what I expected.
It's not surprising to me that a historically liberal writer would bend over backwards to show how liberal he is, no quota lists needed. Do you not remember Nextwave with the not-so-subtle subtext of how Monica Rambeau was smarter and better than everyone else and only forced to slum the way she was because she's a woman, and has to deal with a bunch of dumb white people?
Yeah, the poison was always stewing within him since Ministry of Space, but he changed from being critical of establishment thinking to supporting it without even realizing how he got captured. I'd bet the same thing happened to yourself and thousands of 'anarchists' and 'left wing critics' via the idpol wedge they all attached themselves to uncritically.
No dude I'm just old enough and have been noticing patterns since I was literally 6 that white liberals will trip over themselves to show how not racist and progressive they are.
muh white liberals
So you've been captured and compromised by idpol, as well.
yeah sure, ooga booga, gonna get you.
No, anon. It got you.
I feel like they could, but do we want them to?
If that was seriously all you took away from Nextwave then you got brainbroke 20 years ago.
Nope. We want the original WildStorm universe back and intact. We want StormWatch Prime meeting up with the WildC.A.T.s at Clark's Bar for drinks and a quick skirmish with the Mercs, just before I.O. Black Razors arrive to dickwave the scene. We want Gen13 and DV8 dabbing on Ivana Baiul. We want WetWorks and their secret wars with the Night Tribes, the High and his war against the modern establishment, Elijah Snow and his war against the breakaway civilization, Ben Santini and TAO each fighting their individual wars against the Secret Monarchy. We want Mr Majestic, we want the Authority, we want Kaizen Gamorrah - we want it all and we want them to have their proper role, history, and due.
In short, we want WildStorm.
Weren't they setting up Hellspont as some big huge event villain back in the early Nu52? The fuck happened to that?
Lies all the time
Not to defend Castlevania but you're an absolute sped if you think you were supposed to side with Monica. The whole point of Nextwave was that they were all petty and bitter assholes.
yeah. Apparently "Demon Knights" was supposed to set something up about the secret history of the Daemonites on earth8ptygh
Why would you need Daemonites if you already have Martians and Durlans, though?
That story's pretty bullshit when you think about it. It's just a manchild bitching how the real world doesn't work like his comics and cartoons. Peace on Earth and global kindness will never be a thing due to human nature. We're just way too flawed to have those things become a reality.
Is it really that hard to believe that these guys could willingly insert all that gay shit into all the shit they make? How is the conspiracy shit more believable over an individual's personal choices?
And now you know why Wildstorm and DC don't mix.
Who's talking about a conspiracy, fucking numbnuts. That shit's DEI shit, period. Fuck off and be retarded somewhere else.
I'm the second post itt, anon. You're just repeating things I've already said, to me.
They need the original Wildstorm universe back because they don't integrate with the DCU that well at all.
Peace on Earth and global kindness will never be a thing due to human nature. We're just way too flawed to have those things become a reality.
Incidentally I feel like Peace on Earth the story was a far better examination of why this shit doesn't work while still suggesting that we should be striving for it anyways. Turns out accepting reality doesn't mean you have to surrender to cynicism
Ellis does it on his own accord. Guys like him bought into that gay diversity shit wholesale, and voluntarily incorporate it in their works.