for me its sweet sting

thanks shakira


She has boobs now


rare upgrade

and somehow the flat bunnies get all the porn

Chest breasts CONFIRMED none of that faggot flat chest multi udder weird shit anymore

Gazelle >>>>> Judy


guys what name do we give our gazelle character

you're never gonna believe this i've got the best name idea ever

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side gag becomes more important

Oh no. Not that.

Those hips

Those boobs

Angel with horns indeed

Happy.png - 692x872, 946.61K

He doesn't know about Zootopia+

Great taste

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ask for big hips in the first movie

they oblige

ask for bewbs in sequel

they oblige again


I originally thought she was gonna be the twist villain

There's only one gazelle for me

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ooOOooOh anon!~
Be ready for your reward.

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She's so pretty wtf

I keep forgetting to track down the comparison pictures (or make one), but some time between Zootopia and the shorts, they decided to define the breasts on women a little more (rather than just protruding chests), and it looks like Zootopia 2 is doing it a little too, maybe slightly more than the shorts did.
Even in the recent pics of Judy, she's a bit more "defined" in her chest area a bit more, it's not just Gazelle.

Zootopia 2 should just be 90 minutes of Shakira's fursona, with Nick & Judy in the background.

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Gazelle.webm - 900x506, 2.26M



furries are gay as hell

suerte que mis pechos sean pequeños

y no los confundas con montañas

what happened to this, Shakira?


Is nature finally healed? Did they realize titties sell again?