Be Disney writer

Be Disney writer

See perfectly normal heterosexual female character

Make her a lesbian for no reason

Rinse and repeat again and again and again and again and again

Be Anon Babble

See perfectly normal queer female character

Assume she has to be straight for no reason

Rinse and repeat again and again and again and again and again

shes trans

You can’t see it because it’s not natural.



God made the man for the woman, and the woman for the man. This is what healthy relationships look like.

Any other sexual deviance is an abomination fit for the lake of fire.

Guess no one told Andrea that she has a few cake crumbs on her face

be me, loli/co/n

see cute loli

fap to cute loli

ignore what cunts on internet (including the creators) say

ignore the parts of the canon that don't make good fap material

only cunny matters

Rinse and repeat again and again and again and again and again until my balls are empty

Any other sexual deviance is an abomination fit for the lake of fire.

According to the Bible, safe sex, oral sex, really any form of non-procreative sex are equally as abominable as any form of homosexuality. Sodomy is sodomy. Guess we're both burning then... Oh wait nvm, you're a perma virgin so you're safe. Congrats!

any form of non-procreative sex are equally as abominable

Chapter and verse?

How about you show me the verse that says anything about lesbians first?

i like loli/co/n

maxwell want fuck andrea

i love cute loli

good cunny loli

make good cute loli

Romans 1:26-27 puts your invalid assumption to rest:

“Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion”

Clearly, this passage puts lesbianism on equal ground with male homosexuality. Lesbianism is described as women exchanging natural relations (with men) for unnatural relations (with women). According to the Bible, being a lesbian is just as sinful as being a homosexual male.

There’s even an implication in Romans 1:26 that lesbianism is even worse than male homosexuality. Notice the phrase “even their women.”

The text suggests that it is more common for men to engage in sexual depravity, and when women begin to do it, that is a sign things are getting really bad. Men usually have much stronger sex drives than women, and so are more prone to sexual deviancy. When women commit unnatural sexual acts, then the degree of immorality has truly become shameful.

Lesbianism is evidence of people being given over to “the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another” (Romans 1:24).

Sincerly the only reason you care is because you're a pedophile and she's an underage child you want to fuck, but now you "can't" since she's a lesbo
Sincerly DTVA pedo coomers are the worst fandom in the entire animation industry, no wonder Disney has dropped and buried all these shows

be 15 years ago

"i wish there were any gay characters in cartoons :("

make your own cartoon, faggot

make own cartoon

now theyre complaining there are gay people in cartoons

if you want heteros so badly, make your own, faggot :v)

Sincerly the only reason you care is because [mentally deranged headcanon]

Why the texts are covering her pussy and tits?


Don't you mean straiggot?

She's the only character in that entire show I liked.

Acts Of Thomas:

Remember, my children, what my brother spake unto you and what he delivered before you: and know this, that if ye abstain from this foul intercourse, ye become holy temples, pure, being quit of impulses and pains, seen and unseen, and ye will acquire no cares of life or of children, whose end is destruction: and if indeed ye get many children, for their sakes ye become grasping and covetous, stripping orphans and overreaching widows, and by so doing subject yourselves to grievous punishments. For the more part of children become useless oppressed of devils, some openly and some invisibly, for they become either lunatic or half withered or blind or deaf or dumb or paralytic or foolish; and if they be sound, again they will be vain, doing useless or abominable acts, for they will be caught either in adultery or murder or theft or fornication, and by all these will ye be afflicted.

But if ye be persuaded and keep your souls chaste before God, there will come unto you living children whom these blemishes touch not, and ye shall be without care, leading a tranquil life without grief or anxiety, looking to receive that incorruptible and true marriage, and ye shall be therein groomsmen entering into that bride-chamber which is full of immortality and light.

even martial sex is a sin. well, (you) wouldn't have to worry about it

I love posts like these for exposing that homophobes are completely disingenuous.

"We hate gay characters because being gay is their whole personality! They should be characters first and sexuality second!"

