Why Anon Babble like this?

Why Anon Babble like this?

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Because cute girls are cute. Especially cute brown women.

Because cute and wifable.

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Why Anon Babble like this?

Why aren't you?

Because i need a negress to ove and cherish


Lots of black chicks are into racist dudes. It's a meme for a reason.

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tfw no black bro (female)

Why live?

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Yah, I would say 2% of black girls are into racist white dudes. The thing is all of these chicks are typically the tradprottie sort. I don't think any woman with two black parents has ever larped as a nazi, is what I'm saying (maybe mixed but definitely not full)

Because black women are the best

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What about the years you weren't black?

I don't think any woman with two black parents has ever larped as a nazi, is what I'm saying

I could see it happening, like those white girls who only fuck black dudes and make their entire personality about black supremacy. Usually stems from parental resentment.

Just because you voted for Biden doesn't mean you're Black

Just because you haven't seen one doesn't mean they don't exist. Have some faith, brownanon.

UNDERRATED!!!!!!! they're also cheap and will fuck for $80

Post hand with timestamp, Nigger

Not always. Sometimes they're cute and smell nice and have nice tits and asses. Personality is a crapshoot though.

Cute but I won't want to marry her because I don't believe I could actually love our mixed race children

I don't believe I could actually love our mixed race children

You need to become powerful enough that your seed will give you a 100% white baby from any shade of woman.

mutt larping as being white

Is the implication you don't care if you love your wife or are you just a weird schizo who could love a black woman but not your children?

He obviously means that he finds mixed race kids gross and does not want to have any.

I have been black for over 20 years

Your race isn't a job bro

Wasn't a Anon Babble meetup all brown guys

Puu's art makes my heart ache and my lust increase tenfold.

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Wouldn't be suprised honestly.

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As a black guy, I can say it's way more than 2% and really black girls are weird. My cuz got with a broke white boy who a deadbeat and she has two strong black parents 1 being a pastor other being a doctor. So it's a weird thing, she even dropped out of college for him and has like 3 kids.

Also look at twitter the biggest racist under a bmwf post is sistahs a lot of the times. Then look at how poorly they'll talk about black men then praise white guys. It's basically just a weird mentality of trading up, black guys want nicer females. Black girls want better guys but ironically they both end up becoming subservient to their spouses. So if only they took that mentality to a bmbf relationship they'd be good. But idk some girls feel like they just want to be a white guys lil coon kek.

But idk some girls feel like they just want to be a white guys lil coon kek.

And some white women want to be a black dudes punching bag. Just the way the world turns.

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I don't think I'm my bfs "lil coon" we're both equals in a relationship without weird race shit getting involved. The Internet is a strange place, I'll take whatever is said on twitter with a grain of salt

Oh definitely, just using as a example and it's not just there black girls have a habit of hating on black men dating out of their race. But as I said you see tons of black girls with white guys and they tend to down play or talk down on black men even outside of that.

But hey good for you, would suck otherwise unless it's just a bed room thing. I was just using some real life examples I've seen where it does go in a way where even with two strong parents some girls just fall for that weird bad guy. I think to each their own anyway just was saying 2% is to small even if we are just talking the raceplay relationships.

No one asked for your opinion especially when we all know you've yelled "Yes massa!" once in bed race traitor, this is a discussion for black men scholars to estimate the percentage of black women who are miscegenating race traitors.

Okay pajeet

Cause black women actually care about you if you show love back. Why do you think more and more zoomers are dating these women now. Not that I'm complaining, best sex I have ever had was with a black woman.

Why do you think more and more zoomers are dating these women now.

They aren't, though. Zoomers and Alphas the most the most dateless, single generations in US history.

Believing the stats of some random website.

You haven't been outside, I have.

He isn't wrong I'm white as shit and my younger brother and his friends are all dating black girls and the weird part is that they're all actually very nice

Ignore Birchy he is a compulsive liar, yeah no one is dating nowadays.

this is a discussion for black men scholars to estimate the percentage of black women who are miscegenating race traitors.

No, this is a discussion about cute black girls actually.

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Cause black women actually care about you if you show love back

Let me just add something in there *if you aren't black*

My gf's ex-friend was very self-hating and self-racist. She went further than BDSM and actually wanted to be punched, called slurs, and had a confederate flag on her wall.

Yes like I said, it's a discussion about black girls miscegenating and how many do it.

wants to do goth/emo

includes nazism

Cute girls still.

Now that you mention it, every single one of my friends is dating a white guy/black girl as well. When will it be my turn?

I have been black for over 20 years

my condolences, hope you get better

You're just jealous that white women that tried to ruin mens lives resulting in men dating outside their races while y'all sit and rot and do your little 4B protest or whatever.

Y'all got the bears, go to them. I'll stay with my thicc big booty black gf. Cause I'd rather have a woman who cares about me instead of a banshee.

Wtf brichy aren’t you a woman/trans?

Post baby Hana images

I get that degradation is a thing, but that's just plain sad.

Same here, my cousin's are dating them too that or Asians

Did you pull an MJ after 20 years and switched teams?

He was a little white girl with pigtails until those damn scientists got their hands on him

Should've never agreed to that experiment.

All boards are like this.

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love this pic, especially the pikachu hoodie and her smile :)

God i wish that was me.

Me on the left.

He's literally me

I don't think it's that weird, goths use satanic imagery all the time, it's just edgy shit.

ye, ye (ye)

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You be brown and still be Caucasian. That's DNA and racial makeup works. Just because someone is a different shade doesn't mean they're not same race.
Now let's about ethnicities.

A lot of women too damn.

Go back and reread what you posted. Gee and I thought you guys were supposed to be inclusive.

"I'm all for diversity until they disagree with me"

And they wonder why they lost.

Cute is cute. Now just having brown girls isn't enough for dudes to like them. They have to be attractive & likable in personality. Skyla fills those requirements.

No, this is a discussion about cute black girls actually.

Good idea, everyone start posting black cuties, bonus points if you have anything wholesome.

I have been black for over 20 years

Congrats on the race transition, anon!