why don't finncels just insert as PB instead, an actual chad
Why don't finncels just insert as PB instead, an actual chad
Sorry I'd rather marry gum stalin then be her.
t. Don't care about finn
I’d rather self insert as Marceline. Her loneliness and father issues are relatable to me.
self-inserting as a woman
So you're finally admitting you're a tranny.
Thinks pb is a chad, obviously this man is retarded
we already know that trannies self insert into Yuri couples
I'd like to insert myself into PB, if you know what I mean.
Because I'm not a woman.
You're not Finn either.
And I'm not Marceline, and I'm not PB.
One of those three is a guy with a penis, though.
PB if made of bubble gum, Marceline could tear her to pieces with no effort.
you lack imagination
If she was skin and bone Mareline could still tear her apart with no effort. She wouldn't though. PB has neutralised her through emotional control.
I don't want to imagine sex with other men.
and yet, here we are
We? I'm not imagining it.
Hey, you brought up gay sex, not me.
Unlike people who say "finncel," Finn enjoyers are not autogynephiles.
I never cared for Adventure Time that much even during the early episodes though I did love some of the songs. I feel bad for the Finn fans. Original creator intended Marceline and Princess Bubblegum to be his romantic interest like Betty, Veronica, and Archie then fags took control of his work and gayed it up and had Finn go under a humiliation ritual. Glad, I was a Regular Show enjoyer and not an Adventurecel.
Fuck the new generation and their obsession with "self-inserting".
I blame anime and capeshit
I prefer this dynamic
I prefer this dynamic
You think Charlie should shave her head and run a militarized political organization that worships her?
I think charlie should have a childhood friend who is a leader of a fanatic religious terrorist organization.
Self inserting is for fags. Finn haters are weirdos.
lol,if anything,Marceline would be the one doing the bullying
Marceline acts tough but is a real softie. PB is ruthless.
I think they're still stuck on Rebecca Sugar's hatred for Finn. Most of them act and post like Sugarshills especially when it comes to her shipping Bubbline.
Sugar didn't hate Finn, come on now. She enjoyed writing him get emotional, because she's Sugar, but she respected his character.
Marceline could literally walk right through PB in that pic.
PB is not a chad, but she does like Marceline and would do anything with her even if it's demeaning
I'm not a Nazi.
Nah, just like her shills who spam these Finncel threads she hated Finn and wanted him written off the show so she could focus on Bubbline. She liked watching Finn cry and suffer, she didn't respect him at all as she constantly wanted to kick him while he was down too.
I know, this anti-self inserting thing is weird
She wrote one bubbline episode, in which Finn was prominent also.
why is it always brown hispanics who self-insert as the mediocre white boy™ in every new cartoon and throw fits when it ends without every girl on his jock?
not my fault. Ive been in love with her since 2010 so I've been self-inserting as him since I was around his age
spiritually, this is the dynamic between them in their souls. Marceline is nice with a hard exterior, PB is evil with a soft exterior.