Shows introduce characters who are entirely character-focused, and it only comes up later in relevant circumstances that they're queer


Acts of Thomas is an early 3rd-century apocrypha


Corinthians 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"
Fornicate means to have premarital sex. Fornication is explicitly put on the same level of sexual immorality as adultery and homosexuality. 99% of people are "guilty" of fornication (except you). I guess they're all burning in hell alongside the gays.

Post baby Hana image

One look in the Owl House, Amphibia, Molly Mcgee and Hailey's On It "fandoms" proves otherwise

Fornication is explicitly put on the same level of sexual immorality as adultery and homosexuality

Yes and?

99% of people are "guilty" of fornication (except you). I guess they're all burning in hell alongside the gays.


well yeah it's not like the Indians listened to him

this fag thought he had a point

So if literally EVERYONE is burning in Hell, then arbitrarily singling gays out and telling them they’re gonna burn in Hell means nothing and is redundant. They are no more sinful than your own mothers.

So if literally EVERYONE is burning in Hell

Christians don't

Everything about evangelism is fake fanfiction designed so that Israel and the Jews tricked you into supporting them and make them the elite rulers of the world like now because you think muh rapture happens if Israel exists and will send all the people you don't like to hell
Greatest scheme in human history is what Jews are able to trick people like you with. But hey, don't worry about what Jews are doing to enslave you, worry that a bunch of cartoon lines likes a bunch of cartoon lines with similar eyelashes

then arbitrarily singling gays out

You're corrupting children, you're the worst of the worst. There shall be no respite for you

The right wing literally wants to lower the age of consent.

satanic gay rant

I don't care.

Christ is King

There won’t be any respite for you or anyone you know either.

Chapter and verse?

You're corrupting children

like a catholic priest?

Christians fornicate and commit adultery all the time.

being religious



You have no argument. Only a guilty conscience.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

When lgbtq make their own work it turns out like ugly tripe
They need skilled and sincere artists to parasitize as part of their teams

For example, Lackadaisy

Quoting from a fake verse

Keep digging your grave


one of the most well-known verses is “fake”

Fake Christian.

Andrea thinking about the bulky, disposable undergarments that her dad sells at his store and all the views she got from her stream advertising them

Jesus and the woman taken in adultery (or the Pericope Adulterae)[a] is considered by some to be a pseudepigraphical[1] passage (pericope)

There is now a broad academic consensus that the passage is a later interpolation added after the earliest known manuscripts of the Gospel of John

If you’re saying that even the Bible itself, the timeless, infallible word of God, is potentially susceptible to being corrupted and having incorrect information put into it to serve an ulterior agenda, then what is even the basis of your belief? If that passage is forged, then who’s to say the passage about Jesus being crucified isn’t forged? Or the passages about homosexuality being wrong are forged? You literally, by definition, are not Christian, because your faith has no basis. You’re as “Christian” as first century Gnostics who drank their own cum in black masses, or the Arians who didn’t even believe in the Holy Trinity.

the timeless, infallible word of God, is potentially susceptible to being corrupted

It's not. That's why we know which verses are fake and which are real, cretin

You have no argument. You lost, faggot.

What I lost is my patience with you, trying to save you

Your blood is on your own head

You made no attempt at saving anyone. You’re just a hateful cretin who wants as many people as possible to burn in Hell because you’re a sad, miserable speck.

It's going to happen anyway no matter how much you whine

This is what happens when someone who does not know Christianity speaks without having a fucking clue about the subject.
The bible is not infallible because it is a compendium of books, it is INERRANT (it has no errors) and what is infallible is the interpretation of the church that is given with the protection of the Holy Spirit so that it does not fail. That is why outside the church several can read the same verse and interpret different things. The church allows you to interpret certain verses (as long as you do not go against any dogma) where she has not yet given an infallible interpretation.

catholics are not Christian


Opinion immediately thrown in the garbage where it belongs

religious spergery

Anyways... the real crime is her having an ugly gf instead of a pretty one like The Owl House

Catholicism has always been Christianity because the center of its religion is Christ and his work. It was the church itself that allowed Protestants to be called Christians. There are plenty of historical records to prove this. That you want to compare Protestants who left the church only as Christians is another problem of yours that adds to the stupidity you said about the bible being infallible and not errant.

mfs arguing instead of posting the loli

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They ignored you because you were 100% on the money.

