next fight is among us vs fall guys probably on dec 8
Death Battle
3 - 0
Among Us is 2-0?
A match made in heaven
How the fuck is Fall Guys Bean supposed to fight? The most they do is shove.
Bring me the Gojo
rubber chicken
You forgot last time shame on you
Was Cap robbed?
At least post the followup so people know what the fuck is happening
Arthur is the strongest!
Gokubros?! Discord, now!
Examples of pity moments to make the loser look good before ultimately, well, losing:
SS4 Goku winning the beam Clash against Superman's Heat Vision
Tifa using all her Limit Breaks on Yang
Afro cutting off one of Jack's Arms
All Might punching a hole through Might Guy
Jason Todd with Venom manhandling Bucky
Mikasa cutting off one of Blake's Arms
UI Goku owning Superman in the Melee department before Superman Sun Dips
Assume victory screens are canon
So what you match do you think Torrian is doing?
I'm thinking Shulk vs Lightning
What's the best character to rape her?
This feels like a DB matchup that should've happened a decade ago but unlike Cole vs Alex I don't really care anymore.
there is nothing that could stop it
then how come it has a handle?
Goku solos.
cuts space
blade is still in place
Does Murata know the Earth spins?
OPM devolved into the same Shounen tropes and Powerscaling autism it was meant to parody, don't try to make sense of it, Murata treats Saitama the same way Kratosjeets treat Kratos.
He just writes shit addressing different Powerscaling stuff to prove Saitama is above that.
Prepare yourself for the inevitable Saitama vs Toonforce chapters
OPM devolved into the same Shounen tropes and Powerscaling autism it was meant to parody,
...that's what it always was, and it still parodies it.
Story by ONE
People are just mad that Saitama washes Dragonball, DC and Marvel now.
so people know what the fuck is happening
Are you implying Murata knows what the fuck He's writing? Guy is The Redraw Master. The Japanese Retconner.
Who should Anon Babble fight?
Anon Babble is always here, like the Sour Grapes Bunch.
Goku preparing to be defeated in One Punch
I still don't know what's happening
I don't know about all that but Saitama got scrambled by Popeye.
Don't all blades cut through space? That's how they move.
... So he can fodderize my whole verse!
... In my headcanon
Funnily enough, I remember Torrian saying that he wanted to animate Sora at some point, so maybe he might do Sora Vs Shulk.
Giorno’s 7 second MUDA (even if I liked it)
Bardock’s last transformation
Alex’s “You don’t want to give me your power? Fine!”
Makima’s Bang into Angel
There are a lot.
That's crazy. Popeye still low-diffs him.
No lies detected.
Discord trapping Bill
Fierce Deity Link
Bowser vs Eggman being a good episode before revealing Among Us vs Fall Gus
Dobson post.
This thread? Jobs to the Rizzler.
Friendly reminder that Persona is unironically Hypoversal and any normal athletic human could solo the verse
[character] can erase things out of existence
Wouldnt that mean that drastically change history? The fight wouldnt happen in the first place...
jobs to the Jizzler.
The person who can erase things from existence can still remember erased things so the fight would just be their memory.
But that would still change history. Even if it didnt and we go by your logic. No one else would know that the fight even happened.
So? Why would that matter in a hypothetical fight between two people where no one else is involved?
Yeah but history books would have no record of the other guy since he never existed after being erased.
Okay, and this would matter in this situation because…? You’re getting philosophical in the wrong place, and basically every form of media with existence erasure actively alters history and world to account for the thing/person that was erased never interacting with it.
They account for the thing getting erased
In what?
Kratos can do same thing with lore scaling.
... is the biggest fraud in these halls.