Was there any indication she was straight before that?

Catholicism has always been Christianity

No. It's a continuation of the pagan sun worship. Your satanic church was founded by the roman emperor constantine in 325, not Jesus

>"We hate gay characters because being gay is their whole personality!

No, because it's a sin and they aim at corrupting children

Its gooner/otaku tech.

To keep your waifu pure, you make them lesbian. Nobody is going for them, because they're with a girl. Also used to explain why that girl wasn't into you. Good example of this is StarVS. where Marco sleeps around with his harem and eventually ends up with Stars. But there is nothing stopping him for getting together with his crush, so the crush turns out to be gay.

The writers wanted to bang Andrea and stop anyone else from banging her, so she is gay. The industry is full of degenerates, which isn't hard to see when you also count the ones that are into cholding and blacked, which is even more popular in west with waifu characters than using lesbian purity sealing.

explain the owl house having lesbians when it's made by a woman

Is that why she ?

Ah well I don't believe in God or sins so it doesn't matter to me.

Amity is the stand in for Dana Terrace and Luz is literally the roommate she wanted to bang named Luz

Research related to sexual abuse that occurs at or through activities provided by Protestant Christian churches has been sparse, despite over 375 clergy and volunteers being arrested over the past approximate decade from the SBC alone (Wiliams, 2021).

Ban the Church and ban the Bible then, it's creating child predators.

Get your church to stop raping kids nonstop and covering it up and we can talk about the morality of children cartoons

It's made by a lesbian

Cartoons? Comics?

I'm not protestant retard

I'm not catholic either, neither of these are Christian.

This is why AI will defeat artcels

Ban Christianity! We should make Judaism the official religion!

Holy shit who let one of the season 3 writers in here?

Oh my fucking god he's a literal Russian plant

He's kicking your ass dude. Nothing more pathetic than throwing words at each other on the Uzbek sewing forum.


Kill yourself tripfag.

GASP! a word that no longer has meaning.



Kek good one

Russkiy mir.jpg - 602x338, 75.28K

Bulgaria core.

It only took one image to create a new 9/11.

Y'all looking way too hard into this. She ain't real. Like damn, it's not that serious.

Well she was definitely pumped at the doctors, but I doubt it was vaccines

Didn't you know that it was a policy of the Catholic Church to promote pedophilia? Show me any encyclical, council or document that demands that one must be a pedophile. That there are homosexuals who fail in their clerical role only shows that they go against what is taught, in the same way that because there are parents and teachers who commit this act of pedophilia does not condemn the role of the family or the work of the teacher, but under your logic the family and schools should be abolished because they are the places with the highest percentage of cases of pedophilia, right? I could play the same game using easy to find cases among the more than two thousand Protestant denominations or with homosexuals or the cases of pedophilia in the animation industry but it is a ridiculous argument.

Unfortunately no serious Protestant scholar will say such stupidity. Christians were persecuted in the first century and had to do everything in secret so it is evident that they could not make their faith official until Constantine. But fortunately there are historical records of the early church fathers such as St. Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans of 110 where he speaks of the Catholic Church.

Didn't you know that it was a policy of the Catholic Church to promote pedophilia?

Your satanic church does not have the holy spirit. Jesus will make you pay for all the children who suffered in the hands of your priests

constantine corrupted the true faith, but we restored it.

where he speaks of the Catholic Church.

catholic means universal in Greek, he wasn't talking about the pedocriminal organization that later came to be called the Roman catholic church